The Book of Azrael (Gods & Monsters 1)

The Book of Azrael: Chapter 31

“LIAM.” I TUGGED ON HIS ARM ONCE MORE TRYING TO WAKE HIM UP. He kept mumbling as if he were talking to someone, and his face was contorted in pain. He had tossed and turned the entire night, which meant no sleep for me. ‘Liam!’ I shouted, turning him toward me. I lightly tapped the side of his face a few times, trying to get him out of whatever loop he was stuck in. I didn’t need him to wake up screaming and destroy the car.

‘Liam, for the love of gods, wake up, you idiot!’

I shook him a little harder this time. His eyes popped open, the silver of the irises blazing. I had a split second to think of a way to knock him unconscious again so he didn’t destroy me and the car.

‘How the world ends.’ His words came out in a whisper, his eyes returning to normal as they focused on me. His jaw was slack, but as his eyes searched mine recognition flashed.

‘Dianna?’ He pushed away from me, a little harder than usual, causing me to land on my ass in this cramped car. ‘What are you doing?’ 

I sat up in the cramped space as much as I could. ‘First of all, ow, you jerk. Second, I was trying to wake you up. You were having a nightmare again.’

He turned as much as he could groaning as he tried to stretch in the back and ended up hitting his head on the roof of the car.

‘How did we get here?’ He asked, rubbing the top of his head and scanning the inside, his features still drawn from his nightmare.

‘Well, I am okay, thanks for asking.’ I shrugged, tossing a glare his way. ‘You fell asleep first, and I didn’t want either of us to roll off the top of the car, so I moved us. The backseat actually has enough room for us to sleep comfortably. Of course, I didn’t since you kicked and turned the entire night.’

He looked out the window, staring at the horizon and the rising sun.

‘Where is your next informant?’

Something felt off. ‘What’s wrong with you?’

‘Nothing.’ He didn’t even look at me.

‘Um, he should be here soon. We can go wait,’ I said, waving a hand toward one of the deserted hangers.

Liam didn’t say anything as he popped open the back door without touching it. I scooted to the edge following him out. ‘Liam, you had another nightmare. Is that what’s bothering you?  Do you want to talk about it?’ 

He didn’t look at me and didn’t turn around. ‘No.’

Okay, so we were back to that.

A few hours later and the jet we had taken touched down in Zarall. Liam hadn’t spoken to me the entire flight, and I didn’t know why. I felt like I had made him mad, but I hadn’t done a thing. Maybe I’d revealed too much last night. Hearing how desperate Kaden was to get me back, and knowing he meant by any means necessary had more than rattled my nerves. I knew what he was capable of. Kaden never said anything he didn’t mean. Maybe I had pushed too far, asked too much, and Liam had decided I wasn’t worth it.

I was very confused. We’d had fun, talked, and Liam had actually laughed. I thought we were—friends, and I would be lying if I said his sudden coldness didn’t hurt. I wondered if I had done something wrong, and felt stupid that I cared so much. Stupid fucking human heart.

Liam finally turned away from the window and looked at me. I unbuckled my seatbelt and stood, utterly pissed at his rapid mood change.

‘This is where I let you two off,’ the pilot said, stopping me at the door. ‘Remember, we have a deal.’ His shirt was coffee stained and his hair was messy, looking at him made me feel lucky we had made it here in one piece.

I opened the hatch with a hard yank on the metal lever. ‘Yes, yes, I will make sure the Vanderkais pay you well.’ 

He mumbled under his breath before I jogged down the rusty steps and hit solid ground. I heard Liam’s footsteps on the tarmac behind me. The sun shone brightly against the rustic white and blue backdrop of the empty abandoned airport. I realized the pilot had dropped us off as far from the terminal as possible. There were no cars or anyone else in sight. It looked like we would have to figure out how to get to Drake’s compound ourselves.

I looked at Liam who was looking everywhere but at me.

‘Remember these are my friends, and they are the good kind, so please, do not get sword happy.’

A muscle in his jaw tightened. ‘I have already promised.’

I smiled and held my hands out. ‘That you did. Okay, now let’s hold hands.’

He looked at them, then back at me, his brows knitting together. I already knew he was about to object. ‘I don—’

I grabbed his hands before he could finish his protest. Black mist danced in a circle around my feet before we disappeared from the airport.

Liam held another large branch as I ducked underneath it. ‘Don’t say anything.’

‘My only suggestion is if you wish to teleport, we have a more accurate location.’

I spun, my foot catching on a root. ‘I just said don’t say it.’

Okay, he had a point. I probably should have paid more attention when Drake had given me the location of where they would be once our ruse was complete. But it had been nearly three months, and the details were fuzzy.

‘So, enlighten me more on these so-called friends of yours that are making us trek through this jungle to meet them.’

‘Oh, look, now you want to talk. Sure you don’t want to keep sulking the rest of the trip?’

He stopped short. ‘I do not sulk.’

I rolled my eyes and leaned over, ripping at a vine that had wrapped around my ankle. ‘Sure. What do you want to call the last few hours?’

He looked away from me. ‘I was—thinking.’

I rolled my eyes again and started walking again, lifting my feet a little higher this time. ‘Whatever. Look, I can try to get us closer.’ 

‘No. You have already tried and it just pushed us farther back. We will continue on foot.’

I sighed loudly just so he knew he annoyed me. He held his ablaze blade close, and used it to cut through some of the thicker foliage as we pressed on. The silence was starting to get on my nerves, so I did what I did best, I talked.

‘Drake is the one I’m closest to.’ Liam stopped mid-swipe as if my voice had startled him. He nodded and continued hacking at the thick foliage as I went on. ‘He is technically the vampire prince, but he rarely acts like one. Ethan is his brother and king. Long story short, their family came into power and now rules over every vampire in this world. Which may seem like a lot, but their numbers are actually pretty low considering the population.’

He cut a path in front of us, several branches falling to the ground. ‘And how does one come into such power?’

‘Family. Kaden had recruited them long before I came around. Ethan wasn’t king then, by any means, but with Kaden’s help he rose in power. There are a few other vampire families that wish he was not king, but I guess that’s a given when it comes to someone in control. I’m sure you would understand that.’ I placed my hand on a rather large log as I maneuvered myself over. Liam just picked it up and tossed it aside like it was a bothersome stick. Show off.

He shrugged and I thought he was going to resume his silent cutting and go back to ignoring me, so I was surprised when he said, ‘To an extent, yes.’ I looked at his broad back as he spoke. ‘No one was thrilled about me becoming king, including me for that matter. It’s more than just a title to be given. The responsibilities that come with it can be a heavy burden. The people who rely on your every word and watch your every movement.’ He stopped as if taken back to some part of his memory I couldn’t reach. ‘It’s overwhelming to say the least, and something I would not wish on anyone.’

That piqued my interest. ‘So if you had a chance, just say hypothetically, would you give it up?’

His eyes met mine, something flashing in those storm colored depths. ‘To not be king?’

I nodded.

‘In a heartbeat. Yes. If it meant I could be whoever I wanted, do whatever I want. I would give it up.’ Guilt flashed over his features as he shook his head. He started walking once more, his words almost lost, they were so low. ‘But I cannot.’

I followed, letting him lead once more.

‘I never told anyone that before.’ He glanced at me. ‘Please, do not reiterate it.’

I held my hand up. ‘pinkie promise.’ 

He didn’t smile this time or even attempt to. The look that flashed across his face reminded me of the Liam who first started this trip with me, not the one that talked to me until we both fell asleep. ‘No more of those.’

‘Okay.’ Our eyes met once more as I nodded and dropped my hand to my side. He turned away from me and stalked forward. It was silent again and it hurt. I would be lying if I said being around him annoyed me more often than not, but other times, I just had fun. Fun was something I hadn’t had for a long long time, and it was something I didn’t know I needed. His withdrawal made me feel lost. 

‘Are you sure we are even in the correct place?’

I shook my head clearing my thoughts. ‘Yes, I promise. He told me exactly where it would be. I just don’t remember the jungle part.’ I turned for a moment, checking behind us. ‘I can sense the essence of them, I guess you could say, but every time I feel like we are getting closer, it’s just more jungle. It’s almost like—’

My sentence died in my throat as I was tackled from the side. The air rushed out of my lungs as I was tossed in the air and then caught. I was spun in a full circle as muscled arms gripped me tight around the waist. Drake finally sat me down on my feet and smothered my face in kisses.

‘Oh, how I have missed you.’

I smiled brightly up at my friend. I felt the tears sting my eyes and hugged him back tightly. The last image I had of him was his face melting into ash as he spoke those words, ‘Better to die by what you think is right than to live under a lie.’ And lied I had.

The warmth of his body was ripped away and my eyes snapped open in shock. Liam held Drake by his throat. Drake’s feet dangled as Liam held his blade close to his eye.

‘Liam!’ I shouted, running over and grabbing onto his arm. ‘Put him down!’

A look I had never seen graced Liam’s face, and my heart stopped. He looked every bit of the World Ender the stories foretold.  Was that the same look he gave all those who had fallen before his blade? 

‘He attacked you.’

I tugged on Liam’s arm once more. Drake didn’t struggle, just gripped Liam’s wrist and eyed the blade. I slipped under his arm, putting my body between him and Drake. ‘No, he didn’t. He is just excited to see me. Please put him down.’

Liam’s piercing gaze focused on me, and I was mesmerized by the silver rimming his irises. I gently touched his chest, and for a split second, his face softened. He dropped Drake, his gaze never leaving mine as he clenched his hand, making the blade disappear. Liam took a careful step back, putting distance between us. I licked my lips and looked away, shocked to see that the forest had melted away.

Drake rubbed his throat and shook his head at the guards circling us, telling them to stand down. The dogs at their sides, snarled and bit at the air, their handlers struggling to control them. They obviously did not like the smell of either Liam or me.

Drake whistled and ordered them back to their posts. The men nodded and backed off. I turned, taking in more of our surroundings. I hadn’t been to this one before and for good reason. They wanted to make sure that they had safehouses that Kaden didn’t know about.

The paved driveway split and flowed around a large fountain. It was massive and beautiful, but what held my attention was the massive castle. Yes, castle, because why would any vampire family have a normal house? I placed my hands on my hips and leaned back to take in the full view. The large dark gray stone walls shaped the imposing building. Several towers lined the front and back of the massive structure with long oval shaped windows lining the front of the palace. I could hear water off in the distance, and from the smell of roses and jasmine, I knew there was a garden somewhere off to the left.

‘It’s an old family heirloom,’ Drake whispered in my ear.

I turned, slapping him playfully on the chest. ‘I hate when you do that.’

‘Mmm, I thought you liked it when I whispered sweet words in your ear?’ he asked with a cat-like grin. His voice was a throaty growl, but his gaze was focused behind me. I could feel Liam at my back and knew Drake was trying to agitate him. My only question was why? And why did he think flirting with me would work?

I glared and flipped him off. He smiled widely before nodding toward the large stone steps to our right. ‘We felt your power the minute you landed. I had assumed you would have found me sooner given the directions I gave you, but regardless, I am glad you are here. Now, if you will follow me, my brother is waiting.’

‘Waiting?’ I asked.

‘Yes. It’s time for dinner, and we have a lot to discuss.’ He flashed that dazzling flirtatious grin toward me before turning and heading up the stone steps. I sighed and followed Drake, able to hear Liam behind me.

‘This is your friend?’ Liam asked.

‘Yes, an actual friend who doesn’t get pissy and shuts me out when something is clearly bothering him.’ I knew my words dripped with anger, but I was still annoyed.

The stoic glare I had seen so often on Liam’s face returned, but he didn’t say anything.

We reached the top of the steps just as Drake pulled open the large wooden double doors. The smell of food hit me as soon as I crossed the threshold, and my stomach growled.

‘Hungry, Dianna?’ Drake asked, glancing at me.

‘Yes, very.’

He laughed, but I barely noticed as I took in the interior of the castle, which was more impressive than the outside. A few guards stood by the door with weapons at their sides. They didn’t look at, or even acknowledge, us as we entered the foyer. I heard heartbeats throughout the castle, probably mortal staff and guests. The presence of a few dozen vampires sent a cold chill crawling through me, raising goosebumps along my arms.

‘This place is massive,’ I whispered as I spun, looking up at the ceiling. A large chandelier, the size of a car, hung from the ceiling that soared to a staggering height. Two large hallways branched off on either side of the entryway, the walls decorated with paintings old and new.  A large staircase faced up, the smooth stone steps covered with a red rug. 

‘Not necessarily. The halls of Rashearim would make this seem like a small hut.’

Drake looked toward Liam, not missing a beat. ‘Size isn’t everything.’

I shot a look at Drake, willing him to not antagonize Liam further. Liam was already in a sour mood and I didn’t want to have to deal with it anymore tonight. Drake just shrugged as Liam continued to pass glances between us.

‘Ethan had rooms ready for you both since lovely Dianna told me you were coming.’ He glanced at Liam before giving me a predatory smile. ‘I can show you to your room, if you would like to freshen up. You both look and smell terrible.’ 

‘Thanks, I would actually love that.’

‘Ladies first.’ He smiled and held out his arm. I took it, slipping mine under his. Drake looked at Liam. ‘I’ll have someone show you to yours.’

I could have sworn I heard Liam growl behind us as we headed upstairs, but I chalked it up to exhaustion.

Drake had made sure I had everything I needed. I gratefully used the shaving products. The hair on my legs and vagina had gotten a little out of control. There was an assortment of every type of soap, scrub, exfoliating cream, you name it. I hadn’t realized how much I missed actual soap. Was I being spoiled? Probably. Would I complain? No, never.

I filled the massive tub with way too many bubbles, but I didn’t even care. I needed it. After a long overdue soak and several scrubs later, I finally felt like myself. I got out, sloshing water onto the gray marble floor. I wrapped myself in a lush towel before wiping the steam off the mirror. My hair was a tangled mess, even after washing. I spent some time working the knots from the thick wet strands and wondered if Liam’s room was as nice as this one. I stopped myself short, telling myself I didn’t care. He was back to being rude and dismissive, so they could have put him in the dungeon for all I cared. 

I closed my eyes for a second, willing the flame inside of me to the surface, drying my hair a little faster. I stopped after just a few moments when I started to feel a little dizzy. It was a downside of eating mortal food and not mortals. The food sustained me, but I didn’t attain the level of power that came with consuming people. The plus side was that I didn’t feel like a completely different person. 

My bare feet were silent against the cool tile as I left the bathroom, the lights going out behind me. The room they’d given me was huge, even for a castle this size. My toes curled against the plush carpet. It was so soft, and definitely better than the cheap hotels we’d been staying in. The walls were a dark gray and several matching pillows decorated a large sectional facing the flat screen TV on the wall. Magazines were scattered across a glass-topped coffee table, flowers in a round orange vase adding a pop of color. They smelled fresh as if cut from the garden below. I walked past them, my fingertips lightly brushing over the edges of the blooms.

My bed, if you could even call it that, sat at the back of the room. A large white faux fur blanket was thrown over the mattress. My favorite part though, was the walk in closet. Every shoe that I could dream of lined the walls, the range of colors beyond amazing. Rows and rows of dresses, shirts, and pants hung off racks with a large island in the middle.

My pleasure in my surroundings was dimmed as I remembered this wasn’t just a normal visit, and I couldn’t just stay here. I had work to do, information to gather, a book to find, and then I would probably be tossed into some godly prison realm.

A knock on my door made me jump, and I pulled the towel tighter around me. The wet strands of my hair slapped my back when I jerked my head toward the door.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. ‘Come in.’

Drake’s head popped in a second later, and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a little disappointed.

He caught my expression, and his grin widened. ‘Expecting someone else?’

I shook my head. ‘No.’

He came in, closing the door behind him. ‘Dianna you’re absolutely glistening. Did you like the soaps? Half of those items in there are from Naaririel.’

‘Yes, thank you.’ I smiled. ‘You always take care of me.’ Drake had been a constant for me since I was made, and I knew he always had my back.

He was more dressed up than I thought he’d be just for dinner, looking amazing in a wellcut suit that enhanced his masculine beauty.  Drake was a gorgeous man, but he didn’t do anything for me, not like a certain annoying and rude god.  

‘Wearing just a towel tonight?’ Drake asked with a grin. He strode toward the closet and pulled the door open.

I rolled my eyes and pulled the towel tighter around me. ‘No, and given what you’re wearing, I guess I need to dress up.’ He strode past me heading into the closet as he rummaged through the clothes already there.

‘If you wanted to just wear a towel I wouldn’t mind nor would your new boyfriend,’ he said with a smirk as he rummaged through the array of clothing.

My heart froze. ‘He is not my boyfriend.’

He cut a look at me. ‘You sure? He is awfully protective for someone who—’

I held up my hand. ‘Please, stop. Liam is not, nor will ever be, my boyfriend. I’m helping him, that is all. Remember what you said, it is better to die for something, than live under a lie.’

He shook his head. ‘Do not tell me you teamed up with the World Ender on my advice. I want you free from Kaden, not shackled to another powerful man, Dianna.’

I huffed, blowing a damp curl from my eyes. ‘You sound like Gabby, and I am not shackled to anyone. Trust me, he wants to be as far away from me as possible.’ He had proven that over the last few hours. ‘Besides, we have a deal.’

‘Oh, a deal, huh? What kind of deal?’

I shrugged, holding tighter to my towel. ‘A blood deal.’

Drake nearly ripped a dress off the hanger as he spun toward me, worry a shadow in his eyes. ‘A blood deal, Dianna? With him?

I stomped into the closet and slapped my hand over his mouth so he did not alert the entire vampire mansion. ‘Shh, it’s not that serious. I mean we had one over chips that time.’

He rolled his eyes and lightly gripped my wrist, pulling my hand away from his mouth. ‘That lasted for a few hours because you gave in first. What are the arrangements of this deal? No god would willingly share or spill their own blood.’

I swallowed, not wanting to tell him that Liam had done just that for me, and more than once. ‘It’s not important or the reason why we are here,’ I snapped back.

He shifted his hold, cradling my hand in his. ‘I worry about you, Dianna, especially if you guys are already fucking.’

‘It’s not like that,’ I snapped, pulling my hand from his, my cheeks burning at even the suggestion. ‘Liam is not like Kaden. We are not sleeping together or even remotely close.’ That last part sent bile to my throat because in my heart, I felt like we were close. I had more of an intimate connection with him than I’d had with any man I’d slept with.

‘Is that so?’ Drake asked as he held out a dress. ‘Then why do you reek of him and he you? Your scents are so entwined there is no differentiating between the two.’

I walked over and snatched the dress from his hand. ‘If you don’t believe me, that’s fine. All any of you have done is encourage me to grow a backbone and leave Kaden. The second I do, the second I find a way, I get shit about it.’

He placed his hands on his hips. ‘I have only been around you both mere minutes, but I see the way he looks at you and you him. You may lie to yourself and him, but don’t make the same mistake, Dianna. He may not be like Kaden, but he is just as powerful. I don’t want to see you hurt anymore. I want more for you. I want you to have the freedom to truly make your own choices and shape your own life.’

‘I have none. We both know the second I gave my life to Kaden, my freedom, my right to choose, were gone. All I can do is try to give my sister a better life, try to give you all a better one. No more rulers. No more tyrants. Isn’t that what you said Kaden was? Liam can kill him. I’m just trying to do the best I can, okay?’

That last part was filled with emotions I was careful to keep buried, and I felt overwhelmed to say the least. My vision blurred as tears filled my eyes.

Drake was in front of me before the first one fell, his hand cupping my chin, and his thumb brushing my cheek. ‘I know. I promise I am not being mean. I just—’

His words hissed to a stop, and I knew exactly why. I felt that all-consuming power in the closet with us. My sorrow, fear, and regret no longer felt overwhelming and the ache in my chest eased, allowing me to breathe easier.

‘Am I interrupting something?’

I jerked from Drake’s touch and cringed, knowing he would see it as a sign of guilt and believe there was something between Drake and me.

‘Do you knock?’ Drake asked, dropping his hand.

‘Not when she sounds distressed.’ Liam’s voice thundered behind me, the lights in my room flickering ominously.

I stepped away from Drake and turned toward Liam, intending to calm him down before he blew a literal fuse here.

My breath stopped. He had showered and changed clothes. I’d been right, white was not his color, black was. He wore a suit that actually fit, and fit well. All in black, the shirt darker than the jacket and pants. My stomach fluttered at the sight of him. What was wrong with me?

‘You have clothes. I mean, you changed clothes.’ My words came out a jumbled mess.

He stopped trying to glare holes in Drake and looked at me. ‘Yes. They were provided. Where are yours?’

I looked down, remembering I was actually not dressed and still in just a towel.

‘Oh that—’

‘Leave,’ he said to Drake, who I felt bristle next to me.

‘This isn’t your domain, World Ender. You don’t order me around in my own house.’

Liam took a step forward, and I quickly moved between them. Towel or not, I would not let them fight. Liam stopped inches from me, the heat of his body like a caress against my bare skin.

Liam glanced down at me then back to Drake. ‘It’s not your house. It’s your brother’s. You are but a prince, not a king. Now leave, I wish to speak to Dianna, and I do not trust or know you enough to be here.’

I held up my hand before things got bloody. ‘Liam you can’t talk to people like that!’ I snapped at him before turning to Drake and mouthing, I’m sorry before saying, ‘Can you please leave? We will be downstairs in a moment.’

Drake’s eyes flashed gold and his jaw clenched before he leaned over to press a kiss to my cheek. I knew he did it to piss off Liam, and it worked. I could feel Liam’s power pulse and knew he was imagining what it would be like to run Drake through. I waited for the door to close behind Drake before popping Liam on the chest and saying, ‘What was that about?’

He had tracked Drake’s movements, like a predator hunting prey, his eyes remaining focused on the door until he felt my hand graze him. He looked down at his chest before meeting my gaze. ‘I do not like him.’

I sighed, grabbing a few of the dresses Drake had put out and strode past Liam toward the bathroom. ‘You don’t even know him.’

‘He touches you without your permission. He’s crass and overall excitable.’

‘How do you know he doesn’t have permission?’

The lights flickered once more as Liam followed me. ‘Does he?’

I laughed, actually laughed, as I closed the bathroom door behind me. I shouted so he could hear me as I dropped the towel and picked up a dress. ‘He doesn’t touch me like you make it sound, and that’s how friends are when they care about each other. It’s a sign of affection, Liam. Good grief.’

‘You do not do that to me.’

My breath caught at his words. Liam didn’t mean it like that. He didn’t understand human interactions. He was still learning, right? I threw on the dress as my thoughts spun. It was a long-sleeved, short-cut black ensemble with an open back that wasn’t too revealing

I pushed my hair behind my shoulders, the thick waves tickling the middle of my back. I didn’t bother with hair pins or clips knowing I would be unable to tame it in this humidity.

After a quick red lip, I looked one last time in the mirror before stepping out of the bathroom. ‘Do I not practically hold you every night so you don’t have nightmares bad enough that destroy several buildings, or I don’t know, flatten an entire area?’

He was pacing, his hand on his hip and lost in his thoughts. He stopped mid-step, his gaze traveling slowly up and down my body. His voice was both husky and outraged when he finally said, ‘That’s what you are wearing?’

I held my arms out and looked down.

‘What’s wrong with my dress?’

He looked genuinely confused for a moment. ‘Dress? That is not a dress. You look as though you plan to bed him immediately after dinner.’

My mouth actually dropped open. ‘Excuse me? I am not bedding anyone, you ancient jerk.’ I gestured toward the dress I wore, the hem riding high on my thighs. ‘You can’t even see anything.’

‘You see enough. It’s practically an insult.’

I placed my hands on my hips. ‘Where do you get off—’.

He raised his hand, and the material I wore began to vibrate against my skin. I looked down and froze as the fabric of my black dress morphed into a vibrant deep red that matched my lips. It grew, spilling past my feet. The bodice fit me to perfection, the thin straps wrapped around my shoulders and crisscrossed over my back. Liam lowered his hand, and I spun toward the bathroom. I gasped at my reflection. The dress was breathtaking and he’d made it for me. 

I felt so prestigious and regal with the way the silky crimson fabric lovingly hugged my curves I had before draping down to the floor. The material was sheer but not see through like the garments the goddesses of his home world wore.

Liam appeared behind me, and my pulse quickened at the image we made. I felt like a goddess, especially with him in his sharp suit and freshly styled hair, standing at my back. We looked like we were headed to a ball, not downstairs to a meeting that would probably end badly.

‘There. That is better,’ he said, satisfaction and hunger flaring in his eyes.

‘He is going to be so mad.’ I smiled and glanced at him in the reflection. I ran a hand down the front of my dress and half turned side to side, looking at every glittering detail.

‘Let him.’ Liam’s voice was a soft growl, making me pause. He was watching me as I spun, but he always watched me, especially when he thought I wasn’t looking. ‘I do not care. On my world, during large engagements, all goddesses and celestials alike wore similar garments. Some flowed well past their feet, others barely touched the ground, but they all shimmered and shined like starlight upon the darkened sky. They were truly beautiful, and so are you. You are a queen and should be draped in the same silks, not the cheap faux material he had chosen.’

My throat tightened at Liam’s words. That was how he saw me? I turned toward him, his face mere inches from mine and his scent surrounding me. I felt the heat rush to my cheeks and cleared my throat. ‘Thank you. For the dress. It’s beautiful.’

He smiled, realized what he had done, and stepped back. ‘You’re welcome.’

‘Now, what did you have to tell me?’

‘Tell you?’ he asked, looking confused.

I stepped out of the bathroom, picking up the sides of my dress so I could walk. ‘In the closet, you said you had something you wanted to talk about.’

‘Oh, yes. No, I said that so he would leave.’

‘Liam,’ my eyes widened as I snickered, ‘that’s so rude.’

‘I apologize. There are just too many people here, and I can hear all of them. It’s overwhelming.’ He sat on the edge of the couch and blew out a long breath. ‘And this palace of theirs seems too dense and tight. It’s as if the walls themselves are trying to close in around me. You seem to be the only one I can stand to be around.’

I moved around the couch and sat next to him. ‘That’s actually sweet. I am still waiting for you to say something mean as a follow up.’

‘I am not mean to you.’

‘You certainly have been today.’

He looked down at his hands, his thumb sliding over one particular silver ring. This one wasn’t pure silver like the others, but it had a ring of obsidian around it.

‘I apologize then. I did not sleep well last night.’

‘I know. I was there.’

‘If I upset you I did not mean to. It was not my intention I promise,’ he said, the sincerity in his voice clear.

‘It’s fine. I am used to you not being the most charming at times. I just thought we had moved past the whole mean part. I thought we were friends’

‘We are.’ He shifted to face me fully as if I’d said something that upset him. ‘I just— The nightmare last night was too much.’

My brows furrowed in concern ‘Do you want to talk about it?’


I nodded before sitting up straighter and sighing. He grew quiet once more, and I just wished he would let me help him.  

‘I do want to talk about how much I do not want to go to this dinner.’

I snickered under my breath. ‘I’m sure it won’t take long. Plus, they have connections even Kaden doesn’t know about. So, they could point us in the right direction to the book you say doesn’t exist and we can leave.’

He held his hand out, his pinkie extended. ‘Promise?’ 

My chest tightened. ‘I thought you didn’t want to promise anymore?’

‘I am allowed to change my mind,’ he said, nodding toward my hand.

I smiled, held out my pinkie, and he grasped it with his. The act was so pure, and yet, it sent a small bolt of electricity to my very core.

‘Yes, I promise.’

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.