The Billionaire’s Big Bold Woman: A Single Father Instalove Romance (The Billionaires’ Club)

The Billionaire’s Big Bold Woman: A Single Father Instalove Romance: Chapter 6

‘Can I ask you a question?’ Jenna asks, her voice soft.

The girls are in bed. They passed out halfway through Brave. Finn went down a little harder. Holly and Ian FaceTimed to tell him goodnight, which upset him and Holly both. Her blood pressure looks good, and she’ll be home in the morning, but she hates being away from Finn. My heart goes out to Ian. It’s a hell of a thing to only be able to take care of one piece of your heart when your instinct is to always take care of both.

That was the hardest part of having twins. They both wanted to be held and fed and cuddled at the same time. It’s a little easier now that they’re older, but I always hated that I couldn’t split myself in two for them. God knows, Marion was no help.

She was so resentful of the times I had to leave on business. When I’d get home, she ignored the girls. It fucking kills me that they’re still dealing with the aftermath. I failed to protect them when they needed me most. For the rest of my life, I’ll live with that.

‘You want to know about Marion,’ I say, lifting my gaze to find Jenna watching me. Her eyes have been on me all night. When they weren’t, mine were on her.

‘I…’ she trails off to nod. ‘And not for a story either, Mac. I just want to understand how she could do what she did.’

‘You want to know what I did to deserve it, dimples?’

She blanches. ‘What? Of course not. You didn’t deserve it, Mac.’

‘You sound so sure about that.’ I lift my glass of bourbon and take a small sip, eyeing her over the rim. Trying to figure her out. I’ve been trying all day, and I still don’t know where she fits. Like the girls, there is no neat little box for her. She’s got heaven in her eyes and fire in her soul. She’s beautiful, inside and out. She could be with anyone, anywhere. Yet she’s here with me and my girls, looking like this is exactly where she wants to be.

‘I am sure,’ she says, conviction in those pretty blue eyes. ‘You’re a good man and an incredible father. You didn’t deserve what she did to you, and neither did your girls or Ian.’

‘You’d be wrong,’ I say, speaking quietly so the girls don’t overhear. I carried them to bed after the movie ended, but they wake up frequently at night, especially when they’re not in their own beds or in mine. ‘Marion and I met in high school. She was a sweet girl, always hanging around. We were paired up a lot and eventually started dating. She was madly in love with me. But I never felt the same. I loved her, but I wasn’t in love with her.’

‘Why did you marry her?’

It’s a good question. I’ve asked it myself a thousand times. Even now, I’m not entirely sure I know how to answer it. ‘My parents died in a boating accident my freshman year of college,’ I say. ‘It fucked me up for a while. I didn’t handle it well. My grades plummeted. I was skipping practice, got into a few fights. I nearly lost my scholarship, but she stood by my side. Our senior year, her parents got into some financial trouble. They were on the verge of losing everything. Marion was worried about finishing school and about what the future held for her. I guess I felt like I owed it to her to take that burden off her shoulders. Married, she qualified for enough financial aid to keep her in school.’

‘You wanted to give her a sense of security,’ Jenna says.

I nod. ‘I never lied to her. She knew I didn’t love her the same way she loved me. But I guess she thought I’d make millions and that would make up for it. When she realized my plans for my life weren’t as glamorous as hers were, she started to resent me for it. She wanted to be married to the CEO, not the man who was out with his crews, carrying beams. As my business grew, it pulled me away more. I figured a booming business would make her happy, but she became convinced I was cheating on her. I was never unfaithful, but she refused to believe it.’

‘I’m sorry,’ Jenna says.

‘She grew more resentful, more hostile. I kept trying though. I wasn’t in love with her, but I was determined to make it work regardless. And then I got her pregnant.’

‘She didn’t want kids?’

‘She didn’t want my kids,’ I say, taking another sip. The warmth of it spreads outward, soothing raw nerves. Talking about Marion is never easy. Seeing the damage she did to our girls is always a knife in the guts. The alcohol helps. I rarely drink, but on days like this…it helps.

Jenna’s face falls.

‘She put on a good show for everyone else, but she fucking hated me for getting her pregnant. At first, I thought it was the hormones. I convinced myself things would settle down once the girls were here. I was wrong,’ I rasp. ‘She grew more distant, angrier. I came home early when they were around four months old to find them in their cribs, covered in filth, screaming their heads off. She was passed out on the couch with a bottle of wine.’

‘Oh, Mac,’ Jenna whispers, reaching across the couch to grab my hand.

‘When I woke her up, she went ballistic, screaming at me for ruining her life. She screamed at them, said she never wanted them. I realized then that there was no fixing it,’ I say, holding Jenna’s hand like it’s a lifeline. It’s so much smaller than mine, yet it gives me strength. She gives me strength, as if she’s feeding hers into me. ‘I told her I was taking the girls and filing for divorce. I thought it was what she wanted, but she said I owed her the life I promised. She threatened to keep the girls from me if I left. I never fucking touched her, but she swore she’d tell the world I was abusive. I knew she’d follow through. I’d lose the girls.’

‘You stayed,’ Jenna says.

‘I stayed. I gave her everything she asked for without hesitation. I put the girls in daycare to keep them away from her as much as possible. Eventually, things calmed down. She seemed more like her old self. I convinced myself that it was just a rough patch and everything was going to work out.’ I shake my head. ‘I was a fucking idiot.’

‘You weren’t.’

‘I was. The whole goddamn time, she was taking it out on the girls. She was stealing from Ian, trying to frame me. If he hadn’t hired Holly after noticing some discrepancies, it might have worked. I’d be the one in prison right now, and my girls would be with her,’ I growl. ‘Isla still cries when anyone raises their voice. They still ask me why she doesn’t like them. They’ve been in therapy since she went to prison, but they still think they did something wrong.

‘That’s my fault,’ I mutter. ‘I’m not the hero in this story, Jenna. I’m the motherfucker who let his own kids suffer for three fucking years. I’m the one who didn’t see what was right in front of my face. It was my job to protect them, and I failed.’

Jenna sniffles and I realize she’s crying. Big tears roll down her round cheeks.

‘You didn’t fail them, Mac,’ she says, shaking her head as tears fall down her gorgeous face. ‘You’re just as much a victim here as they are. Marion used you. She lied and manipulated you. She threatened to take your kids away and ruin your reputation. She would have taken them from you, just to hurt you. You did the best you could to protect them from someone who should have loved them just as fiercely as you do.’

‘Doesn’t feel that way,’ I mutter, knocking back the rest of the bourbon. Seeing the tears on her face, realizing she’s crying for me and my girls…I forget about Marion and the destruction she caused. I forgive her for it. Not because she deserves it or ever will deserve it, but because I can’t keep hanging onto it and love this woman at the same time. I can’t give this beautiful, brave woman a whole heart if part of it is still bleeding from the past.

And more than anything, I want to put my heart in Jenna’s hands. I want to know what it’s like to love her and be loved by her. My heart never belonged to Marion because it was always meant for someone else. It was meant for Jenna.

I never should have married Marion, but I can’t regret it when my girls came from that union. I regret a helluva lot, but I’ll never regret them. They were worth every bit of pain.

‘You ready to run for the hills yet, dimples?’ I ask.

‘No,’ she says, so certain, so emphatic. She means it. 

‘I wouldn’t blame you if you did.’

‘I’m not running, Mac.’ She lets go of my hand to dry her tears.

I set my empty glass aside and reach for her, desperate to feel her in my arms. To feel her bringing me to life. Even if she doesn’t realize it, that’s exactly what she’s doing. She’s making me feel all those things that died a long time ago. Hope. Desire. Peace. Little by little, I feel them casting off the dirt and debris that buried them in a landslide. I feel them rising. For her. Because of her.

‘Good,’ I grunt, dragging her across the couch into my arms. ‘Because I’d chase you, princess.’ I might have been able to find a way to survive without her if that’s what she really wanted, but that was before she made my girls love her too. She’s ours now, and we’re not letting her go. I’ll follow her to the ends of the earth if that’s what it takes to make her ours.

‘I’m going to teach you to forgive yourself,’ Jenna whispers, straddling my lap with her hands on my shoulders. Even with tears drying on her face and mascara under her eyes, she’s still the prettiest little thing I’ve ever seen. ‘You deserve it, Mac.’

‘Yeah? You think so?’

‘I know so,’ she says. ‘Do you have any idea how much those girls love you? How proud they are that you’re their daddy? All day, they talked about you. They don’t blame you for what Marion did. They love you for what you did. You chose them over everything. You fought for them, even when it meant suffering yourself.’

‘Goddamn, dimples,’ I rasp, gripping her hips to draw her closer. ‘You trying to get yourself fucked right here on the couch? Because that’s what’s going to happen if you keep talking me up like that.’

‘What if I am, Mac?’ she says, challenging me. There’s defiance in her eyes too, daring me to deny her. It’s mind-boggling to me that this woman wants me. She’s all the best things in this world—joy and laughter, innocence and spirit, fire and love—and yet she’s looking at me like I’m something special. Like I’m worthy of her.

Fuck. The things I want to do to her. There’s nothing sweet about it. I want her legs over my shoulders while I’m fucking her so hard the bed rattles. I want her claw marks in my skin and her taste in my throat. I don’t just want to love this girl. I want to fuck my way into her soul and claim every inch of it as mine.

No, I didn’t love my ex-wife. Not like this. This is new. This is…fucking everything.

I drag her closer, running my hands all over her luscious curves. Every one of them is a turn on to me. There’s enough of this woman to grab onto, enough of her to hold onto while I’m inside her, spending myself in that tight cunt, or thrusting between those plump lips. She’s not a girl, nor a princess. She’s a queen, confident, fierce, and radiantly beautiful.

I tilt my head, brushing my lips across hers in soft passes. Her hands flex on my shoulders, loosening and then tightening as if she’s caught between the desire to pull me closer and the need to stay right where she’s at and let me do this my way. I realize right then and there that she’s going to make me work my ass off to remind her who’s in charge. She’s going to fight me and defy me and try to top me.

It’ll never happen, of course. I’ll fuck the defiance right out of her.

‘Mac,’ she complains, irritated when I don’t deepen the kiss and give her what she wants.

‘No, Jenna,’ I say against her lips, working my hand into her hair to free it from the bun. I want to see it loose around her face, want to feel it tangled around my hands while I’m getting her off. I’m not fucking her tonight, not with the girls and Finn here. But I’m going to play with her for a good, long while. I’m going to ruin her.

Her hair comes loose, tumbling down her back. Her soft scent swirls around us. I don’t know if it’s shampoo, if it’s lotion, or if it’s simply her sweetness, but it’s already my favorite smell. It’s cotton candy and something not so easily defined. Her essence. Her sweetness.

I thrust my hand into her thick hair, close my fist around it, and crane her head back.

‘You’re going to learn to take what I give you,’ I growl, meeting her defiant gaze. ‘I’ll worship you on my fucking knees, baby girl. But I decide how to kiss you and when to fuck you. I decide how much you can take and when to give it.’

She moans, a storm brewing in her eyes. It’s part hell yes, part hell no.

I cover her mouth with mine before she can decide whether to tell me to fuck off or not. Her lips are soft and warm, as sweet as the rest of her. I bite the bottom one, unable to resist. I’ve been thinking about this all day.

She moans again, her thighs trembling around mine.

I lick into her mouth. Her taste hits my system, instantly overloading it. Goddamn. This woman tastes exactly like sugar. And I’m aching to overdose on her. Throbbing to do it. Having an erection for most of the day is a hell of a thing. I jerked off in the bathroom earlier, thinking about her tits. There was no way I was going to make it through the conference call with our investors if I didn’t take care of the bastard in my pants. I thought about those lips wrapped around my dick while I did it.

I release her hair long enough to strip her jacket off of her. I know I can’t get her naked in my brother’s living room, but I can still get my mouth on those tits. She whines my name when I yank the cups of her bra down, releasing her juicy nipples. They’re hard little buds, just begging for attention. I play with them while I kiss her, learning what she likes.

My girl likes it rough.

‘Mac,’ she cries out when I break our kiss to pull her nipple into my mouth. I bite down, dragging it through my teeth. She nearly launches off my lap before I manage to get my hands on her to pull her back down to me.

‘Grind that hot little cunt on my dick, Jenna,’ I order, watching her through slit lids. ‘Let me hear how sweet you sound when you’re coming on me.’

‘I…I…’ She breaks off with a whimper.

‘You what, princess? Tell me.’

‘I’ve never…’

Ah, fuck.

‘You trying to tell me no one has ever made you come, baby girl?’

She bobs her head, heat climbing up her cheeks.

My dick throbs at her confirmation, cum shooting up my shaft. I grit my teeth, trying like hell not to come all over myself like an untried teenager. I don’t know how she’s made it this long without someone scooping her up and claiming her for themselves, but she’s mine now. That body is mine. That cherry is mine. She is mine. In every fucking way possible.

‘Ah, baby,’ I groan, pushing her tits together and then kissing one nipple and then the other. I move between them, lavishing them with attention. ‘I’m going to make you feel so good. You’re going to live for what I do to you, Jenna.’

‘Please,’ she gasps, wriggling all over me, trying to find the pressure she needs to get herself off. ‘It hurts.’

‘Poor princess,’ I croon, releasing her tits to undo her pants. It takes a little maneuvering before I manage to get them undone, giving myself room to get my hand inside them. I squeeze her round cheeks, loving the way they fit my hands and the little dimples I feel. Her panties are thin and silky. A single peek lets me know my suspicions are correct. They match her pretty bra.

‘Unzip my pants,’ I order, shifting her backwards to give her room to work.

She hesitates for a split second before obeying me. Her hands shake as she tries to get the button undone. They shake again when she tugs the zipper down. Her courage fails her then. She falls still, her lip caught between her teeth.

‘Take my dick out, Jenna,’ I growl, plunging my hand into the back of her panties. My fingers slide down the crack of her ass, which startles her. She likes it though. I know she does because she moans, going pliant in my arms. ‘I’m going to play with you, princess. And you’re going to play with me.’

‘Mac, I…’

‘Now, Jenna,’ I demand, swatting her lightly on the ass. ‘Don’t make me punish you, princess.’

‘Jesus, Mac,’ she groans. ‘Wh-why does that sound so good?’

I chuckle at her tone. It’s so full of innocent outrage, like she’s mad that she finds the thought of being punished sexy. I’m not surprised though. This woman is my equal in every way. Of course the thought turns her on. She was made for me. And the thought damn sure turns me on.

‘Because you’re mine, princess,’ I murmur, touching her pussy from behind. She’s soaked and so damn warm. Her cunt is fat and juicy. I’m dying to see it for myself. To taste it for myself. But I already know if I get her pants off, I’ll be fucking her over the side of Ian’s couch. With the kids here, I can’t do that. Tomorrow though? Tomorrow she’s mine.

She delves her hand into my pants, wrapping her soft hand around my cock. I growl, arching my hips upward, trying to get closer to her. She pulls him out, moaning softly when she sees him.

‘You see how hard you got me, princess?’ I ask, playing with her pussy, letting her juices coat my hand. She’s a sticky little treat, one I fully intend to eat at every available opportunity. When I lose her taste, I’ll be bending her over the nearest available surface to eat her again. Until she’s on my lips and tongue every damn minute of the day.

‘Y-yes,’ she whispers. ‘God, Mac. You’re so hard.’ She strokes my dick, petting him like he’s a good little puppy. Except there’s nothing little about him. Nothing good either. He’s a wicked beast, damn near ten inches and as big around as her wrist. She’ll be able to take him though. Every greedy inch.

‘Harder, Jenna,’ I growl, dragging her pants down a little to give myself more room to work. I need to feel her around my fingers. ‘Squeeze me in that perfect little hand while you’re stroking me.’

She gasps when I thrust a finger into her, her grip loosening momentarily. I shove my other hand into the front of her pants to play with her clit at the same time. It’s hard and swollen, begging for attention. As soon as I jiggle it with my thumb, she jolts, moaning. Her eyes practically roll back in her head.

‘Stroke me, princess,’ I say through gritted teeth. Just touching her has me ready to come. She’s hot and wet, her little cunt so tight I already know getting in her is going to be a challenge. That’s all right though. Just means I’ll have to eat both holes until she’s dripping down my chin and ready to take me.

She tightens her grip on me, working her hand up and down my length.

‘Yeah,’ I groan. ‘Fuck yeah. Just like that.’

‘Mac,’ she moans, trembling on my lap like a frightened little deer. She’s not afraid though. She’s excited, turned on. Her inner walls are already fluttering around my fingers. She’s responsive as hell. We’ll have to work on that, teach her how good it can feel to ride that edge until she can’t take it anymore. If I have my way, I’ll have a whole lifetime to teach her just how dirty she can be and just how many ways I can make her come.

‘I can’t wait until I get you alone tomorrow, princess,’ I mutter, fucking her with my fingers. She’s so wet I can hear them sliding through her juices, hear the wet squelch of her body trying to hold onto them. ‘I’m going to make love to you until you pass out in my arms, and then I’m going to wake you up eating you for breakfast. Somewhere in between, we’ll see how far down that pretty throat you can take me.’

‘Now,’ she demands. ‘I want…’ She breaks off to moan. ‘I want you in my mouth now.’

Ah, hell.

‘You want me between those lips, Jenna?’


‘Then ride my fingers until you come, princess.’ I’m not telling her no. Fuck no, I’m not. The thought of coming down her throat is too goddamn good to pass up. Because once I get inside her, I already know I won’t be coming anywhere else. Not until she’s making the twins a baby brother or sister to love. Jenna was made for motherhood. I wish like hell that she was Isla and Bella’s mommy. Our life would have turned out a helluva lot different if she were. But I can’t change that now. All I can do is convince her that we’re the future she wants.

Jenna moans and then gives me what I want, she rocks her hips, trying to work out the rhythm she needs. My dick is still in her hand as she rides my fingers, trying to get herself off. I watch her through slit-lids, trying to memorize the sight of her like this. She’s so damn pretty. Even with her tits hanging out and my dick in her hand, she’s elegant, regal. It’s no wonder my girls are convinced she’s a real princess. She looks like one.

I play with her until she’s shaking around me and moaning my name, right on the edge of falling over. And then I curl my fingers up to stroke her g-spot. As soon as her body locks down on mine, I crash my mouth down on hers, trying to stifle her cries of ecstasy as she shatters apart in my arms. Her pussy grows wetter, her arousal soaking my hands and her panties.

She shakes and trembles and cries out for me, still rocking her hips.

And fuck me. I need to see her like this when I’m inside her. I need to feel her coming all over my cock and crying out my name into the room. Tomorrow can’t come fast enough for me. Neither can forever. Fuck baby steps. We need her now. Me and my girls.

As soon as she stops shaking, I slide my hands out of her pants and pick her up, shifting until she’s seated and I’m on my feet in front of her, my dick in my hand inches from her face. She’s wrecked, her makeup smudged, her hair ruined. And still, she’s beautiful. Still, she’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.

‘Open up, baby girl,’ I demand. ‘Let me in that sweet mouth.’

She does so eagerly, sliding forward on the couch and opening her mouth like an obedient little princess. I growl as I slide between her lips. Her mouth is heaven, and I already know I’m not going to last more than thirty seconds.

‘Hollow your cheeks and suck,’ I say, giving her instructions on what to do. She’s quick on the uptake. Her tongue swirls around the head of my cock before she does exactly what I said and hollows her cheeks. She sucks me like she’s trying to suck my soul from my body.

‘Goddamn, princess,’ I growl, gathering her hair up in my hands so I can see her face. She looks good with her lips stretched wide around me. I pump my hips in shallow thrusts, trying not to force myself down her throat. I don’t want to hurt or frighten her. I just want to possess her, own her, love her.

She wraps one hand around my shaft, trying to take more of me. It’s already too late for that though. As soon she moans, my balls draw up.

‘Fuck, I’m going to come,’ I growl, trying to pull back.

Jenna isn’t having any of that though. She fights me like a little hellcat hanging onto her favorite toy. She sucks harder, wrapping her free hand around my thigh to keep me in place.

I growl out a curse, and then give up. Cum shoots up my shaft so hard it hurts. I pump my hips, fucking her mouth as I come down her throat. Her eyes go wide when the first rope hits her tongue. But she doesn’t pull back. She swallows, something like triumph setting those pretty blue eyes on fire. I don’t have to ask to know she likes it. The truth is written all over her face.

She takes every drop I spill, swallowing eagerly.

And I know that I’m fucked. Completely and totally sunk for this woman. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to keep her, no battle I wouldn’t fight, no rule I wouldn’t break. I’m in love with her. Head over heels, ass over tea kettle. This is what it’s supposed to feel like. This is love. The racing heart, sweaty palms, can’t-keep-my-eyes-off-her variety. The kind that’s bigger than any wave, more powerful than any storm. This is the kind that never stops growing.

‘Jesus Christ, Jenna,’ I whisper, pulling back when I’m finally spent. My dick slips from between her lips, still half hard, still ready to go again. I quickly tuck him back into my pants and then pick her up, yanking her into my arms. I don’t even care that I just came down her throat. I kiss her hard, pouring my soul into it and claiming hers in the process.

She clings to my shoulders, kissing me just as hard. Does she have any idea what she’s doing to me? Can she know what it feels like to finally break free of the dark? To finally feel alive again? I don’t know, but I think she feels something just as powerful, something just as right.

For the first time in a long time, I send up a prayer.

Please let us keep this woman. Please let me be worthy of her.

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