The Call Of Thalassa

Chapter A Merman's Beloved

“Not only in heaven,

But also in the seas are there stars.”

- J.H. Linck

-A Few Months Later-

The ocean is an unpredictable force. Sometimes, its surface is so smooth that you’d think it’s a silken veil, dancing gracefully in the afternoon breeze of summer. But summer never lasts forever; the tides change and along with them, so does reality. The vast sea unleashes such fury that even the gods would have trembled at its sight, with wild waves agitating the infinite blue.

But storms never last for too long. The waves disappear as soon as they express their wrath, leaving behind just a salty memory. It’s a reminder –the sea can be as dangerous as it is beautiful. Do not consider her calmness for weakness –do not provoke her. For as easy might be for a ship to sail, it can be found just as easily in the depths of the sea.

Life is just another type of ocean; one filled with mysteries and miracles. It’s an ocean of moments, where the waves of sadness often disturb the happiness of the calm surface. Your trip isn’t an easy one; you have to sail in unknown waters, where creatures that want to harm you are lurking in their depths. But you know what they say; a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.

Throughout all the deceiving currents and strong tides, you’ll have to remember that the trip will come to an end at some point –life will always go on whether you like it or not. You’ll have to wear your tragedies like armors, learning by them and moving forward. Perhaps, the saltiness of your past will always follow you wherever you go –maybe, your wounds are too deep to be forgotten. In the end, life isn’t about doing everything right –it is about never giving up no matter the difficulties.

The trip matters more than the destination.

And they had a hell of a trip. One filled with moments of self-doubt and mistrust, separating them emotionally more than physically. Many had tried to keep them apart, putting obstacles on every step of the way. They weren’t supposed to be together –their worlds weren’t made to be melded. It was a difficult task –others would have already given up. Yet, they still met where the waves kiss the sand.

And they didn’t regret anything; neither the good nor the bad. For hardships brought them closer, letting their love bloom like a shy flower. They felt each other’s pain, getting through everything together. They laughed. They cried. They worried. They smiled. They realized how a familiar pair of eyes can make your day. How your hands are tingling to wrap around your beloved’s frame. At the end of the day, they had made it. Their past leaving a saltiness they wouldn’t forget, but one that they wouldn’t let affect their future either.

Atlantis was reborn by its ruins. It wasn’t an easy task –it took a lot of effort and a long time to return to its previous glory. The scars of war embedded in each corner of the destroyed city, reminding them of a tragedy that had passed. However, the Atlanteans didn’t give up; they built their home from the ground. And now, the underwater kingdom seemed to possess a beauty much greater than previously. One that nobody could deny.

And as the days passed by, life seemed to become better. People returned back to their homes, healing their wounds and spending more time with their families. They started to appreciate the small joys of life as they fell back to their daily routine. Peace and tranquility had returned back to Atlantis. The shadows were lurking no more –the threat was gone.

And as a King had fallen, another had risen. The bright rays of the sun were reflected on the majestic palace as merpeople started to fill its golden halls. The spacious throne room was buzzing with excitement as the coronation of the new rulers was about to begin. It was both terrifying and thrilling to take such an important role; Aileen couldn’t help but feel nervous.

As they were sitting on their scallop-shaped thrones, her emerald eyes took in the huge smiles and excited chatters. A hand took her own before soft lips touched the back of her palm. The familiar blue eyes always had the same effect on her; turning her cheeks scarlet and making her heart beat wildly in her chest.

“Nervous?“, Havelock asked her gently.

She couldn’t help but give him a small smile. Truth be told, she wasn’t anxious about the crowd. The Atlanteans had accepted her as one of their own, helping her adjust in their way of life. They would give her warm smiles when they saw her and kind words of advice whenever she needed them. She wasn’t stressed about their acceptance; she had already gained it.

She was worried about her role as a Queen. A ruler isn’t a dictator –he doesn’t do whatever he wants. A ruler is a leader –a guider and a protector of his people, who tries to achieve the utmost prosperity for them. She didn’t want to fail them.

“We’re in this together”, he squeezed her hand in encouragement.

“I know”, she answered honestly.

He gazed at her softly –his eyes a smooth sea, taking in her breathtaking form. Her fiery locks were decorated with white pearls –her lips painted scarlet. Her eyes were glowing in happiness –the emerald gems of the deep. This was his other half. This was the woman he had fallen in love with. His soulmate. The person he’d spend the rest of his days with.

“I love you, Meum Arcanum”, he whispered for her ears only.

Her cheeks turned scarlet.

“I love you, my merman”, she laced their fingers together.

As the ceremony started, they didn’t take their gaze away from each other. They didn’t hear what the Nymph was saying neither did they notice the familiar figures in the crowd. They were giving each other a silent promise; that they would always love and support one another, through thick and thin. This whole ceremony was a commitment –a pledge to protect their people and rule with their best interests at heart. A vow to do so together –to reign by each other’s side. A crown shared by two bodies who share the same soul.

And it was a heavy one; golden with mesmerizing seashells and glowing pearls. Its weight meant as a reminder of their duty –a reminder of their responsibility to the kingdom. Havelock never let go of her hand, not even when they stood up. Aileen couldn’t help but smile at his gesture; everything that would come their way, they would face it together. The crowd went crazy as soon as the Nymph announced their titles.

“The King and Queen of Atlantis!”

Loud cheers filled the room as the celebrations began. The King and Queen got surrounded by the excited crowd as they congratulated them for their coronation. It was overwhelming and yet, Aileen couldn’t be happier. Everything in her life was falling into place. Gone was the scared girl she once was and her place was taken by a loving Queen. She was surrounded by friends who adored her, getting to spend the rest of her life with the man she loved.

A familiar figure caught her gaze. She was leaning on a wall, away from the buzzing crowd. Αileen huddled in the crowd, trying to reach her. Her small form was able to fit through, leaving her mate to receive the congratulating wishes alone while he watched her questioningly. After a few sheepish smiles and a bunch of apologies, she was finally able to reach Thea.

“Congratulations, mea Soror”, the mermaid gave her a warm hug, “I am so proud of you!”

Aileen couldn’t help but hug her a bit tighter. In the last couple of months, Thekla had supported her greatly, helping her adjust and explaining to her anything she needed. She had been extremely understanding, loving her like a sister rather than a friend. They had a special bond with one another. They were family.

“Where is my nephew?“, Aileen asked excitedly.

The little kid had stolen her heart in such a small period of time. Especially, when he had started to call her “Leen”, while he moved his small tail frantically. Murdoch had turned out to be quite the swimmer; you had to move fast if you wanted to catch him. His giggles were the cutest thing she had ever heard. His blue eyes –similar to his uncle’s, had her completely mesmerized.

“His father is trying to catch him before he passes the city’s borders”, Thea chuckled at her son’s antics.

Aileen couldn’t help but laugh. Damn, that little pumpkin. Osmond had found his match –that’s for sure.

“How about you”, Thea’s eyes sparkled in excitement, “Did you tell him?”

“No”, Aileen bit her lower lip nervously, “Not yet.”

An arm wrapped around her waist, bringing her back to a toned chest. Her eyes closed in delight as he placed a kiss on the side of her neck.

“Tell me what?“, Havelock smirked mischievously, “How she let her King alone to deal with the crowd?”

Aileen hit his hand playfully.

“That was just for a few minutes.”

“They seemed like eons to me”, he mumbled in her ear, making her blush.

A pair of purple eyes was watching their exchange from a distance. He couldn’t help the feeling of regret and desperation as they clawed his soul. He wanted that; he wanted to be able to embrace his mate. He wanted to kiss her softly throughout the day. He wanted to fall asleep with her form entangled with his. He wanted to play with her soft locks and gaze deeply into her chocolate orbs.

A hand was placed on his shoulder, taking him out of his thoughts.

“Are you okay, brother?“, Amias asked him in worry.

He had never seen him so restless before. The thought of Evander turning into a Tenebris due to his mate’s absence had crossed his mind multiple times. He wouldn’t let something like that happen to him. He would support his brother as much as he could. Although, he knew that there weren’t many things he could do.

“I’m leaving.”

He hadn’t expected that.

“Where will you go?“, was all he managed to ask.

“I’m going to find her”, Evander stated firmly, “I’m going to fix the mistakes of the past and win her back.”

Amias smiled softly, patting him proudly on the back.

“May Thalassa be with you, brother”, his golden eyes glowed, “You deserve it. You have been through a lot.”

The merman didn’t say anything else. He didn’t have to. His mind was elsewhere –to his beloved. Amias watched as Evander left the throne room, wishing he could help him more. But this was something he couldn’t interfere in; a relationship is between a couple. They had to make their own decisions, based on what they wanted and not what they were told to do. And as Evander passed through the royal garden –watching Aileen and Havelock swimming around, he realized that he would fight for his soulmate. He wouldn’t give up so easily.

As the troubled merman left Atlantis, the King showed his mother’s garden to his Queen. His hand plugged out a beautiful anemone before placing it on her ear. His fingers caressed her fiery locks, before following the path of her neck to her collarbone. His lips left a lingering kiss on top of her forehead. His blue tail got tangled with her scarlet one.

“Do you want to tell me what’s troubling you, meum Arcanum?”

“Hmm?“, she mumbled against his chest.

“You seem a bit distant these days”, he explained softly as he kept caressing her flaming locks.

Her emerald eyes met his worried blue ones.

“You can tell me anything. You know that, right?”

She gave him a small smile, before burring her face in the crook of his neck. Her lips started to leave small kisses on his soft skin, making him shiver in delight. Her hands got lost in his black long locks, making him close his eyes in bliss when her fingers slightly scratched his head. And yet, his anxiousness wouldn’t leave him.

“Aileen”, he grunted impatiently, “I am worried about you.”

She hummed against his skin, kissing a line from his adam’s apple to his jawline. She nipped on the soft flesh, making him growl in pleasure and tighten his embrace. She didn’t stop her task. Her lips following the path to his ear.

“What’s wrong, my love?“, his voice was trembling.

She bit his ear before blowing on it gently.

“I’m pregnant”, she whispered.

He stopped breathing. His heart was beating wildly against his chest. His eyes widened in shock –a sliver of hope swirling in the wild ocean they were hiding inside of them. Had he heard her right? Or did his mind play tricks on him?

“Say that again”, his voice was hoarse –full of emotion.

She took his hand and placed it on top of her still flat stomach. Her palm caressing his face as her eyes searched his.

“I’m pregnant, Have”, she said gently, “We’re having a child.”

A smile so bright that could put the sun to shame appeared on his face. A happiness that no words would be able to describe overwhelmed his whole being. His palm was trembling above her stomach. He crushed her body into his, his lips melding into hers with a fiery passion. She smiled against his lips, letting him kiss her until they had both ran out of breath.

“Pater”, he mumbled to himself, “I am going to be a Pater”, his voice was hoarse as the word left him.

“Yes, Have”, Aileen said tearfully, “You’re going to be a dad.”

His arms wrapped around her tightly. His head was buried into her neck as a few treacherous tears escaped him. He couldn’t believe it! He was beyond ecstatic! He couldn’t completely realize it! His whole body was buzzing with excitement. He couldn’t stop kissing her neck and laughing. Dad! He was going to become a father!

“Thank you, Meum Arcanum”, he hoarsely said.

“For what?“, she wondered.

“For giving me the family I always wanted.”

Her gaze softened.

He kissed her on her forehead lovingly.

“I love you, Meum Arcanum”, he said.

“I love you, my merman.”

In the end, tragedies are only tests.

And life always goes on.


End of chapter 50!!

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***The End***

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