The Billionaire’s Big Bold Wish: An Older Billionaire/Younger BBW Romance (The Billionaires’ Club)

The Billionaire’s Big Bold Wish: Chapter 8

‘Marry me,’ Justice whispers in my ear, running his hand up and down my back. We’re cuddled up in the bed. Well…sort of. I’m splayed out on my stomach, trying to recover from the two orgasms he gave me after carrying me inside. He’s propped up on his elbow beside me, watching me. He’s always watching me.

It used to drive me crazy. I could feel his eyes on me every time I moved. It excited me that he watched me so intently. It pissed me off too. I wanted so much more than just his eyes on me. I’d wait and wait and wait…and eventually I’d snap and pick some stupid fight with him just to piss him off enough to leave the room. It was the only way to ease the ache deep inside.

Now, I have more than just his eyes on me. I have him all over me, his body pressed to mine, his marks in my skin, his cum dripping out of me.

And he just asked me to marry him. I think.

‘Are you asking me or are you trying to boss me?’ I ask, turning my head to face him. Either way, I’m not telling him no. But I can make him sweat a little first, right? He needs someone to challenge him as badly as I need to be challenging. I always knew that about him, but I didn’t realize until today why he needs it. It keeps him from slipping too far down the dark path, the one he’s so afraid to traverse again.

I’ll never let that happen though. Even if he doesn’t trust himself, I know he wouldn’t let it happen either. He’s been wracked with guilt and haunted by his sins for so long I think he’d destroy himself before turning back into that man. He may be a ruthless businessman, but he walked away from his crimes when he lost his family. He loves me and Ainsley too much to risk getting entangled in the life he lived a decade ago.

‘Depends.’ He sweeps a wayward strand of hair away from my face, tucking it behind my ear. His expression is so somber and grave, but he’s not fooling me. I see the way his upper lip curves at the right corner.

‘On what?’

‘On how many more orgasms you can take,’ he says, dropping his hand to my back and then running it down to my ass. He squeezes my cheek in his hand. ‘Because you’ll be wearing my ring one way or another before you leave this bed, baby girl.’

I moan quietly, which makes him smile. He kind of wrecked me with the three orgasms he already gave me. But I’m addicted to the way he makes me feel when he’s inside of me. The things he says and does to me…Lord, he’s sin incarnate and it’s beautiful in the best way possible. I don’t feel dirty. I feel like his baby girl, cherished, adored, and loved.

His hand slips from my ass, creeping between my legs. I moan again, spreading them further. Even though I’m wrecked, I’m also greedy. I don’t think I’m capable of telling him no. He knows it too, the bossy bastard.

His onyx eyes light up, a wicked smirk touching his lips.

‘Marry me, baby girl,’ he murmurs, teasing his thumb against my hole. His forefinger runs circles around my clit. ‘Let daddy spend the rest of his life taking care of you.’

‘Daddy,’ I whisper, my body temperature soaring. I swear, every time he calls himself my daddy, I lose the ability to function. All I can think about is him and how good that title sounds coming from his sinful lips. There’s nothing wrong or depraved about what’s between us. He makes it beautiful and safe and all of those things I dreamed about.

‘Say yes, Milan,’ he growls.

And even though I’m wrecked, even though every fiber of my being screams yes…I shake my head and fight him.

‘Make me,’ I whisper through a moan.

That’s all it takes. He goes from sweet to wicked in the blink of an eye.

His body covers mine, his chest to my back. He shoves my legs apart enough to fit his body between them. And then he’s inside me, pinning me to the bed with his weight. He plunges deep on the first thrust, impaling me on him.

He rides me hard, pounding into me. I’m trapped beneath him, completely at his mercy. Yet I know all it would take was a single word and he’d be on his knees for me. Somehow, this crazy, amazing, bossy man wants me to have that power over him. Just like he wants me to fight him and defy him and drive him crazy.

‘Marry me,’ he growls, wrapping one hand all up in my hair. He pulls my head back, his grip just hard enough to sting. His mouth meets mine, all hot and demanding.

I cry out when he bites my lip, sending a jolt directly to my clit.

‘Marry me,’ he whispers, pleading this time. His pace slows, his kiss turning sweet. He’s a walking contradiction, hard one minute and then soft the next. I love both sides of him so damn much. I need both from him. He gives them without reservation.

‘Daddy,’ I whimper. ‘You feel so good.’

‘Then say yes and I’ll give you what you want,’ he says. ‘Marry me, Milan. Let me be your daddy for the rest of my life.’

‘You already are,’ I gasp.

He growls and plunges deep again, touching that spot inside that makes me see stars.

As soon as I’m on the edge of an orgasm, he backs off.

I cry out his name, frustrated. I want to come.

‘Agree,’ he whispers, craning my head back a little further. His tongue runs circles around my ear and then he nuzzles into my neck. ‘You make me so fucking happy, pretty baby. I can’t live without you. I need you to be mine in every way. Say yes.’

‘Yes, daddy.’

He freezes in mid-thrust, barely even breathing. And then he roars my name. The bed rocks beneath us as he fucks me hard, pounding into me without mercy. I writhe beneath him, sobbing when I can’t move more than an inch or two. My whole body overheats, fire coursing through my veins instead of blood.

‘Please, please, please.’

‘Begging,’ he growls. ‘You sound so sweet when you’re begging me, Milan.’

So I beg him, pleading over and over for him to let me come.

‘Come then, baby girl,’ he says, giving me permission. ‘Work the cum out of me with that little cunt. Let daddy breed you.’

‘Oh God.’

‘We both know that’s what you want, isn’t it?’

‘Yes,’ I moan, too far gone to deny it. I want his babies more than I want my next breath. They won’t grow up like I did, cast to the side and forgotten. Justice would never do that to our babies. He’ll love them with his whole heart, the same way he loves me. I feel that love seeping into every pore, invading every cell. It’s intense and consuming and I’ve never felt more perfect than I do as his baby girl.

‘I love you,’ he whispers in my ear.

His sweet words set off a detonation. The earthquake hits all at once, shaking loose a scream I’m sure half the state can hear. I don’t care. I come hard, moaning his name as my muscles and bones and organs melt into a pool of ecstasy and leave me trembling.

‘Milan, baby girl,’ he groans long and deep and low. I feel the vibrations everywhere. He thrusts deep and stills, filling me full of him all over again.

I slump beneath him, boneless, sated, and happier than I think I’ve ever been. Every day with him, that pervasive sense of completeness, of rightness grows. I spent so long fighting him, refusing to believe that he could want the same things I want. I never stopped to ask myself what we were missing out on. I never stopped to consider what we could be together.

I’ve had a glimpse of it now, a taste of what the future has in store for the two of us, and I want more. No, I want everything. Marriage, babies, a lifetime with this incredible man, to rattle him and tease him and fight him and love him.

We were made to be this way. We were made to love this way.

‘I love you,’ he whispers again, pressing his lips to my shoulder. He rests his head against my back for a long moment and then he eases back, sliding out of me. He goes with a groan that I echo. Losing his heat is my least favorite part of everything.

He rolls to the side of the bed and then reaches over the side to grab his pants. I watch through slit lids and an orgasm daze as he retrieves something from his pocket and then comes back to me. He sets it to the side and then shifts me around until I’m sprawled across his chest.

‘Open your hand,’ he murmurs once I’m where he wants me.

I uncurl my fingers.

He drops a little blue box onto my palm.

‘You really bought me a ring?’

‘Open it,’ he says, smiling at me.

My hand shakes a little as I flip the box open.

‘Oh,’ I whisper, my eyes filling with tears when I see the platinum ring. Topaz stones and smaller diamonds surround a larger diamond in a spiral pattern that make it look almost like a flower unfurling its petals. It’s beautiful.

Justice takes the box from me and slips the ring out before sliding it onto my finger. We both stare at it for a long, silent moment and then he flips me over onto my back. He rises above me on his knees, sitting back on his heels.

His onyx eyes rove over me from head to toe, darkening. His tongue peeks out, caught between his teeth. His cock stirs, hardening. ‘Damn,’ he breathes then. ‘I knew you’d look beautiful with my ring on your finger, but I didn’t know you’d look this perfect wearing nothing but my ring, Milan.’

‘It’s beautiful, Justice,’ I murmur, reaching out to him. ‘And massive.’

‘Since you’re too beautiful to tattoo, this will let everyone know you’re mine,’ he says, his eyes narrowing as if he’s already thinking about some other man trying to flirt with me. Maybe I shouldn’t encourage his possessiveness, but I love it. Until I remember that he’s not wearing a ring on his finger.

‘And what’s going to stop everyone from flirting with you?’ I ask. His tattoos are all hidden beneath his suits. I know women flirt with him. He’s a freaking billionaire and he’s gorgeous.

‘You,’ he says simply before leaning down to kiss my belly and then my nipple. He lays beside me, pulling me closer with a hand on my hip. ‘No one else exists to me, baby girl. I’m your daddy and only yours.’

‘Good,’ I mumble, burrowing into his arms.

He chuckles in response, brushing his lips across my cheek. ‘I don’t want to wait to marry you, Milan. I want to do it now.’

‘Like right now?’ I gape at him.

‘Not at this precise moment,’ he says, chuckling again. ‘But soon. I need to know you’re mine in that way. It’s been driving me crazy all week.’

‘Okay,’ I agree, willing to give him that. And then I bite my lip. ‘What are we going to tell Ainsley?’

‘The truth,’ he says, crooking a finger beneath my chin until my eyes meet his. ‘What happens between us is between us. If Ainsley comes home, you’ll still be my baby girl. I’ll still be your daddy. That won’t change.’

‘I love you,’ I whisper.

He smiles and then kisses the corner of my mouth. I turn my head slightly to catch his lips before he can pull away. We kiss until we’re both out of breath, just tasting each other. Enjoying each other. I never knew kissing could be so sexy. But every time he kisses me, my blood turns to steam and I want him all over again.

My body is deliciously sore and my muscles achy though. I don’t think I can handle another round right now. He may not need recovery time, but I think I do. Otherwise, I might explode into tiny pieces and float away.

‘You said if she comes home,’ I murmur, laying my head on his chest again.

‘I did.’

I wait for him to explain, but he doesn’t.

‘Justice!’ I poke him in the ribs and then scramble up to straddle his hips so I can see his face. He’s smirking at me. ‘What do you mean if she comes home?’

‘I mean if she comes home,’ he says, his smirk slipping. He lifts his gaze to mine, his eyes full of some emotion I can’t name. It’s striking though, full of quiet regard and a hint of self-reflection. ‘She deserves happiness. If being here doesn’t give her that…then maybe it’s time to consider something else.’

‘Do you mean college?’ I ask, narrowing my eyes on him. He wanted to send her off to college, somewhere he deemed safe. Which we both know means somewhere that’s more like a fortress than a school.

‘No. Well, not if that’s not what she wants,’ he says. And then he sighs. ‘I’ve been certain for a long fucking time that keeping her locked up was the only way to keep her safe and to keep me…me. I think it’s time to learn a different way.’

‘Justice,’ I whisper, shocked.

‘It’s time, Milan,’ he murmurs. ‘If she finds somewhere out there where she’s happy, I won’t force her to come back. I’m not saying I won’t worry about her every minute of the day because I will. But a lot of shit needs to change around here, starting with her.’


‘Once we find her, we’ll talk. She’ll talk,’ he amends. ‘I’ll listen. I’ll find a way to keep her safe without putting her in a cage.’ He tips his head to the side. ‘You too. I may fuck it up. I’ll probably drive you crazy and follow you everywhere you go and worry every minute you aren’t right here in my arms where you belong, but you were right today.’

‘I usually am,’ I murmur, earning a small smile from him. ‘But what was I right about in particular?’

‘Not a fucking thing on this earth will make me risk what we have together,’ he growls. ‘Being your daddy is everything to me. I’ll crawl through hell before I do something to jeopardize that and what we have here.’

‘Justice,’ I say, melting. I fall forward, catching myself on my hands at the last minute and then easing myself down to press my lips against his.

He wraps his arms around me, kissing me for all he’s worth. I taste the promise on his lips and know he means it. Know he believes it as strongly as I do. He’ll never risk hurting me or losing me or himself. That’s how much he loves me. That’s how much he cares.

‘Daddy,’ I whisper, tears welling in my eyes and then spilling down my cheeks.

‘Baby girl,’ he whispers back. ‘My pretty baby.’

I give myself and my future over to him joyfully, willingly. Forever.

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