The Call Of Thalassa

Chapter A City under Attack

“People are like waves of the ocean,

some cover you with tides of refreshment,

whilst others drown you in floods of turmoil.”

- Imam Ali

The red sun disappeared on the horizon, taking its glittering rays away with him. They caressed the golden city of Atlantis, making it sparkle in the last light of the day before the underwater kingdom was drowned into the blackness of yet another night.

Everyone had returned back in the safety of their homes, taking care of their loved ones and hugging their mates tightly to sleep. The soldiers of Neptune stood sleepless guards on the city walls, protecting the citizens of Atlantis from the threat that was stirring in the darkness. The peaceful silence didn’t help the situation, making everyone more alarmed –they knew that this was the quiet before the storm.

They didn’t know for how long this strange peace would reign over their city, being very aware of the shadow outside their borders that was waiting for the right time to strike. They tried to make the best out of it while it lasted –spending time with their relatives and hugging their soulmates, protecting them as best as they could.

The generals had been planning the defense of the city for days now, strengthening the walls and the gates of the golden capital. Havelock and Osmond had spent long hours surrounded by them as they tried to come to an agreement. After a lot of bickering and the King’s interference, they had worked efficiently to succeed their ultimate goal –protect their home.

As the young prince watched the city sleeping soundlessly from his window, he couldn’t help but have a feeling of anxiousness. He let his fingers comb through his long black strands as he closed his glowing blue eyes tightly. Not that closing them would make reality disappear but it made him feel better, even for just a couple of moments.

“You are worried, meus filius.”

His blue eyes opened slowly, meeting his father’s aquamarine ones. Though huge in form, the King swam noiselessly, which is why Havelock hadn’t taken notice of his presence earlier. The older man placed a large palm on his shoulder, squeezing it in encouragement.

“Pater”, he greeted him in acknowledgment.

The two men turned towards the open window, enjoying the peaceful silence and the beautiful view.

“You didn’t deny it.”

Havelock shrugged his shoulders at his father’s words.

“To be restless under these circumstances is not a weakness but prudence.”

The King chuckled and patted his boy on the back.

“I am proud of you, my son”, Havelock turned to his father in surprise, “I know I don’t praise you often, but I want you to never doubt it.”

The soft smile on the King’s wrinkled face, made his chest swell in pride. The King was a great father, but a man of a few words. He showed his love through actions but didn’t frequently admit it loudly. However, sometimes the only thing you need is a word of reassurance for you to continue.

“I am worried about the city”, Havelock said after a few moments of comfortable silence, “about Sethelious and his plans.”

Neptune hummed in understanding.

“A King is constantly worried about the future of his people”, he agreed.

Havelock sighed before meeting his father’s gaze.

“I am worried about her”, he balled his palms into tight fists, “What if something happens to her while I am gone? What if I am not there to protect her? How am I supposed to keep her safe when I am not able to be by her side?”

The father’s gaze softened at his son’s distraught state. He knew how painful it was to be kept apart from your mate from his own experience. It never became easier and you could never get used to it. Your mind was completely occupied of her, begging for you to listen to your instincts and go to her.

“When all this is over, you will be able to live happily with her”, he patted his back gently, “I promise you, my boy.”

A truthful smile appeared on Havelock’s face at his father’s words. A life with Aileen would be a dream coming true. He had waited all his life for his mate to appear and would forever be grateful to Thalassa for bringing her in his way. After Sethelious was dealt with, he would finally live a peaceful life with his mate by his side.

A sound echoed through the darkness of the night, disturbing the stillness of the city. A heartbreaking cry of intolerable pain and anguish that made the two men seek its source. As they leaned out of the window, the sound died away and everything seemed the same.

After a moment, another one sounded again. And then, another. And yet, one more. Atlantis was filled with cries of distress, with pleads of mercy and prayers of salvation. The King’s orbs widened at the sight that was displayed in front of him.

“This isn’t possible!”, he murmured to himself.

The roads were filled with bloodthirsty Tenebris, who slashed with their sharpened nails everything they could get their hands on. Their crazed eyes were filled with pleasure as the clear waters of the ocean started to turn into a deep scarlet color. They sank their deathly teeth into any flesh they could find, ignoring the guards who tried to fight them off with their steep tridents.

The door of the room opened with a thundering sound behind them, making them avert their gaze from the chaos unfolding in front of them. Osmond was already dressed in his armor, holding steadily a shining trident on his left hand. His yellow orbs had turned into thin slits as he breathed heavily and his nails had turned into long black claws.

“We are under attack! The Tenebris have already broken into the city!“, he shouted alarmed at them.

“How is this possible?!”, Neptune shouted furiously.

The three mermen got into immediate action, exiting the room and swimming towards the armory room that was down the long hall. The screams from outside the palace and the sound of tridents clashing with one another were enough to make them hurry. The servants helped them immediately with their weapons and armors as the King’s rage reached new levels.

“We have taken every precaution! We put more guards on the gates and more soldiers along the walls!“, Neptune shouted in frustration, “We were supposed to keep them out of the city! How in Thalassa’s name did they manage to enter?”

“The city is basically a fortress”, Havelock growled as he took hold of his trident, “It is impossible for someone to enter it unnoticed.”

“They figured another way in!” Osmond combed through his blonde locks in pure anger, “They must have entered from an underground pathway or something!”

“All the underground tunnels of the city have been closed since King Arnav’s reign”, the King shook his head in denial, “Most of them are like death traps for anyone who passes them. Sethelious wouldn’t be able to cross them alive, let alone a whole army!”

“Well, my King”, Osmond’s growled angrily, “It appears he did!”

A loud crash was heard from outside, echoing through the halls of the palace. They swam quickly through the golden halls, heading towards the sound. A guard appeared suddenly in front of them, making them widen their eyes dramatically at his bloody form. They didn’t know if the scarlet liquid was from the droplets decorating his armor or from the huge wound on his side, which was bleeding unstoppably.

“My King!“, the man managed to say, “They breached the main gate of the palace!”

Neptune let a snarl escape him, before running a hand through his hair furiously.

“Where are they now?“, he growled in anger.

“The guards try to keep them at the entrance, but they won’t be able to do it for much longer!“, the bleeding man stuttered, “They are too many, my Lord! While a large number of them try to enter the palace, others plunder houses and kill anyone they can get their hands on! It’s a massacre, my King!”

Havelock let a snarl escape him, before swimming around the man and disappearing down the hall. The disapproving shouts of his father and the screams of Osmond to return back, fell on deaf ears. His people were dying in the hands of savages -they were slaughtered like animals. He wouldn’t stand and listen to the horrific details of their death, while he was doing nothing about it.

He was Atlantis’ heir -their prince and future King. He had a duty to protect them and their city, even if it meant dying by their side in the process. He would not stare cowardly as innocent lives were slaughtered, while he did absolutely nothing about it.

If his people were doomed to die, then so would he.

He heard them before he saw them. A river of feral rogues entering from the palace’s gates as his father’s men tried to hold them back. Their eyes were crazed with blood lust -their claws inching to sink into flesh as they let terrifying snarls escape them. They were here for one reason only -to kill.

Before he could enter the chaos in front of him, a strong grip on his shoulder pulled him back. Turning around, he was met with the familiar yellow eyes of Osmond who snarled at him angrily.

“Are you completely insane?”, he shouted at him, “You are the future of Atlantis! You must stay safe!”

“Atlantis won’t have a future if the present is destroyed!”, he snarled back at him furiously, making the other merman stop abruptly in surprise.

Shrugging his hand away in his moment of shock and confusion, Havelock gave him a last look before he disappeared into the madness of blood and claws in front of them. The merman let a vicious snarl -the only warning he gave before his sharp nails started to slash every Tenebris that appeared in his way. His needle-like teeth sank into a rogues’ neck as his powerful tail pushed away another.

The stench of iron attacked his senses as the water around him started to turn scarlet. The snarls of anger and pain started to become a ringing sound in the back of his head as he continued his actions. Tridents around him clashed and pierced flesh and bones as the guards of his father surrounded him.

A flash of a familiar purple tail made him aware of Osmond’s presence beside him. They were all fighting side by side, having each others’ backs -protecting their city along with their lives.

His blue orbs found familiar yellow ones.

“We are in this together “, Osmond growled at him.

Havelock could only smile at him gratefully, although he was sure it wasn’t the best of sights. His teeth were still red from when they sank into a Tenebris’ neck. The chuckle of his friend only confirmed his thoughts.

Suddenly, Osmond’s smile froze on his handsome face as Havelock gazed at him. His chuckle died in his throat as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. His yellow eyes widened in shock, while Havelock screamed his name in panic. He couldn’t understand what had happened, only register the tremendous pain he felt in his body.

As a tray of scarlet blood appeared from the side of his mouth, the merman looked down his body. The shiny trident that had gone through him was covered in his blood. Looking at his panicking friend, Osmond gave him a saddened smile.

“Take care of my Thea for me”, he managed to tell him.

Then, the trident was pulled painfully from inside him, letting his blood float in the water. In front of Havelock’s shocked gaze, Osmond fell on the floor with his yellow orbs closed. The last thought that came to his mind was his pregnant mate sleeping soundlessly beside him as their son moved inside her protruding belly. His mouth whispered her name one last time, before remaining silent.


Havelock was frozen on his spot, watching as his friend bled out in front of him. His blue eyes filled with pain and fury at the thought of everything he’d miss. A lifetime with his mate, the feeling of holding your child for the first time, the chance of seeing them growing up. The injustice of the action filled him with such rage that would make anyone explode.

His slitted orbs went to the person that was responsible for Osmond’s death. He stood proudly behind him, still holding the trident that was stained with his friend’s blood. He caressed the weapon in indifference as his black tail moved below him. A scar he had seen before decorated the stranger’s face -beginning from his right eyebrow and ending on his chin.

A smirk appeared on his face as he watched him with his aquamarine eyes.

“Hello, nephew.”


End of chapter 31!!

Latin Translations:

1. “Meus filius”: my son

2. “Pater”: father

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