The Brightest Light of Sunshine

: Part 3 – Chapter 39


I’m not being gentle right now. I feel like an unleashed wild animal, giving in to my physical urges and the intoxicating feeling of Grace’s body wrapped so tightly around mine.

My strong grip will leave a bruise on her hips, but I can’t bring myself to slow down, nor does she tell me to stop. I’m too mesmerized, too captivated by the sight of my erect cock thrusting in and out of her weeping pussy, ripping her in half.  She’s so damn tight, like she hasn’t been fucked in a while, when I took her just the day before, and I relish the sound of her desperate moans every time I breach her entrance.

My girl loves being fucked from behind, and I’m nothing but an eager servant, happy to give her what she so desperately needs.

“Oh my god, Cal,” she cries out as I shift my hips, thrusting into her even deeper. “It feels so good. Shit.”

One of my hands leaves her hip to caress the roundness of her ass before spanking her. She moans. “Shh… I know, babe. I know it feels good.” I watch how her lips swallow my cock. “Look at you, taking my cock so well. Such a good girl for me.”

Her pussy tightens around my cock, causing me to throw my head back and curse under my breath. This is too much. She is too much, too good.

My impending release grows, and I know I won’t last much longer.

I lean down until my chest is pressed against her arched back and slip a hand to her clit. My middle finger starts massaging her sensitive nub as her moans become louder and her breathing heavier. “Yes,” she moans. “Cal…”

“That’s right. I want you to scream my name as you come.”

“Yes, yes. Don’t stop, please. Oh god. I’m so close…”

“I know you are.” Her walls tighten around me as my finger works faster. “Choke my cock, babe. You’re so fucking wet for me.”

Grace pants, breathless, as my punishing thrusts build her own release. She’s such a sight to behold, my pretty girl, so delicate and fierce she makes my heart beat uncontrollably. Even as I fuck her like a mad animal, my soul can’t help but swell at the notion that this incredible woman is mine.

And I’m hers, completely for the taking, for as long as she’ll have me.

Her walls squeeze my cock once more and I know I won’t last another minute. I move the hand that was pleasuring her clit and wrap it around her throat. Leaning into her ear, I whisper, “Come on my cock, sunshine.”

She explodes, shattering under me like a bomb. As she squeezes me hard, I find my own release between the delicate mounds of her ass. I don’t remember a time where I’ve come this hard, where my mind has gone blank after spilling my load inside of her. If there ever was a person capable of breaking all my inhibitions, it’s her.

Breathing raggedly, I press a soft kiss on her shoulder before pulling out and lying next to her as I take off the condom. “You okay, love?”

Breathless, Grace turns her head and the glow in her eyes is enough to make my heart stop. I swear she’s never looked this beautiful.

“I’m more than okay.” She smiles faintly. “I told you I liked it rough.”

And wasn’t that a pleasant surprise.

The second time we slept together, she gave me permission to fuck her a little harder, and then she begged for more. And more. Insatiable just like me.

Sex with Grace is as much a physical relief as it is a way for our hearts to grow closer. To plant seeds of love and trust and watch them grow into a precious thing.


“Mm-hmm…” My mind isn’t the most alert after a session of mind-blowing sex, and she giggles at my grogginess because she knows this.

“You know how my dads wanted me to go home for New Year’s, right?” she asks, and I nod. “Well, I looked up the weather forecast today and it looks like the storm is pretty much gone, so I’ll be able to fly out in a couple of days.”

“That’s great.” Even if my selfish ass would rather be with her every day, she’s made it very clear that she wants to see her family after such a long time, and I would never take that away from her.

“I want you to come with me.”

That sobers me up instantly.

“Come again?”

She chuckles. “I said, I want you to come with me to Canada for New Year’s.”

My heart hammers inside my chest. “To meet your dads?”


“And they’re okay with me coming over?”

“Yes.” Her smile is nothing short of wicked. “I told them about you before Christmas. Well, I told them you were just a friend then because I wanted to break the news about us in person. I’ve never had a boyfriend, and this is… a pretty big deal, considering everything.”

“Of course.” I can’t imagine what her fathers would think of her dating some… some dude after twenty-two years of being single and the personal hell she had to endure.

“But I called them earlier today to confirm that I was going in a couple of days and I just… confessed everything, I guess.” It’s dark inside my room, but I know she’s blushing like the prettiest of flowers. “I told them you were my boyfriend and that I wanted to introduce you guys, and they said yes.”

“They’re okay with me staying at your house?” I ask again just to double-check because it feels surreal.

She runs her fingernails up and down my tattooed arm. “Yes. They are really excited to meet you, actually. I only told them good things about you, don’t worry.”

“I’m not worried,” I say honestly. “Just a bit intimidated is all.”

The little shit—also known as the love of my freaking life—snorts. “Trust me, you’ve got nothing to worry about. My dads are super chill, both of them. And sure, Dad might be a tad more serious, but Daddy will love you right away.”

I arch an amused eyebrow. “You call them Dad and Daddy?”

“How else am I supposed to establish a difference?”


Grace presses a loud kiss on my recently shaved cheek. “Do you mind if I read for a bit?”

“Not at all.” I grin as she reaches for the e-reader on her night table. Yes—one of my bedside tables is now hers. “I wonder who made you such a thoughtful gift…”

A playful smack lands on my arm, and I throw my head back in laughter. For Christmas, I got her an electronic reader with a subscription for endless free books every month, and she’s been over the moon ever since. I know she loves her paperbacks and she’ll keep buying them, but this will also save her a shit ton of money and space as well as introduce her to indie authors she wouldn’t otherwise see at the store.

She’s pretty much ditched me for the gadget, but I don’t hold grudges. Making my girl happy is what makes me happy, and knowing that I put that little smile on her face when she discovers a new book makes me realize how in love I really am with her.

Every time I think I couldn’t possibly love her more, I fall a little deeper.

She got me one of those decorative skateboards I’m so obsessed with for Christmas, and it’s been proudly hanging from my living room wall ever since. I pretty much shat myself when I saw the amazing art of one of my favorite rock bands, a limited edition no less.

The true gift, however, is being able to hold her as she reads beside me. With my arms around her and the familiar and comforting scent of my best friend and girlfriend consuming all my senses, my body relaxes until I gave in to the darkness.

Blissfully unaware that my whole world is about to change in a matter of days.


“What should I pack?” I ask Grace from behind the front desk at Inkjection the following afternoon.

She stops typing her book on her laptop, leveling me up with a stare that is both confused and slightly amused. “Cal, babe, we leave tomorrow morning. You haven’t packed yet?”

I shrug. “Did the laundry this morning, so everything’s clean. Are we gonna do something crazy like skiing?”

“Maybe some other time.” She closes her laptop, leaves it on the leather couch, and comes to wrap her arms around my waist. “We’ll only be there for four days, and I want to see my dads as much as I can. They aren’t big on skiing, but they love tennis if that counts.”

“Okay, no winter sports then. What do you have planned, then?”

“You’ll see.” She gives me a beautiful, mischievous smirk, and presses her chin against my arm. Her head barely reaches the top of my pecs, and I find that adorable. “It’s a surprise.”

“You’re gonna steal my New Year’s date idea, aren’t you?”

When she bursts out laughing, I already suspect the answer. “Don’t be impatient, Sammy.”

“Mm-hmm…” I mumble, wrapping my arm around her shoulders to bring her closer. Trey left five minutes ago, and I’m getting everything ready to close so we can go home and pack our stuff.

Tomorrow morning, we’ll be dropping off at my mother’s house to say goodbye to Maddie and promise her we’ll be back soon with gifts. She already knows we’ll be gone for a few days and, while she pouted for a bit, the prospect of getting a new toy always cheers her up.

Knowing Grace, though, half of our luggage will end up full of stuff for Maddie. I tend to consider myself an older brother who spoils his baby sister perhaps a bit too much, but Grace is on a whole other level. Every time we go out and she sees something that reminds her of Maddie, she insists on buying it and won’t take no for an answer. My stubborn, selfless woman.

Last week, it was some kind of candy with a surprise toy inside. She had to get it because it was pink, glittery and had a princess on the wrapper. Duh.

It’s those small details that prove Grace cares about my sister way more than I could’ve ever asked for. Hell, she even told me she loves her the same night she confessed she loved me. And if the way Maddie gushes over Grace every time she sees her is any indication, I’ll say my sister loves her just as much.

Life can’t get any better than this.

My hand moves to the back of her hair, tangling in her soft blonde waves. “I love you,” I whisper so only she can hear despite being alone. “You’re my life, Grace.”

“And you’re mine,” she whispers back, stars shining in her eyes. “But I love you more.”

“No way.” I smile.


I shake my head, my nose brushing hers as I lean down with a very clear intent. “I think it might be a tie.”

She laughs, and I capture the beautiful sound between my lips. Grace relaxes in my arms, parting my mouth with her tongue and exploring so slowly I suspect she wants to kill me.

I groan, the hand on her hair and the one on the small of her back pulling her so close I wish our bodies could become one and the same. Her eager little fingers grasp the front of my shirt, the one that sticks so much to my chest and arms I know it drives her insane, and she sighs against my lips. I capture that sound as well.

I’m two seconds away from spreading her out on top of this same counter and feast on her sweetness when the door of the shop opens.

And Aaron walks in.

“Well, well, well,” he drawls. “If this isn’t reason enough to get some bleach for my poor, innocent eyes.”

Grace pulls away, eyes bursting with complete horror, and puts a safe distance between our bodies as if I were on fire. “Aaron. W-What are you doing here?”

He holds up a takeout bag. “Came by to drop some new tapas for you guys to try out. Didn’t occur to me that your mouths would already be occupied.”

Strangely, he doesn’t sound as angry as he does amused.

Still, I brace my feet on the ground and cross my arms, ready to shield Grace from her cousin if it came to it. “Got a problem with that?”

Aaron isn’t a small, meek man by any means, but I still tower over him by a few inches. He does the wise thing and puts his hands up in surrender. “Not really, since I wasn’t born yesterday and could smell the tension a mile away.” He turns to Grace, and something akin to disappointment crosses his eyes. “Weren’t you going to tell me?”

She’s quick to round the front desk and stand before her cousin. “I was going to, I promise. I was just… scared?”

His lips twitch. “Is that a question, G?”

She rolls her eyes all in good nature. “Shut up.”

Aaron sets the food on the couch and rubs his palms together. “Okay, well.” When he turns to me, an unreasonable sense of apprehension settles in my chest. “Cal, a word?”

“Aaron…” Grace starts.

“It’s okay.” I put my hand on her shoulder and give it a reassuring squeeze. I would much rather give her a reassuring kiss, but I don’t think that’s the right move right now. To Aaron, I say, “Let’s talk in the back.”

As we make our way to the back of the shop where we keep a small office, Grace’s loud voice drifts over to us. “If either of you go all caveman over this, I’ll hate you forever!”

“Doubt it!” Aaron shouts right back.

I open the door, switch on the obnoxiously bright light on the ceiling and wait until Aaron walks in. Leaning my weight against the wooden desk that we rarely use, I tilt my head to the side. “Talk, and make it good.”

In true Aaron fashion, he gives me a knowing grin that somehow makes me even more nervous. Don’t get me wrong—I’m not intimidated by him. He’s been my friend for years and, even if he’s temperamental when it comes to defending those he cares about, he isn’t a violent man.

I’m not scared his fists will hurt me—but his words might.

“I’m gonna make this quick.” He sighs, leaning against the door and crossing his arms. He stares me down, forehead wrinkled, and then blurts out the last thing I expected, “Do you like mushroom lasagna?”

I blink. “What?”

“You heard me.” He shrugs like that makes any sense at all. “It’s my mother’s specialty, and she’ll want to make it when you come to our house.”

I blink again. “Why would I go to your mother’s house?” I mean, I’ve got nothing against the woman, but what the fuck?

“Because she’d like to meet Grace’s boyfriend at some point.”

When I keep staring at him like he’s speaking in a foreign language, he sighs again and peels his back off the door. Stopping right next to me, he squeezes my shoulder.

“Listen, man, I promised Grace I would stop with the whole overprotective act shit.” He hesitates. “It’s not my business what she does with her life or who she dates. I care about her and want the best for her, and that’s why I’m not freaking the fuck out right now.”

He’s looking at me with such raw intensity I almost have to look away. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, Cal, brother, that I’ve seen the way you look at her. I’ve seen the way you act around her, how her eyes light up just at the mention of your name. Yours do, too.”

My heart skips a beat just hearing about Grace’s feelings for me from another person’s perspective. We might have said ‘I love you’ to each other, but I treasure his reassurance, nonetheless.

“You make her happy. That’s all that matters to me.” His voice sounds so firm, I know he isn’t lying. “I know you’ll never hurt her, and that’s a great fucking bonus if you ask me.”

I can’t help the small smile tugging at my lips. “You know I would never.”

“Yeah. That’s why I’m okay with this whole thing. Not like anyone gives a shit about my opinion, but…”

“That’s not true, Aaron. Your opinion matters to her more than you think. Trust me.” He’s like a brother to Grace, and for that I feel the need to reassure him back.

“Thanks, man.” He steps away, hand falling off my shoulder.

A wave of hesitancy washes over his face. It’s so obvious he’s biting his tongue right now, it hurts. “Spit it out, Big A.”

He winces. “I’m not sure about that.”

“Just say it.”

“For the record,” he squares his shoulders like he’s about to get into battle, “I don’t want to.”

I roll my eyes. “Out with it.”

“Did she tell you what happened to her all those years ago?”

My whole body freezes over, the reminder of that difficult conversation burning like a fresh wound in my soul. Aaron doesn’t wait for me to say anything—my face tells him enough. “I just wanted to make sure you know there are… Ah, online resources available for partners of assault survivors in case you need to… When you guys… You know what I mean.”

I do, and this is not a conversation I want to be having with her goddamn cousin. “Everything’s under control.”

He nods, visibly relieved that he doesn’t have to go into details. “Good, good. That’s good. I’m just… looking out for her.”

“I know you are. All’s good.”

He swallows, looking hesitant before he adds, “I’m gonna text you the link to a couple of trusted websites I’ve relied on for the past few years. They’re from organizations that deal with this type of trauma, and they teach family and partners how to cope with all kinds of situations. Cal, it’s… It’s all right if it feels overwhelming sometimes, like you can’t help much. I’ve felt like that before.”

So far not many issues have arisen between us in the intimacy department, but I’m not naive enough to believe things will always run smoothly. Healing isn’t linear, I know that much, and all I want is to make Grace feel like she can trust me with anything.

“I appreciate it,” I tell him with honesty. “I’ll check them out for sure.”

With a relaxed smile and a pat on the back from Aaron, the tension dissipates from the room. I’m walking behind him when he turns to me with a look in his eyes I can’t quite decipher.

“Do you love her?” he asks.

My voice is loud and clear when I say, “With all I’ve got.”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.