The Broken Note: Dark High School Bully Romance (Redwood Kings Book 3)

The Broken Note: Chapter 23

I stare at the empty amusement park. Sunshine blazes over the colorful rides, lights blinking in welcome at a crowd of exactly three.

Me. Vi. Dutch.

“Where is everyone?” Vi wonders, pale fingers curling around the strap of her purse. “Is it closed?”

“To the public, yeah.”

My sister and I whip our heads around to stare at Dutch.

He sounds casual when he says, “I rented it.”

“You rented it?” I squeak.

“How much does that cost?” Viola coughs.

“Not as much as if we rented it for the afternoon,” Dutch says, looking annoyed. “But I couldn’t convince the owner. Not even after I threw in two VIP tickets to a Jarod Cross concert.”

He’s angry about the fact that he didn’t pay premium…

When I’m still trying to wrap my brain around the fact that he could rent this place at any time of the day.

“So there’s no one here? Not one person?”

“The operators are here,” Dutch says.

“But apart from that?” Vi is bouncing on the tips of her toes.

“Apart from that, it’s just us.”

“Just us?” Vi sounds like she took a deep drag of helium.

“No long waits. No crowds. You can do whatever you want.”

Vi pumps her fists. “This is the best day of my life!”

“Dutch, why would you—”

He places a finger to my lips.

My body buzzes at the touch.

“Today, your only job is to have fun. That’s it. Ask me questions. Scold me. Hate me. Whatever. You can do that when we’re done.”

“When will we be done?” I ask, hating my stern teacher tone but unwilling to give in to him.

Jarod Cross gave me a warning, and I don’t want to discard it just because Dutch makes my body hot.

Ever since Breeze accused me of being blind to red flags, I’ve been trying to do better. I don’t care if this feels good in the moment. I will never, ever tolerate a drug dealer in my life. Never.

Dutch leans down, the gold flecks shining brighter in his eyes. “When you’ve had enough fun.”

My brows drop low.

“Let’s try that rollercoaster!” Vi shrieks, hopping around like a frog on steroids.

Dutch throws me a cocky smile and jerks his head toward her.

I zip my misgivings away and follow them.

For Vi’s sake, I’m not going to stop this, but I won’t let Dutch Cross get any closer to me until I know for sure who he is.

For her sake.

And for mine.

After we’ve ridden every single ride, Vi’s too spent to do anything but drop into one of the plastic chairs in the food court.

Dutch chuckles and extends an ice cream cone to her. “Ready to roll out?”

“Give me a minute. I can’t feel my legs.” My sister exhales loudly.

I smile at her. Whatever his intentions today, I have to give it to Dutch. Vi is having a blast. It’s been so long since I’ve heard her laugh this much. My heart is so full it could burst.

I hear a creak and feel Dutch’s presence beside me. He shucked out of his jacket, getting hot from all the walking back and forth. I take note of his lean muscles covered in ink. His jeans hug impossibly long legs. While his personality sucks, his body… isn’t so bad.

Memories of gripping his neck while he showed me just what that body can do fills my mind.

Another hot strike pulses between my legs.

I squeeze my thighs together.

“You’re melting,” Dutch says.

“What?” I croak, my voice hoarse.

Dutch smirks like he knows what he does to me. “Your ice cream.”

“Oh.” I blink and realize the ice cream is falling on my fingers. “Vi, can you get me a napkin?”

“Just a sec.” She pushes herself up and shuffles away.

“Let me,” Dutch grinds out. He leans forward, giving me a wicked look before he flicks his hot tongue over my finger.

My mouth parts on a hiss as he sucks greedily and then gently scrapes his teeth over my skin.

The heat in my lower belly becomes an inferno.

My heart beats so fast I feel dizzy.

“Got ‘em,” Vi says, hurrying back.

I lurch away, my face on fire.

Vi stops in her tracks. “Cadey, why are you so red?”

“It’s hot out here,” Dutch says. He rubs my back. His hands are pure heat as he skims over my jacket.

“Yeah,” I pant. “It’s really hot.”

Vi shrugs and gives me a napkin.

I reach for it and pin Dutch with an angry glare.

He looks like he’s in complete control of himself, but I’m the total opposite. I want him to touch me again. I want to touch him. I want to see him as undone, as breathless, as needy as I am.

What happened to not ignoring the red flags? What happened to not getting closer to him until you know who he is.

I have to do better.

will do better.

But as the day wears on, I find myself getting dragged further and further into the fantasy.

What if everyday could be this good? What if I could hear Vi laugh like this all the time?

I catch myself feeling hopeful and shake it off.

This isn’t our reality. This isn’t the life we lead, maybe not even the life we deserve.

There’s a slight, niggling worry in the back of my head. Is this okay? To be happy? To have fun in such a lavish way?

What if this sets Vi up for heartbreak in the future? What if it was better to not have seen, tasted, and experienced rather than to have it once and realize it doesn’t belong to you? That it may never belong to you.

All I want is for my sister to never worry about money or groceries or her mother sneaking into her room and stealing her stuff.

And here is Dutch, giving us a glimpse of a better life.

… But if I let myself fall for it, it’ll only lead to disappointment.

Dreams, desires—they’re too fragile. Shattered in a single touch.

As the sun begins its descent, I pull Vi to me and stand in front of Dutch. “Thanks for today, but I think we should head home now.”

“I can’t go home,” Vi says.

“What? Why?”

“I have a group project.”

My eyes bug. “What do you mean? You didn’t say you had homework this morning.”

“Because I knew you wouldn’t let me go with you guys today.”

“Viola,” I snap.

She smiles innocently and pokes her head around me to look at Dutch. “Can you take me to my friend’s house?”

Dutch swings his car keys around his finger. “Hop in.”

We drive Viola to Shanae’s mom, one of the few mothers I actually trust to watch my sister when neither Breeze or I am available. Once we park, I climb out and grab my sister by both shoulders.

“Vi,” I speak in a low voice, “you’re not making this up because he asked you to, right?”

“Are you kidding? Dutch said he was taking us camping tonight.” She frowns. “I really want to go, but this project is due Monday. Shanae and I will have to work all night because we waited until last minute.”

It’s totally believable that Vi would push off her homework to the last minute. And it’s believable that she wouldn’t tell me about it too.

Still, I grasp at straws. “Maybe you can work on it tomorrow.”

“Shanae has church tomorrow.”


“Are you that scared of being alone with Dutch?” Viola wiggles her eyebrows. “Because if you don’t want him…”

“You’re thirteen. Don’t you dare finish that joke.”

My sister laughs. “You haven’t really enjoyed yourself today.”

“I did,” I argue.

“No, you were always asking me what I want to do. What I want to ride. What I want to eat. For once, why don’t you just have fun for you?” Vi nods at where Dutch has climbed out of the car and is leaning against it, waiting for me. “I bet he can help.”

My heart hammers.

“I’ll text you, Cadey.” My sister gives me a knowing smile. “I have a feeling both of us will be spending the night outside.”

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