The Bride Of The Billionaire

Chapter 12: Heartbeat

♪♪Hold my hand, baby don't be scared...♪♪
I felt tightened inside my chest!
Because... I'm holding someones hand, someone that I may lose sooner or later. There's Sabrina right? I'm supposed to be
happy but I can't even fake a smile.
"Chump? which one of these do you like?" he's pertaining to a painting so I look at it. We're at the art exhibition right now, at least
I have fun since I stay at his side and I myself love art and an artist.
"You suddenly shut in silence, why?" he asked then he let go my hand. I was startled when the back of his palm touched my
forehead, he's trying to check my temperature?
"Raze, I'm not sick!" That action made me laugh somehow.
"I see, so, this one or this one?" he asked again.
"Hmmm! both has a good quality and has a right proportion but I like this one more" I pointed the Galaxy that the night view
where there's a moon, mountains and fine tree.
That's simple but the colors were combined perfectly.
"I'll take them then" he said.
"You made me choose but you end up buying all, aren't you crazy?"
"Crazy because of you, yieeee!" he said mocking my lines earlier with his stern face that made me chuckle. He's crazy.
"That's my line dude!" I laugh then he give me his deadly stare again.
"Did you just call me dude?" ah! he was mad just because of that?
"What do you want me to call you? Sweetheart?" I tease while trying to make my face look serious.

"Ouch! why did you fillip my forehead? I hate you!"
"I heart you!" then he pull me closer and kissed my forehead, the part that he flip.
"That's my language of admiring someone" he said and wink.
"but look at your smile, that's pretty wide" he fired back, I don't know but I laughed after that.
He buy the arts and also the first paintings we saw earlier and all of that worth 1.2 million. I can't just believe that he will spend
for that though it's pretty awesome to display. Well, he's a billionaire so he can do all that he want.
"Sir, since you buy those masterpiece of Mr. Jaxx, he offer you a free portrait. He'll be here maybe after 5 minutes."
"Sure" Raze replied.
That Jaxx made me in awkward position in this studio.
I was that close to Raze, my hands were on his chest like checking his heartbeat while looking at the front and Raze's left hand
was on my hips and the right was around my shoulders and like me he was looking at Jaxx who's doing a portrait at his huge
I can feel Raze natural heartbeat and his breath but I hope he can't feel the beat of my heart because that's embarrassing. It
was like a rapid hitting the bass drum... and... he was my drummer, my heart was his drum but unfortunately, he doesn't know
about it.
"Perfect! Here, you guys look at this!" I let go as I hear Jaxx, I take a deep breath! Finally, I can calm myself.
"Wow! This one is perfect!" Raze proudly praise his new masterpiece while I silently honor Jaxx's lovely work.
"Thanks! This will be delivered together with the 3 artworks you bought Mr. Coleman. Thanks for buying my artworks and for
appreciation. " Jaxx said then they shook each others hand.
"I'll wait for the delivery"
"Sure thing, just message me if you want another portrait!" Jaxx laugh while saying that, he's cool and there's something deep
inside me that wants to know him more. I'm curious about his personality.

I'm his fan from now on.
"If it's with her again, we'll go now!" Why Raze always say things that can make my heart go crazy so casual? I hate it!
Is he dumb or something?
Around 11:00am we arrived at the bank. Yes! he want me to open an account which is a good idea.
Things went smooth and now we're heading at Texno, the dream, my dream to be specific.
On the way, I'm communicating with mom and Stacey about my achievements and they're glad about it too.
"Good morning Mr. Coleman"
"Good morning Sir"
"Good morning Mr. CEO"
Everyone greeted him formally yet some other girls have some thrills on their faces like they were happy seeing their boss.
I knew everyone would be blessed having a handsome boss and a kind one.
"Good morning" he respond but he's not smiling, he's a damn serious and in his stern face. I found that cool though.
"Elizabeth, where's Tyron?" he asked the lady at the elevator.
"He's currently orienting the winners yesterday at room 5 sir" she formally address.
We arrived at 23rd floor. This one might be his office.
His office was extra huge, there's a lot of books, it was high and I can see the view outside the glass wall and it's pretty terrifying
that made me step backward.
I look around, that's a single painting at the wall, it's an abstract painting to be more precise.
There's a glass table at the side near the sofa read two more single sitter and behind that was a top line range created from a
sophisticated man-made material which has the translucent quality of glass, only few books and vases was placed there.
"Hey! Chump! Have a seat!" he gesture and sit at his swiveling chair.

I did sit comfortably at the couch and lean because I was that little tired.
"Yes! please tell Tyron to come at my office right after he's done with the meeting." I hear him talking on the other line.
"Anyway, please ask Jeffrey to prepare to servings of Berry flan, tell him to use redcurrants for the filling plus Apple for
smoothie, thanks Kaylie!" Aw! I see, he's really gentleman though he's a boss. I wasn't expecting for that though.
According to my research his company has a free lunch and snacks for the employees and maybe Jeffrey was his chef here.
I close my eyes, the air I breath was fresh and relaxing not because of the aircon but maybe because of the freshener and the
scent that I used to smell from Raze clothes.
I feel like someone sat beside me, I'm not mistaken.
"Are you that sleepy?" I suddenly sat straight as I hear Raze, my heart thudded.
"I'm not, I just want to close my eyes!" I lied and look away.
"I have a private room here, you can sleep there if you want" he informed
"No thanks" I said softly and I saw him smirk.
I stole him a gaze, suddenly our gaze met and wordlessly I didn't drift my gaze away.
His sterling gray eyes conveys a lot of meanings if it's a dictionary. He is charming and uncomparable yet I used to compare him
with Kyle, my bad!
"Tus ojos son hermosos" he said in Spanish, I guess.
A/n: means "Your eyes, they're beautiful"
He got me curious yet my heartbeat, quickening.
"Tus labios, me pregunto a qué sabrán. ¡Ah! ¡Estoy loco!" he continue, I still can't understand.
A/n: means "Y-your lips, I wonder what it taste like! A-ah! I'm crazy! "
Why he have to speak in different language, is he cursing me or something? Maybe cussing?

He stood and play a music, it's like a lullaby, I feel like I went back to the past... lying at the hammock with the soft tone of my
mom's humming sound that could make me fall asleep, maybe I just missed her. I did missed her, them anyway.
"Hey! sleep after lunch!" he chided and change the music into a wild one.
"That's rude señorito!" I mumbled with sarcasm and sit straight, I gently massage the tip of my nose and stroke upward and
massage my forehead.
He's busy at his table, doing something productive as an owner/ CEO maybe so I stole again a lot of time to stare at him.
He's like a masterpiece, an unknown and like only exist in imagination.
"Am I that irresistible?"
"A-ah? I'm not staring!"
"I didn't say you're staring, you're perceptible!" the he smirked and playfully he pierced his gaze at me.
"Perceptible your ass!" I muttered and look away.
~Music playing~
♪10,000 hours♪
Aish, It was Raze who fearlessly invade my thoughts, I shook my head as if it could help me to forget his image but that can't
help it.
"Get in!" he said and after that the door swung open and exposed a girl, pushing a food cart.
"Here's your order sir!" she said
"I'll be back later sir, just leave a beep!" what kind of code was that? Beep? like a car? Lol!
Raze nodded and she then spun around and leave.
"Madam let's eat now!" he chuckled like a kid and gesture me to sit in front of him so I move towards, roll my eyes, bluffing and
release a sweet chuckle after he pointed the bread knife at me like "Continue with that and you're dead!"
"Are you always eating informal lunch?" I asked and seize the taste of berry flan.

"Yes! unless you'll cook for me. I'd prefer also acting like a kid, bringing a lunch box" then we both laugh at his idea like crazy.
I love to hear his laugh, this is the first time I heard him laughing this way. A kind of laugh that echoes and bring peace inside me
as I hear it,a laugh with a dulcet tones creating a wordless melody that made me eager to hear for more. I wish I was a joker, I'll
try my best then.
"Are you sure?I can prepare your meal at a Barbie inspired lunch box, are you okay with that?" I teased then his eyes glittered
but not with amusement, I guess.
"Sure thing,make sure that you'll walk with me and call me baby!" he fired back that made me stuff for a second because I wasn't
really expecting for that kind of answer.
He really know how to make me blush.
"Too bad, I'm so young to be your fake mom" I fake a laugh and winced at my own words. Where did the hell I get that for a
counter attack?
"Then be my lo--"
"Sweetheart,oh? the girl yesterday?" she utter with a little shock on her face while looking unpleasantly at me.
"Did I interrupt something? Well, sweetheart we have something to talk PRIVATELY!" she added with her daring tone and like I
wasn't around so I just continue eating and feel the coldness of the smoothie that brings shivers all around my body.
"Just wait! I have some few matters to settle then we can talk" I glance at him, his expression went blank again yet it looks
"Sure sweetheart, can I rush into your room? I wanna continue the series we watched" she said and smile sweetly, she's
absolutely beautiful.
They watch movies inside his room? Together? a-ah! The thought is trying to kill me slowly.
"You sound jealous! you don't have a right" I chided myself and look away, trying to look around and find something that can be
my destruction but there's no way, I already tell what's the chandelier made of yet I can still hear their conversation.
"Just don't open my files" he warned and continue eating.
"Yey! thanks sweetheart" she suddenly kissed Raze's cheek unannounced that made me felt sad suddenly.

I already finished my berry flan, so, I open my phone and check some new updates while sipping a smoothie.
"They are that close to each other? Luckily, I said not to sleep at Raze's room or else I found myself with that girl, right?" I'm
talking to my mind who ponder about the current issue, my personal issue.
I'm supposed to push him out of my mind yet I'm here, totally thinking more about him.Darn it!
"I'll walk! Digest! Right! to digest" I was forced to lie, his gaze were kind of dangerous that made me almost slip
about thinking an alibi.
"Just have some walk here, Tyron will be here at any moment" he said that made me walk near the glass wall, faltered, I step
back as I saw the beautiful terrifying view and as my heart is beating fury.
Yet, I badly want to see how beautiful the view down there.
I close my eyes, rattled, trembling yet feeling strong to walk near the glass wall, as if I am.
I touch slowly the wall, still my eyes were close.
A cold wall it is as the tip of my fingers touch it, then slowly I open my eyes... looking at the skies first so I won't be scared.
I was like a little kid fighting against her fear, hoping I won't fail.
What I saw out there was like a dreamy illusion, like a painting, the skies were as white as the sheep's wool, the buildings were
like it's all animated and the wind was like a silent, sleeping child, no problem at all.
I was like in a movie and the cars have their perfect movements at the road and like following a lovely patterns, the man who
plan for this road and vehicles rules amazed me,they create a masterpiece as well as the people who walks like today is a busy
day. I sigh, I place my palm right at my chest.
My heartbeat, I can't understand it at all.
When I'm scared it go crazy then infront of him, Raze, it's crazier, maybe Raze was triple dangerous.
"Waaah! What the heck!" I shrieked, I was terrified.
He suddenly touch my shoulders earlier amidst of my concentration.I was trying to remove my fear of heights yet he ruin
everything, my heart's thumping that bad and I know, the fear was prominent.

"I'm sorry, what the hell are you doing?" he curiously asked yet like scolding me then held my arm.
"You scare me!" I whisper, trying to calm myself out of fear.
"You scared me?" he release a questioning tone and hiding a single formation of a smile.
"You! you really scare me. Damn!" I muttered again my cranky voice. I wasn't prepared for that, I can't get over yet.
"Come on, hold my hands!"
"Don't move yet, I can't recover from that easily, I still feel like I was in a dream, like I was in a bed that placed in heaven then
suddenly...I fall."
"Don't worry!" he utter then take a step closer, his palm we're warm, it comforts me.
He gently place his palm at my eyes, covering softly.
He was at my back, I can feel him. He hold my shoulder then start telling a story after commanding me, 'Just continue to walk'
"Have you ever see a rainbow garden? This is a surprise for you. A place where every girls dreamed of, can you see the red
roses on the first row? a lovely sunflower that salutes to the sun was beautiful..." while walking, I don't know if I'll laugh or what.
His way? I found it weird yet really helping.
"You can open your eyes now"
"OA!" it's Sabrina, is that her name? I guess.
She sounds annoyed, I never knew that she was there.
"What are you doing?" it's Raze. I look at my feet, maybe I overreacted?but I'm really scared.
I feel embarrassed.
"Or you have to act like scared to get his attention? Huh?" her eyes were dark, unreadable. I don't know how to react, I know, if
I'll explain it's still my fault.
"I didn't do that on purpose" I answer formally, thinking to calm myself, my temper!

"Tsk!" she roll her eyes and turn around, then slam the door. She's mad?
"Don't mind her" his voice was soft and his eyes looks like begging for understandings.
"I'll see Tyron, I'll wait at the discussion room with others, tell him not to go here" I request sadly and spun around, rushing
outside the door without responding at what he said.
"I said nevermind her! Hey! Tyron's way up here"
I press 5th as I entered the elevator.
Am I that pretty obvious. Yes! I'm hurt with that little thing as well as felt minor jealousy. I can't help it. She's her future,right?
I silently look at my reflection, my eyes were sad, my smile faded minutes ago. I'm dramatic.
My phone rangs, it was an unknown number.
"Hello?" I answered
"Chump!" I frozed!
Why even his voice affects me so much? What did he do to me?
I didn't say anything, I'm just freakin' listening.
"Don't do anything stupid!" he warned. I'm not doing anything.
What does he mean? I'm not crazy.
I just press the red button dramatically and put my phone back at my hand, wondering where did he get my number.
The elevator sounds before it opens and infront of me, I saw Tyron if I'm not mistaken.
A man with a curly golden hair, actually a dye, has an angelic face, a friendly face I ever saw.
"Hey! you're Catherine right? I'm about to go there, are you leaving?" he asked continuously, like we known each other for so
"Well, I'm eager to see you. I can't wait that long" I lie before he check his phone.

"It's the CEO! wait I'll tak--"
"Ignore him, let's go!" I said coldly and walk ahead of him, literally getting inside the huge room number 5 and occupy a vacant
swiveling chair.
"Are you done with them?" I asked Tyron as he arrived inside, pertaining the other winners.
"Not yet! I'm supposed to check you first!" he answer honestly, maybe Raze commanded him to do so.
"Ah! it's fine! You can start normally, no bias. I'll stay here" that was followed by my convincing smile so he nod, can't do against
it. Did he even ignore his boss call? Heck.
"Are you guys done to fill up the form?" I hear him asked them.
"yes sir!" the answer like a polite grade school students.
"Hey! You're Catherine right? Remember me?" oh? it's the guy who approach me after the game yesterday, I remember him, he
is Ivor.
I was totally ignoring him yet he's pretty persistent to get my username at IG so I give in.
"Wild_Celo10" I said the he search it abruptly.
He was praising my post especially at the lobby with the hero statues.
"Can you please stalk me later if I'm not around?"
"Well, yeah! Where do you live anyway?"
"I'm only working here, I live in provi---"
"She live with me, any questions?" holy fudge!
What is he doing?
"Good Afternoon sir" everyone greeted his with a wonderful smiles as they see that the CEO arrived.

"You live with him?" Ivor can't believe it. I want to protest and tell Ivor that I'm working for him.
"NO!/YES" I and Raze answer in unison.
"Heck! I'll assume that it's a yes" Ivor hissed.
I look at Raze, his gaze is threatening.
I just roll my eyes and sit properly, escaping from his gaze.
"What?" I'm annoyed!
"I said wait for me!"
"I said I'll go home already!"
"We can go home together! I'm your boss, follow me!" he looked pissed.
Why are we arguing in a simple thing anyway?
"You're only my boss at your mansion!" I fired back like a hardheaded kid.
"Sweetheart come on, let her leave!"
"Yeah! right!" I answer for agreement and turn my back.
I already received my price, it's already on my account and I'm planning to send mom at least 15k later.
"Wait! I'll ask Tyron to drive you home" I just nod but I'm actually expecting him to go home with me, to choose me but... I'm kinda
stupid at that part, the part that I expect too much. Who am I anyway?
He sounds calm though he looks like just trying to hold his temper.
"Sabrina! Can you just wait at the office? I'll send her at the lobby" he said then pull me, he's walking fast.
Is he that super excited to have an alone time with Sabrina?
He let my wrist go and place his hands inside his pocket.

"Why you're so hardheaded?" he whisper.
Just the two of us here inside the elevator, heading down with a little awkwardness.
"I don't want to disturb you and do nothing while you have a meeting. I have a lots of works at your mansion. It's unfair for others
that I always go out." I formally replied, playing at my fingers.
"You're not disturbing me, can't you understand that?" he again said in low voice.
"but I have a lot of works to do. I can't waste my time just sitting at your couch while listening some PRIVATE talk, I guess" I rebat
I hear him feigned a gasp, "Fine, I'll let Tyron drive you home." he whisper
"Why are you whispering?"
"I don't have a confident saying things like I'm giving you to others, I can't take it." he said then look at my eyes.
"Hope you understand that!" he whisper again with pleading gaze as he fixed the strands of my hair that messed up with my
"I-I can't understand!" I answer, my heartbeat is racing while fighting against his stare.
"Then at least listen to this" he suddenly pulled me using his right hand only and clutched me right at his chest, made me listen
to his... h-heartbeat that also churning hardly.
"mi corazón dice algo que no pude entender. ¿Es amor?"
he said then held my hand tightly like he don't want to let it go and I too, I hope he won't.
A/n: "My heart say something I couldn't understand.Is it love?

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