The Billionaire’s Big Bold Woman: A Single Father Instalove Romance (The Billionaires’ Club)

The Billionaire’s Big Bold Woman: A Single Father Instalove Romance: Chapter 1

‘Being a billionaire must be exhausting,’ I mumble to myself, staring out at the sprawling mansion ahead of me. It’s three stories of gothic perfection, with gorgeous arches, elegant spires, and big windows everywhere I look. Even the bushes are perfectly trimmed. It’s breathtaking, but there’s no way I would want to clean a house this big. It probably takes an entire week.

By the time I got it done, it would be time to start again. And then I’d have to burn it to the ground because no one has time for that much cleaning. I’m better off in my tiny apartment in Nashville. At least there’s only one bathroom to scrub there.

I’m excited to meet the billionaire who lives in this fairytale castle, though.

Ian Sterling used to play football for the Tennessee Titans. Now, he makes the big bucks babysitting Fortune 500 companies while overworked CEOs galivant across the globe to find themselves. I guess he’s pretty good at it because his company joined the Fortune 500 ranks a few years ago. I was lucky to get an interview with him.

He hasn’t talked to the press in two years. Not since his sister-in-law, Marion, embezzled a ton of money from the companies he represents. She tried to pin it on his younger brother, Mac, who was her husband at the time. The press had a field day with the story. Ian stopped giving interviews after that. But he’s friends with my brother, so he agreed to meet with me. I’m doing a profile on him for my newspaper.

My boss is an evil, horrible little man. He wanted me to bombard Ian with questions about the embezzlement drama, but Ian made it clear that he wouldn’t be talking about it. I was honestly a little relieved. Don’t get me wrong, I’m as curious as the next girl, but Mac and his ex-wife have twin daughters who are still young. I don’t know him or his daughters, but I don’t want my story to be the reason reporters start hounding them again.

I know what it’s like to be a little girl turned into a news story, and it isn’t fun.

My dad was a police officer who was shot and killed in the line of duty when I was little. I barely remember him, but I never forgot how frightened I was when an army of reporters surrounded our car while my mom was trying to take me and Jason to school right after his killer was sentenced to life in prison. The car was rocking back and forth. My mom broke down in the driver’s seat, sobbing because they wouldn’t go away.

Jason was only fourteen at the time, but he jumped out of the car and ordered them all to back off and leave his family alone. He always was the bravest out of the two of us. He became my hero that day…and I went into journalism when I grew up.

Specifically because I never forgot that day or how it made me feel. I don’t want to be one of the reporters shoving cameras in the faces of grieving widows. I want to be the one who helps remind others that compassion, empathy, and journalism aren’t mutually exclusive. It’s entirely possible to tell someone’s story in a way that’s respectful and affords them a little dignity.

We are all more than our worst moments.

Like Mac Sterling, for instance. Even though his ex-wife was a horrible person who did a horrible thing to him and his brother, he didn’t let it break or define him. Since she went to prison, he’s become a billionaire in his own right. And he still raises his daughters on his own. He doesn’t have an army of nannies doing it for him while he works. He’s a hands-on, doting daddy. I love that.

I’m kind of hoping I’ll get to meet him while I’m here. Not because I want to gawk at him even though he is ridiculously hot. But because I admire him. And okay, maybe I have a tiny crush on him, but no one can blame me for that. He’s gorgeous, successful, a single dad, and his daughters are freaking adorable. Everyone says he’s kind and generous too. Basically, he’s the motherlode of men.

Not that I think I stand a chance with him or anything. As far as I know, he doesn’t date. But a girl is allowed to look, right? Right.

My stomach flutters with nerves as I creep toward the house.

Fresh air blows in from the windows, but it doesn’t help calm me at all. Aside from my brother’s boss, Grant Davis, I’ve never met a billionaire before. I have no idea what to expect, but Jason said that Ian is laidback, so I’m hoping for the best.

Crap. I hope I look okay.

I took my time getting ready before I left the hotel, not wanting to look ridiculous in front of a billionaire. My blonde hair is up in an elegant bun, and I’m actually wearing a little makeup. Nothing crazy because I am not one of those girls who was born with the makeup artist gene. But my blue eyes pop with the mascara and eyeshadow, my cheeks have a little color, and I think I look cute in my purple power-suit.

I’m five-five and a size twenty. There is no hiding my curves, so I don’t even try. Instead, I dress to accentuate them. The suit jacket is unbuttoned on top, revealing the silky black camisole beneath. It draws attention away from my belly in a way that still manages to look professional more than sexy. The pants are straight-legged, making my legs appear longer. My matching kitten heels give me a little extra height without risking my life.

I’m not graceful in heels. At all.

The last time I tried to walk in stilettos, I sprained my ankle and nearly had to leave the country. My best friend, Stella, and I were in a restaurant. My ankle rolled and I went down like a ton of bricks…taking an entire dessert table with me. Everyone in the restaurant saw the whole ugly scene. Stella had to drag me back to the car, covered in cake and shame. I threw the heels out of the window on the way to the emergency room. Hopefully they landed in hell where they belong.

A little girl steps directly into my path, blocking me from going any further. She’s got one hand planted on her little hip, with a sword held aloft in her fist. One eye is covered in a black patch. She’s squinting the other at me. Her dark ringlets are covered with a jaunty pirate cap, and I’m pretty sure she’s wearing a curtain sash for a belt.

‘Halt!’ she cries, stomping one foot.

I tap my brakes, stopping several feet from her. I can’t help but laugh because she looks so serious. She’s the cutest little pirate I’ve ever seen. Until her sister comes running out from behind a tree, dressed the same way. They’re identical in every way, right down to their cute little button noses. And their belts are definitely curtain sashes. The fancy rope ones with tassels on the end.

‘Pirates don’t say halt,’ she says, stumbling to a stop beside her sister.

‘Yes, they do!’


They forget all about me as they argue back and forth over what pirates do and do not say when stopping sea traffic to pillage and steal. I watch in amusement as the twin with the toy sword flings it all around while trying to make her point.

‘They say ‘Halt! Who goes there?’!’

‘No, they don’t. Only lame pirates say halt,’ her sister says, thrusting her little chin up into the air in a show of superiority that makes me giggle. She’s got to be the oldest of the two.

‘I’m not a lame pirate!’ her sister gasps.

‘Isla! Bella!’

My heart turns a flip when I see an irate Mac Sterling storming out of the mansion with his arms crossed over his barrel chest and a dark scowl on his handsome face. Lord, he’s hot. He’s in his mid-thirties, with hair that’s rapidly turning silver and a square jaw. His eyes are an unusual shade of blue that reminds me of oceanwater. He’s big and brawny but not in a cut way. He’s just thick everywhere, and sexy as sin. He owns a massive construction company, so I’m guessing he spends a lot of time lugging equipment around. He’s solid all the way through.

The twins share a wide-eyed look.

‘Shiver me timbers,’ the one with the sword whispers, meekly dropping it to her side. ‘Daddy’s mad.’

‘Uh-huh,’ her twin whispers back.

Mac charges up the driveway toward them like an irate bull. There’s a baby monitor peeking out of his pocket. His ocean eyes flick in my direction momentarily before he dismisses me to talk to the twins.

‘What did I tell you about sneaking out of the house?’ he asks.

‘We didn’t sneak, daddy,’ the twin with the sword says, craning her neck back to stare up at her daddy. ‘We used the front door.’

‘Without permission,’ he says, his voice firm. ‘That’s sneaking, Bella.’


‘You can’t just go running off wherever you want.’

‘But daddy,’ Bella says. ‘We can’t play pirates inside. Unka Ian has lame booty.’

‘Yeah, and you said we can’t steal his stuff anymore,’ Isla says.

‘Bella, don’t call it booty.’

‘Why? That’s what pirates call it.’

‘Uh-huh,’ her twin agrees, bobbing her head in an exuberant nod.

Mac sighs heavily and then chuckles, clearly outnumbered. He’s not upset about it, though. I have a feeling he’s wrapped around their little fingers. The next words out of his mouth confirm my suspicion.

‘Fine,’ he says, dropping his arms to his sides. ‘If you stop saying booty, you can go steal your uncle’s shit again.’

‘Can we call it shit?’ Isla asks.

‘Uh, no. Definitely not.’

‘Fine,’ she huffs, clearly annoyed by this rule. ‘Come on, Bella. Let’s go pillage Uncle Ian’s stuff.’ She emphasizes the last word, making sure her daddy hears her annoyance.

‘Yarr!’ Bella growls, making Mac chuckle again.

Isla grabs her hand and turns toward the house, only to remember that I’m still in my car. ‘Daddy, there’s a princess in the car,’ she says, staring at me.

I lift my hand in a wave.

Bella pulls away from her sister to wave back.

‘I’m aware, Iz.’

‘She’s pretty,’ Bella stage whispers.

‘Yes, she is.’

My heart flutters. I didn’t think he looked at me long enough to notice anything about me, but I guess I was wrong because when he looks over his shoulder at me, our eyes connect. Heat rolls over me in a tidal wave, sparking up little fires deep in my belly. His eyes really are that beautiful ocean blue color. They also burn with interest.

Or maybe that’s just wishful thinking because God knows, I’m certainly interested. He’s hot as hell, and he’s an amazing daddy. No woman can resist that combination. I know I can’t. I’ve been here exactly five minutes and my ovaries are already screaming at me to make babies with this man.

That’s happened exactly never. Even on the rare occasion I agreed to go out with someone, there was never a spark. No one ever made it past the first date, let alone past my doorstep. I was beginning to think I was going to die alone.

Maybe I still will, but if Mac keeps looking at me like he is right now, I might not die a virgin. Because I can already imagine how this man will feel on top of me, thrusting into me. And he won’t be gentle about it. He’ll take me how he wants, with his big hands clamped down on me to keep me still and that deep voice whispering filthy things in my ear.

Oh lord. Stop thinking bad thoughts. Stop thinking bad thoughts.

I know I should heed that warning. Except…I can’t.

I try to break his gaze and look away, but I’m caught in it, completely helpless to it.

‘Can we kidnap her?’ Bella asks, recalling his attention.

I whimper when those eyes shift away from me.

‘Absolutely not,’ he growls. Literally freaking growls.

I hope St. Peter is busy looking elsewhere right now. Because I’m pretty sure having dirty thoughts about a man when his twin daughters are standing beside him is not going to get me into heaven. And since hell is even hotter than Nashville in the summer, I’d really rather not go there.

‘I don’t think you should ever play pirates, daddy,’ Bella says, scrunching her face up at Mac. ‘You wouldn’t be a very good one. You have too many rules.’

‘Yeah, pirates don’t have rules.’

‘They do,’ Mac says. ‘It’s called a code.’

‘Oh. What’s a code?’

‘Rules, poppet.’

Bella’s little face scrunches up again. ‘Rules are lame.’

‘So lame,’ Isla agrees.

‘Girls, please go steal your uncle’s shit so I can handle our guest,’ Mac says, shaking his head.

Handle me? Yes, please.

‘Come on, Bella.’ Isla turns toward the house. ‘I bet Unka Ian has more jewelry for Aunt Holly somewhere. Let’s go find it and make him pay us money to give it back.’

‘Bye, Daddy!’ Bella says. ‘Bye, Princess Lady!’

I start to wave, but she and Isla are already running toward the house. I watch them go, laughing to myself. They’re adorable little terrors. Mac definitely has his hands full with the two of them, but it’s obvious that he wouldn’t trade them for anything. He’s so good with them.

‘Do not wake your cousin up!’ he shouts after them. He watches the girls until they disappear up the steps to the mansion and then strides the few feet to my car. His ocean eyes run over me again.

I tighten my grip on the steering wheel, fighting the urge to squirm. My panties are in serious danger right now. There’s this intensity to him that I did not expect. He’s…commanding. It’s almost as if those ocean eyes see every dirty thought in my head and he’s trying to decide what to do with me.

I have a few suggestions, and zero plans to speak any of them out loud.

‘I’m not sure if I should thank you for rescuing me from being kidnapped by the fearsome pirates or if I should lodge a complaint,’ I say, giving him a nervous smile. My heart is pounding so hard I’m sure he can probably hear it. ‘Stealing Ian’s shit sounds fun.’

Mac doesn’t even crack a smile. ‘You’re the reporter.’

‘I prefer Jenna.’

‘He said you were coming.’ He stares at me for a second, his lips pursed.

‘That’s right. I’m here to interview him. Um, I’m doing a profile on him since he’s a former Titan,’ I explain, my stomach turning flips. Good lord, he’s intense. ‘It’s a whole big thing since they’re going to the Super Bowl this year.’

‘You’re Jason Kirby’s sister?’

He knows who I am?

‘I am,’ I say.

‘Ian isn’t here.’

I blink. ‘He confirmed our appointment this morning.’

‘I know,’ he says and then jerks his head toward the house. ‘You might as well wait for him inside. I’m not sure how long he’ll be.’

‘Is everything okay?’

‘Holly’s pregnant,’ he says as if that explains everything. It doesn’t. Not even close.

‘Is she in labor?’

‘No, she’s at the doctor. Ian won’t leave until she’s done.’

‘Oh,’ I say, not really sure what that means.

Mac must notice my confusion because he gives me a tiny smile. ‘He’s convinced Holly’s doctor is going to steal her from him.’


‘Her doctor is in his seventies.’

I laugh quietly. ‘My brother is the same way with his wife,’ I say, rolling my eyes. ‘Miranda threatened to ban him from going to appointments with her if he didn’t learn to behave himself.’ He’s completely ridiculous. I love seeing him so happy though.

He and Miranda have been married for a few years now and they’re still madly in love. He worships the ground she walks on, and she walks around with hearts in her eyes all the time. Which is exactly why I’m staying at a hotel instead of at their house.

There are some things you can never unhear.

‘Pull up at the house, princess,’ Mac says, tapping the roof of my car. ‘You can wait inside.’

I open my mouth to thank him, but he’s already striding away. He moves gracefully for someone his size. He thrusts his hands into his pockets, pulling his slacks tighter over his ass. I gulp audibly. That ass in those pants should be illegal.

He glances over his shoulder and catches me staring.

I quickly look away, but I’m already busted. My face flames with embarrassment. I release the brake and hit the gas a little too hard. The car jolts forward. I squeal in shock and hit the brake again, throwing myself forward a bit.

Mac sees the whole thing. Naturally. It might be my imagination, but I think I hear him laugh. He definitely smiles before he turns back around and heads for the house.

If this is how the rest of the day is going to go, I’m in serious trouble.

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