The Call Of Thalassa

Chapter A Kingdom in Danger

“The ocean is an object

of no small terror.”

-Edmund Burke

Under the stormy surface of the sea -away from the deafening songs of the seagulls, there was a Lost City in the depths of the ocean. A real gem in the heart of the deep waters, the existence of which humans ignored. The underwater city of Atlantis was incredibly beautiful as if it had come out of a fairytale -a wild imagination of a dreamer.

The buildings were decorated with ancient Greek columns and were carved from white marble, shining under the rays of the sun that reached the sunken city. It wasn’t a wreck as most people would imagine an underwater city to be, but it was like a city straight out of ancient Greece -with its impressive temples, a magnificent acropolis, and a grandiose central palace.

The statues of the Olympian Gods and Goddesses that were decorating the city were magnificent. The sculptures of sea horses looked as if they could spring from their perches at any time. The streets were paved and wide, filled with merpeople with multi-colored tails.

The huge aristocratic palace was right in the center of the grand Acropolis, having a stunning view of the entire city that lay below it. It was made out of pure gold and was decorated with millions of pearls and other gems that could be found under the water’s surface. It glowed under the sunlight, creating a sight to behold.

It had large towers that sprang from everywhere, the top of which reminded people of turning shells. At the central courtyard and next to the main entrance was a large statue of Poseidon, God of the Seas, holding his trident, while a little beyond from there loomed a garden full of colorful underwater flowers.

Havelock touched softly a light pink anemone as he swam slowly through his mother’s personal garden. It was filled with colorful corals and anemones as well as strange seaweed that covered almost everything with its magnificent colorful leaves. He watched the beautiful underwater flowers absentmindedly as he moved his dark blue tail around –his mind elsewhere.

Coming home is supposed to bring you a feeling of joy and tranquility. It’s something familiar that warms your soul and soothes your mind. Because no matter how far you go –tο places that are more beautiful and unreal from it, you will always return to your base -the place where you started from.

Your home will always be your point of reference -where you start and where you always end up, no matter where the roads may take you. And the young merprice used to believe that for a long period of time too, but now he wasn’t so sure about it.

Atlantis didn’t bring him the relaxation and calmness he needed anymore, making him even more restless than before. His mind kept replaying a familiar rocky beach and a certain beautiful redhead laying on the wet sand with her long locks sprawled around her like a crown made of fire.

A remembrance of emerald made him close his eyes in pain as the realization that he was miles away from his flame settled in. No matter how much he wanted to not admit it, he had to be honest at least to himself.

His home wasn’t a city anymore, but a specific person.

He wondered, how was she? Where was she? Was she well? He closed his glowing blue orbs and took in a deep breath to calm himself down. Did he scare her? Would she return for him? Would he ever see her again? All these questions ate him from inside out, filling him with uncertainty and panic.

A week had passed since their first meeting –a week had gone by since he last saw his beautiful mate. He had returned each and every single night back to that lonely beach, hoping that she would appear on the rocky shore too. But each time he was disappointed, sitting on his familiar rock with half his body out of the water -alone, with a familiar redhead nowhere in sight.

He couldn’t help but begin to doubt himself –if he wasn’t able to keep his mate by his side, would he be able to rule a whole kingdom? He wasn’t supposed to be like this! He was supposed to be regal, strong, and confident -not disappointed, scared, and panicked. However, there always come times in life that you can’t control your feelings and compose your mighty façade, no matter how much you want to. And the fear of rejection and losing your mate was one of these times.

“She’ll come back.”

His blue eyes met familiar yellow ones.

“How can you be so sure?“, he asked him, not believing him entirely.

Osmond moved his purple tail and approached his friend slowly until he was standing by his side. He focused on a beautiful blue coral, caressing it softly with his webbed fingertips.

“Not long ago, I told you that you would find her –and you did. You should give me more credit for my psychic skills, don’t you think?“, he bumped his shoulder with his own, giving him a teasing smile.

The prince though didn’t seem to be in any better mood than before.

“You had it easy with Thekla. She was already a part of this world when you met her –a mermaid. She knew of our ways and culture because she was one of us. She felt the Call the same way you did. You didn’t have to worry about her rejecting or accepting you, falling in love with you, or embracing your true self.”

Osmond smiled at the memory of the first time he had laid eyes on his other half. He had known her long before he had felt the Call towards her. However, not having reached adulthood yet, he hadn’t realized what his strange attraction towards her truly meant. They had practically grown up together and knew each other like the back of their hand. He couldn’t say he wasn’t thankful that Thalassa had chosen her for him.

“Your sister was a completely different story, Have. That stubborn mermaid almost drove me mad with her antics! By Thalassa, I don’t know how your father managed her!“, his humored-filled voice brought a small smile on Havelock’s lips.

“Well, she is a royal –she is used to doing whatever she wants. Did you really expect her to change her ways after meeting you?“, he asked his friend teasingly.

Osmond shook his head negatively, making his blonde hair fall into his glowing yellow eyes.

“I would never change a thing about her”, he admitted honestly, loving his mate more than he could describe.

Havelock took notice of the admiration and unconditional love that filled his friend’s eyes at the thought of his mate. He couldn’t be more grateful that his sister was mated to his best friend –an honorable and respectful man that would take great care of her. That’s what he wanted to do too –take care of his sweet Aileen and keep her safe from any potential danger.

But she was far away from the safety of his embrace, on a completely different world from his own. How could he take care of her, when he couldn’t even take a glimpse of her anymore? However, he was a strong-minded young man that had waited for his promised beloved more than anyone else would do successfully. He wouldn’t give up hope so easily when after all these years he had finally found her.

“How’s my nephew doing?“, he asked, not wanting any dark thoughts of rejection to fill his mind.

Osmond’s smile softened at the mention of his awaiting son. His mate never looked as beautiful as she did with a round belly and the pregnancy glow all around her. He couldn’t help but become more protective and possessive of her during this period of time, his instincts taking over.

His mate was vulnerable at this state and he saw almost everything as a potential threat, making him more easily ticked off than usual. He couldn’t help himself –he had his firstborn child on the way and his soulmate defenseless due to her pregnant status. Someone had to take care of them both.

“Kicking like there’s no tomorrow”, he answered his friend and brother-in-law with a proud smile on his face.

Havelock laughed wholeheartedly at Osmond’s words –his friend looking ecstatic and proud at the same time. And why wouldn’t he be? He would become a father soon enough, having a son and wife by his side. He had created his own little family, something the prince longed to achieve too one day.

“My prince!”

The two friends turned around to face the newcomer. A guard swam frantically towards their standing forms, his figure moving quickly. When he approached the two mermen, he bowed deeply in front of his future King. Realizing that there is another person beside him, the guard gave a respectful nod to Osmond too.

“General!“, he acknowledged him.

Taking a few deep breathes to calm down, the guard announced the reason for his appearance.

“The King demands both your presence immediately!”

Sharing a knowing look with one another, the two friends began to quickly make their way towards the throne room. Passing through the numerous corridors at a fast pace, they reached the huge golden gates of his father’s throne room. The golden armored guards that stood beside them, opened the heavy doors as soon as they saw them, letting them enter inside.

The huge throne room had beautiful marble floors and was decorated with velvet curtains the color of the sea’s foam. There were statues of previous kings around the room with their names engraved in golden letters. There were a couple of marble steps and then on top of them stood a huge throne. It was huge in size and it had the shape of a seashell. It had a soft pillow for the king to sit on and was decorated with white, glowing pearls.

King Neptune swam in front of the Atlantis’ throne furiously, turning around at the sound of the opening gates. He looked aristocratic and powerful with his black-grey hair and strong and proud posture –a true leader and King of his kin.

His glowing aquamarine eyes watched as his son and heir swam quickly towards him, while his future second in command swam slightly behind him. Bowing deeply in front of him out of respect and holding their right hand above their hearts, they greeted their ruler in the way he deserved.

“Pater”, the prince acknowledged his father.

The King nodded at his son, not saying anything right away.

“We found more dead bodies near the western borders. Like the ones from before, they were almost unrecognizable –their tails detached from their bodies. They have become more daring! They are approaching the city more and more!”

Havelock balled his fists in anger, trying to remain calm. The situation was getting out of hand and as a future ruler, he had to do something to help his people. Letting his emotions get the best of him, wouldn’t do him any good.

“What are you not telling me?“, he asked his father, who didn’t meet his gaze.

The King sighed, knowing that sooner or later the truth would come out.

“A verified source has informed us that he is stronger than before, making him more dangerous than he was in the past. His official return is a matter of time.”

“Why?“, Osmond furrowed his eyes in confusion, ” He is bound to live in a prison cave where no one can approach him! He is all alone with absolutely no contact with our kind and no possible way to get out! His allies have long ago abandoned him! What does he have now that he didn’t have in the past?”

The King pinched the bridge of his nose in anger, taking deep breaths to remain composed.

“Apparently, he has managed to do something he hadn’t achieved before. Even from that dark pit of his, he still successfully made new alliances. And this time, they are way stronger than before.”

Havelock looked at Osmond in confusion, taking the exact same reaction out of him.

“He has managed to do the unthinkable! He has united them into one! One kin, one pack, one army! They are far too dangerous separately, but bringing them all together under one cause?“, the King laughed humorlessly, “This is a suicide mission.”

Havelock hissed uncontrollably, his gum hurting as his sharp teeth made their appearance. His nails were brought out and his blue orbs turned into snake-like slits. He felt more threatened than ever before.

“The Tenebris have turned into one.”

He didn’t know what was worse.

The fact that the merfolk rogues that have lost every sense of sanity in them, have been united to achieve a common goal?

Or the fact that his bloodthirsty uncle was making a comeback?


End of chapter 17!!

Latin Translations:

“Tenebris” = dark ones (merfolk version of werewolf rogues)

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