The Billionaire's Secret Lover

Chapter 55: Nina

I stood staring out of the window into the cold morning which was still dark. I was tempted to go for a run but knowing my dad, he will want the body guards to go with me but I needed to be alone right now...

I paced around the room still trying to wrap my head around why Deborah and Austin will want me dead. I mean loving Michael is not enough for anyone to wish death on me.

And to think that she has been sleeping with Austin even when he pretended to be gay. I've been a fool for a very long time. I can't believe I didn't see all of this even when it was right under my nose.

I came out of my thoughts just as I heard my phone ringing. I walked to where it was lying on my rumpled unmade bed. I picked it up and stared at the caller ID.

"Hello baby girl" I called into the phone, immediately I saw that it was Lillian's calling. I scold myself for forgetting to call her after seeing her off at the airport. "Hey Nina. How are you?" Lillian's called into the phone slowly like she was hesitating

"I'm good. How's your honeymoon? And Danny ?" I asked walking to stand in front of the window. I opened the door, letting in the air of the early morning cold breeze.

"Danny's good and we are not really here for honeymoon Michael said he has explained everything to you" Lilian asked me. I nodded but remembered that she wasn't with me.

"Yes. And what do you mean by you are not on honeymoon? I asked her as soon as the meaning of her words sank in my brain.

"Yes, actually. We came over here to ask about Austin. Since this was where he spent most of his childhood. And guess what, we found some interesting about him. Gosh! That guy is a psycho" Lilian said bitterly as her voice hardened in anger.

"Are you okay? Michael said you left his office angrily and you've refused to pick his calls" Lilian said, sounding concerned. I miss her so much. And to think, she forgo her honeymoon because she wanted to find evidence on someone who tried to take my life. Even until the end, Lilian is still risking everything for me....

"I'm okay. I've been thinking about everything. I still don't understand why Deborah will want to kill even after she's been sleeping with Austin. Who does that?"

"Don't worry your head about that psycho bitch, she will meet karma soon. How is everyone at home?"

"Everyone's good and Lilian please be careful. I can't have you risking your life and my little nephew because of me, okay?" I told her since I couldn't help feeling guilty.

"Oh! Come off it. Why are we friends then? If I can't help you. I need to go now, I'm going to the hospital for my antenatal" Lilian said, causing me to smile. I can't wait to hold little Danny in my arms.

Oh! Okay. Bye" I told her as she hung up after grunting her response.

I dropped the phone on the bed and then went into the bathroom to bathe and brush my teeth.

Stepping out of the bathroom, I was surprised to see my parents and brother in my room. They were arguing among themselves. I stood with my hands folded across my chest at my bathroom door glaring at them "What is going on here?" I asked them looking from one to another.

Shane stood up and ran to meet, he held my hand and looked you into my eyes, giving me his puppy look.

"Big sis_ spent today with me. Please let's go out" he begged me, as he tried to persuade me with his puppy eyes but I was not in the mood of going out. I wanted to get back in bed and snuggled into my pillow.

"I don't want to, please leave. I want to be alone" I snapped at him as I let go of his hands and walked over to my bed to sit down. Sis please I


"Do you want to go out with mom?" Mom asked me cutting Shane off as she smiled at me" Come on, say yes. It will be so fun. We can chat and gist about everything under the sun. Oh! How I missed those days. What do you say? Are you game for it?" Mom asked me. I was tempted to say yes. I mean who wouldn't, going out with mom was fun. We always gist and talk, and she makes me feel like I'm with Lilian but I can't risk any of their lives, especially now that I know that Austin and Deborah won't rest until they have me. I don't want to drag my family into it......

"I'm not interested. Please can you all go now, I would like to be alone" I told them as my eyes hardened. I avoided each of their faces, I wouldn't want to see the hurt in there.

"Oh! Why? I really would like to spend today with you, I mean you weren't even there for me when I clock 8?" I snapped my eyes to stare at Shane shocked

"You are eight?" I asked him surprised, the last time I checked he was seven years old. How come he's eight now?

"Of course. I couldn't celebrate my birthday because you were in coma" Shane replied as tears spilled down his face. I went over to hug him even when I knew he was guilt tripping me into going out with him. "I'm really sorry that you couldn't celebrate your birthday because of me. I promised I will make it up to you but not today, please?" I apologized to him looking into his eyes. He nodded as I wiped his tears away. Shane turned and walked out of the door leaving mom and Dad who don't seem like they will be leaving my room anytime from now.......

I turned to lie down on my bed as I threw the duvet over me. Mom walked closer and she ran her hands down my cheeks and fore head checking for my temperature "What's wrong Nina? Are you alright?" I turned my head to snapped at her but paused as soon as I saw the concern which etched her brow. I swallow my bad words and smile sadly at her.

"I'm fine mom. There's no need for you to be worried "I told her holding her hand to reassure her.

"Are you sure nothing is the matter? You've not been yourself since three days ago?" Dad's deep voice called out to me as I turned to see him sitting comfortably on my couch directly opposite me.

"I'm okay dad. Maybe I'm just missing Lilian. Ever since the accident we haven't been able to spend time together and now she's married" I lied to my dad. Though, it wasn't all lies, I sometimes fear that Lilian and I won't be close as we were now that she was married. That's okay. But are you worried about Michael? I_______"

"Dad, I'm okay and this isn't about Michael" I protested cutting him off, I can't bear hearing that name again not after what he has put me through.

"Then go out with your mom. She has been awake all night worrying about you. She even forgo her yoga practice because of you. The least you could do is spend some time with her. Okay?" Dad said as I nodded. He came over to pat me lightly on the shoulder before turning to walk out....

I nodded to mom as I stood and dressed, getting ready for my outing with mom. Mom smiled at me as she stepped out after telling me that she wanted to go get ready too.

I walked down the stairs as I contemplated my decision to go out today. I just hope I won't run into Deborah or Austin......

"Nina darling. Come over here" Mom waves me over to the couch, giggling like a schoolgirl on her first date. I never knew going out with her could make her so happy.....

I went to meet as she shows me pictures of lady getting message and stuff on her phone "What do you say about we hitting the spa first? I don't know about you but I want to relax and let someone else do the work for me" She smiles staring at me. I nodded. I guess spa it is. We stood up as we get into mom's Range Rover as we drove to the nearest spa centre.

Mom and I are currently sitting in one of the busiest cafe shops sipping from a cup of coffee. I was a bit relaxed after the massage, it seems like exactly what I needed to get the tension of the week off my shoulder.

"So, Nina. Did you enjoy yourself? ``Mom asked me dropping her cup of coffee gently on the table and she rested her back against the chair.

I turned to stare out of the window as I looked around for no one in particular. Have been doing that a lot after Michael has told me about Austin and Deborah. I can't step out of the door without looking over my shoulder to see if anyone was following me.

"I did enjoy myself. Thank you for forcing out today, spa was exactly what I needed" I replied smiling back at her as she nodded.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. I did too. It's been a while I've gotten one" mom nodded shrugging. I feel guilty for not giving her time to enjoy herself instead of Dad, Shane and I disturbing her always but I'm glad she came into our lives.

"So about Michael?" Mom asked me getting serious. I gulped nervously as I dropped the cup on the table causing its content to spill on the table. I always know today wasn't going to end without his name being called.

"What about him, mom ?" I asked her feigning ignorance. I knew exactly what she was asking me but I dreaded answering. Even after knowing that my life is at risk because of him, I can't bring myself to leave him. Do you think I'm normal? Is something wrong with me? "Nina. How long are you going to keep this up? Love is good. I accept, I love your father and he loves me too but what good is love when the other part isn't reciprocating it" Mom said as I avoided her eyes. I know she is saying the truth. Hell! I've been asking myself a lot of that lately but I can't bring myself to leave him no matter what he does.

"Do you know what insanity is ?" Mom asked me as she took a sip from her coffee lying in front of her.....

I laughed. Such a simple question " Of course mom, who doesn't?" I scoffed at her surprised she is even asking something that even Shane knows what it means.

"Insanity is having a serious mental illness " I told her proudly.

"No, that's wrong, " Mom answered, causing my eyes to shoot up and glare at her.

Mom leaned in as she stare into my eyes " Insanity Nina is, holding onto someone who is not making any effort to keep you"

I gasped with my mouth opened as I stared widely into my mom's eyes. I was shocked. Does this mean I'm insane? No, I can't be. No, never!!! I repeated more confidently to myself.

Mom straightened as she signaled to the waitress to refill our cup. After our cup was refilled, mom continued slowly " Insanity is when a person can't differentiate between fantasy and reality. Fantasy Nina, is Michael being in love with you. Reality is, Michael can never marry you, his place lies with Deborah Melton in his arms. So wake up from your fantasy, and face reality" Mom said seriously as she took her bag and walked out.

"That's too harsh mom! That's too harsh!" I screamed as tears spilled down my face. I sat in the coffee shop crying my eyes out before I could bring myself to go home.

As I was getting into bed, I sent a quick text to Michael that I wanted to see him. I couldn't bring myself to speak to him on the phone after everything mom had told me.¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶

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