The Boudreaux Sisters

Chapter 18: "Don't Fuck with the Boudreaux Sisters."

Chapter 18: “Don’t Fuck with the Boudreaux Sisters.”

After Darren had finished taking pictures with his dad, he walked back over to the table he was originally sitting at, with Lady and Bri. He quickly realized two things; one, Bri had left and two, Lady hadn’t returned, either. He also noticed that his drink was still sitting in the exact same spot. Darren picked up his drink and took a sip that turned into a huge gulp. He didn’t realize he was so thirsty, all of a sudden. After he finished the drink off, he burped and squinted his eyes a little bit, as he felt a sudden bite in the back of his throat.

Darren shrugged it off and thought out loud to himself, “Damn. Did I pour me up some of that punch that Auntie Angie made, by mistake? Damn.” Darren shrugged his shoulders again and rubbed his throat as he walked to the trash can to toss his cup away. He spoke out loud to himself again, “Guess Imma be getting drunk with the grown folks tonight.”

Bri walked all over Michael’s backyard, trying to find Lady but she wasn’t having any success. Michael’s backyard was pretty big and there weren’t a lot of people at the party. Bri was about to give up as she found herself walking inside of Michael’s house to find the bathroom. After doing all of that walking, while sipping on some punch, she had to pee. She remembered Lady showing her where the guest bathroom was that one time when it was Michael’s birthday and that it was on the first floor. As she was walking down the hallway to the bathroom, she stopped midway.

Bri noticed that the light was on inside of the bathroom and the door was closed. As she walked closer, she heard the sounds of somebody sniffling, as if they had allergies or probably had been crying. Bri thought to herself, I wonder if this is Lady in here. Bri quietly walked up to the door and lightly knocked.

“Just a minute!” cried out Lady from behind the door.

Bri smiled to herself, quietly nodded her head and waited patiently. Suddenly, Lady unlocked and opened the door. When she opened the door and realized it was Bri, she stood there for a minute. Lady instantly had an attitude and scoffed at Bri.

“You again? Oh my God. You know what? I am just about sick and tired of you and your sisters, especially Desi. I mean, I told her she can have him back already. What the fuck more do ya’ll want from me?” snapped Lady.

Lady attempted to walk past Bri but she stepped in front of her and lightly grabbed her arm to stop her. Bri was confused.

“Hold on. You told my little sister she can have her boyfriend back?” questioned Bri. She chuckled to herself and said to Lady, “Why now?”

Lady rolled her eyes and replied, “Look, I saw when all of y’all walked into the party. That shit instantly pissed me off. Plus, Darren has been getting on my nerves for the past few days, anyways. He’s been slipping. He keeps calling me Desi out of habit, forgetting that my name is LA-DY.” said Lady, as she clapped her hands to the syllables of her name.

“Then, it’s the things he says sometimes when he doesn’t think I’m noticing. It’s literally giving lovesick puppy vibes. It’s quite annoying, if you ask me.”

Bri stared at Lady as she continued on.

Lady sighed and said, “Look, I got a confession. I put a spell on Darren to make him fall in love with me. To be honest, I don’t think it really worked. If anything, Darren has or had lust for me. But, he really loves Desi. That’s the reason I’m in the bathroom. I just sent Desi a long text message, explaining myself. I apologized to her, too. I guess I was just jealous of what she and Darren had and I wanted it for myself.”

Bri walked up to Lady and said, “You know… You never had a real reason to be jealous of Desi. Y’all were like, two peas in a pod. Ever since we were kids, back in Tremé. But now, since I know you did all of this shit out of spite to my sister, I’m just going to say this one time and one time only: You better stay the fuck away from Desi and don’t you EVER fuck with the Boudreaux sisters again.”

Lady stepped back from Bri, looked her up and down and laughed.

“And what the fuck are you going to do?” questioned Lady, as she heckled hard.

Bri smiled evilly. She looked at one of the vanity light bulbs that was in the bathroom and pointed at it. Once she did this, that single light bulb popped and shattered glass everywhere. Then, the rest of the light bulbs began to pop, break and shatter. Lady jumped out of the way and into the hallway.

Lady was about to scream and make a run for it but Bri grabbed her by the hand, forcibly and turned her body around, making her stare at the mirror, at the same time she was. With Bri’s other hand, she covered Lady’s mouth, to stifle her screams. Bri made the mirror in the bathroom shatter into a million pieces as she continued to stare at it. A single piece of glass was left in the air and Bri made sure she pulled it in, just a few inches away from Lady’s face.

Lady’s heart began beating and she started crying silently. Bri felt Lady’s tears running down her fingers and she slowly released her hand from Lady’s mouth. She also dropped the piece of glass she was holding in the air. She looked at Lady, smiled and gave her an evil wink. Lady dropped Bri’s hand and ran off into a nearby room, closing the door.

Darren knew that if Bri and the other sisters had made it to Della’s party, then, Desi should be there, too. He had been walking around the party for a while, trying to find her. As he walked through the house, Darren found himself in the foyer. He looked out the window that was facing the front yard and he noticed a girl with purple hair, swinging on the tire swing, that sat up under the big oak tree. Darren walked outside and walked over to her. As he got closer, he realized it was Desi as she had taken her witch hat off and brushed her purple hair behind her ear. Darren saw the diamond tennis bracelet Desi always wore on her right wrist, glistening in the sunlight. This made him instantly smile.

As he approached her, he hung back a few feet. Just so he wouldn’t scare her. Darren suddenly blurted out, “I missed you.”

Desi’s head popped up at the sound of Darren’s voice and as she was turning her head to look for him, she saw him out of her peripheral vision. Darren walked closer to Desi until he was standing in front of her. He smiled at her and caressed her cheek, like he always used to.

Desi smiled back at him and said, “I missed you, too.”

Darren continued to stand in front of Desi and opened his arms, preparing to embrace her. Desi stood up and hugged Darren back, tightly. He smells so good, like incense and fresh laundry, thought Desi. As Desi began to reminisce on how bad she missed Darren, she became emotional. Darren noticed and pulled her back from the hug.

He took his index finger and wiped two of her tears away. Desi made eye contact with Darren. Darren grabbed her chin and gently kissed her. Desi kissed him back and instantly felt relieved.

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