The Billionaire’s Ex-Wife (Her Ex-Husband’s Regret) by Jaike e Rylee

The Billionaire’s Ex-Wife (Her Ex-Husband’s Regret) Chapter 14

Chapter 14 


“The fuck, the fuck, the fuck!” 

1 that! You have 

“Megan Marie!” my mother’s voice booms from the living room. I thought I taught you to behave better than t a reputation to take care of. What if somebody hears you cursing like a gangster?” 

“I don’t care!” I mutter, tossing my Chanel bag on the floor. “You should have seen her, Mother! Acting all high and mighty. like she’s better than everyone 



“Cassie, who?” 


I raise a brow at my mother. “Are you turning suddenly senile? You’re not that old, and it hasn’t been that long since you last saw her.” 

It takes a while before her eyes widen, indicating that she finally realizes who I’m referring to. Cassandra?” 


“But didn’t you come from the board meeting of King’s Court? How did you run into Cassandra there?” 

“Did you 

id you know about Cassandra’s mother? What she did? Where she came from?” 

“I don’t know much about her. Just that she is a plain, stupid housewife that a man can’t even be proud of.” 

“Dad didn’t tell you anything?” 

My mother scoffs. “As ifl There’s nothing worth mentioning about that woman! She was a complete doormat!” 

“Well, apparently, that’s not the case!” I sigh. “She is the only daughter of the Chairman of King’s Court! And since she’s dead, the Chairman named Cassie as his successor after his death!” 

“What?!” My mother’s shrieks, her face turning white. “You mean she is actually rich?” 

“Yes! They own the biggest hotel chain in the country! And soon, Cassie will sit as their chairman!” 

“I thought Kayden would take over King’s Court! I thought he would be the Chairman!” 

“He can’t if the board will not contest the Chairman’s will.” 

“Will Kayden be able to challenge the Chairman’s will and take over King’s Court?” 

I close my eyes in frustration. “He can. But…” 


“Fuck!” I curse again. “That’s the problem, Mother! He’s not making a move. I don’t think he will contest this. It’s like… he’s given up.” 



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Chapter 14 

“Kayden Steele may be many things. But he’s not a quitter. You know that. He’s been eyeing King’s Court for too long now He’s not going down without a fight.” 

Deep in my heart, I want to believe what my mother said. It’s hard to deny the truth, though. I sense something in Kayden. during that board meeting. I just cannot place it. 

“Is something wrong?” my mother asks. 

I heave another sigh. “I just have this feeling that… Kayden may not be overly furious about his ex-wife taking over the position he coveted so much.” 

“Do… do you mean, he’s okay with working with his ex-wife? 

I don’t like the sound of that! But deep down, I’m afraid it could be true. 

“I’m scared, Mother! I know they’re already divorced, but what if Kayden suddenly realized that she’s…” 

“Stop it!” my mother glares at me, silencing me with a stern look “You don’t talk about that, unless you know!” 

I bite my lower lip, feeling the weight of the cret weighing heavily on my chest. 

want anyone to 

“You and Kayden go way back!” my mother hisses. “You have a long history together. He pledged to take care of you 

“But that was ages ago, Mom!” Largue. “Feelings can change.” 

That’s why you have to move fast, now,” she says. “Before someone else swoops in and steals him away? 

“How can somebody steal him away? He’s so busy, he doesn’t have time to date, or do anything else. He barely even sees me!” 

“Why are you so worried, then?” 

“Because they’ll be working together!” I ball my hands into fists and stomp my foot on the marble floor. “Kayden never liked Cassie before. But that was before she was a good-for-nothing loser! But you should have seen Cassie today, Mother! I barely recognized her!” 

“She became an heiress overnight and she’s already giving you a run for your money? All those years of modeling should have taught you confidence.” 

“No, Mother. Apparently, before she became an heiress, she’s been running a successful interior design company.” 

“That brainless brat?” 

“Yes. Cassandra Designs. She owns that firm.” 

“What?!” my mother shrieks again. “I’ve been trying to hire them to design my boutique! I couldn’t fit in their schedule and… well, their rate is just really high, but I was told it’s worth every penny. She really owns it?” 

“Yes, she does. You know Cassie has always been doodling. I guess she found a way to put those stupid skills to work! She has amassed her own fortune over these years.” 

“Do you think Kayden will look at her differently now that she’s a changed woman?” 

My heart sinks. I want to deny it. I want to believe that the bond that Kayden and I shared will be enough to prevent him 



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15:42 Fri, May 17 

Chapter 14 

from falling for Cassie’s new-found charm. But… I’m scared that even before Cassie came back. Kayden was already starting to lose interest in me. 

“Well then, all the more you should move fast,” Mother says. “Marry Kayden now! Secure your future with him! Make sure you get the rights to the Steele properties before it’s too late!” 

“How can I get ahold of those properties, Mother? You know that Kayden is not stupid. He will make me sign a prenup 

“Then simply refuse to sign. Then get pregnant fast! You know very well how billionaires like Kayden are easy to manipulate once you are carrying their heirs.” 

“You mean I should blackmail him by getting pregnant?” 

My mother lets out a shrill laugh. “No, dear! I’m saying you get pregnant so you will have leverage. Blackmail is too strong a 


My mother leans down and kisses my forehead. “You worry too much, dear. Get married soon. And you won’t have anything to worry about. Now, if you’ll excuse me, my bath is ready.” 

Once my mother leaves, I dial Kayden’s number. 

Mother is right. The sooner Kayden and I get married, the sooner I will stop worrying that I will lose him 

I must have called him ten times, but he doesn’t bother to pick up. 

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! 

I look back at what happened at the meeting today. When the attorney announced that Cassie was going to be the next Chairman, I didn’t even sense that Kayden was furious about it, nor was he planning to oppose it. I know that Kayden is good at hiding his emotions, but what if…. 

He cannot be in love with Cassie! He already left her for me! In fact, I’ve been waiting for him to propose to me since their divorce was finalized. But until now. nothing. 

Is it possible that he regrets his decision to divorce Cassie? That he suddenly realized that he has feelings for her? 

And now that she’s back in our lives….. 

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! 

I cannot take chances. I cannot just sit here and watch Cassie steal everything from me! 


mine! And I want to make sure he remains mine! 

With a pounding heart, I dial a number that I only dial when I’m lonely and desperate. 

One ring. 

“Well, this is a pleasant surprise,” a smooth, familiar voice says on the other line. “It hasn’t been that long. Back for more, I suppose?” 

“Shut up! I didn’t call for that!” I say, quite irritated. Every time call him, I promise it will be the last. But right now, I can’t think of anyone else who will do this for me. 

Nothing is more important than Kayden and our future together. I would do anything… everything to make sure nothing 




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Chapter 14 

gets in my way. 

“Then to what do I owe the pleasure of this call?” he asks. 

“I need something done quickly. I know you’re the only one who can help me.” 

“You know I come with a prize, sugar,” 

Aargh! I was afraid of that, 

“Fine! Tell me where and I’ll be there,” I reply. 

“Same hotel we went to the last time,” he whispers. “Tll mail you the keycard as usual.” 

“Okay! Whatever! 

“By the way, what is it that you so desperately want done that you’re willing to risk meeting me?” 

I take a few seconds to think about what I am going to do. But after a short while, I am sure as hell about what I want. 

I take a deep breath and reply, “I want y 

you to get rid of someone for me. 






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