The Bound Between Us

Chapter 337

Chapter 337
Granny Anita’s intention was quite clear.
Julie’s heart leapt for joy. She feigned shyness and said, “Not yet, Granny. If you know any eligible bachelors, feel free to
introduce me. Just the other day, my folks were nudging me about
“Good, good.” Granny Anita held Julie’s hands, her eyes soft with kindness, “I remember you would often come over to play
when you were a child. You used to say you’d marry Herman. You two would make a handsome pair. How about marrying into
my family?”
This proposition delighted Julie, and she struggled to hide her excitement. “Granny, really?” Julie chuckled, “I’d be thrilled to be
your granddaughter-in-law. But, Herman is already married.”
“If you agree, leave the rest to me. You’ve already called me Granny. So, consider yourself my granddaughter-in-law.” Granny
Anita was fond of Julie. Although the Browns didn’t quite match up to the Salstroms, they were still respectable. Plus, Julie used
to play at the Salstroms’ when she was a kid. Granny Anita had watched her grow up and knew her quite well, which made her
even more pleased.
With Granny Anita’s blessing, Julie felt one step closer to becoming Mrs. Salstrom.
“Granny, truth be told, I’ve always had feelings for Herman. But fate had other plans. Herman suddenly married this girl named
Anastasia and I was heartbroken for a while.” Julie paused for effect, “But I’ve come to terms with it. If Herman is happy, that’s all
that matters. Your approval delights me, Granny. Even if I can’t be your granddaughter-in-law, I’m content.”
Granny Anita was touched by Julie’s words, and her affection for her grew. She squeezed Julie’s hand and said, “Herman would
be lucky to have you.”
Julie blushed and said, “Granny, you’re too kind. I heard that Herman brought Anastasia today. The other debutantes are all
wondering who she is. I’ve seen Anastasia. She’s very pretty. They make a handsome couple. But...”
“But what?” Granny Anita asked, intrigued.

Julie hesitated before saying, “Granny, I don’t mean to gossip, but I don’t want you or the Salstroms to be kept in the dark.
Anastasia used to be a street vendor. I heard people talking about her humble beginnings and how she’s not a good match for
Herman. The Salstroms are a distinguished family. Marrying a poor, uneducated girl would be a laughing stock.
“A street vendor?” Granny Anita frowned. This revelation made her dislike Anastasia even more.
Julie nodded, “Yes, Granny. Didn’t you know? Anastasia used to sell trinkets at the Night Market. She didn’t even go to college. I
don’t know what Herman sees in her. Maybe he’s taken by her beauty.”
“Only a high school diploma?” Granny Anita’s displeasure grew, “Herman must be bewitched. The Salstroms can’t marry an
uneducated woman.”
“Maybe Herman really loves her.” Julie suggested, adding fuel to the fire, “Anastasia’s humble beginnings and lack of education
are irrelevant if Herman loves her. But I heard Anastasia is barren. Doesn’t that mean the end of the Salstrom line?”
This information lit Granny Anita’s fuse. Upon hearing Anastasia was infertile, Granny Anita slapped the table in anger, “Foolish,
utterly foolish! Herman is clearly bewitched by that woman. The Salstrom lineage can’t end like this.”
“Granny, please calm down.” Julie consoled her insincerely, “Don’t let this upset you. And please don’t mention I told you this.
Herman would be furious. I’ve had a minor disagreement with Anastasia before and Herman was quite upset with me. He even
lied about being infertile for Anastasia. He must be deeply in love with her.”
“What? There’s more?” Granny Anita stood up abruptly, “Where is Anastasia? I need to see the woman who has my grandson
completely bewitched.”

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