The Broken Peace

Chapter Cleon

Looking out to the entire gathering of the Assembly, Cleon stood behind the rostrum waiting for the right moment to speak. Many of the Ekklesians openly wept while others sat in stunned silence. Others still stared back at him with a resolve for revenge, outraged at the events over Meteora. Cleon let the tension build, finding the resolve to deliver what he knew was the most important speech of his life.

The casualty figures from the battle above Meteora were still being calculated, but everyone assembled knew it was a disaster. Half of Admiral Lamacus' fleet was either destroyed or damaged. Thousands among the crews of those ships were killed or wounded. Many more remained trapped on Meteora without hope of immediate rescue. The ground forces continued to hold out, but they could not hold out for long without resupply.

Worse, Admiral Lamacus and his flagship were lost in the battle. Many of the most experienced officers and crew in the Anatolian Navy were lost with him as well. Though overall, the fleet remained in good shape and outnumbered the Spartiates, losing some of the brightest young officers would be a problem for years to come.

Cleon looked toward the empty seat once occupied by Varro. When he informed the Assembly of Varro's mission weeks ago, many at the time branded the man as a traitor. Others realized the potential of his unorthodox effort at diplomacy. It was a close vote, but Cleon persuaded enough Ekklesians to grant their approval for Varro's mission. Now, it was his duty to officially inform the Assembly of the disaster and the death of Varro.

Looking away from the empty seat once held by Varro, Cleon once again surveyed the crowd. He felt the anger that underlined the sadness felt by many. He realized that some of those killed were sons and daughters of those in attendance. Cleon knew that many Ekklesians had friends among the dead. He also knew that many here today waited for news of loved ones believed trapped by the Spartiates on Meteora.

Steading himself, Cleon prepared to speak. He set aside his notes and began his address. "My fellow Ekklesians, citizens of our great republic, it is my solemn duty to bring you the tragic news befallen our brave men and women on Meteora. I am also saddened by the passing of a man I loved as a brother. A man who served this Assembly faithfully, whose desire for peace led to his betrayal by those who pledged to honor his efforts to maintain the peace he gave his life to protect."

A murmur passed among the Ekklesians. Cleon paused to allow his words to resonate among those in attendance. "Our fleet has suffered great loss above Meteora. Likewise, our troops on the planet face an unknown future. The Spartiates, through betrayal, lies, and deceit, led an unprovoked and cowardly attack against our forces and assassinated my friend Demetrius Varro on a mission of peace. It is clear that the Spartiates orchestrated the crisis on Meteora from the beginning in an effort to upset the balance of power and engage in the warmongering for which they are well known. Our people wanted peace, but the Spartiates would have none of it. They have invaded our sovereign territory, attacked our fleet, killed our personnel, and worse, murdered a man of noble intentions. I appear before you today to call upon every member of this Assembly to recognize that a state of war now exists between Laconia and Anatolia."

The Assembly erupted into applause as the call to vote came down. Only two Ekklesians abstained from the call to war when the count finished. As Cleon left the chamber, many offered their condolences. Others shook his hand and supported his election to the Archon. Cleon played his part well, thanking each in turn and assuring them of the inevitable victory awaiting their efforts.

Hours later, Cleon sat by the picture window in his office, watching the last rays of the sun descend. Though he rarely allowed it, he believed a small smile of satisfaction was appropriate. The office intercom broke his concentration. "Ekklesian Cleon, your appointment has arrived."

"Send him in." When the man enterd the office, Cleon continued to stare out the window for a moment longer before turning to receive his guest. "I take it you had no trouble since your arrival."

"None at all. The engineers were eager to get their hands on such a valuable prize."

"Tell me, how could you convince the crew to defect so easily, Alexie?"

"Simple enough when you are allowed to choose your crew. I sent those less reliable on the freighter we captured to Meteora. The rest was simple enough. I must admit, though, I initially had doubts about your plan. How did you know Varro would journey to Meteora?"

"Because I knew he would not pass up an opportunity to save the peace. I had to goad him in the right direction, but I knew if given the opportunity, Varro would act."

"And what of our losses on Meteora? Over 300,000 troops remain there along with the losses to the fleet."

"The losses are regretable, but replacable. It will take time, but more troops will be recruited and more ships deployed. Laconia can not hope to contend with us economically. We will outproduce them and dismantle their fleet. Once that is accomplished, our supremacy will be unquestioned."

"And what of the Rabilix?"

"Ah, yes, the Rabilix. Such a valuable resource must not remain in enemy hands. Our first objective will be to secure it. Which reminds me, I have something for you Alexie. I had to call in many favors for this, so I suggest you remember to whom you owe your loyalty. With the death of Admiral Lamacus, there is a vacancy in the Admiralty. Congratulations on your promotion, Admiral Federov."

"Thank you, Ekklesian Cleon, or is it Archon Cleon?"

"Archon? Such a small and antiquated term. It does not fit the designs I have."

"It is said that the members of the Assembly are equals. Perhaps then, one could become the first among the equals."

Cleon pondered Federov's words. "A first among equals? I like that. Princeps is the appropriate word. Fitting, don't you think, Federov?"

"Indeed, it is."

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