The Call Of Thalassa

Chapter A Blessing from a Goddess

“The loss is immeasurable,

but so is the love left behind.”

- Shivi Shama

A strange calm reigned as the waves dashed against the shore. Their sound was deafening, as the glorious seagulls had disappeared from the sky and perched in the warmth of their nests. A heavy storm was brewing on the horizon, unleashing stormy winds and darkening the world with gray clouds.

The sea was a force to be reckoned with. The strong winds created humongous waves that crashed with unimaginable force against the sides of the steep cliffs. The water was freezing as it welcomed the first raindrops from the opened skies. A flash of lightning flashed from the clouds tearing the sky in two before the sound of thunder followed shortly after.

The rain started to fall as Thalassa mourned for the slaughter of her people. The pearly drops created a soft tune as they touched the surface of the water like a silent lament for the deaths of innocents. The shining droplets became one with the ocean just like the blood of the merpeople had been spilled and disappeared in its depths.

So many lives were lost.

So much blood had been shed.

And for what?

For power –wasn’t that what always motivated people? To become powerful beyond belief –undefeatable, untouchable.

The germ of power easily penetrates into one’s mind, influencing his thoughts and altering his values. Until there are no more barriers holding him back -everything is fair game. It doesn’t matter if your power is created by sacrificing innocent people’s lives, spilling their blood, and stepping on their bare bones.

Because by that point you already know; there is no turning back.

However, there will be always the ones who don’t care about power. Their needs are deeper, connected with their values. Honorable men who fight for justice, freedom, prosperity. They believe they have a duty in this world –a dept towards their people. They try to change the way power works –to bring winds of change.

Their attempts are admirable –even though they fail.

As the rain poured down on the earth, it washed the crimson color away from the sharp rocks. The scarlet liquid turned the shallow waters a heavy red color as it flowed back into the sea. The sand was tainted by the elixir of life as the rain guided it in its depths. The foam that the angry waves left behind was a pink color instead of a striking white.

Still, there was something else in the dirty water. The crimson waters hid its form well as the waves crashed upon it with extreme force. The grains of sand that danced elegantly in the bloodbath, made it almost unable to distinguish it as the sea forced it on the surface of the rocky beach.

He was barely breathing but he was still alive. The freezing raindrops caressed his face, making him regain slowly his senses. His whole body throbbed painfully –his injuries burning as the salty waters washed away his blood. The slightest of movements sent waves of licking fire to his whole form, forcing him to shut his blue eyes at his silent suffering.

And yet, physical pain was nothing compared to the torment of his soul. Behind his closed eyelids, he could still see Atlantis. Flashes of tridents clashing together and people bleeding to their death as they cried in horror appeared in his mind. They begged for mercy –mercy for their children and mates, for their family and friends, for themselves. They found none.

A memory of his father struck him –his heart shattering to pieces when he understood what had happened. The trident had plunged deep into his chest until the pointy edges pierced his heart and cut his thread of life. He couldn’t possibly survive this –no one would be able to.

His father was dead.

His closest friend was dead.

His sister and her unborn child were dead.

His people –everyone he was supposed to protect, was dead.

He didn’t know when his tears started to fall. He didn’t bother to wipe them away –he didn’t care anymore. His consciousness was heavy with guilt –he felt empty inside. He had failed on so many levels. He had let everyone down. He was their future King! He was supposed to protect them!

Yet, they were now laying dead, their corpses turning around in their graves at the injustice that was made against them. Unable to find any kind of peace as their murderer sat on their throne. A King who reveled in chaos and fed off bloodshed and revenge now reigned over their remains.

He had tried so damn hard to protect them. He had tried to be strong for them –to be brave, even when fear had gripped his heart. He fought tooth and nail against their enemies, protecting his home and everything he held dear. Still, that wasn’t enough –he wasn’t enough. He fought and he lost. And the consequences of his failure were more than he could handle.

He couldn’t stay strong any longer –his façade had finally broken.

He felt guilty for surviving when everyone he once knew was murdered so brutally. He felt like he was cheating –his place was with his people and their fate was his own. He shook his head in denial, the small movement bringing immense dizziness to him. He should have died in the battle. At least then, he wouldn’t have felt like a traitor to his own kin.

Sparks of emerald appeared in his vision but this time, they didn’t calm him down. They were filled with angry tears as they gazed at him hatefully. The familiar fiery locks swirled with his haunting memories, making his breathing labored when the silky strands dampened by the blood of his people.


Not her.

“This is all your fault”, she whispered accusingly at him.

He wanted to scream at her –beg for her forgiveness. Take her in his arms and shield her away from the death that surrounded them. “I am sorry, my love” were the words repeating in his mind, yet never coming out of his lips. His emotions deeming him speechless as his panic and despair arose.

And just like that, she was gone. Like a fire that could burn no more, leaving only ashes behind. She disappeared, leaving him utterly helpless and alone as he screamed her name repeatedly. Could his soul take any more of this? Could his heart survive this pain?

He knew she wasn’t there with him. Her form was nothing more than an illusion –a trick of his mind. His uncle’s words echoed in his head at the realization, confirming his fears and sending his heart into overdrive. Just like he had said, she wasn’t there. Even though fate had guided him on their lonely beach, she wasn’t waiting for him.

He let a heartbreaking hiss escape his lips as the pain inside him intensified.



She was fine –she had to be! The mere thought of something bad happening to her –of losing her...He could feel the madness creeping inside his mind at the thought of never seeing her again. Of never hearing her sweet giggles and admiring her sparkling orbs. Of never hugging her petite form or kissing her luscious lips. Of never saying to her he was so madly in love with her that he couldn’t imagine a world where she didn’t exist.

Had he failed as a mate too?

Perhaps, he deserved to die. He had let everyone down, not being there for them in their time of need. He had fled away like a scared kid, trying to save his own life and leaving them to feed off their selves. Perhaps, the pain was a punishment from the Goddesses, wanting him to feel the agony he had tried to escape from.

He could feel the waves crashing upon him and making his wounds worsen. He didn’t move –he had given up. He closed his eyes and welcomed all the pain inflicted on him, both physical and emotional. He could feel himself drifting away. His senses leaving him as the frost of darkness surrounded him once again.

Perhaps, this was his fate after all; to die alone on the beach he had fallen in love with his soulmate, knowing that he had failed miserably.

His eyes closed as the pain hit him full force. His tears mixing with the freezing raindrops before they returned back to the ocean. His blood was spilled from his deep wounds and slashed skin –the salt only making his suffering worse. He let his head rest on the wet sand, not caring about his long locks getting dirty.

Something had broken inside him, scarring his soul forever.

Something had changed on him, making him crease his eyebrows in confusion.

His whole body felt strange. Goosebumps had appeared on his pale skin at the weird tingles. Perhaps, he just felt disoriented –his flesh was still tarnished from the battle he had fought only a day ago. His body was exposed to the ruthless storm and wild waves as he lay on the shallow water of the shore. He wasn’t in the best shape neither under the most ideal conditions.

Yet, his instinct was telling him that something else had happened.

He didn’t give much thought to it. The immense dizziness and blinding pain wouldn’t let him calm down. His hearing started to become duller –the sounds of the crashing waves becoming more distanced as the minutes passed by. His vision blurred –the world around him becoming an unrecognizable palette of grey and blue.

He let his eyelids finally rest as he fell into the sweet abyss of unconsciousness. The darkness offered him a dreamless sleep, away from the horrors of reality. His worries, his pain, his guilt –they were all washed away by the echoing silence and the peaceful nothingness.

As he lay unconscious on the shore, he was unable to register Thalassa’s blessing. For he no longer had a majestic blue tail, capable of tearing the foaming waves apart. His fins had unexplainably transformed into something else –something he wasn’t supposed to have. They had split into two similar pieces, absorbing the scaly flesh and leaving behind smooth skin.

Without his knowledge, the impossible had happened.

A pair of legs were attached to his body, where once his tail was.

And the prince of Atlantis could now walk on land.


End of chapter 33!!

P.S. The new chapters will be up every Friday and Saturday!!

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