The Book of Azrael (Gods & Monsters 1)

The Book of Azrael: Chapter 42

I FOUND OUT I LOVED WAKING UP WITH LIAM. Especially when I woke first and was able to wake him by taking him into my mouth. His cock touched the back of my throat, and the sound that rumbled from his throat made my core melt. He gripped the back of my hair tighter and bit his bottom lip to muffle his groans.

Were we still at the home of the sweet celestials that took us in? Yes. Was I in the least bit concerned that they would hear us? No. Did Liam think he could give me multiple orgasms and I wouldn’t return the favor? Apparently.

I looked up at him as I slid my tongue from the base of his shaft to the crown of his cock in one long, slow lick. His free hand was above his head, gripping the headboard tightly. His gaze was focused on me, the silver of his eyes shimmering hotly from beneath hooded lids.

I wished I had more time to explore him. I wanted to find every spot that made him moan, discover what would happen if he lost himself in desire. But I could hear the homeowners stirring in the kitchen and knew our time was running short.

I tightened my hand at the base of his cock and stroked. My fingers didn’t meet as I grasped him, marveling at the size of him. I had seen it before in the blooddreams, but seeing and touching are two very different things. I slowly twisted my hand, going from the base to the crown and back again as I watched him. Liam was absolutely beautiful and I couldn’t help but explore him, sliding my free hand across the planes of his abs. His hips lifted, pushing his cock against my hand, and I felt so powerful making this god writhe.

 ‘I am going to make you cum really quick,’ I whispered and licked my lips. He groaned as quietly as he could, his head falling back deeper into the pillow as he nodded. ‘I promise, next time I’ll make it last longer. Just try to be quiet.’ I loved that we were developing our own private jokes, deepening the intimacy between us.

I flashed a devilish grin before swirling my tongue over the tip of his cock. His silver eyes found me once again as I teased the sensitive underside of his shaft with small short licks.

Dianna.‘ His voice was a low growl of impatience.

I laughed softly and closed my mouth over the head of his cock. With one hand, I stroked his massive length, and with the other, gently massaged his balls. I heard him slam the pillow against his face as he tried, and failed, to cover his moan. That sound, and knowing I was the one who caused it, drove me wild. I increased my pace, his hips thrusting as he matched my pace. He no longer gently held my hair, but gripped it tightly in his fist.

I groaned around his cock, sending vibrations through the hard length filling my mouth. He responded by thrusting harder. I felt the tip of him hit the back of my throat, but I didn’t stop him. I wanted more.

Liam groaned again and I had the fuzzy thought that he didn’t care anymore who heard. ‘That feels so fucking good, my Dianna.’

My Dianna.

There was that word again. I didn’t know if it was the possessiveness in it, or the way he said it, but it made my body run hot. I felt myself grow slick. I knew if I didn’t finish soon, I wouldn’t care who was in this damned house. I wanted to feel him inside of me, and I would take him hard and fast.

‘Look at me.’ I barely recognized his voice, but I knew I could never ignore the need in it.

My gaze flicked up. The pillow he had over his head was long gone. ‘That’s it, baby. You’re so fucking beautiful. I love the way you look when you suck my cock.’

Liam knew what those words did to me. He had figured it out and would use it. I gave his balls one last loving caress before gripping his shaft with both hands. I tightened my fingers around him, trying to mimic how it would feel if I straddled him and took him deep. I wanted to show him how I would squeeze him for every filthy word he whispered to me.

His hips thrust up and I felt him twitch. His shaft swelled, my lips stretched tight around cock, and I knew he was close.

‘Suck me harder. Please, baby, please.’

So I did, sucking hard and sliding my tongue along the underside of his shaft as my hands worked in tandem, worshiping his body. I savored the taste of him and the pleasure he was experiencing, wanting to give him more.

‘I’m so close,’ he said on a breathy groan, his hand gripping my hair tighter. ‘I’m so close. Come here.’

I moaned against him, keeping my pace. He was a fool to think I didn’t want him to release in my mouth, down my throat. I wanted to taste him. He must have read the intent in my expression because his body shook, and the intricate silver lines of his tattoos raced across his skin. They were there for just a fraction of a second as if he had lost all control of his form. His hips jutted up, both hands gripping my hair. He tossed his head back, and I could feel his entire body tense as he spilled into my mouth. My name left his lips in a perfect cry that I knew even a tv couldn’t drown out, but I would never forget. I stayed still and purred contently, letting every last drop escape him and pour into me before I swallowed. His breathing was ragged and his body trembling with aftershocks of pleasure as he relaxed back against the bed. I licked up the side of his shaft, cleaning any drops that had escaped. He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me up and away, tucking me against his side as he tried to catch his breath.

I laughed. ‘Even gods are sensitive?’

‘Very.’ He sounded so spent, so relaxed. I liked this Liam. Actually, that’s a lie. I liked all versions of him, even the grumpy ones, even if I wasn’t supposed to.

I ran the back of my hand over my lips, but he caught my wrist, stopping me.

‘Don’t wipe me away.’

My heart clenched, but I snorted and said, ‘There’s the bossy and arrogant god man, and I’m not but I have drool on my face.’

‘I don’t care. Don’t do it again.’ He pulled me across his chest and gave me a hard, quick kiss.

I smiled against his lips. ‘Does this make us mortal enemies with benefits?’ His brows furrowed. ‘Or I guess friends with benefits.’

He looked at me like I had slapped him across the face. I pushed back, my hands braced on his chest, so I could read his eyes better.

‘Friends? Like you and Drake?’

‘Oh, ew, no. I have never done anything like that with Drake.’

‘Well then don’t associate me with him.’

I rested my head back against his chest. ‘I didn’t. I was saying—’

Whatever I was about to say died as a shrill ring filled the room. We looked at the door as the sound came again. I realized it had been ringing off and on all morning, but we had been a little too preoccupied to notice. Reality rolled over us, and I pushed off Liam, allowing him space to move. He rolled out of bed and adjusted his clothes before opening the door and grabbing the phone.

‘It’s Logan. The convoy. We missed it.’


I sat at the dining room table with our lovely housemates, shoving another piece of toast into my mouth. Coretta made the best toast ever, and I hadn’t realized how hungry I was until I had made it downstairs and smelled breakfast. Her husband sat across from me, reading on a tablet about the chaos that I may or may not have been a part of last night.

The memory of talons dragging across my skin was still fresh, and I shivered. I was okay. I was alive and whole and not taken. I was okay.

‘How did you sleep last night?’ Coretta asked, making me bite my tongue. I hissed, raising my hand to my lips. Had they heard us? I mean Liam had covered my mouth, but a few licks to a certain part of him, and Liam practically crawled out of his skin. The noises he made were my new favorite addiction and something I wanted to hear again as soon as possible, but I didn’t want to discuss our early morning activities with this sweet couple.

‘Fine.’ I finally got out. Her husband’s brows lifted and a grin tugged at the corner of his mouth, but he didn’t look at me. ‘What about you?’

She turned from the stove, bringing a plate of eggs and sausage.

‘Very well, dear.’ She smiled at me as she sat beside her husband and picked up her cup of coffee. ‘I was worried about you. Those cuts were deep, and I can’t imagine the type of creature that could do that. I’d assumed they’d died with Rashearim.’

Phantom aches echoed through my body at the mention of those claws digging into my flesh. The fear I had felt at being dragged back to Kaden would haunt me for a long time to come. Before I could respond, the stairs creaked and footsteps approached. As usual, I felt him before I saw him. A chill went up my spine, not in fear, but in primal need to have him, truly have him. He came to my side, blocking my peripheral view as he sat.

Both celestials smiled up at him in welcome as I continued to stare like an idiot while continuing to eat. Was he always this attractive? A hunger stirred in me once more and it had nothing to do with the breakfast in front of me.

His hand slid down my back as he sat, and I shivered before briefly leaning into it. After last night, I realized Liam’s way of showing affection was definitely physical touch and he had confirmed it once again this morning. 

‘Thank you for letting me use your home. I do apologize for the sudden emergency.’

‘Please, it’s the least we could do.’ She smiled at him. ‘Did you find the phone? A courier brought it early this morning.’

He sat mere inches from me, his thigh brushing mine under the table as he smiled small, noticing the plate I had made for him. Another brush of his leg spoke a silent thank you before he picked up the fork without a second thought. It was nice to see him eating and feeling better A foreign sense of contentment filled me and it terrified me more than anything I had faced. Liam could destroy me. 

‘I did. Thank you for making sure I got it. We have to leave soon to catch the next convoy.’ Liam glanced toward me, taking a sip of the freshly squeezed juice. An unspoken, since you made us late, hung in the air as I nodded, not one bit ashamed about this morning.

‘Sounds great.’

‘Oh, my liege, I wanted to thank you and that sweet Vincent once more for all the lovely gifts and sweet messages you have sent.’

Liam and I looked at her as she smiled brightly at us, her husband following suit. ‘Yes,’ he replied, reaching out and grasping her hand tightly. ‘Our son passed, but we heard how heroic he was during the attack in Arariel.’

I forced myself to swallow the now dry piece of toast. Their words hit home for another reason. I’d been the attacker.

Liam felt my unease and cleared his throat, gracing them with one of those bright beautiful smiles at them.

‘Yes, well, we only wish to help in any way we can. Just know that he is at peace in the Asteraoth now.’

The Asteraoth rang through me. The place beyond time and space. Where the dead go and we could never reach.

She smiled and wiped a stray tear from her eye. ‘That’s all we want for our dear, sweet Peter.’

My knee jerked, hitting the table hard enough to rattle the plates. Liam shot a glance of concern my way as the couple looked at me.

‘Sorry,’ I forced a smile even as acid turned in my gut, ‘leftover muscle pain from the attack last night. Weird spasms.’

‘It’s okay, dear, why don’t I make you some herbal tea before you go? It works wonders on pain.’ She rose, none the wiser, as she headed toward the pot. Liam’s knee brushed mine, the same as I had done for him during the dinner at Drake’s. It was a small yet comforting touch that seemed to ground me. I watched as the mother of the son I not only beat to within an inch of his life but turned over to the psychopath Alistair, made me tea to help my aches and pains when I’d caused her the greatest grief of her life.

My small feathered wings beat across the sky. I was high enough to see but not be seen and the local bird shape I had taken made it easy. One last circle and I landed in a clearing out of sight of the temple entrance. It was shrouded by miles of woods, but I spotted the World Ender leaning against a tree immediately. I shifted back to my base form as I approached and stopped near him.

‘I see now why the old gods nearly won.’ His eyes raked over me with what looked like an expression of admiration. ‘Your powers are more than convenient.’ 

Liam fell into step with me as we started toward the temple where we were supposed to meet Azrael’s daughter. ‘Oh yeah? You want to use me?’ I meant it as more of a suggestive joke but I think the humor was lost on Liam.

‘Never,’ he said, his voice pained. ‘I would never even suggest such a thing. I appreciate you. Truly.’

My heart seemed to skip a beat at his words. Call me a stupid fool, but no one had ever spoken to me like that. No one. I either did what was expected of me or messed up and heard about it nonstop. No one ever appreciated me.

‘Anything?’ He asked as the temple came into sight. It was overgrown with moss, and tourists buzzed around it, laughing and talking.

I shook my head. ‘Nope.’

A half -smile graced his beautiful face. ‘I told you. You are just paranoid.’ 

I playfully slapped his shoulder as we came to a stop at the edge of the temple grounds, staying in the shadows. A heated look crossed his devilish features. At this point, I was convinced he just liked the fact that I touched him.

‘Not paranoid but I don’t trust Camilla not to set another trap.’

‘Nothing will happen to you.’ His smile dropped as the icy rage snuck back into his eyes. ‘Not again.’

A brief smile crossed my face even as those phantom pains suggested otherwise, even now as they ached but I didn’t tell him. Images flashed of him slamming to the ground covered in the same armor I had seen him wear in the bloodstreams. Samkiel, the feared king, had come for me. A literal knight in shining armor. I couldn’t wait to call Gabby and tell her about it. She would love it. It was everything her romantic movies and books swore was real.

I gave him a small smile and nearly jumped when a group of tourists walked past us, smiling and taking pictures. We stood outside the large temple in Elcon on the Nochari continent. The structure was made of carved green stones, and was deep in the middle of yet another jungle, vines and vegetation threatening to take it back. Honestly, my history wasn’t that great, but it was built as a remembrance of the founding of this area.

I slapped my arm, another tiny mosquito body falling to the forest floor. I had fallen silent but so had Liam which was nothing terribly abnormal. We had traveled for a few hours in a cramped, tight space surrounded by tons of people. It had really put both of us on edge. The constant shuffle and bumping into other people had been uncomfortable, but it was the only convoy we could get on short notice. He had made us clothes suitable for the warmer temperatures. It turns out that was a pretty great power to have when traveling with no luggage.

I sighed and folded my arms, blurting out, ‘Why didn’t Vincent or you tell them the truth?’

‘I knew that has been bothering you.’

I turned towards him. ‘Why lie?’

I didn’t feel guilty. I knew what I was, even if Gabby or Liam saw me differently. I did what I had to do. I would always do whatever it took to keep her safe. But a part of me did fear what he thought of me, and that scared me more than I cared to admit. I couldn’t help but wonder if he felt guilty about last night. He didn’t act like it.

‘Sometimes a simple lie is better than a harsh truth. In truth, he did die in battle, but that’s Vincent’s lie to tell not mine. I was unaware of the connection when we stopped last night, or I would have taken you somewhere else.’


He faced me and I held his gaze, sensing that what he wanted to say was important. ‘Because you have been lost in your own head since you found out who they were. I may not have known you very long, Dianna, but you have a tell. Your tell is that somber silence that takes you away from me. The one that shuts me out.’

‘I don’t regret it, Liam. You know that right?’ And I didn’t. ‘I would do anything to keep Gabby safe. I will fight to destroy any threat to her. She is all I have left.’

‘I am very aware,’ he said, but worry still grew in my gut. I hated that I suddenly cared so much about what he thought of me.

‘And how does that make you feel? Now?’

I saw the moment he realized exactly why I cared so much. Heat flared in his eyes, the hunger and naked need in their depths shocking. He leaned forward, pressing his hand to my lower back and pulling me into the curve of his body. His breath tickled my ear as he whispered, ‘If we weren’t so preoccupied with finding this book, I would show you in seven different ways how much it does not affect how I feel about you.’

My heart thudded in my chest, a small mischievous smile spreading across my face as I brushed my lips along the curve of his jaw, savoring the rasp of his stubble against their softness. ‘Only seven?’

‘Let’s see how much you can handle first.’ I felt him smile as his hand cupped my ass, low enough that he was able to graze his fingers across my center. I yelped and his laughter sent another ripple of heat through me. He stood and turned back toward the temple, pulling my back to his front. ‘So that’s what has been bothering you too?’ 

‘No.’ I sighed ‘Yes.’

‘Do you wish for me to feel a certain way about you? It’s not as if I didn’t already know what you are capable of.’

‘I killed him or at least helped. I’ve killed a few of yours.’

‘And I helped wipe out all of yours.’ His arms tightened around me in a small hug. ‘We were both blinded by willful ignorance. I have done things I wish I could claw from my mind, but we grow, we learn, and we do better. I am not making excuses for you or myself, but I know how far you will go to protect your sister. I know what Kaden has forced you to do. You seem to think I am this pure, good being when the old gods taught me how to end worlds.’ 

‘You are to me.’

I felt his chuckle against my back and could hear the smile in his voice. ‘Dianna being nice. Have you grown ill?’

‘Shut up. I am always a delight,’ I said, elbowing him playfully in the ribs. ‘You know, you have a tell too?’ 

His breath tickled the top of my head. ‘Oh? Enlighten me.’ 

‘You’re a kicker.’

‘What do you mean?’ he asked.

‘I noticed the first few times you shared a bed with me. The nights when your nightmares would be the worst you twitch, sometimes kick. Not hard enough to hurt but it’s as if you’re trying to run away from something. You did it last night too.’  

He was silent for a moment too long and I was afraid I had said the wrong thing. ‘I thought my dreams would subside, but I feel they have only gotten worse.’

‘The nightmares?’

He nodded, but I felt him raising those walls again.

I turned in his arms and looked up at him. ‘Liam. Talk to me.’

His throat bobbed once and he looked past me, staring at the temple before us. ‘My father, his father, and those before him had visions. Images that foretold of what would come to pass. A story grew that my great -grandfather went insane from them, and now I am afraid maybe I am too.’ 


He nodded. ‘My father told me how his grandfather got lost in not being able to change the horrors that may come to pass, and now I’m afraid I may be headed down the same path because I can’t get them to stop. You have helped tremendously, but this new dream seems to be one even your presence cannot penetrate.’ He forced a smile that only made my insides twist with worry.

‘Are these the same ones you were having back in Morael?’  

His response was a simple nod.

‘You mentioned a dream last night. Is it the same one? What else happens??’

Pain and horror flashed through his gray eyes as if a storm brewed there. ‘It’s not important.’

‘It is if it’s bothering you.’

‘What’s bothering me is we are still waiting even though we were the ones who were late.’ A muscle ticked in his jaw, and I knew he didn’t want to talk about this anymore. At least he had opened up more, but I was worried about what he wasn’t telling me. I wouldn’t push, wouldn’t ask for more than he wanted to give.

‘So what time did this girl say again?’ I asked, allowing the subject change.

‘She is not this girl. Her name is Ava. ‘

I rolled my eyes. ‘I’m sorry. Ava.’ 

A snort-like sound escaped him. ‘She is Azrael’s daughter. Which means she is a higher ranking celestial by blood. I am going to play it off as you are my second for appearance’s sake. Please be respectful and non -threatening.’ 

His eyes narrowed on me as I held my hands up innocently.

‘Fine, fine. I can do a little role play if that’s what you want.’

He shook his head, but I saw the grin even as he quickly hid it. ‘And she spoke about being here at four -thirty. Right as they close.’ 

Right. I had used Liam’s phone on the convoy to call Gabby. I let her know I was alive and okay before Liam took it and called the woman we were supposed to meet. She refused to tell him where she actually lived which seemed weird to me, but I figured if anyone had a right to be paranoid, she did.

I watched the sun grow closer to the world. ‘Maybe she isn’t coming. Probably chickened out or something.’

He tilted his head back, clearly frustrated with the situation. ‘Can you try and be positive?’

‘Yes. I am positive that I hate the jungle.’

Liam started to say something but stopped when a petite dark -haired woman came strutting along the trail. She pushed past tourists as they headed toward the exit. We straightened and I took a step, putting a little distance between Liam and me. She waved as she walked toward us. Her outfit was similar to mine, just a white tank and lightcolored pants. Her boots were thick and she carried a backpack over one shoulder. 

‘Sorry to keep you waiting,’ she said as she stopped before us, her short ponytails swaying perkily. A man followed her, his back hunched from the weight of the pack he carried and his eyes darting between us.

‘Ava, correct?’ Liam asked, stepping forward.

‘Do I know you?’ I asked at the same time. My senses had gone on alert, an odd but familiar feeling twisting my gut.

‘Gosh no. I think I would remember someone like you,’ she said with a laugh, waving me away before turning to Liam. Her smile grew as she leaned forward to hug him. He froze, his arms trapped at his sides. The force of her embrace shook him. I moved quickly, prying her off of him and forcing her to take a step back.

She realized what she had done, correcting herself as I stood between her and Liam.

‘I’m so sorry.’ She laughed, covering her mouth with her hand. ‘It’s just my mom spoke so much about you. Now you’re here, and it’s so unreal.’

I arched my brow. ‘So you usually touch people you’ve never met before?’

Liam shifted next to me

‘Well—no,’ she stammered, her gaze bouncing between Liam and me. ‘I’m sorry.’ 

‘It is fine. Dianna is just,’ he paused, ‘protective.’

When I looked up at him and he met my gaze, his eyes softened as if he appreciated it. She cleared her throat and Liam seemed to remember where we were. He turned back to her, but took a step closer to me. ‘Your mother? Victoria? Where is she? I had hoped to see her today as well.’ 

Her eyes gleamed as she reached behind her, fishing in her bag. I tensed and I felt Liam go still. After being attacked almost everywhere we’d gone, we were more than a little on edge. Instead of a weapon, she pulled a shimmering white and blue fabric out. The material shimmered in a way that was not from this world. Liam stepped forward and touched it, his expression unreadable.

‘She kept this with me. Said my dad gave it to her for me, kind of like a baby blanket I guess. She said you gave it to him before Rashearim fell.’ Her eyes filled with tears. ‘She passed a long time ago.’

‘I am truly sorry,’ Liam whispered, handing the dazzling fabric back to her. ‘Keep it. Maybe you can use it for your children one day.’

She nodded, before stuffing it back into her pack. She gestured toward the man behind her. ‘I am sorry for my rudeness. This is Geraldo. He is my celestial guard. He has been with me for a really long time.’

Geraldo gave a shallow bow, his eyes flashing vibrant blue, his gaze never leaving me.

‘Sorry. He doesn’t speak much. Especially with her here.’

‘Excuse me?’

‘Ig’Morruthen, right? I can feel your power. My mother told me your kind was eradicated in The Gods War, but there is no denying your power. You practically vibrate with it. Plus, Camilla filled us in.’

I felt Liam stiffen next to me. Well there went our plan.

She tried to smile at me, but it looked more as if she was scared. ‘I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to insult you.’

‘You have nothing to fear from Dianna. I promise you. She is my—’ Liam paused and I waited. I guess I hadn’t thought about what we were now? Are we even a thing?

‘Friend,’ I said since Liam seemed to be tongue tied at the moment. ‘I’m his friend.’

Geraldo was still watching me, and I was sure he saw the hunger in my expression even though I tried to hide it. Uncomfortable, I looked up at Liam to see he was staring daggers into my soul.

Geraldo leaned forward, his accent thick. ‘But she is with Kaden, yes?’

‘No.’ Liam’s voice was a threatening growl.

‘I am not with Kaden nor do I belong to him.’ They looked at me with a disbelief so profound it bordered on amusement. ‘It’s a long story.’

‘I’m sorry. That’s just not what we’d heard,’ Ava said, glancing back at Geraldo.

‘Well, it’s the truth. Now, can we hurry this up? I’m getting eaten alive by mosquitos,’ I said, slapping at one of the annoying insects.

Liam gestured toward the jungle, and said, ‘Very well.’

We said nothing else as we headed toward the temple. Geraldo and Ava took the lead as the last of the tourists left. We stayed within the trees, surrounded by vines and bushes. Liam grasped my arm and slowed his pace, letting Ava and Geraldo move a few paces ahead. He leaned over, his voice a hot whisper against my ear and low enough no human could hear.

‘Friend?’ he hissed through gritted teeth.

‘What?’ I asked, confused. I glanced at him and then toward Ava and Geraldo who kept walking. Then, it clicked. He was pissed about me calling him my friend earlier.

‘That’s eight ways now because when we leave here, I’m going to fuck the word friend out of your vocabulary.’

Without giving me a chance to respond, he let me go and strode ahead. I forgot how to breathe, and I just stood there watching him walk away, my core having gone molten with need. When my brain started functioning again, I had to nearly run to catch up to them.

Streamers of tape and warning signs in various colors warned people to keep out. They blocked off a portion of the back part of the temple where rocks and rubble had fallen. We ducked under the tape. There were no guards in sight. They probably had to clear out the guests before making a sweep this way.

‘So, how did you and Liam become friends?’ I felt Liam’s glare at Ava’s question. I didn’t look his way as we made our way to a doorway cut into the heavy stone. Gods, he hated that word. ‘I heard your kind is a kill first ask questions later type.’

Ava and Geraldo pulled flashlights out of their packs, offering Liam and I our own. Liam took one, but I ignored it. I concentrated, and a bright flame burst to life, dancing on my palm. The ruins in this section of the temple smelled of mold and stagnant water. Joy.

I turned and headed down the overgrown stairs, one broken step at a time. ‘Oh, trust me, I can still kill.’

Why did I find her so annoying? Was it because she’d hugged Liam? Was I that possessive? Maybe I was just hungry.

‘She will not kill. Dianna, please try to be polite.’

I made a face behind Liam’s back, and Ava who was walking next to me snickered.

‘My apologies, Ava. It’s just we know nothing about you. Actually, we didn’t even know you existed until Liam stuck his tongue down a witches throat.’

We reached a carved stone wall as Liam spun, shaking his head at me. ‘Dianna.’

‘What? It’s true.’ I ignored him and patted his chest as I slipped by him.

‘Umm, well,’ Ava said, her eyes wide.

‘Oh, come on. Use your big girl words.’ Yup, she annoyed me, but something was off. I felt it. I knew it. My instincts were on high alert, telling me I had to protect Liam, but I didn’t know why.

‘It’s a long story,’ Liam said, throwing another glare my way.

‘If they have been in touch with Camilla, shouldn’t they already know it?’ I asked suspiciously. Geraldo’s eyes flared with cobalt fire, earning a smile from me. I knew he carried one of those ablaze weapons, they all did. My talons grew from the hand I held at my side. He noticed and I smiled. ‘Oh, please, tell me that is a threat.’

Geraldo stepped forward, his silver rings dancing on his fingers. Liam grabbed my arm hauling me back.

‘What is wrong with you?’ His face held no humor. ‘I apologize, she is usually a little better mannered.’ He glared at me. ‘Sometimes.’

‘Seriously? They show up, offer a little bit of information, and you believe them? You’re not the least bit curious how they have managed to hide this book? Why hasn’t Kaden found it yet? Camilla hid them for how long? They are celestials, but never came to you or The Hand? Do you just trust them because they are celestials?’

I lifted a brow, the talons in my hand receding as I willed him not to dismiss me. Liam studied me for a moment before saying, ‘Regardless of Dianna’s rash behavior, she does have a point. Where have you been, and why haven’t either of you contacted the Guild?’ 

Ava looked to Geraldo. When he nodded, she took a deep breath and said, ‘The truth is, we have been in hiding. My mother insisted that we remain isolated. A friend of a friend met one of Camilla’s associates a few months ago. That was how we learned of the uprising Camilla was a part of. Long story short, she doesn’t want the book in Kaden’s hands any more than we do. This isn’t just any type of book either.’ She looked at Liam, her gaze intense. ‘You knew my father, and you are familiar with the weapons and machines he designed. My father created a manual, so to speak. Inside this book, there are a thousand plus secrets from Rashearim. It was a contingency plan, made for the celestials should you ever turn. It holds the secrets to a lot of things, but most importantly, how to kill you.’

‘What?’ I stepped forward. That got my attention. ‘Liam can’t die. He is immortal. Truly immortal’

‘No he’s not.’ Ava looked at me, her eyes soft and kind. ‘He can. That’s why Kaden wants it. It’s a book to open realms and end worlds. And it all starts with his death.’ She nodded toward Liam.


I never considered his death. He was larger than life, indomitable and irreplaceable. He was their king, and yet, his people had made something to kill him.

‘I would love to see anyone try.’ I turned, staring at Geraldo. ‘Now that’s a threat.’ And one I meant with every part of me. I didn’t know why I was suddenly so protective and possessive of Liam, but I wasn’t keen on examining my emotions too closely. Liam squeezed my arm lightly, drawing me back to him. I hadn’t realized I had taken a step closer to them.

‘I won’t let that happen.’ My eyes met his, my words a silent vow.

He had said those words to me several times, and he’d always kept his promise. It was Liam, annoying, beautiful, rude Liam. He told me of his nightmares, his past. He made me stupid dresses and gave me flowers. He’d saved my life and kept me from being dragged back to Kaden. He saw me, the real me, and didn’t turn away. He had healed me. I didn’t know when it had happened, but he was mine, and I would tear anyone who so much as touched him to pieces. I owed him that at least.

A shadow of a smile crossed his lips. ‘I know.’

‘I’m sorry. I really am, but—’

‘Save it. Your father made a book to kill someone he was supposed to care for. There’s no excuse. Let’s get this over with.’

Ava nodded and shifted uncomfortably before we continued on, heading deeper into the temple. I had finally realized what had been nipping at my heels.


The word hung in the air, and as the sun set I felt it join us in the temple.

The hollow etchings of the skull’s eyes stared back at me. The flame I held in my hand illuminated it, and made the shadows dance around me. The flashlights had died, and I had lit several wooden torches for Geraldo and Ava. Liam used his silver light to push back the darkness.

‘Creepy ass temple.’

‘This isn’t even the main one.’ Ava’s voice echoed behind me. I turned, the fire dancing in my palm. She leaned over her backpack, taking out what looked like a map. The paper was thick and bluish-gray in the torchlight. She unfolded it about three times, spreading it out on a large rock. 

‘See this? This is where we are. My mother had catacombs built all through the lower parts of the temple, connecting them with several other nearby structures.’


The light from the torch she had set between two crooked stones cast a glow over half her face, the rest of her lost amongst the darkened background. Geraldo hovered over her shoulder as Liam watched, arms folded.

‘Yes. There are thousands of temples and structures in this jungle that have yet to be found by mortals. Most are too scared to venture too deep. It is easy to get lost and die from a venomous creature or succumb to starvation.’

‘So where do we need to go?’ Liam asked, jarring all of us. He had been quiet most of the trip, only speaking when Ava slipped on a smooth wet stone or when Geraldo almost got impaled by some ancient booby trap.

‘Give me just a second.’ Her finger traced the path of several lines before stopping at a small square box.

‘Why this temple, this place, though?’

Ava looked around the darkened room. ‘My mom loved this place, the country, and the people. She loved history and culture. When she landed here after the fall of Rashearim, she decided to stay. The language was easier for her to learn since it was closer to that on Rashearim.’

‘That is true.’ Liam nodded.

She smiled before a touch of sadness crossed her features. ‘She just liked it here and thought my father would too.’

‘But why the temple, though?’

‘Victoria was highly skilled in architecture and combat. I would assume she helped build many structures here along with staying close to the people she loved,’ Liam said.

Ava nodded in agreement. ‘You’re correct. Like I said, she loved it here. She fought in several rebellions, and when she died, she wanted to be buried next to the ones closest to her. I think she always knew the book was too dangerous for her to leave unprotected, and she built many of these with that in mind. These catacombs are a maze of tunnels engulfed by a wild and primitive jungle. They are the perfect hiding place.’  

‘If Dianna is finished with her questions, may I ask which way now?’ Liam was on edge, and I suspected it had something to do with the part of the dream he wouldn’t tell me about.

Ava stood, the map in her hand. She picked up the torch and pointed toward one dark tunnel. ‘That way.’

We didn’t speak as we headed down the corridor, this one more damp than the previous as part of the jungle tried to sneak its way in. We walked for what felt like hours, Ava taking one turn and then the next. We ducked beneath a thick canopy of spider webs and came around a corner, only to find our way blocked by a large stone mass.

‘Great. We’re lost,’ I said with an exasperated sigh.

Everyone turned toward me, their expression less than amused. I shrugged and mouthed the word, ‘What?’

Liam shook his head before peering over Ava’s shoulder. Her brows were drawn together in concentration. ‘No, this is the right way. I know it.’ Geraldo came closer to further illuminate the map she held. ‘See? The line runs right past this corridor.’

I edged closer, taking a closer look. She wasn’t wrong. A thin line went right through that huge rock. Hmm. I brushed past Ava, studying the solid stone.

‘What are you doing?’

I shushed Liam as I pressed my ear against the thick stone wall. I raised my knuckles, tapping against the solid barrier. Thick noises vibrated back as I moved along the wall, knocking as I went. After a few feet a hollow response echoed back. I jumped when the echo changed, the response turning hollow. I grinned and cried, ‘Found it!’ 

They all looked at me as if I had grown horns. I quickly ran my hands over my head, making sure I hadn’t before I asked, ‘Have you guys not watched any sort of adventure movie? Hello! A mysterious wall that isn’t a wall?’

Liam looked like I had gone crazy, and I sighed. ‘It’s a false door. A trick wall. It’s literally in every adventure movie that I have made Gabby sit through.’ 

Realization dawned in their eyes as, one by one, they caught on.

‘I assume it was locked by celestial magic. So, come on, big guy. It’s your turn,’ I said, waving Liam over. He strode toward me, and I couldn’t stop my sigh of pleasure at watching him move. He stopped short of the door, giving me a once over. I smirked, all cocky and arrogant. ‘You’d be lost without me. You can say it. You’re welcome.’

Liam’s gaze flicked up in his version of rolling his eyes, but he said nothing as he turned and raised his hand. His lashes lowered and when he raised them again, his eyes gleamed that ethereal silver. He pressed his hand to the wall, murmuring in a language I couldn’t identify. Beautiful silver and blue symbols burst to life, etched deep into the stone. They formed a glowing hexagon, marks zig-zagging inside and out. The wall shifted and slid back before moving to the side. It barely made a sound, and it was surprising. With the weight and age of it, my mind expected noise. Victoria and Geraldo were behind us in a second, almost giddy at what we had found.

Liam glanced at me before ducking his head and stepping through the newly revealed doorway. I followed him with Geraldo and Ava right behind me. 

The sound of grinding stone was loud in the darkness as stone steps formed beneath Liam’s feet. Flames lit the torches mounted to the walls in a single whoosh. The webs and vines draped from the ceiling like ceilings blew in a mystic wind. I reached out and gripped the back of Liam’s sleeve, making sure I wouldn’t trip over my own feet. He looked back at me with an expression I couldn’t read. Was he still mad about my whole friend’s comment?

‘Look, you are the one making stairs appear out of thin air, okay? I just don’t want to fall,’ I said. It was half true, but the wind rushing through here had also sent a chill up my spine. It was the same sensation I had felt at the festival, and the same chill I felt at Camilla’s.

We reached the end of the steps, only to find another darkened tunnel stretched out in front of us. Twin torches shaped like metal claws lit the outside of the worn stone but the inside was midnight black. Several carved stone monsters line the walls of the temple, their faces pulled back in screams. I held my hand higher, casting the light in a larger sphere, illuminating more figures. They were creatures of battle, wearing the same armor I had seen in Liam’s dreams. I swallowed. We were getting closer.

The sound of trickling water caught my attention, and I realized the ground had grown slick. The smell of stagnant water and mold assaulted my senses. I could see the water seeping through sections of the stone wall. The tunnel must also collect any water left over by the rain. Great, my feet were going to smell like pungent lake water. At least with my immune system, I wouldn’t get sick. 

‘I always wondered just how deep this temple went. My mother would never let me venture this far down. She would say it’s forbidden. My mother had set guards to watch over this place. You know, to keep mortals far away, but they are long gone now,’ Ava said, looking at her map and squinting.

I moved closer, making sure the flame in my hand stayed away from the old parchment.

‘Thanks.’ She smiled before tracing the line of the tunnel. ‘It should be up this way.’

We skidded to a stop, the edge of the temple ending in a hanging cliff. Pebbles skittered as they fell, the silence heavy until we heard them hit water far below. I gulped, raising my hand over the edge, trying to see how far down it went.

‘What do you think? A good eight to ten feet?’ I asked, leaning a little farther over. I felt Liam’s hand on my arm as he grabbed me, not roughly, just enough to steady me so I didn’t fall over. I looked back at his hand then his face.

‘At least thirty feet.’ Was his response.

I peered back into the gaping hole. ‘Well, good thing we are all immortal.’

‘The way the rocks hit tells me it’s deep enough. Maybe an underwater cavern but we will not know until we go.’

We both turned toward Ava and Geraldo. They nodded and Ava tucked her map away. 

‘Shall we?’ Liam gestured toward the open expanse.

‘Ladies first.’ I smiled and he rolled his eyes.

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