The Book of Azrael (Gods & Monsters 1)

The Book of Azrael: Chapter 36


I tapped my foot lightly on the marble floor of the large villa. Several Otherworldly creatures entered, all of them flocking to the large pool area and the several juice bars. The inside of the villa was lit with hanging lights of gold and soft, rhythmic music filled the air.

‘Stop it,’ Liam said, his voice flooding my ears and breaking me from my daze.

I half turned toward Liam, our height almost equal now, which was another thing to adjust to. ‘Stop what?’ 

He raised the glass he held and took a sip before saying, ‘Fidgeting. Ethan does not do that. Hold your head high and act like a king.’

I nodded at a woman who smiled at me as she passed before whispering from between clenched teeth, ‘Oh, I’m sorry, and how do kings act?’

He looked at me like I was kidding. ‘Like you. Cocky and arrogant because they know how powerful they are.’

I reached up to scratch my brow. ‘I feel like there was a compliment in there somewhere.’

Liam shrugged. ‘Maybe. Maybe not. I will never admit to either.’

I wanted to smile and maybe sneak in another sarcastic comment, but I couldn’t. I was still mad—hurt? I didn’t know. All I knew was that I cared way too much about what he thought of me. I cared too much in general. As always, Gabby had been right. All I’d done was trade one powerful man for another, except this one found me repulsive. He avoided me like the plague, and I couldn’t forget that fight in the study. His words had sent a sharp piercing pain straight into my heart, and I still didn’t understand why he had pushed me away. I thought he was my friend, and even though it hurt to admit it, I had started to want something more. I spent my days locked in that room, even ignoring calls from my sister because she would know. She would figure out how much of a fool I was.

I’d tossed that damn flower in the trash the second I could, and its wilted, dried-up leaves mocked me from across the room. Here I was, dreaming of men who gave me pretty dresses and prettier words as if my world wasn’t fire and hatred and pain. Gods, was I so desperate for even a crumb of kindness?

What a stupid, stupid girl.

‘What are you thinking about?’ Liam’s eyes narrowed on me.

‘Nothing.’ I shook my head ‘Why?’

‘Your scent and aura changed for a moment.’ Whatever expression passed across my face, he noticed. ‘Also Ethan does not slouch, either.’

‘And how do you know so much?’ I mumbled, pretending to look around as guests continued to arrive, everyone in black-tie attire. I could feel Liam’s eyes still boring into me and the presence of about twelve witches but that was it. 

‘I spent time with him while you were preoccupied.’

I sighed, not caring if that was king-like. I was getting annoyed with the weird jealousy he had toward Drake when clearly, I was this repulsive creature he couldn’t stand to be around. He had no idea what Drake and I had been through together, or how he had helped me survive.

I ignored his comment, the silence growing between us once again. That’s how it had been since the study. He moved closer to me, his head lowering as if to whisper to me but another part of me knew he just wanted to be near me and for some reason that hurt more. ‘How many do you think she summoned here?’

‘Enough,’ I whispered back, taking a small step away. He noticed that too and I could have sworn I heard him sigh. Camilla was known for her lavish parties, another reason why she and Drake got along so well. The estate was one of many and located on a small unknown island close to San Paulao here in El Donuma. It wasn’t on any map, and she paid the government to keep it that way. I didn’t know what that cost her, but it was enough that they also turned a blind eye to the strange disappearances that plagued the area. I didn’t mention any of that to Liam. The less he knew right now, the better. 

We stood in the open-styled mansion. A large circular fountain sat in the middle of the open expanse, several paths branched off from that central point, like spokes on a wheel. Each walkway was lined with several shrubs and small trees. Columns, far smaller than the ones I saw in Liam’s memories, decorated the first and second story floors. Lights shone on both levels, the building itself curving toward the main entrance with a large stone pavilion in the front. The river ran close by and boats docked, disgorging guests in a steady stream. the edge from the ones who arrived a little later. Of course, Ethan had to arrive in a helicopter which seemed excessive to me, but appearances and all. The jungle pressed in close around the estate, keeping any onlookers far away, not that anyone getting close was likely.

My guards suddenly stood a bit straighter, Liam’s back went taut, his shoulders squaring as a tall gentleman dressed in a white button-up and dark slacks stopped before us. He played every bit of the bodyguard he was supposed to be.

The man gave a slight bow and said, ‘My liege. She will see you now.’ 

It took me a second to realize they were addressing me. I had grown so accustomed to people bowing and fawning over Liam, I thought he was speaking to him. I recovered quickly and nodded once before straightening fully. I kept my head held high, remembering what Liam told me. If I was going to portray a king, I needed to act like one. There was no more time for games. We followed him through a small gathering of people who made eye contact once before dipping their heads. We entered a foyer, the lights dimmer here as our shoes reverberated off the marble floor.

A chill went up my spine and the hairs on my arms rose. I stopped, the guards and Liam coming to a halt with me as I looked behind us. My nostrils flared as if I could smell whatever the fuck had me on edge. I felt the same presence from the festival in Tadheil.

Kaden has been following her.

Ethan’s voice rang through my mind, but this wasn’t Kaden, I was intimately familiar with his power and this wasn’t it.

‘My liege?’ our guide asked, his gaze following mine. I turned back, adjusting my jacket and shaking my head once. ‘My apologies, I thought I saw someone I knew.’

He studied me for a moment before a brief smile curved his lips. He turned, extending his arm for us to continue toward the back area of the house. ‘Just this way.’

‘What is it? This is the second time you’ve done that.’ Liam’s voice was a whisper next to me as we continued on. 

‘I don’t know. Just be alert.’

He watched me out of the corner of his eye before glancing behind us once more. I hoped I was wrong. There was no way Kaden would know what we had planned, let alone who we were visiting. It was impossible. I had made sure Drake stayed dead to everyone but me, and that we took the safest route possible. But that chill, that feeling told me we were being hunted. I just hoped I was wrong.

We entered a room large enough to be a separate home. An oblong table greeted us first, several oval-backed chairs, some pushed in others not, surrounded it. Beyond that were two crescent-shaped couches, white and gold pillows lining the thick cushions. A large window sat to our left, the jungle pressing up against the glass. A chandelier made of several gold illuminated the space.

I spotted several witches leaning over a balcony, watching as we entered. Flowering vines wrapped the banister of the curving staircase.

‘Welcome, Vampire King.’ Camilla’s rich sultry voice floated through the air.

Her power filled the room, pressing against my skin like the smoothest satin as she appeared on the balcony.

Her lips were painted a deep burgundy, enhancing the fullness of them and making her emerald eyes gleam. Her features were sharp and soft at the same time, the beauty of her face a lure that many men and women had fallen for. Most of them had not lived to regret it. Dark brunette waves cascaded over her shoulders as she started gracefully down stairs. A toned, tanned leg slipped from the deep slit in her skin-tight black dress, one glossy heeled foot after the other taking the steps. My breath hitched at her beauty, and I wondered if Liam’s did too. Despite how gorgeous she was, the click of her heels on the stairs was like nails on a chalkboard for me. I knew she was more than powerful enough to turn this night deadly. 

‘Welcome to my other home.’ She smiled coolly as she reached the bottom of the stairs, her hand resting on the railing. Her nails were the same shade as her dress and just as sharp as her tongue. 

‘Thank you for accepting the invitation. Although, your hesitance was concerning at first,’ I returned.

Act like a king Dianna, act like a king.

‘Well, it’s very hard to arrange a gathering this size. It was quite the challenge trying to get everyone here on time while with all the conflicting schedules. You understand, right?’ Her smile took on a seductive edge as she tipped her head toward me.

‘Of course,’ I murmured, watching her carefully.

Camilla’s smile didn’t slip as she strode towards the middle of the room. She stopped at the edge of that oval table, tapping those long nails against the top.

‘I must admit, I was quite surprised you were interested in my offer. I had assumed you and your kin were done with anything involving Kaden. Especially after he sent his bitch to kill your brother.’

I swallowed, giving her no indication I’d felt that little jab. ‘Yes, well, if I can get a leg up on him, then so be it. Payback and all. You understand?’ 

‘That I do. Why do you think I am doing this? I now have something over him. Over a lot of people actually.’

I nodded once as I had seen Ethan do, and held her gaze. He never broke eye contact. ‘Yes, from what I hear, you’ve found the Book of Azrael.’

She clicked her tongue waving a single finger in the air. ‘Oh, I found that and something even better.’

Several of the witches from the balcony slowly made their way down the stairs. Two men headed toward the kitchen, a woman and another man coming to her side. The male held her chair out for her and she sat down, her two attendants joining her once she was settled.

Liam and I sat as the other two witches emerged from the kitchen with trays and several glasses filled with a bright red liquid. My nostrils flared as did the guards. Blood. Fuck. Liam was not a vampire or a creature born to consume blood.

‘Drink?’ she asked, folding her hands underneath her chin as she smiled at us. The other two men stopped short, offering the glasses to me and the guards. ‘I made sure it was fresh for you and yours. A merchant who thought he could steal from me. Typical men, you know, afraid of women in power.’

‘Very kind of you, but I am afraid we ate before heading here.’ I offered a polite smile, keeping my hands folded in front of me.

Her head tilted to the side, a puzzled look on her face. ‘Are you sure? You seem famished.’

Was she testing me? Did she know? I absently ran a thumb across the bracelets around my wrists. No, I could still feel the magic against my skin. I was just paranoid.

I held her gaze as I reached for a glass. The crimson liquid stained the crystal glass, and my heart jumped slightly. The beast inside of me rose to the surface. Thirsty, I was so thirsty. I had to drink it, for appearance’s sake.

I smiled softly, careful not to show my teeth as I took the wineglass by the stem. The glass pressed against my lips as the warm liquid touched the tip of my tongue. Fire exploded in my mouth, and then my throat as I swallowed. A soft moan left my throat as I drained the contents faster than I’d intended. That old familiar craving came roaring back tenfold. I wanted, no needed more. I felt my skin prickle, the Ig’Morruthen within me slithering, begging to be allowed off the leash. Memories, brief and quick, slipped into my mind. A small man with scruffy hair, taking what looked like a stone of some sort. Pain accompanied a blast of magic. I saw Camilla’s eyes watching from a dark corner as she told her men to execute, and then there was nothing.

I handed the glass back as my guards did the same. I didn’t look at Liam, not wanting to see his disgust at what I had just done. He already saw me as revolting and watching me feed even from a wine glass probably only solidified his opinion of me more.

From the corner of my eye, I saw him place an empty glass back on the tray. I kept my face passive, but wondered how he’d gotten rid of the blood.

Camellia’s eyes gleamed as she continued to smile at me. ‘Theo, would you please take Mr. Vanderkai’s guards out to enjoy the party? Oh, and the rest of the coven, too.’  

I held up my hand. ‘That won’t be necessary.’

‘Oh, yes, it will.’  

I watched as the woman beside her stood, motioning for the other witches to follow. They headed for the door, waving my guards with them. A single man stopped in front of Liam.

‘Leave that one please.’

The man nodded and followed the others out. Once the doors were closed, Camilla said, ‘I want five million and protection for me and mine.’ 

My brows lifted, momentarily taken aback. ‘Protection? Regardless of our familiar standing, I doubted your witches would want to be around—’

Her eyes cut past me. ‘I’m not talking to you.’

I felt my heart skip a beat when I realized exactly who she was asking. She knew. Fuck.

‘Everyone wants a deal,’ Liam said with a sigh, rubbing his eyes with his index finger and thumb briefly.

She placed her hands on the table and stood in one fluid motion. Her movements were full of grace and pride as she circled the table. Her eyes raked over Liam as if she were memorizing every line and muscle hidden beneath the thin layer of the suit he wore. His hair was freshly clipped, the sides in a small fade. The dark strands atop his head were tamed by the gel Drake had forced on him.

Liam was aware of his physical appearance and how others reacted to it, but he seemed to mostly use it as any other weapon in his arsenal. Regardless of his intent, he drew attention wherever we went.  Some of the members in Ethan’s castle laughed and giggled every time he walked through the halls. Others stalked him just to catch a glimpse of him. I knew she saw what we all did. He was gorgeous in a sickening way, and I knew it had not escaped Camilla’s notice.

‘Let’s just say we know real power when we see it.’ She stopped short of us, her hand flat on the table and another on her hip.

‘How long have you known?’ I asked.

She glared at me, that fake niceness long gone. ‘First, the plane you took to get to Zarall crossed my border. It was just a second that you were in my territory, but it was half a second too long. I felt that sickening power of yours then. Second, Ethan sends lackeys for an invite, when he hasn’t reached out to anyone since you murdered Drake. Third, I would know the bracelets of that bitch Ophelia anywhere, and fourth,’ her eyes danced over Liam once more, ‘he is nothing if not godly. No mortal looks like that. Those bracelets might hold back a fraction of his true power, but his body is basically humming with it.’

‘Please, don’t feed his ego. It’s already big enough.’

‘I can imagine,’ she all but purred as she reached for him.

Before I realized what I was doing, my hand whipped out, and I gripped her wrist. A growl, low and menacing, slipped past my lips as the beast inside me coiled. They both turned to look at me.

‘Don’t touch him. I am well aware of what you can do with your hands.’ My voice was guttural, nearly a snarl.

‘Ah, there is the real you’ Camilla sneered at me, her wrist still in my grasp.

Liam regarded me, and I was unable to read his expression. ‘Dianna. It is okay. Let her go.’

I didn’t move.

‘Please.’  He spoke softly and the Ig’Morruthen beneath my skin answered.

My jaw clenched but I let her go. She cradled her hand against her chest for a second before cautiously rotating her wrist. It must have been the blood she’d given me that was making me so erratic. My emotions were heightened, that was all. I stepped back, putting distance between us. Camilla was staring at me with a smug grin. I wanted nothing more than to wipe that look off of her face. My talons crawled from my fingertips, and I curled my hands into fists to hide them, the razor sharp claws biting into my flesh.

‘Interesting. I had assumed, given your reputation, that you could seduce even a god.’

‘I have not seduced anything.’

‘But you have seen it, yes? It must be massive and overwhelming, almost too much for one person to contain, much less handle’

My head reeled back and my body suddenly ran hot. ‘What? No!’ I snapped, avoiding Liam’s gaze completely. ”Well, I mean once, but it was a weird dream thing.’ I closed my eyes, waving my hands in the air slightly. ‘Wait—why are we talking about his penis?’ 

Camilla cocked her head, one brow raised. ‘I’m talking about his power.’

‘Oh.’ I dropped my hands to my sides, my face feeling as if it were on fire. The room suddenly felt too small. ‘Yeah, I’ve seen that too.’

She shook her head, ignoring me as she fixated on Liam once more. ‘I have heard stories, we all have, about the great World Ender. It is rumored that our father could shape worlds, and yet, you end them. You have a power like no other.’ A single flick of her hand and the lights in the room grew brighter. Flames crackled in the fireplace behind her as a slow wind fluttered through the room. The curtains lining the large windows opened, the stars in the night sky casting a pale glow upon the floor. I watched as her magic swirled in green tendrils, forming a small ball that she danced between her fingers.

‘I’ve shown you mine. Now, show me yours.’

I rolled my eyes at the obvious attempt at flirting. Good luck with that. I would have sworn Liam showed so little interest in physical pleasure, I would have sworn he was made of stone if I had not borne witness to his past.

The lights dimmed and a bright silver orb spun into existence on Liam’s palm. I squinted my eyes, unable to look directly at the small sphere. It was so bright it was like looking at a miniature sun.

Liam stared at Camilla, his expression of interest one I had not seen him give anyone before. My insides twisted. Her eyes reflected the silver shine from his energy as she leaned in closer. ‘It’s so beautiful.’ Her voice was a breathy whisper as she met his eyes. ‘And powerful. I can feel it.’

The way she said that had me gritting my teeth hard enough to crack my jaw.

‘Thank you. Yours is very impressive as well. The feel of your magic reminds me of a goddess from my time.’

‘The Goddess Kryella?’ Her voice hitched. ‘You knew her?’

‘Oh, trust me, he did,’ I piped in, but they ignored me, lost in some weird magic-wielding stare-off.

‘Yes, I did. She was the first to wield and bend magic. How did you learn? How did you know? Are you a descendant? She bore no children.’

Camilla’s lush lips curved in a bright smile as she tossed the green ball from one hand to the other. ‘No, not a descendant, but her teachings have been passed down for generations.’

Liam seemed awestruck and it made me sick. ‘Impressive. Truly. Mastering a skill like yours can take years, and yet your appearance is the quiet opposite of aged.’ He watched the green mass of her power, mesmerized.

Her smile nearly outshone the brightness of his power. She looked at him. taking the compliment, whether he meant it that way or not, to heart. Bile rose in my throat, the creature inside me snapping its jaws. ‘It’s all energy. It belongs to no one, we just use and protect it. We practice, we focus,’ she pauses, turning toward me, ‘but we don’t overuse.’ Great, they had similar mantras concerning the use of their power.

I snorted and rolled my eyes again. It was not surprising that she would take a jab at the blatant power Kaden forced us to wield. Especially since it highlighted another difference between Liam and me. But it was the only way I knew, and it got the job done.

‘Truly, your control of your gift is astonishing,’ Liam said, not even looking at me.

‘Thank you.’ She smiled before closing her hand, the green energy dissipating. The silver energy ball in Liam’s palm broke off as he twisted his wrist. Shards of it darted toward every light fixture, and one by one they turned back on. ‘Now, time for business.’ She stepped a few inches closer to him, and I bristled again. I knew he was strong enough to take care of himself, but the way she looked at him made my stomach churn. ‘I’ll tell you where the book is for a price.’

I groaned loudly and waved a hand toward her. ‘You already named your price, Camilla.’

‘That I did, but I want it sealed.’

‘Sealed?’ I folded my arms tightly as Liam finally looked at me. ‘You are out of your fucking mind if you think you are going to bind yourself to him in any way.’

Camilla’s brows shot upward, but I didn’t care how I sounded or if I was overstepping. I knew some magic, especially dark, required blood to make a deal fully binding. I was no witch. I couldn’t cast or bind anything, but just the power of our combined blood had tethered our deal. There was no way I was going to allow Camilla to follow suit.

‘Protective of the World Ender, Dianna?’ Her lips curved in that vicious smile again. ‘How cute. Do you speak for him too?’

‘No,’ Liam cut in before I could respond, cutting a look toward me, ‘she does not.’ 

I shook my head and turned away. He didn’t know what Camilla would ask. She may look sweet and tempting, but a cold, conniving bitch lived beneath her skin. I don’t know what I’d expected. When has he ever listened to me? 

‘Good.’ She clasped her hands together and took another step toward him. She glanced between Liam and me before she said, ‘I want it sealed with a kiss.’

‘What?’ I snapped. ‘I’m not kissing him.’ Liam turned away from me, but I caught his expression of what looked like pain. But that couldn’t be right, it was probably just disgust. I knew he would never agree to kiss me, not even to find the book. Liam kissed goddesses not monsters.

I couldn’t kiss him, but for a completely different reason. I knew it would end me, and I would be lost. There was a part of me so hungry and desperate for his touch that I didn’t dare acknowledge it. Instead, I’d buried it under jokes and sarcasm. I had used Drake to distract myself from my growing feelings for Liam. I kept my desire hidden, but I could not hide from myself. If I kissed him, I knew he would figure it out, and I didn’t know if I could bear his rejection again.

She turned toward me, all pride and arrogance, a slow smile curving her lips. ‘Not from you. From me.’

My blood boiled.


I thought the word had come from Liam and was a little shocked to realize I had said it. The dark part of me was strong and making its presence known now that I had fed. At least that is what I was telling myself.

She smiled once more, cold, cruel, and powerful because she knew in that second she had power over me. ‘I don’t think it’s up to you. After all, you don’t make decisions for him, as he said.’ She leaned in, pressing against Liam as she raised that perfectly manicured hand and placed it on his cheek. ‘So, World Ender, what will it be? I’ll give you the book’s location, and all you have to do is kiss me.’

I watched as his eyes dipped to her lips. I gritted my teeth, a cold flash of anger ripping through my body.

‘Seriously?’ I asked, not caring how I sounded. ‘You are considering this?’

His eyes cut to mine. His gaze was sharp and held no hint of humor or any trace of the Liam I had spent the last few months with. ‘It is but a kiss, Dianna. Why does it matter?’

Why does it matter? My chest tightened. The way he said it as if it didn’t mean anything, and maybe it didn’t matter to him. Maybe I had read too much into the stolen glances and intimate secrets we had shared. Obviously what I felt was all one sided, and against my better judgment, I had fallen for someone who had no intention of catching me.

‘You’re right.’ I squared my shoulders, trying to ease the pain of what he had broken in me. ‘It doesn’t matter.’

‘Okay’ That was all he said and all she needed to hear. Her hand gently cupped his jaw as he lowered his head toward hers.

Stupid, stupid girl.

I gripped the arms of the suit jacket so tightly I almost ripped the fabric. I had hoped it would be quick. Liam didn’t seem like the type to lust after anyone. After what I had seen in the blooddreams, I knew he had been highly sexual at one point. But during the weeks I had slept with him, he had not tried to touch me intimately and he’d had no physical reaction, not even in the morning. I had assumed those bodily functions had died with the trauma of his past. 

I was wrong.

What started out as a simple kiss soon deepened as he tilted her head sideways, practically devouring her mouth. She let out a soft but heady moan that made me nauseous. I refused to turn away, even when he too let out a noise I had only heard from him in that damned dream. He was enjoying it. Tears threatened to blind me, but I would watch this, and I would let it kill what I felt for him. I had been so wrong. He did have those feelings. He just didn’t have them for me. I guess you had to be a goddess or a magic-wielding, beautiful witch to get his attention. Maybe Camilla was less of a monster than I.

After what felt like an eternity they separated. Camilla released a heavy sigh and said, ‘You really are everything they said.’

One more comment and I swear I would lose the grip on my more homicidal tendencies.

I finally allowed myself to look away, not giving a fuck what that revealed of my emotions. I was pissed and had no right to be. It was well known that he hated my kind. I was pissed at the desire I felt for him and that the one person I wanted I couldn’t have. Liam was not mine, and I was not his. We weren’t even friends. I was a weapon, a tool, and it was my own stupid fault for thinking I was, or could be, anything other to him or Kaden.

‘Everything alright, Dianna?’ Camilla asked in a husky whisper.

I met her gaze, knowing my face showed every bit of anger and hurt I was feeling.

‘Vaski lom dernmoé,’ I hissed in Eorian, a low growl vibrating deep within my throat. 

Camilla’s laugh was sharp and precise, slicing another wound on my soul. ‘Ah, so it is true. Ig’Morruthens are territorial.’

I didn’t say anything. The beast in me was snarling and clawing, begging for freedom, begging to rip her to shreds.

She smiled brightly. Her red-stained mouth swollen, smudged, and matching Liam’s.

She had won. She hated me because she felt I had taken a spot away from her. Now she had taken something from me. A kiss I didn’t know I even wanted until now.

To her we were even.

I couldn’t look at Liam. I could feel the heavy weight of his gaze, and I knew he wanted me to meet his eyes, but I didn’t care. Camilla continued to smirk at me as she said, ‘Now that we’ve settled that. Let the party begin.’ She raised her hands and clapped, the door to my right opening. I didn’t turn or move, but my stomach dropped when I smelled the overpriced cologne.

‘Hello, Dianna.’

We had been set up.

‘Santiago.’ His name left my lips in a hiss.

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