The Billionaire’s Big Bold Wonder: An Age Gap BBW Romance (The Billionaires’ Club)

The Billionaire’s Big Bold Wonder: An Age Gap BBW Romance: Chapter 6

    whispers, her voice shaking.

I drop her toothbrush. My hands just…cease functioning. For a minute, my entire goddamn system ceases to function. The ground shifts beneath my feet and the world stops spinning. Her words echo in my head.

I’m pregnant, Cortez.

I’m pregnant, Cortez.

I’m pregnant, Cortez.

All the little signs stitch themselves together like a roadmap. Her fuller breasts and sensitive nipples. The glow to her skin. The subtle rounding of her belly. The exhaustion and vomiting. Her panic when I showed up out of the blue. It all makes sense now.

She’s pregnant, and the whole time, she’s been doing it alone, thinking I just left her there like she was nothing. She’s been carrying my baby, alone. She’s been scared, alone. She’s been sick, alone. And then I showed up after two months like nothing had changed. For her, everything had changed. She’s carrying my kid and she had to do it without me. I promised her forever and then left her to face it alone. In her mind, I didn’t just abandon her, I abandoned our kid too.

No wonder she’s so fucking afraid to trust me again.

‘I planned on telling you,’ she whispers. ‘I only found out last week, but I swear I planned on telling you. But then you showed up and I didn’t know how to tell you or if you were here to stay or if you were just going to disappear again. And I know that sounds horrible. I probably sound horrible. And selfish. And so cruel. I swear I wasn’t trying to keep your baby from you, Cortez. I would never do that. I just…I just needed a minute to gather the nerve to tell you, that’s all.’

‘You’re pregnant,’ I say. I’m not sure why. They seem to be the only words my mouth can form at the moment. My girl is pregnant. How it’s possible to be this goddamn thrilled and feel like such an asshole at the same time, I don’t know. But here I am anyway.

How many times did I dream about this exact thing over the last two months? Too many to count. Only it didn’t happen this way in my dreams. She wasn’t alone and scared. She didn’t find out by herself. I can’t go back and fix it. I wish like hell I could. But she won’t ever be alone again.

‘I’ll take a paternity test if you want,’ she says, her shoulders drooping. ‘I haven’t been with anyone but you. I wouldn’t do that. But I’ll take whatever tests you want me to take. I swear I wasn’t trying to keep you from your baby, Cortez. Please don’t hate me.’

Hate her? I blink, surprised to see tears slipping down her cheeks. My stomach clenches at the sight, acid eating its way through my intestines. She’s crying. Fuck. I made her cry. That can’t be good for her or the baby.

‘I could never hate you,’ I rasp, cupping her face in my hands. ‘God, Piper, I’m so fucking in love with you it’s killing me.’

‘Cortez,’ she says, more tears spilling down her cheeks.

‘You don’t owe me an explanation or an apology. You don’t owe me anything, pretty baby.’

‘I should have told you yesterday.’

‘I wish you had,’ I admit, brushing tears from her cheeks. ‘But I’m not mad at you for it. If anything, I’m mad as hell at the situation. I’m mad as hell that you’ve been going through this alone. I’m mad as hell that I haven’t been here to take care of you and our baby. I’m mad as hell that you’ve been scared and sick without me.’ I groan, pressing my forehead to hers. ‘Fuck. Why didn’t I call the front desk that night and tell them I wasn’t checking out? I could have saved us both two months of heartache.’

‘Please don’t,’ she whispers, shaking her head against mine. ‘I don’t want to be sad anymore. You’re here now. We’re together now. That’s all that matters.’

I pull back to look at her. ‘Is this you saying you forgive me, Piper?’

‘Yes,’ she says and then immediately bites her bottom lip. ‘I was never mad at you, Cortez. I was hurt. I fell in love with you. When I woke up and you were gone…that hurt. A lot. I thought you changed your mind and just didn’t want to tell me.’

‘Fuck no,’ I growl.

‘Did you really look for me?’

‘Every fucking day. I haunted that fucking bar, waiting for you to show up again.’

‘I haven’t been back since that night,’ she admits. ‘I’ve kind of been avoiding Nashville in general since that night. I was afraid I’d run into you somewhere and you’d pretend you didn’t know me, or I’d see you with another woman.’ Her cheeks heat at her admission. ‘My parents probably think I’ve moved out of the country.’

‘There are no other women, Piper. There were no women in my life long before I met you. There certainly hasn’t been one since you,’ I say. I hadn’t been on a date in years before I met her, let alone slept with anyone. ‘You think I’d settle for someone else?’ I shake my head, denying it. The mere thought is preposterous to me. If I can’t have her, I don’t want anyone. ‘Never, pretty baby. You’re it for me.’

‘I’m so afraid you don’t mean it,’ she admits in a whisper.

‘You don’t trust me.’

‘It’s not that. It’s just…’ She huffs out a breath, staring at me in something like awe. She lifts her hand, tracing her fingertips across the plane of my cheek. ‘How are you real?’

‘Jesus,’ I growl, my dick throbbing at the look in her eyes. No one has ever looked at me like she is right now. Like I’m fucking magic. I’m not. I’m just a man. Piper though? She’s magic. She’s a goddamn queen. ‘You need to brush your teeth, Piper.’

Her brows furrow, confusion filtering through her expression.

‘I need to kiss you, and I’m guessing you aren’t going to let me do that until you brush your teeth,’ I explain, placing a hand on her outer thigh. She shivers as I run it up her silky skin to curve it around her hip. Her skin is so fucking soft. ‘Brush your teeth, pretty baby.’

She quickly grabs her toothbrush from the sink where I dropped it and then stretches to grab the toothpaste. I splay my hand across her belly. My skin is darker than hers, rougher. My palm nearly covers her abdomen. I can’t believe my kid is in there.

Fuck, my kid is in there.

‘I can’t believe you’re carrying my kid,’ I murmur. My dick throbs again, my balls aching for relief I already know they aren’t getting right now. She’s not feeling well, and I have to be in Nashville in a few hours.

Shit. I have to be in Nashville in a few hours.

I need to make some calls and rearrange my schedule. Taking over the company is going to have to wait a few days. Being here right now is more important. Uncle Dorian will understand. Family has always come first to him, and my family is right here in this bathroom.

Piper finishes brushing her teeth and then rinses her mouth with a cup of water before politely spitting it into the sink and turning off the faucet. As soon as she’s finished, I scoop her up in my arms and carry her back to the bedroom, cradling her carefully.

She snuggles up against my chest with a soft sigh. ‘Are you very mad about it?’

‘Mad?’ I quirk a brow, depositing her carefully in the bed before crawling over her. ‘Does this feel like I’m mad to you?’ I growl, pressing my dick against her belly and my lips to her ear. ‘I’ve never been so fucking hard in my life.’

‘Cortez,’ she moans, wrapping her arms around my neck.

‘Kiss me, Piper.’

She tilts her head, allowing me to slant my mouth down on hers. I take it slow, brushing my lips across hers in gentle passes until she whimpers, silently pleading for more. As soon as she makes that sweet sound of surrender, I give her what she wants. My hand curves around her wide hip, the other sinking into her wild hair.

She tastes like mint and forever. I sink into her, coaxing her into an erotic kiss that blows my fucking mind. Within minutes, she’s wrapped around me, grinding that juicy cunt all over my cock. I try to behave. Fuck, I try. But she makes it damn hard to control myself when she’s whining my name and clawing at my shoulders.

‘Slow down, pretty baby,’ I groan, trying to pull back before we get carried away.

‘I don’t want slow!’ she cries, pulling my hair. ‘I need you, Cortez.’

‘You’re sick, Piper.’

‘Please,’ she whimpers, arching her back. She’s so damn responsive, so horny. ‘Please.’

‘Fuck,’ I growl, my control in tatters. If she wants this, who the hell am I to tell her no? She can have whatever she wants. It’s my job to meet every need she has. And right now, she needs to come. Fuck, I need her to come. It’s been too damn long since I felt her tight cunt gripping me while she came all over my cock.

I reach between us, yanking my boxers down to free my cock. I kept them on last night, knowing she’d be pissed if she woke up to me naked in her bed. They didn’t do a damn thing to help soften the intensity of having her in my arms again. Even in her sleep, she was right up against me, grinding that round ass against my dick all night. It was heavenly torture.

‘You want this dick, Piper?’

‘Yes!’ she cries.

I flip us over, a little worried I might hurt her if I’m in charge. I need her too goddamn badly to trust myself right now. I settle against the pillows, pulling her on top of me. ‘Then take it, pretty baby. Ride my cock.’

She moans, straddling my hips. My cock slides through her folds, grinding against her clit.

‘Fucking hell,’ I growl, writhing in ecstasy beneath her. She’s soaked. Hot. I grit my teeth, my hands tightening on her waist. There’s no way I’m going to last. ‘Get on my cock, Piper.’

‘I’m trying!’ she cries, wrapping one hand around my shaft.

I writhe again, growling. Her soft hand is perfection.

She lines me up at her entrance and pauses. ‘Cortez.’

I flick my gaze up to hers, see the emotion spilling from her eyes, and lose my breath. She’s so beautiful. How’d I survive the last two months without her? I don’t know. I don’t think I was surviving. I was just going through the motions. My heart and soul were with her. Every thought in my head was with her. I never expected to fall so hard and so fast. I didn’t even know it was possible to spend one night with a woman and have my life change so irrevocably. But it did.

I wasn’t looking for her that night, but I found her anyway. I fucked up and lost her temporarily, but that won’t ever happen again. She’ll never spend another day without me by her side. If I have to drive here from Nashville every damn day until she graduates, that’s what I’ll do. Whatever it takes to keep her by my side.

‘I love you,’ she whispers.

I groan her name as she sinks down on me, slowly taking me inside. My eyes threaten to roll back in my head. She’s so fucking tight and hot. Jesus. She’s even tighter than the first night. Even hotter. Her walls close around me, her ass settling against my hips.

‘Oh,’ she moans. ‘Oh my god.’

‘You keep calling me that, you’re going to give me a complex, pretty baby,’ I groan, planting my hands on her ass to squeeze her cheeks. And then, because I’m a possessive bastard and I want every piece of her, I part them to graze my fingers against her back entrance. Now that she’s carrying my kid, I’ll be claiming that hole soon too. Just thinking about it has me ready to blow. ‘Are you okay?’

‘Perfect,’ she whispers, pushing back against my hand. Goddamn. I should have eaten her little asshole earlier too. She loved it the first night.

‘Then ride me soft, Piper. Don’t stop until you’re creaming all over me,’ I demand, playing with her asshole. I’m so close to coming already. I need to get her there quickly. ‘Fuck me.’

Piper never has to be told twice. She jumps to obey every command. Outside of the bedroom, she’s fiery and independent, but in the bedroom, she gives herself over to me and the pleasure. I fucking love it.

She plants her hands on my chest to keep herself steady and then lifts up before dropping back down on my cock. We moan, our sounds of pleasure merging.

‘God yeah,’ I growl. ‘Just like that.’

I watch in fascination as my dick emerges covered in her sticky juices, only to disappear again. There isn’t a better sight in the world than watching your girl fucking herself with your cock. Any man who says otherwise is fucking lying.

She picks up the pace, her tits bouncing as she rides me. Every time she lands in my lap, she circles her hips, grinding the root of my cock against her clit. It’s so fucking sexy. She is sexy as hell. Jesus.

‘Goddamn, pretty baby,’ I growl, grinding my thumb against her tight little asshole as she throws her head back, playing with her nipples. She’s a goddess above me, completely lost in pleasure. ‘You look beautiful bouncing on my cock.’

‘It f-feels so g-good, Cortez,’ she sobs. ‘I forgot. I forgot.’

‘Forgot what?’

‘How good it feels. How g-good you feel.’

I push the tip of my thumb into her ass, unable to help myself. The look of complete rapture on her face is my undoing. I need to possess every part of this woman, need to claim and conquer it. I won’t be able to rest until I do. Until she’s mine in every way.

‘Oh!’ she cries out, pushing her ass back against me, eager for more.

‘Fuck.’ I give her what she wants, working my thumb a little deeper. ‘You like that, pretty Piper? You like having me in both holes?’

‘Yes!’ She bucks her hips without rhythm now, mindless with pleasure. Her cunt squeezes my cock. Her asshole tightens like a vise around my thumb.

I work it in and out of her, rocking my hips beneath her, fucking her now. She cries out my name again and again, filling the bedroom with her sounds. With the smell of sex. With her.

My balls are drawn up so tight they fucking hurt. I need to come more than I need my next breath, but I don’t rush her. I want her to feel every moment of pleasure. She won’t forget this time or ever again.

‘Cortez,’ she sobs, her inner walls rippling and fluttering. ‘I…I…’

‘You think I don’t know? I know this body, pretty baby. I know exactly how close you are right now. I know exactly how much you need to come,’ I say, still playing with her asshole. Fuck, I couldn’t stop if you paid me. Not when she’s wearing the look she’s wearing right now. ‘And I know exactly how to get you there.’

‘Please, please,’ she pleads, writhing on top of me.

I wrap my free hand around her waist to steady her and sit upright, forcing my cock deeper. She screams my name, her inner walls spasming.

‘You and our baby our mine,’ I growl inches from her lips. ‘I love you.’

My lips on hers silences her cry as she shatters around me, exactly like I knew she would. Her cunt locks down on me in a powerful orgasm. She’s so fucking tight. I don’t stand a chance of holding off my own orgasm. She rips it from me like she owns it, her cunt milking the cum from my balls.

I roar her name into the bedroom, spilling into her so hard it hurts. I lose track of the room, of reality, of everything but her chanting my name and clinging to me as if she’s never letting me go.

‘You okay, pretty baby?’ I ask a little while later, rolling us so she’s on her side with my arms around her. I slip one down between us, splaying my hand across her belly. ‘I didn’t hurt you or the baby, did I?’

‘We’re okay,’ she promises, lifting her head to look at me through sleepy eyes.

I tuck strands of hair behind her ear, nuzzling her neck. ‘Is your stomach still upset?’

‘It comes and goes,’ she says, scrunching up her nose. ‘I don’t know why they call it morning sickness when it’s really all-day-long sickness.’

‘But it’s normal? Everything is okay?’ I question, worried something is wrong.

‘It’s normal,’ she says, her expression softening. ‘It’ll pass once I’m out of the first trimester. Allegedly. Some days are better than others. I usually eat crackers when I first wake up. That helps some.’

‘Where are they?’ I ask.

‘I’m okay.’

‘Piper, where are they?’

‘In the drawer of the nightstand.’

I reach over her head and fish around in the drawer until I find them. Once I do, I sit up, pulling her up with me. She snuggles up in my lap, laying her head against my chest. I give her a cracker and then arrange the blankets around her.

‘You’re so bossy,’ she says, tilting her head back to look at me. ‘Are you going to be like this the whole time?’


She huffs at me.

‘It’s my job to take care of you and our babies. I plan to be real fucking good at my job, Piper,’ I say, unrepentant. ‘You’ve already had to do far too much on your own.’

‘It hasn’t been that much.’

‘It’s been enough,’ I say firmly.

She doesn’t argue with me. Instead, she nibbles on her cracker for a moment. I place my hand on her belly. Keeping my hands off it is going to be a problem. I’m already fascinated with it. Knowing my kid is in there is…wow.

‘You said babies,’ she blurts after a moment, swallowing her cracker.


‘You said babies.’

‘I did.’

‘I’m only having one.’

‘For now,’ I mumble, already thinking about getting her pregnant again. It’s inevitable at this point. As soon as she has this one, I’ll be trying to breed her again. I want her dripping my cum morning, noon, and night. Slipping my hand down her belly, I cup her pussy in my palm. ‘I’m going to keep you full of me, Piper. Every fucking day.’

‘Cortez,’ she moans.

‘Don’t pretend you don’t want it, pretty baby. We both know you do.’

She moans again, letting me know I pegged her right. I’m not the only one who likes the thought of keeping her bred. My girl likes it too.

‘I won’t miss a second of the next one, sweet little Piper,’ I vow. ‘I’ll be there for every single appointment, every single minute. ‘Do you…’ I swallow. ‘Do you know what we’re having yet?’

‘No,’ she whispers. ‘I’m supposed to go in two weeks to find out.’

‘I’ll go with you.’

‘Okay.’ She smiles at me, her eyes light with happiness.

‘I hate that I haven’t been here.’

‘Please don’t,’ she whispers, turning around to straddle my lap. ‘You made a mistake, but so did I, Cortez. I didn’t believe in you when I should have. At the first sign of trouble, I doubted you. I ran instead of waiting for you. Had I just waited, none of this would have happened. We would have been together for the last two months.’

‘This isn’t on you, Piper,’ I growl.

‘And it’s not on you either,’ she argues. ‘It happened, but it’s over with now. Besides, don’t you think it means something that we found each other again? It does to me. If we hadn’t gotten separated, maybe somewhere down the line, one of us would have had doubts about whether we’re supposed to be together. But how can we doubt it now, Cortez? There are over five million people in this state, but you still found me again.’

‘I’ll always find you,’ I say, meaning it. Even if I have to go to the ends of the earth to find her, I’ll do it. She belongs with me. No amount of space between us will change that. Maybe she’s right, though. Maybe it was meant to happen this way. Maybe it’ll make us stronger in the end. I don’t know. All I know is that we’re together now, she’s carrying my baby, and nothing else fucking matters. She’s mine now, and nothing is ever going to change that.

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