The Boudreaux Sisters

Chapter 9: A Surprise?

Chapter 9: A Surprise?

When Della arrived at the apartment she shared with her younger sister, Lady, she immediately noticed that Lady wasn’t there. Della checked her phone for the time. 1:30pm. 2 more hours until Lady gets home, Della thought to herself. She proceeded to walk into the kitchen and prepare the Onzancaire potion the way Eva Marie was telling her how to at The Healing Center. As Della began to make the potion, she started to become lost in her thoughts.

Della began thinking about the man that she bought the Onzancaire set for. A man by the name of Michael Touissant. Michael Touissant is a 55-year old man that is known around College Park for being a womanizer and making young women fall in love with him. Michael was like a love shark; he would find his prey, which were young, naive girls. Woo them and sweep them off their feet, making them feel like the only girl in the world. Once he got tired of them or grew annoyed with them, it’s like he would move on to the next hot thing and forget about the broken heart or hearts he left behind. Della knew this from all of the stories that people would tell her about Michael, especially after word got out that they were dating.

Della thought back to the day when she met Michael. Her and Lady were walking to the laundromat. It was a hot summer day and Della knew what she was doing, wearing her slightly, tight fitting booty shorts and crop top but, she learned early on that if you got it, flaunt it. Although she really wasn’t trying to flaunt that day. She was just doing some laundry. Michael had just so happened to drive past them and when he got a good look at Della’s face in his rearview mirror, he decided to make a U-turn to approach her. Michael slowly pulled up along the sidewalk that Della and Lady were walking on and cruised by slowly, saying to Della, “It’s too hot for both of y’all pretty young things to be walking with loads of clothes. Let me ease y’all stress. Get in,” said Michael as he slowly drove next to Lady and Della.

Della stopped, looked at Michael and also looked at the car he was driving. It was an old school Mercedes-Benz truck but she knew he had to have some type of money if he was out and about, driving that type of car in the hood. She also smiled even harder when she noticed how good Michael looked for his age. Even though Michael was 32 years older than her, Della was smitten. Michael opened up the passenger door and allowed Della to enter his car. He also unlocked the back door for Lady to get in with their laundry bags. The laundromat wasn’t far but, by the time Michael dropped them off, Della and Michael had exchanged numbers. From that point on, Della was in a whirlwind romance with Michael.

When Della and Michael first became involved, Michael told her from the beginning that he didn’t want anything serious. He had been down that road before, even getting married once and had a son. Michael didn’t want to do it again; a relationship, marriage or even kids. He was absolutely fine with being a father to one child. Della remembered that she agreed to this but, eventually she started to fall for Michael. Which is why she made that purchase at The Healing Center. She and Michael hadn’t been together long but she needed Michael to feel the exact same way about her. Della was willing to go to any extreme measure to do it, too.

As Della began to stir the mixture, she suddenly forgot one of the last steps that Eva Marie had told her to do with the Onzancaire. Was she supposed to mix in 2 or 3 tablespoons of the Onzancaire creme? She decided to put 3 tablespoons in and immediately noticed the potion becoming thick. Della turned the stove down and let the mixture cool off. After about 30 minutes had passed, she scraped all of the mixture into a plastic bottle and left it in the fridge.

Bing! Bing!

That was Della’s text notification. She walked over to the kitchen counter where her phone lay and saw that she had a new text message from Michael. Of course, her heart flipped about 3 times when she saw this. She instantly tapped on the screen so she could read the message.

‘Hey, my love. Hope your day is going well. Be ready at 8 tonight. I got a surprise for you.’

Della swooned at the text message and instantly replied back: ‘Hey, my love. My day has been good. Will be even better once I see you tonight. A surprise? I can’t wait! xoxo.’ Della beamed and checked her phone for the time. 3pm. Lady’s going to be home soon and she needed to start getting ready for her hot date.

Michael arrived right on time to pick Della up for their date. Before Della left out, she remembered the Onzancaire mixture in the fridge. She grabbed it, tossed it in her bag and yelled out to Lady, “I’m gone, Lady! Don’t wait up! Come lock the door!”

Lady yelled back, “I’m coming!”

Lady ran down the stairs and locked the door behind Della as she walked out. Della walked outside to the parking lot and entered Michael’s car. From there, Michael took Della to his house, which was located in Riverdale. When Michael turned into the driveway, Della was surprised by the way his house looked. She knew Michael had money but not money that could afford for him to live in such a big and beautiful house. Michael noticed her jaw dropping, chuckled and humbly said, “Thank you. It’s not much, but it’s home.”

Della looked back at him with a bewildered look on her face and exclaimed, “Not much?! This is a whole mini mansion, Michael! What are you talking about?” Michael lived in a 5 bedroom, 4 bathroom house with a 3 car garage. His driveway stretched around the property and Della also noticed that he owned two other cars, a navy blue Chevy Malibu and an all black Tesla.

“What do you do for a living?” asked Della. Michael laughed out loud.

“I’m serious.” stated Della. Michael chuckled to himself and said, “I’m a retired cardiologist. Let’s just say my practice did really well over the past 25 years.”

“A cardiologist? I thought for sure you were going to say drug dealer.” joked Della, as they both walked up the steps to Michael’s front door.

Michael laughed out loud and said, “No. I mean, I’ve prescribed drugs but…” Della laughed with him and jokingly slapped his arm.

Michael and Della entered Michael’s home and were immediately met with a loud surprise. There was a teenage boy, sitting in a red bean bag chair in the living room. He was playing the video game, with a headset on and yelling at the flat screen tv on the wall. Suddenly, the young man paused his game and turned around to look at Della and Michael.

“Sup, Pops? Sup…?” the boy’s voice trailed off.

“Adella.” Della replied.

The boy raised up off the bean bag chair and walked over to the kitchen island. It was at this moment that Della noticed that the young man had no shirt on, exposing his caramel-colored skin, six pack and nicely toned arm muscles. He was also wearing a pair of gray sweats and some socks. Della’s first thought was Damn. Is he in high school, forreal? She had to tell herself to calm down because this young man most definitely looked like a grown man, for sure. He approached Della and grabbed her hand. He gently kissed her knuckles and said “How you doin’ tonight, Adella? I’m Darren.”

Della was surprised by Darren’s gesture. She stood still for a second and looked at Michael. Michael had just closed the freezer door when he noticed this and nodded with his head at Darren. Della knew that this meant for Darren to get lost. Darren, however, didn’t seem to notice his father making this gesture, as his eyes had locked in on Della and it seemed as if he was flirting with her.

“D, man. What are you doing? Go to your room, man. And take your game with you. Please, son?” asked Michael.

Darren smiled at his dad and then looked back at Della. “Sure thing, Pops.” Darren walked into the living room to disconnect from his game and prepared to take it upstairs. As Michael and Della watched Darren walk upstairs, Michael began to fix Della a glass of wine and shake his head.

“In case you haven’t figured it out by now, that is my son. My only son. Who wants to follow in his father’s footsteps but, I keep trying to tell him that the mack ain’t on you, it’s in you.” Michael chuckled and shook his head again.

Della laughed and said, “Oh, I knew that was your son. Y’all look exactly alike, except it’s like he’s the teenage version of you.” Michael sighed, while pouring him a glass of wine.

“Tell me about it.”

Michael cooked a really nice seafood dinner for him and Della. They sat outside in his backyard to eat, while enjoying the nice nighttime breeze. After they had finished eating, Della complimented Michael on the food. She also confided in him that she had never had a man cook for her before.

“Thank you for that. Really.” Della said, as she leaned back in her chair and stared up at the sky.

Michael smiled at Della and said, “You know, when we first got together, I remember telling you how I didn’t want anything serious, right? And I meant that, too. But it’s something about you, Adella. Something about you that drives me crazy. You know, none of the women that I messed with before you have never seen my home or the many cars I drive. Hell, some of them didn’t even know about D. But I feel like you’re more than just a friend and someone who I occasionally make love to from time to time.”

Della looked over at Michael sharply and mimicked him.

“From time to time?” she laughed.

Michael shrugged his shoulders, “Yeah, from time to time.” They both shared a laugh over this, as they both knew that it most definitely wasn’t a “from time to time” fling.

“No but, seriously. What do you think about us becoming official? Like, exclusive? As the young kids would say nowadays.” said Michael.

Della laughed. “I don’t know about exclusive but, I would just say we go together.”

They both laughed hard. Then, silence.

Michael took the last sip of wine out of his glass and walked over to the pool. He started taking off his clothes, piece by piece. Before Della knew it, Michael was completely naked. He dived into the pool, came back up for air and was staring at Della.

Della stood up and walked over to the pool. She stared back at him and said, “How many glasses of wine have you had, sir?”

Michael continued to wade in the pool and said, “Enough to know that I wanted to go skinny dipping. In my pool. With my girl.”

Della laughed out loud and immediately thought back to the Onzancaire mixture she had in her bag. Had I known he was going to ask me to be his girl, I wouldn’t have even stopped by The Healing Center. And they don’t do refunds. Damn. “Damn.” Adella said out loud.

“What’s wrong, baby?” asked Michael.

Oh, he’s serious. This man ain’t never called me baby except for when he’s… Della stopped her thoughts and responded to Michael.

“Nothing, baby. I was just thinking about Lady, that’s all.” Good save, girl. Good save.

“Well, Lady is a young woman who I’m sure is capable of taking care of herself for a night. Right?” asked Michael, as he walked to the edge of the pool.

“You are absolutely right.” agreed Della.

“So, come on and get into this pool and come have fun with me.” said Michael, as he backstroked away from the edge of the pool.

Della looked him over and could see why she was so attracted to Michael. Although he was an older guy, he kept himself in shape and he was very easy on the eyes. The salt and pepper beard and baldhead combo was just a plus. Michael was fine as hell. And rich as hell. Della thought about how she felt when she saw his home when they pulled into the driveway. She thought about the island in his kitchen and the jet black Tesla sitting in the garage.

A girl could get used to this… Della thought to herself.

Della stood up, walked over to the edge of the pool and slowly began to take her clothes off for Michael.

Michael began to whoop and holler like he was in the audience at a Jerry Springer show.

“Yes, baby! Take it off!” Michael yelled out.

Della laughed and finally became naked. Instead of diving in the pool like Michael, she decided to walk down the stairs of the pool and into the cold water. As Della and Michael began to talk some more and eventually make love in the pool, Della slowly forgot about the Onzancaire mixture.

I guess I didn’t really need it at all…

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