The Billionaire’s Secret Twins A Tale of Hidden Heirs by Pinky Library

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

“Welcome, everyone! I can’t express enough gratitude towards all of you for joining us today for this momentous occasion, our annual gala! It’s a privilege to have each and every one of you here with us today, and I hope that you are all excited for the festivities that lie ahead!”

Everyone in the crowd clapped in elation as the master of ceremonies arrived to kick off the event. I was among them, thrilled.

I applauded with poise and delicate grace. After we’d been ushered along the red carpet, enjoyed a coc ktail hour and delicious dinner, now was time for speeches and

presentation. The atmosphere was buzzing with anticipation, everyone excited to see what is going to happen next.

“Are you excited to see me go up there for my speech?”

I couldn’t help but smirk when I heard the alluring sound of Dominic’s voice coming from behind me. I had to resist the urge to turn my head and glance his way, instead, I slowly twisted around to face him. His dark eyes met mine and it was like a spark had been struck between us.

So, let’s see if you have what it takes to go up there. Don’t forget, your rival is here, ready to watch you fail.”

“Tsk! Me? Fail? Sweetheart, do you have any understanding of how bad things are for his business now compared to five years ago? Surely you can see that something is terribly wrong here.”

I stopped in my tracks when I heard the words ‘five years ago. I didn’t want to think or to assume anything, so, after a few moments of contemplation, I decided it best to just try and forget about it and focus on what was happening right in front of me.

“I guess I should have expected this from you. You wanted him to go up there, right?” he taunted as he whispered these words against my earlobe. He laughed as his breath sent a chill up my spine. His words felt like fire against my earlobe.

I rolled my eyes, shooting him a deathly glare. “Do you really have to ask that? Come on, you know the answer. I crossed my arms and leaned back in the chair. His lack of common sense frustrated me beyond belief, and although I knew he was only doing it to be annoying at this point, it still managed to set me off.

Dominic was just about to open his mouth when the sudden sound of the master of ceremonies took our attention.

“Everyone please join us in warmly welcoming Anastacia Sterling, head designer of OpulentStyle Creations! Show your appreciation by giving her a round of applause!”


Chapter 7

“Anastacia has been

excellence and day. Innovative design initiatives for the past ten years with


excellence and dedication. Her signature style is one of an unparalleled level and she continues to push boundaries when it comes to revolutionary fashion!”

While the MC was detailing the designer’s history, shouts of appreciation and applause rang out through the audience. I gave my own cheers in agreement, looking around to see each member of the crowd.-

While i my eyes scanned the room, for a moment our gazes met in the middle. It was then that I realized why I had felt an icy wall of tension surrounding us ever since the event started. I offered him a smirk, tauntingly, and for good measure winked flirtatiously before turning my attention back to the stage.

I still felt his eyes piercing me, but I wasn’t bothered. I looked up at Dominic and flashed him a wide smile, the kind that could light up even the darkest of rooms.

The event continued on, introducing each and every famous individual in the room. While I was listening intently, a waiter went around to our table and topped up our glasses with a rich ruby-red wine. I glanced at the waiter without giving them much thought, though it feels weird since we already had our co cktail hour.

Nonetheless, more wine for me.

Taking a sip, I savored the sweet taste of the wine as it swirled around my tongue. It sent a tingling sensation down my throat, warming my insides and making me feel alive.

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome! We are here tonight to celebrate the success of this one-of-a-kind occasion and appreciate how far we have come. Now, I must not forget to give a special mention to our generous sponsors who have made this evening possible. First up, let’s give it up for one of our well known bachelor billionaires, Sir Dominic Ryder!”

The room broke out in thunderous applause as Dominic rose confidently into the grand ballroom. I could hardly contain my enthusiasm, beaming proudly and clapping along with everyone. The temptation to shout encouragement was there, but I had to remain composed and maintain my etiquette, I was surrounded by so many distinguished people.

Dominic slowly moved his way onto the stage as the Master of Ceremonies was introducing him to the crowd. He awaited his cue before finally making his way up and gently taking the microphone from the MC’s hands.

“Well, I hope you all had a night that was better than my own, I spent it trying to teach my dog how to play chess.”

Everyone in the crowd burst into laughter. I shake my head, wanting to sink into my seat and facepalm. It seemed that everyone was finding the joke amusing, except for

Chapter 7

one table I had noticed. Taking a quick glance at them, I could see the bitterness etched in their faces as they sat there in silence.

For five years I observed as they attempted to bring Dominic down, but they failed to realize that you can’t stay on top forever. Everyone needs a competitor, and for them it was Dominic:

“Anyways, I know that I come here every year but this year is different. This time

around, I have the chance to introduce you all to the person who has been a continuous. inspiration for me ever since we first met.”


I felt my heart swell and a smile tug at the corners of my mouth when Dominic’s gaze met mine. I was taken aback, he had certainly surprised me with his introduction. All I knew was that he had brought me here to prove to the Blackwood family that I still existed, and that all of my hard work hadn’t gone unnoticed.

But this part was so sweet of him.

“To the dearest person in my life, who lightens up even the darkest days and shines. bright like a beacon of hope, I am eternally grateful for you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Serena. You mean more to me than anything else in this world and I can’t begin to express how much I love you. From here to the moon and back, and then some, I’m so blessed to have you by my side always.”

All eyes were on me and I mouthed the words “I love you too” to him. This time, all my fears and doubts melted away as I forgot everything but Dominic. The entire world. seemed to disappear for that moment, as my focus shifted solely on the person standing in front of me. The joy and happiness radiating off of his face was enough to confirm that he felt the same way about me, and this feeling was mutual between us both.

After his speech, Dominic made his way back to the table and took a seat beside me. Everyone was applauding him and talking in hushed whispers about our relationship being made public. Dominic had always been known as one of the youngest billionaires. around, he had been single for years now, so making our relationship known came as at shock to everyone.

“I’m so proud of you.”

“Of course, everything for you, sweetheart.”

My cheeks burned in embarrassment but I forced myself to keep my composure. My attention was immediately drawn when the MC called out the name of the other


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Chapter 7

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“And now, we have the honor of welcoming Damon Blackwood from the renowned Blackwood Empire! Please join me in extending him a warm welcome.”

The crowd erupted with a thunderous applause as Damon emerged from the wings, exuding an enigmatic and confident aura. He was dressed in a sharp, well-tailored suit that complimented his commanding presence. He made his way to the podium with a certain grace and poise, radiating an air of mystery as he stood before the audience.

I wasn’t very interested in listening when suddenly nature called.

“Hey, I need to go to the comfort room,” I told Dominic.

“Okay, let me-”

“No, it’s okay. I can manage.” I smiled and gave him a k*ss.

I rose from my seat and made my way towards the restroom. The hallway was eerily silent, everyone inside the grand hall, not a soul in sight. Once inside, I took care of business before hearing an abrupt noise from outside, the restroom door swung open with such force that it sounded like someone had just slammed it shut in a fit of rage.

Initially caught off guard by this sudden disturbance, I quickly regained my composure and finished up before flushing the toilet before making my exit.

Before I could take another step forward, I felt a strong grip on my wrist, pressing me against the wall and immobilizing me in surprise. My heart raced as I felt the silhouette of a b*dy pinning me to the wall behind. I wanted to scream but no sound came out, all of my energy suddenly lost from shock and fear.

I cautiously glanced up, my eyes widening and heart racing as our gaze met. I couldn’t believe who it was, my eyelids fluttering in disbelief.



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