The Boudreaux Sisters

Chapter 14: The Break Up

Chapter 14: The Break Up

The next morning, everybody is at school. Normally, Darren, Desi, Lady, Bri and a couple of Darren’s homeboys would meet up with each other in the courtyard to eat breakfast and hang out a little bit before the 1st period bell rang. Since Lady knew in advance that Darren was going to break up with Desi, she didn’t want to throw the routine off. So, when she got off the bus, she proceeded to walk directly to the courtyard. She didn’t think to stop by the cafeteria to grab something to eat. She was just ready to see how everything was going to work out.

As Lady bended the corner to enter the courtyard, she instantly spotted Desi and Bri already sitting in the spot that they normally sat. Darren and his homeboys were nowhere to be found. Lady walked up to Desi and Bri. She could immediately sense that something was off. Nevertheless, she took a deep breath and greeted them.

“Good morning!”, exclaimed Lady to the two sisters.

Desi and Bri looked at Lady coldly and didn’t respond. They looked back at each other, as if they read one another’s minds and proceeded to quickly gather all of their trash and bookbags. Lady was taken aback by this, so she started to follow behind them and ask the sisters if they were ok.

“What’s wrong with ya’ll? Is everything ok?” questioned Lady.

In response to Lady, Desi rolled her eyes and brushed up against Lady’s arm, as she was turning to walk away from a nearby dumpster. Desi was blatantly ignoring her. Bri, however, turned to look at Lady and said, “Nothing’s wrong. We just know who our real friends are.” Bri smiled a very tight-lipped fake smile and walked past Lady, as well.

By now, Lady for sure thought the girls knew more than what they were letting on. But she still knew she had to play the part. All three of the girls had their 1st period classes in the same building. Desi and Bri began walking a little bit faster than Lady making it hard for her to keep up. She continued to follow behind them. Then, she saw Darren standing by the entrance to the building. She could also see Desi and Bri slowing down, approaching him.

Lady continued to follow behind but, at the same time, kept her distance. She couldn’t hear exactly what was being said, as they were still surrounded by other kids that were also heading to class or just now arriving at school. Darren and Desi were both staring at each other intensely, with Bri standing right next to her sister, looking along, as well. Suddenly, the entire courtyard grew quiet as Desi shouted out, “NO!” and slapped Darren in his face. You could hear the “oooh’s” going around the courtyard and even somebody saying, “Aw shit.” out loud. A couple of other kids had even pulled their phones out to start recording.

Desi continued to scream at Darren yelling out, “Are you fucking serious right now?! We haven’t even been together for long! And you’re breaking up with me?!”

Darren continued to stand in the same spot, giving Desi an empty, blank stare. He suddenly spots Lady in the crowd. He looks at Lady, gives her a wink and a slight smirk. Meanwhile, Desi is continuously snapping, screaming and crying loudly. While Desi continued to scream, Bri noticed Darren winking his eye and smiling. She slightly turned her head in the direction that Darren was looking, to see who he was making this contact with.

When Bri spotted Lady, she was already frowning and upset, for her sister’s sake. But once she noticed this, she instantly felt heat rise all over her body and she began to stare intensely at Lady.

God, I just wanna pick her up and slam her against the door she’s leaning on, thought Bri to herself.

She even looked quickly at a nearby trashcan or a piece of trash that was just lingering on the ground, thinking of something she could inanimately hit Lady with. Then, Bri closed her eyes, took a deep breath and went from seeing red to seeing normal again. She put her focus back on her baby sister and Darren.

Desi was still crying uncontrollably and almost pleading with Darren. Her face was glistening from all the tears she had shed in just a short amount of time and her mascara had begun to run. Suddenly, the 1st period bell rang. Bri grabbed Desi’s hand and instead of walking her to class, she walked her to the bathroom. As they both walked off, Lady walked right up behind them and approached Darren.

“Are you ok?” asked Lady, as she held the strap to her bookbag with one hand and rubbed Darren’s arm with the other.

Darren embraced her softly, with a hug and said, “Yeah, I’ll be fine. Now, I can focus on what and who I want.” He smiled at Lady as he released her from the hug. They both smiled at each other, grabbed hands and walked into the building together.

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