The Black Rose

Chapter Entry 11

It had been a week since my transformation, and I was still adjusting to the stark changes. Dr. Swartz wasn’t kidding when he said every system would be enhanced. My senses, motor coordination, strength, speed, metabolism, regeneration, cognitive function, all heightened exponentially. While the physical changes were an adjustment, what was even harder to grip, was the mental. With my increased brain function, I began to look at myself and the world differently. The world became more like zeroes and ones, more contrast, less gray, less ambiguity. As for myself, well, let’s just call it an extreme case of narcissism and austerity.

“You have been cleared to start training,” Dr. Swartz grinned, taking the last vial of blood from my arm.

" Really?” I blurted.

“Yep, it came all the way from the top. Besides, we have all the data we need for the initial assessment, and to the outside world you are officially dead,” Dr. Swartz rattled as if he was reading a dull science article aloud.

My head cocked to the side with intrigue, “How did I die?”

“Your body was found burned beyond recognition in an abandoned lot on the outskirts of the city. They made it look like you had been abducted. The funeral was yesterday,” he continued.

I paused, waiting for the pained expression or emotion to surface of leaving my two friends and family behind, of the poor girl who died to pretend to be me, but it never came. Instead, the realization sunk in that I was a complete ghost, a shadow to the world. I didn’t exist.

“Now, let me do one more check, hold out your hands, palms facing up,” Dr. Swartz commanded.

He shined a light on my fingertips and grinned. “Perfection.”

I gazed down at my fingerprint-less hands and my bare wrist. The removal of identification was one of the clever ingenuities Dr. Swartz included in his arsenal of creating the perfect weapon, but my wrist, that stung. My tattoo of Annie’s sparrow erased. I couldn’t have any ties to my former life, nor any visible markings or tattoos that one could remember me by.

My fingertips glanced the spot where the tattoo used to be. The ink faded just as my former life had.

“Follow me,” he motioned, rising and walking to the door. “With your new upgraded status, you will also be moved to a more comfortable and semi-permanent area. You will appreciate more perks and more freedoms,” he continued.

I swallowed, praying that I would get access to a computer. With my new actual super-brain, I knew I could do some serious damage.

“And I know what you’re thinking,” Dr. Swartz shook his finger at me lightly, “But personal computers are still off-limits.”

I deflated. I would find a way. They couldn’t keep me from my only love for long.

“Where are we going?” I asked suddenly as we entered the elevator and Doc pressed floor one, which was much higher than I had ever been. This subterranean super lab had five floors underground, and from the look of it, I had only ever known floor five.

We rose floor by floor in silence until we reached one. The elevator dinged robotically and the door opened. Following Doc across the shiny black floor, I could sense that we were still underground, but dangerously close to the surface. I could smell the sweet earth above us, feel the changes in the air, thick with water vapor. I hadn’t glimpsed the sky in a month.

“This floor is the training ground. This is where active operatives live while being trained. You will find a state-of-the-art cafeteria, gym, computer lab, lounge, classrooms...” he trailed observing me.

My eyes grew wide as we passed the cafeteria. There was a group of ten young adults eating breakfast. They looked clean-cut and in perfect health. As we kept walking, the wide hall gave way to a robust foyer. Swanky couches and lounge chairs sat on the left and right, with a coffee station, a wall full of books, and a bank of six computers back-to-back.

“This is the lounge area where recruits can relax and socialize,” Dr. Swartz continued as we walked across the room to the far wall. Dr. Swartz placed his hand on a black screen to the left and it lit up recognizing his fingertips. An invisible door glided effortlessly to the left and allowed us to enter. “Every room is concealed by one of these doors,” he explained.

“And how will I enter and exit?”

“The same as the others, except without the fingerprints, of course,” he grinned.

Separated once again.

“And this is where the recruits train,” Dr. Swartz raised his arms out to show the breadth of this training facility. It was remarkable. There were mats with recruits grappling, punching bags, weights, and other bulky contraptions I had never seen before.

“This area is for combat and strength training. We also have an Olympic-sized pool, a shooting-range, and archery. You will master them all…alone.”

As we moved through the training area, pairs and pairs of eyes sized me up. Most of these recruits were men. I had only encountered two females since being here. So far, I was up to thirty bodies. Dr. Swartz put his hand on yet another trap door, and we walked through.

“What do you mean alone?” I asked curiously.

Dr. Swartz put his hand on another invisible screen and it opened.

“Since you are the only enhanced operative at the current time, we cannot allow you to train with the rest. You could potentially hurt them or worse, we could have recruits angry because they weren’t chosen for alteration. Better for them to not know you exist, for your own safety of course.”

I frowned. Normally I would revel in the idea of learning alone, of being alone, but since my transition, my boredom and need for attention intensified.

“So, who will I train with?”

“Don’t worry, you will have the best trainer in this whole facility, she is a legend,” Dr. Swartz grinned bashfully. Looks like good ole Dr. Swartz had a crush.

“And this will be your new room,” he smiled, opening another invisible black door.

The door revealed a large open space that had a black L-shaped couch and a small TV. There were cubby-hole style shelves in the corner nearest the TV, and opposite that, a stainless-steel refrigerator and a small burner. Beyond the communal area was the bathroom with a sink, toilet, and shower that reminded me of my college dormitory. Nothing fancy. The bedroom held a queen bed on a metal mattress frame that screamed psych ward, a tiny walnut desk, a closet, and a dresser.

“Nice,” I turned to Dr. Swartz. “Does every recruit get this?” I mused.

“No, you have an upgraded unit.”

An upgraded unit? I thought to myself. I hated to see the other “units”.

“Once again we have to ensure your safety and exclusivity,” Dr. Swartz answered promptly. “You will also have your meals brought to you.”

I shook my head. “This will get boring quickly.”

“Don’t worry,” Dr. Swartz grinned mischievously, “You won’t have time to socialize. Every moment you aren’t sleeping, you will be training.” I didn’t return the smile. Instead, I simply stared at him, waiting for the words.

“Well, I guess this is where we part ways,” he interrupted the silence as if he could read my mind.

I glanced up, feigned surprise, etched in my face. “What do you mean?”

“I mean it is now time for me to pass you on. Consider this your graduation,” he smiled warmly as a father would smile at his beloved daughter. “You have now reached the edge of my expertise. My job is to deliver results and effective recruits. Don’t worry, you will be in capable hands, and I will try to stop in when I can.”

We shared a gaze of mutual understanding. I had been with Dr. Swartz every waking moment since my enhancement. Part of me wanted to hug him, to refuse to part, but I didn’t. I stood stock-still. All the pain I endured led me to this. I bowed slightly, and with that, Dr. Swartz turned, his doctor’s coat swaying, he left the room. I was alone. Marveling at the white-washed walls with absolute sterility, I sat on the perfectly made bed. Now came the fun.

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