The Billionaire's Secret Lover

Chapter 101: Deborah's Trial

Lillian had joined us this time, I couldn't help regretting dragging her into my mess.

We all sat in the courtroom looking around while I held onto my daughter's hands, Michael was on my right holding on to Nadia's hands while Nora was beside me. They had recovered from most of their bruises but we were all still going to therapy every Tuesday. Even I stared into the whitewashed room of the courtroom but I wasn't really seeing anything. All I could remember was the night when I felt I was going to die and Michael had saved me the second time...

"What is she doing?" I turned to stare at Lillian who gazed was fixed on Deborah, who was checking her gun to see if she had enough ammunition in them wearing a light smile on her face. I turned away from the face of the woman that I had come to despise, but couldn't do anything.

"Don't worry, you'll find out soon" Deborah's loud voice rang through the whole room echoing through the empty room as she provided the answer to Lillian's question

I held tightly to Nora's hands as I felt biles rise up to my throat cause I knew what she was feeling excited for. It was the same look Austin had given me before the hunt

"I have a request to make" I called gently to her trying not to annoy her as her head shot up to look at me.

"I'm sure you know you are in no position to make a request, right?" Her cold voice reached out to me while I shiver in fear. I couldn't believe I was staring into the eyes of the woman who was the same person that was kind to me the first time I arrived in New York City. "But seeing that I'm in a very good mood, let's hear what you have to say" She called to me before returning to her task after motioning me to go on with her hands.

"I just want to plead for my girls and Lillian. I'm the one you are angry with, please don't touch them. I'll gladly do anything, you could even kill me but please spare their life" I pleaded with Deborah with tears in my eyes.

Deborah smirked as she stood up from where she was seated on a long stool, she took a long leisurely step to us and glared at me.

She squatted down in front of me gazing deep into my eyes. She raised my chin up when she saw I was about to coward in her presence

"And where is the fun in that, huh? Why do you think I was eager to kidnap your kids_ ?"

I gazed into Deborah's eyes, staring deep in the depth of the demon she had become all because of her obsession for Michael. I never knew obsession was real but with Deborah, I could finally understand why it is treated as a mental disease. I shake my head, to rid myself of those thoughts as I raise my lips about to answer her questions when she stopped me from providing the answers herself

"Because I wanted to send them off to keep my son and Austin's company. So, can you see that I need both you and your daughters? And as for Lillian" She paused and let her eyes run through Lillian who laid on the floor with Nadia beside her trying to recuperate from her the heavy bruises Deborah's men had given her

"Well, I didn't plan for her but she chose to go with you. So, who am I to stop her?"

A loud slap sound across Deborah's cheeks, I watched as her hands raised to hold her cheeks in shock while I gazed at my hands. I can't believe I just did that but I was glad I did. I can't have her insulting my children and friend

"You can never have my kids. Michael will never allow that" I called to her in anger as I clenched my fists together.

"Did you just slap me?" Deborah's Angry voice rang through the room causing me to shiver from fear.

"Ha! Haha!! Ha Hahahaha!!!!" Deborah's hysterical laughter filled my ears, taking over my entire eardrum.

"Oh! Is that where that boldness of yours is coming from? Because you think Michael will save you, then you are mistaken cause girl, nobody can ever take you from my graph. Trust me!" Deborah told me with a coy smile on her lips like she had a secret that I wasn't aware of.

Is what she's saying the truth? Will Michael not be able to save me? Is this how we will perish in her hands?

"Prepare for the hunt, it's time" I heard her call to the two hefty men outside the door who had whipped Lillian earlier.

My heart skipped a beat as soon as I heard her say that. I immediately apologized to her and begged her to forgive me but all my pleas fell on deaf ears as she was already walking out of the room leaving us to the mercy of the men who were already dragging us out of the room after they had whipped us a thirty stroke each.

Deborah stood in front of the large clearing, exhaling a big smoke from her lips. She turned to offer me a big smile as soon as she saw me approaching being dragged by the men along with Lillian and the girls.

"Woah, Nina. I can't believe this is the place where we say goodbye" Deborah told me, already walking to us after the men had dropped us heavily on the floor.

"I guess there's no need for me to explain the rules of the game to you since you are already familiar with it but for the sake of Lillian and the girls, I will explain them again," Deborah told me before she went on to repeat the rules which Austin had told me before. My heart skipped a beat for every time her loud voice rang through to me, I couldn't help thinking about the last time Austin had said the same thing to me.

"Now, run, else the first person I catch will be the first to die," Deborah told us before we all scrambled off in different directions. My kids' voices called to me from different directions of the field causing tears to scramble down my face as I searched around for them under the dark sky.

"Nina" "Nina"

I jolted out of my thoughts as I turned to see Michael looking down at me with concern on his face.

"Are you alright?"

I nodded " Yes. I'm sorry" I told him, forcing a smile on my face as the courtroom now became visible in my face. I can't believe I was spaced out still thinking about that night. I turned to see Deborah being ushered in with handcuffs on her wrist.

Her eyes ran through the entire courtroom before resting on me. I held her gaze refusing to back down from her angry looks.

"All rise" We all stood up as the clerk's voice rang through the entire room ushering in the judge who was an elderly man, his long flowing dark green robe flowing behind him as he walked into the courtroom.

I watched as the judge walked into the room and took his seat before we finally seated.

"What's the case, about?" The judge asked the clerk who then read out the case, I watched as each lawyer defended the case while I, my kids, and Lillian were invited time after time to testify against Deborah. "We will now go on a recess and when we're back I will give my verdict. I rise" The judge told us while we all rose up to his exit.

Thirty minutes later, we all resumed back into the court, I sat with a heavy heart preparing heavily that Deborah will not be set free.

My eyes found the Melton's who

were seated two seats away from us, my eyes.met Mr. Melton and I could see the regretful look on his face before he averted his gaze. I can't believe he was the same man who had offered me my first job as a journalist.

"Miss Deborah Melton, with all the charges, leveled against you, the court finds you guilty of being an Late Mr. Austin Walker and also trying to attemptă murder against Mrs. Nina


Thompson and her children, and as a result of this, the court sentence you to fifteen years in prison with hard labor. And a section every Thursday with your psychiatrist, Doctor Starkville. I rise!"

I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face as soon as I heard that. We all stood up to usher the judge out of the courtroom while we watched as the police tried to usher Deborah out from the little cubicle where she stood with handcuffs on her wrist.

"Come, let's go"

I heard Michael's voice as he rushed to take my hands ushering me out of the courtroom to the van which was waiting to transport Deborah to the prison.

"Oh my God, Michael. You came from me. I knew you still love me"

I heard Deborah's excited voice as she took in

Michael taking a long stride to her side as she paused in front of the van. Her eyes darted away from Michael's comforting smile, she glared as soon as she found me stepping closer to Michael's side.

"Why do you bring that witch of the west with you? Can you see that I hate her?" Deborah exclaimed bitterly as she took her eyes off me, glaring at the person at me back.

I turned to see what had made her angrier only to see Danny and Lillian holding on to my kids' hands

"Deborah. I'm sorry for bringing this upon you. If only you didn't love me, none of this would have happened? Michael calls to her with teary eyes. I rushed toward my hands around him trying to comfort him while Deborah gazed at us with confusion. I always knew Michael loved Deborah but only as a sister. That's why he couldn't stop blaming himself for her obsession with him.

"Come on, Michael. This wasn't your fault. She chooses this past herself " I told him softly, dragging off the van since inspector Peller was impatient to leave.

"Please, take care of her" I heard Michael say to Xavier as he gently patted him on the shoulder before leading me and the girls to the car.

I hugged Danny and Lillian goodbye before

entering the front seat of the car while Nora and Nadia made themselves comfortable in the backseat.

Ever since Michael had found us at the abandoned cabin, he had vowed to be our driver after sending both Mark, John, and Emma off for a forced vacation only Don remained with us. Since he was Michael's hitman.

I smiled as I remember when Michael had given him the " shot on target " instructions. Don had followed it strictly and wounded most people that had come to say hello to me. Though, they were my colleagues who he hadn't seen before.



I turned to stare at the back where my girls were calling to me while Michael was trying to focus on driving and also trying to pay attention to them.

"Yes, girls. What is it ?" I asked them, trying to avoid their eyes. Ever since the incident, I couldn't help apologizing to the girls every morning and blaming myself for failing as a mother to them.

"Mom, we are thinking " I turned swiftly to stare at Michael whose gaze was also fixed on me. As soon as we heard Nadia say that, I could feel the wheel turning on his head. I was worried, why would they be thinking? Is this about the incident? Though I knew they always have nightmares but Doctor Quins had told us that it will stop with time, so, why?

"Princess, is this about Deborah? You don't have to worry about her anymore. She isn't coming out for a long time and when she does come out. I'm sure she will be a changed person.

"No, dad. That isn't what this is about " Nora replied shaking her head in negative as she turned to look at her sister.

"Then what is it about ?" I ask them as I let my eyes run through them urging them to speak.

"Well, the other day, Joey was telling us how he will be relocating to Greece with his parents after his birthday. So, we are

"You are wondering if we could do that too, right?" I ask them. They both nodded. I turned to look at Michael who smiled at me.

I always knew Lillian was planning to relocate. After the incident, Danny wasn't comfortable staying back in New York City with Lillian. And I could understand that but I didn't plan for my kids to buy that ideal.

"Mom, come on, please. We have bad memories of this place already. Couldn't we go away and start afresh " Nora shouted as she pouted up at me.

"Fine girls. Your father and I will talk about this and get back to you, okay?" I told them as they both shrieked in excitement just as Michael pulled into our mansion.00000

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