The Billionaire’s Big Bold Woman: A Single Father Instalove Romance (The Billionaires’ Club)

The Billionaire’s Big Bold Woman: A Single Father Instalove Romance: Chapter 8

Jenna doesn’t say much on the drive to the house. I’m not sure if it’s because she’s nervous about what’s going to happen between us, if she’s worried about tomorrow, or if she’s just feeling a little shy. But I don’t like it. I’ve known her for a day and a half, but one of my favorite things is already how playful and opinionated she is. She’s sassy and feisty and gives me hell just because she can.

Knowing I have to let her go tomorrow is already killing me. I barely made it through last night without her. How the hell am I supposed to make it through an entire week before I get to hold her again? Kiss her again? If this is what long-distance love feels like, I feel for everyone forced to endure long separations. She’ll only be two hours away, but it’s too damn far.

I want her right here with me and the girls where she belongs.

‘I talked to Ian today,’ she says.

‘He told me.’

‘He’s charming, isn’t he?’

‘If you have a thing for my brother, the first thing I’ll be doing when I get you home is spanking you,’ I growl, possessive jealousy roaring through me. I’d kill for my brother, no questions asked. But I will absolutely break his jaw if my woman is crushing on him.

‘What? No. Gross,’ she says, wrinkling her nose like she finds the thought bizarre and disgusting. Thank God for that. ‘I just meant that he’s a good guy, Mac. Even though he has more important things to worry about, he still took the time to answer my questions.’

‘He is a good guy,’ I mutter, mollified. Mostly. I don’t even want other men to exist to this woman. I’ve never felt that way before. With Marion, I didn’t give a fuck if other men looked at her or if she looked at them. Toward the end, I’m not even sure I would have cared if she was fucking someone else. What little love I had for her died the day she left my infant daughters to fend for themselves while she was passed out drunk.

I want to be the only man who exists to Jenna though. I want her world to begin and end with me. Maybe that’s fucked up or barbaric or makes me a caveman. I don’t give a shit. She’s mine. I’ll play as dirty as I have to play to keep her to myself, be as big a caveman as I have to be to keep her in my arms where she belongs.

‘Holly seems really nice,’ she says, making me smile.

‘Holly is a hot mess,’ I say, reaching across the console for her hand. My sister-in-law is a rare breed. She’s bright and loud and a little bit of a disaster. She’s also a literal genius. The amount of shit she knows how to do is honestly fucking terrifying. Thank God she has Ian to rein her in. And he has her to keep him from taking life too seriously. They’re good for each other.

I want the kind of marriage they have. So badly I can taste it. But I don’t want it with just anyone. I want it with the woman sitting in my passenger seat in her pretty little dress and no panties. I want her wearing my ring and signing my last name. Knowing she’s in love with me…for the first time in my life, I know what it’s like to feel like a god.

Yeah, I’m keeping her. And God save anyone who tries to stop me.

‘Hey, Mac?’

‘Yeah, princess?’

‘I was thinking.’

‘About what?’

‘About my dad,’ she says.

I glance at her to see her staring out the window. Every time we pass under a streetlight, it reveals a tantalizing little piece of her. The roundness of her cheek, the curve of her neck, the bend of her elbow. The way her dress is so much shorter when she’s sitting down. Every last little glimpse has me aching for her.

‘What about him?’

‘He was a cop,’ she says. ‘He was killed in the line of duty when I was a little girl. I barely remember him, but I remember how confusing and frightening it was to lose him. I always had this hole in my life and in my heart where he was supposed to be. Talking to Ian today, I realized something.’

‘What did you realize?’

‘I realized that the hole feels a lot smaller since I met you,’ she whispers. ‘My life feels brighter since I met your girls. Um, I guess what I’m trying to say is thank you. For inviting me into your life. For letting me get to know your girls. For trusting me. For being you, I guess.’

‘Jesus,’ I whisper, my throat aching with emotion. My heart does too. Just when I think I’ve fallen as far into love as I can, she proves me wrong. I haven’t landed yet. Not even close. I’m still zipping through the air, finding new reasons to worship this woman. New ways I plan to adore her.

I accelerate through a yellow light, more desperate than ever to get her home. I need her naked and writhing on my cock more than I need my next breath. I need her tied to me and my girls in every way possible. I know she’s afraid to go too fast and upset the girls, but I don’t think there’s a chance in hell of that happening.

Both of my girls already love her. They talked about her nonstop today, demanding to know where I was taking her and what we were going to do and when they could see her again. To them, she’s not a stranger. She’s Princess Jenna, their partner in crime and their friend.

Neither of us speaks again until we’re home. The things I want to say to her, I want to say when she’s in my arms, her eyes locked on mine. That way, she knows I mean them. When she leaves tomorrow, I don’t want her leaving with a single doubt. I want her to know that my heart is hers. I think it has been since she smiled at me yesterday.

‘Your house is beautiful,’ she says, looking around as I lead her toward the front door.

‘Yeah? You like it?’ The girls and I moved in a few months after Marion was arrested. The fucking media kept showing up at the old house, frightening the girls. This place is in a gated community and is far safer for them.

It’s a two-story Colonial with a large, fenced yard and plenty of room for them to run and play. It’s not nearly as large or ornate as Ian’s house, but I want the girls to grow up the same way I did. I don’t want them thinking it’s normal to live in castles or to put money above everything the way their mother did. I want them to understand the value of hard work and the importance of family.

It’s the same reason I make sure Marion’s parents are a part of their lives. They didn’t blame me for what she did or hate me when she went to prison. They hugged me and apologized. I think they were as disappointed in and hurt by her as anyone else. God knows, they didn’t raise her that way. They’re good to my girls, and they’re good to me. They’re still family, even if their daughter is cold-blooded.

‘Yeah,’ Jenna says, wandering through the living room to look at all the photos of the girls. There are a lot of them. I did not realize how many picture days there were in preschool and kindergarten. Or how much I’d end up spending because I couldn’t resist buying every damn pose. School photographers are extortionists. ‘Ian’s house is incredible, but it’s so big! This place feels more like a home.’

She’s not wrong. His house is ridiculously large. I think he bought it on a whim just to make Holly smile. She hates when he spends money on her, so he does it as often as possible just to rile her up so he can calm her back down again. It’s exactly why she was pregnant within two months of having Finn.

‘It is a home,’ I say, locking the door and then tossing my keys on the credenza table. It’s still piled up with mail I haven’t opened. The girls have their toys strewn around the living room. No matter how many times I tell them to pick them up, they always end up right back in the floor five minutes later. I don’t mind though. Who cares if their shit is in the floor so long as they’re happy and healthy and safe?

I stride across the room to Jenna, loosening my tie as I go. When she leans down to look at the photos on a bookcase, I step up behind her, running my hand over the curve of her ass. Knowing she doesn’t have panties beneath that pretty little dress makes my dick throb. All I’d have to do is yank it up her hips, and I could be buried nine inches deep.

She moans, slowly rising.

I slide an arm around my waist, anchoring her to my body. Her hair is in the perfect style, leaving me room to nuzzle and kiss all over the back of her neck. ‘Soon, it’ll be your home too, princess,’ I murmur, nipping her ear. ‘This will be your kingdom to rule.’

‘Mac,’ she whispers.

‘It’s true.’ I splay my hand across her belly, marveling all over again at how soft and warm and sweet she is. I never knew curves could be so fucking sexy until her. Marion was thin and willowy, cold. Not Jenna. She’s thick and curvy and warm everywhere. Sinking into her is a little like getting lost. She’s perfection. ‘Someday soon, you’re going to marry me and my girls.’

‘Mac,’ she says again, awe in her voice.

‘There’s been a hole in our lives too, Jenna,’ I murmur against her neck. ‘One I didn’t think I’d ever fill. After what Marion did, letting someone else into our lives scared the shit out of me. And then there was you, stealing my heart. Stealing Isla and Bella’s hearts. We didn’t stand a chance with you, Jenna Kirby.’

Her arms come up over her head, holding me to her as I kiss all over her neck, showering her with gratitude. She has no idea how much she changed the course of my life or how quickly. There was no guarding against her, no trying to keep her out. She was in my head and in my heart before I even stood a chance. And I wouldn’t change a single fucking thing about it.

This woman was meant to be mine, to be ours. The mother of my children, the other half of my soul. The center of our world. It’s a hell of a thing, feeling gratitude toward my ex-wife for trying to frame me and destroy me. But in this moment, with this woman in my arms, I do feel it. What Marion did will never be okay. Some part of me will always hate her for what she put my girls and my brother through…but another part feels nothing but gratitude. Because if she hadn’t, Jenna wouldn’t be in my arms right now. My girls wouldn’t know what it’s like to be loved unconditionally by a woman like her.

And they will know it. They already feel her light and her love. They already feel safe with her. Jenna has no idea how much that means to me. To see my girls being made to feel important. To watch them gain confidence in front of my eyes. When she comforted them yesterday, she snatched my heart right out of my chest and branded it with her name. She was exactly what they needed, exactly when they needed it. I’ll never forget that.

‘Mac,’ she moans when I skim my fingertips up her ribcage and then over her breasts.

‘I didn’t know it was possible to fall in love in the course of a day,’ I whisper in her ear, pinching her nipples through her dress. ‘I didn’t know it was possible to stand in front of a goddess and feel worthy, baby girl.’ I spin her around to face me.

Her eyes are wide and dilated, swimming with tears.

‘I love you, Jenna Kirby. So fucking much it’s a little bit terrifying.’ I already knew what it was like to have half of my heart walking around outside my body. Now, I know what it’s like to have the whole damn thing out there in the world. She wrecked me, ruined me, and made me better. All this time, I thought I failed my girls with Marion. But I was wrong. Failing them would be letting this woman walk out of our lives.

‘I love you, Mac,’ she whispers, a single tear coursing down her cheek.

I swipe it away with my thumb and then sweep her up into my arms.

‘Put me down!’ she gasps, clinging to me like she’s afraid I’ll drop her.

‘Never,’ I growl, headed toward the stairs. I’ve carried beams and concrete and construction equipment of all sorts. She’s the sweetest thing I’ve had in my arms, no burden at all. ‘You’re mine now. I’ll carry you whenever I want to carry you.’

‘Bossy.’ She laughs quietly, her fingers sliding through the hair at the nape of my neck. Half a second later, the little minx bites me.

‘Jenna,’ I growl, trying not to drop her as a wave of desire blasts through me.

‘If you’re going to insist on carrying me, I’m going to take full advantage,’ she says and then bites me again. Only this time, she hollows her cheeks and sucks hard, trying to mark me.

My zipper leaves impressions on my cock.

She releases my skin with a pop.

‘Damn,’ she whispers. ‘You look good with my mark on you, Mac.’

Fucking hell.

‘Keep fucking with me and you won’t be able to walk tomorrow.’

‘Why? You want me on my knees?’

‘No,’ I growl, setting on her feet as soon as we’re in the master bedroom. ‘I want you bent over mine.’ Preferably with my marks on her ass and her throat cries ringing in my ears.

‘Oh,’ she moans.

‘Turn around and let me get this dress off you before I tear it,’ I say, sliding the knob on the light switch to turn it on. I want to see every sweet inch of this woman while I’m fucking the cherry right out of her.

She spins obediently, though I suspect it’s because she likes this dress and not because she’s feeling particularly submissive. That word isn’t even in her vocabulary. There isn’t an obedient bone in her body. When she gives me what I want, it’ll be because I worked for it. She’ll keep me on my toes, keep challenging and defying me and fucking with me just because she can.

I find that sexy as hell.

My hands shake as I slide the zipper down, exposing her back. I kiss her shoulder and then her shoulder blade. She shivers against me, giving me the sexiest little sigh. I want to take my time with her, but I’m not sure I have the control for it. It’s been too long and she’s too beautiful.

Her dress slides from her body like silk once it’s unzipped. She steps out of it, and I squeeze my dick to keep from coming all over myself at the sight of her. Her body is a dream, that ass a masterpiece. I run my free hand over it, so fucking hard my cock feels like steel against my thigh.

I quickly strip her red bra from her body, tossing it on top of her dress.

‘Come here,’ I demand, spinning her until she’s facing away from me with my erection nestled between those gorgeous cheeks. In her heels, she’s the perfect height. I could fuck her just like this. I touch her instead, running my palms over every inch of her, learning her body.

Her head lolls on my shoulder, soft sighs issuing from her lips. I play with her nipples, pinching and pulling and twisting, taking as much pleasure from it as I give. Her body is my playground, built exactly how I like.

‘Mac,’ she whimpers when she can’t take anymore. ‘Please.’

‘What do you need, baby girl? Tell me.’


‘You want me inside you?’


‘You want me to fuck you?’

‘Yes. Mac, please.’

‘Climb up on the bed, Jenna,’ I say. ‘I want you on your hands and knees for me.’

She whimpers again, and then stumbles forward a step.

I wrap a hand around her hip to steady her. ‘Easy, princess. Don’t fall.’

‘It’s your fault if I do,’ she huffs. ‘You made my knees weak.’

‘Yeah?’ I grin at her. ‘You mad about it?’


I swat her on the ass, chuckling. ‘Go before I really do put you over my knees and turn that gorgeous ass red for fucking with me.’

She huffs at me and then sashays toward the bed, her hips swaying in a way that’s far too intoxicating. She has no idea just how sexy she is. That confidence of hers is a hell of a turn on. There’s nothing shy or timid or insecure about her. She knows she’s a goddess.

I start undressing while she scrambles up on the bed, putting that ass high in the air for me. I manage to strip out of my jacket and tie before I have to stop to touch her again. I’m addicted to the feel of her skin against mine.

I step up beside the bed, running my hand over her ass. She’s dripping wet, her thighs damp with her juices. My stomach growls at the sight, my mouth watering. Nothing tastes better than she does. She’s lucky I let her leave the hotel room after getting a taste of her earlier. I wanted to keep her right there with my tongue buried in her cunt.

‘You’re soaked,’ I growl, sliding my hand between her legs. She’s so fucking wet and swollen. Fuck me. Was she like this all night? Just sitting across the table from me with her pussy aching for me to fill it?

I play with her, circling my thumb around her hard clit.

Little whimpers escape her lips in a steady stream as she writhes against my hand.

I bend down, replacing my thumb with my tongue. I take one long lick from her clit to her ass, snarling when her cotton candy taste floods my mouth. It’s not nearly enough to satisfy me. I’m a glutton for this woman, for this pussy.

Spreading her cheeks with my hands, I dive in, attacking her pussy. Even that isn’t enough to satisfy me. I want to be covered in this woman. I press deeper, burying my face in her from behind. My nose presses against her ass, my chin against her clit. I eat her like I didn’t learn my manners, loud and messy.

She cries out my name, rocking back against my face, practically riding it. And fuck if that doesn’t make me harder, make me hungrier. I work the tip of my tongue into her asshole, eating her there too. She tenses up like she isn’t sure if she likes it or not, but I feel her pussy getting wetter, feel her legs trembling.

I hook an arm around her waist to keep her where I want her and get back to my meal. Within seconds, she relaxes, moaning loud enough for the neighbors to hear. Yeah, she likes it. My kinky little princess.

The things I’m going to teach her. I’m going to get my fill of heaven with her because when I’m done, there’s no way St. Peter will be opening those pearly gates to admit me into heaven.

She comes with my tongue in her ass and my fingers in her pussy, shouting my name for the world to hear. I keep eating her until she’s wrung out and whimpering for mercy, too sensitive to take much more. With a final kiss to her bare slit, I pull back, flipping her over onto her stomach.

I’m so worked up, I don’t even take the time to finish undressing. I can do that after I fuck her the first time. I unzip my pants and free my cock before hooking an arm around her waist and dragging her to the edge of the bed.

I wrap my fist around my dick, which catches her attention.

‘Look at it, Jenna,’ I demand, stroking him while she watches. ‘Imagine how good I’m going to feel inside you. How tight you’re going to feel stretched around him.’

‘Mac,’ she whimpers.

‘Are you on birth control, princess?’


Cum shoots from my cock. I squeeze the base, trying to keep from spilling here and now.

‘Do you want me to get a condom?’ I will if she asks for one, of course I will. But I want to ride her bare. I want to claim that womb when I claim her cherry, give the twins a new little brother or sister to love.

‘I…’ She swallows hard, looking from my dick to me. ‘Is it bad if I want to say no?’

‘Hell no,’ I growl. ‘You want me to make you a mommy, princess? I’ll ride you bare until you’re swollen with my kid.’ I splay my hand across her belly, ready to snap at just the thought of watching her grow with my kid. ‘I want it, Jenna.’

‘M-me too.’

God, it’s me, Mac. I don’t know what I did to deserve this woman. But thank you.

I pull her ass off the edge of the bed, spreading her legs to fit between them.

‘I want to see you while I’m fucking you, baby girl,’ I whisper, leaning down to pull her nipple into my mouth. I bite and lick until she’s writhing and moaning for me. ‘I want to watch your face when you’re coming on my cock for the first time.’

‘Mac,’ she moans, grasping for the blankets.

I hitch her leg around my hip, guiding myself to her entrance. ‘Keep your eyes open, baby girl,’ I demand. ‘Watch me fill that pretty cunt.’ There’s no way to make this easy for her, but I try anyway. I run my thumb in circles around her clit, trying to keep her nice and relaxed as I press my way inside her. Even though she’s soaked, she’s tight as hell, her body fighting the intrusion for all it’s worth, exactly like I knew it was going to do.

‘Goddamn,’ I growl when I finally manage to get the head in. She’s a vise around me, so fucking tight and wet and hot. My head kicks back, a groan rumbling from deep in my chest. I stay still for a long moment, just reveling in the feeling.

And then I tip my head forward to look at her.

‘Take a deep breath, Jenna.’

As soon as she obeys, I snap my hips forward, ripping through her hymen. I roar her name as soon as I feel it tear, a primal sound I have no control over. Cum shoots up my cock too quickly for me to even think about stopping it.

Jenna’s eyes go wide, her body locking up beneath me. She doesn’t make a single sound though. She just freezes, her eyes locked on me.

I grit my teeth, fighting the instinctive urge to move, to fuck and claim until I’m sated. I don’t want to hurt her. The last thing I want to do is to cause her any pain. But God, nothing has ever felt better than her wrapped around my dick. Nothing has ever looked as good as her, spread out across my bed. Until I rock back and see her virgin blood on my shaft.

That same primal growl starts again, vibrating from my chest. She’s mine now, in a way that can’t ever be undone. For the rest of her life, I’ll be the one she thinks about when she thinks about her first time. I’ll be the name she says when she touches herself. I’ll be the man worshipping between these thick thighs, keeping her satisfied.

‘Mac,’ she whispers after a moment. ‘You’re inside me.’

‘Fuck,’ I growl, gritting my teeth as another rope of cum shoots up my cock.

She wriggles beneath me, moaning.

I pull back an inch and then thrust forward.

‘Oh,’ she whispers, her mouth popping open.

‘I’m going to fuck you hard, Jenna,’ I warn her, knowing there is no other choice here. I need her too fucking badly. ‘Until you think you’re going to break in half. And then I’m going to do it again.’

‘Yes,’ she moans. ‘God, please.’

‘Mac, Jenna,’ I growl. ‘You say my name or no one’s.’

‘Then you say mine,’ she says. Her eyes narrow on me, and I nearly come on the spot. My queen is possessive too.

‘Jenna,’ I say without hesitation.

‘Fuck me, Mac. Make me yours.’

I give her what she wants, helpless to resist. I pull back until I’m nearly pulling out of her and then thrust forward, impaling her on my length. We moan together, get lost together. What little self-control I have unravels.

I take her hard, fucking into her in ruthless strikes. She sobs my name every damn time, writhing beneath me, clawing at the bed. I watch her face, see the shock and pleasure chasing one another through those pretty blue eyes, and go harder. She takes every thrust and then begs for another, until the bed shakes beneath us.

I lean over her, claiming her mouth in a searing kiss, trying to possess this part of her too. I want every inch of this woman, want to pour myself into her until I’m the thing that runs through her veins. Until I’m the blood keeping her heart beating.

This is deeper than love, wilder than obsession. It’s some level of euphoria I didn’t know existed, some level of communion I’ve never felt. In this moment, she becomes part of me, a vital, necessary piece. There is no coming back from this, no recovering from it. What Marion did to me didn’t kill me, but losing Jenna? That would destroy me.

My balls smack against her ass, stinging. Looking down at where we’re joined, seeing the way my cock slides out covered in her cream, has me ready to explode. Some day soon, I’m going to film it, just so I can watch it over and over again. When I get hard for her in the middle of the day, I’ll lock my office door, and fuck my hand to that video.

‘Fuck, princess, you’re so fucking hot for your king,’ I growl, pressing my thumb to her clit.

She moans my name, greedy for more.

I give it to her, helpless to do anything else. I don’t even have to think about it. My body just responds on instinct, jumping to meet her every need, eager to do it. Until the day I die, she’ll never want for anything, never need anything. Everything I have is hers, down to my soul if she wants it.

Her pussy flutters around my cock, her cries of ecstasy growing louder.

I smack her cunt.

She shouts, bowing up from the bed. Her cunt grips my dick hard enough to hurt.

I push her back down with one hand, holding her in place as I slap her pussy again and then again. The fourth time sends her over the edge into a screaming orgasm. She comes in a flood of honey, my name echoing in the room around us.

Before she even stops, I flip her over onto her stomach and then yank her up onto her knees. Her hair came loose long ago. I thrust my hand into it, wrapping my fist around it to wrench her head back. I swallow her cries as I pound into her, mindlessly chasing the pleasure. I’m rough with her, rougher than I mean to be, and she loves every second of it.

She begs for more, babbling for me to go harder, to give her more, to never stop.

I fuck her mercilessly until she’s screaming my name and coming all over my cock again.

As soon as she does, I slow my brutal pace and release her hair. I pick her up, cradling her in my arms as I turn her to face me. She melts in my arms, letting me hold her close as thrust into her.

‘My queen,’ I whisper, running my mouth all over her sweaty skin as I fall back onto the bed with her on my lap. ‘I love you.’

‘Mac,’ she whispers back.

I fuck her nice and slow this time, cradling her in my arms like the priceless gift she is. Her hands drift through my hair and then down my back. I’m still fully dressed, but I feel her touch like a brand against my skin anyway. I feel her everywhere.

We come together this time, our hands tangled in each other’s hair, our mouths fused at the lips. In this moment, we’re perfectly in sync, moving as one. She whimpers my name, sobbing it into my mouth. I whisper hers back, breathing it into her.

We writhe and moan, losing track of everything but the sheer pleasure of it. I give her everything I have, spilling into her so hard my balls ache. My throat does too.

In her arms, I don’t just find completion. I find rapture.

By the time it’s over, we’re both wrung out, both wrecked. I hold her close to my heart, kissing her everywhere, whispering my gratitude into her ear. Her heart pounds against my chest, her body still trembling with aftershocks.

My entire body feels fuzzy and detached, but I suck it up and drag myself to my feet, holding onto her. She’s out of it, drifting in my arms as I carry her to the bathroom to put her in the tub. If I don’t, she’s going to be too sore to walk tomorrow. I was rough with her.

While the water heats, I pull my clothes off and then cuddle her, content in a way I never have been before.

‘You okay, baby girl?’ I ask once we’re in the tub.

‘Mmm,’ she hums against my throat. ‘Perfect, Mac.’

I smile at her response. She’s right. She is perfect.

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