The Bound Between Us

Chapter 351

Chapter 351
Herman briskly walked up to Anastasia, taking her hand in his. Anastasia’s palm was cold.
“Why are you here? Didn’t I ask Dailey to take you home?” Herman said, shooting a frosty glance at Dailey who had followed
them in.
Dailey shrugged, a helpless expression on his face, “Boss, she insisted on coming.”
Anastasia gave Herman’s hand a little squeeze and said, “It’s not his fault; it was my decision to come. We’re married, and we
should face everything together. I couldn’t possibly leave it all to you.”
Anastasia was actually quite nervous. Her heart was fluttering, which was why her palms were so cold. On the way back to
Harmony Meadows, she changed her mind and asked Dailey to bring her here. The conflict within the Salstroms started with her.
How could she hide from it?
Saying this, Anastasia looked at Grandma Anita, then at Feiman and Katelyn. She didn’t say anything, merely bowing deeply in
their direction.
This gesture from Anastasia stirred mixed feelings within Feiman and Katelyn. Katelyn had always been fond of Anastasia. She
was quite happy with her daughter-in-law, even now. Just like Flynn had said, they could always try in vitro fertilization. As for
Anastasia’s past, it was all water under the bridge now and not something that was completely unacceptable. Of course, Katelyn
could not deny that her acceptance of Anastasia was partly due to Grandma Anita’s disapproval. Everyone had a rebellious
While Grandma Anita disapproved of Anastasia, Katelyn saw a reflection of her younger self in her. She didn’t want her
daughter-in-law to walk the same difficult path she
After her bow, Anastasia sincerely confessed, “I’m sorry for letting you all down. Let me reintroduce myself. My name is
Anastasia. I graduated from high school and dropped out of college after less than a semester. I self-taught French, German,
and English.”
After dropping out, Anastasia didn’t give up on her education. She had a knack for languages and self-taught three of them.
Although she never took any exams, she had no problem communicating in them.

Anastasia continued calmly, “I once registered for a GED but couldn’t take the exam due to an emergency. I like jewelry design. I
used to sell my designs at a flea market. I grew up in a single-parent household. A few years ago, I got pregnant out of wedlock
and gave birth to a daughter. I don’t know where my daughter is now, and because of my health issues, it’s hard for me to get
pregnant again.”
Anastasia laid it all bare, everything she should have confessed earlier, so that the Salstroms wouldn’t have to hear it from
someone else.
After Anastasia finished speaking, Katelyn had tears in her eyes. She could empathize with Anastasia. Today’s Anastasia was
just like her over two decades ago, yearning for the Salstroms’ approval.
Hearing Anastasia’s story, Herman felt even sadder.
However, Grandma Anita’s face remained sullen. “Do you think you’re worthy of joining the Salstrom family?” She asked.
“Grandma.” Herman’s voice dropped a few degrees colder.
Anastasia subtly tugged at Herman’s hand, signaling him not to argue with his grandmother.
Anastasia managed a slight smile and replied with grace, “Grandma, your grandson is indeed very outstanding. To be honest, a
few months ago, I wouldn’t have even dared to dream of becoming his wife. By all accounts, I’m not worthy of him. Aside from
my sincere feelings, I don’t have much else to offer him.”
Grandma Anita snorted, “At least you’re aware of that. Even if you hadn’t had a child, you still wouldn’t be fit to be my
Unfazed by Grandma Anita’s belittling remarks, Anastasia calmly responded, “But I am already a member of the Salstrom family.
That’s an undeniable fact. Herman and I are legally married. Even if you don’t accept it, it’s the truth. I have no intention of
divorcing him.”
This statement left Grandma Anita seething, “Unbelievable.”
Herman didn’t try to stop Anastasia, but let her continue. Neither Katelyn nor Feiman said a word, and Flynn was sure to keep
quiet too.

Anastasia tightened her grip on Herman’s hand and told Grandma Anita, “There’s no need to get upset on my account. I don’t
want a penny from the Salstrom family. I am
willing to sign a prenup. If one day, Herman is tired of me, or vice versa, I will walk out of the Salstrom family without taking
anything with me.”
“How dare you suggest that you might become tired of my grandson?” Grandma Anita was not pleased.

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