The Billionaire’s Big Bold Wish: An Older Billionaire/Younger BBW Romance (The Billionaires’ Club)

The Billionaire’s Big Bold Wish: Chapter 5

‘Milan?’ I feel across the bed for her, only to find cold sheets instead of the warm little blonde who kept my dick hard all night. I never imagined that holding someone could feel so damn good but having Milan in my arms was close to perfect. Being the man to watch over her while she slept, the one who got to hear her adorable sleep talk…nothing compares to that.

Where is she?

My eyes pop open, frustration coursing through me. I thought we made progress last night, but she’s not in bed with me now…which is pretty solid evidence to the contrary.

Did she get spooked?

Was my nightmare too much for her?

I’ve had them for a decade. The past few years, they’ve changed. She’s become entwined in them. Finding her in Ainsley’s room guts me every single time. She’s always in the same place, laying in front of the closet as if to protect Ainsley. She looks like she’s sleeping. Until I roll her over. And then I realize there are some pains worse than any I’ve ever felt before, some futures bleaker than I ever imagined. The only thing worse in this life than not having her as mine…is living in a world where she no longer exists.

She’s not sleeping in my nightmares. She’s gone just like Julian and Marissa. Those blue eyes stare up at me, hiding entire volumes even in death. They burn me alive.

I prefer the older nightmares. They hurt, but they don’t rip at my soul the way the ones with Milan do. Those are a kind of torture that sinks soul deep. She thinks my men follow her because I care. That’s not true though. They follow her because the thought of something happening to her is my worst goddamn nightmare. Literally.

Care doesn’t begin to cover the way I feel about her. If there’s a word that’s deeper than love, more emphatic than obsession…that’s what I feel for her. She’s a piece of my soul, one I recognized the day I met her. I need her the same way she needs me. I need to be the one who holds her when she’s afraid and feeds her when she’s hungry. The one she laughs with and cries with. The one she defies and adores in equal measure.

I’d defy God himself to keep her by my side.

‘Fuck,’ I groan, jackknifing out of the bed to go find her. I’d kind of hoped to wake up to her this morning, but I guess our truce ended when the sun rose. Though, I can’t even lie. The thought of what type of hell she’s going to raise today already has my dick stirring in anticipation.

I’ve always been a man who likes order and control. I like being the one who calls the shots, the one no one questions. I have no control with Milan. She upends my life and throws my world into disarray without hesitation…and I love every minute of it.

The way she defies me is a hell of a turn on. She tells me exactly what she thinks about me and my rules and doesn’t even flinch. Even when she thought I was there to hurt her yesterday, she never flinched or backed down. She faced me, brave and defiant and so damn sweet.

God, she’s the sweetest little angel I’ve ever met. There is nothing she won’t do for the people she loves. Even though she and Ainsley are the same age, she’s always been protective of my niece. In my nightmares, she dies trying to keep Ainsley safe because that’s who she is. Even though it terrifies her, once she gives you her trust, she gives every single ounce of herself. She loves with her whole heart and soul, holding nothing back.

And for some reason…she believes I’m worthy of all of her. How can an angel love the devil? Maybe, just maybe because the devil isn’t the monster he always thought. Maybe he isn’t beyond redemption. If she sees something in me worthy of her love…well, I’m not stupid enough to prove her wrong. I’ll work like a madman to love her the way she deserves to be loved, to teach her that she will always be safe with me.

I quickly throw on a pair of sweats and brush my teeth before heading out to find her. I’m halfway to the guest suite when I hear her downstairs.

‘Travis, I swear to God, if you don’t let me out, I’ll…I’ll…’ Milan growls.

Travis murmurs something in return that I can’t hear.

I shake my head and jog toward the stairs to save him before Milan kicks his ass too. Unlike Willis, Travis would just stand there and let her do it. He’s the closest thing I’ve got to a friend. He knows exactly how I feel about Milan Cooper.

‘You’re a big bully, Travis Jessup,’ Milan swears.

‘I’m just following orders.’

‘Justice can shove his orders up his…’ She spots me coming down the stairs and spins to face me. She’s wearing one of my t-shirts and a pair of shorts that make her legs seem ridiculously long.

How is it possible that she got more beautiful between sundown and sunrise?

‘You,’ she growls. ‘Do you train your men specifically to get on my nerves?’

‘No. It’s an added benefit.’ I jog down the last few steps.

Travis meets my gaze over her head. His lip twitches as if he’s trying not to laugh. The bastard. He never says it, but I know he thinks it’s hilarious when Milan is giving me nine kinds of hell. He slips out of the room, leaving me to face off with her.

I drop a kiss to her head, pulling her into my arms.

‘You weren’t in bed,’ I mumble.

‘I’m supposed to be at class at ten,’ she says, her voice softer than it was when she was yelling at Travis. I expect her to try to pull away, but she doesn’t. She presses her face into my shoulder.

Shit. I forgot about her classes.

‘You can’t keep me locked up here, Justice. I need to go get clothes and my books.’

As much as I hate to admit it…she’s right. School is important to Milan. Had she not gotten booted out of boarding school, she’d probably be Ivy League right now. Instead, she takes classes two days a week at the community college, with the hopes of transferring to the state university next year. She wants to be a teacher.

‘If I fail out of college because of you, I’m going to be so mad.’

‘I’m not going to let you fail,’ I mutter, smiling at the pout in her voice. Maybe I did make a little progress with her last night. She’s pouting instead of kicking my ass. ‘I’ll make you a deal.’

‘I don’t make wagers with the devil.’

‘You think I’m the devil?’

She pulls back to look at me. Her blue eyes rove over my face as if she’s seriously contemplating her answer and then she hits me with another of those smiles so full of sugar they’re lethal weapons. ‘Only on days that end with y,’ she says, batting her lashes at me.

I smack her on the ass, which makes her squeal.

‘What’s your deal?’ she asks, swatting my hands away when I try to get them on her again.

‘I’ll let you go to class if you let me send Travis to get all of your shit.’

She blinks at me. Her mouth opens and closes. ‘You’re serious,’ she finally mutters, though I think she’s talking more to herself than to me. She paces back and forth in front of me like she can’t stand still. ‘You really have lost your mind. Oh my gosh. Ainsley left and you completely lost it.’

‘I didn’t lose anything, Milan,’ I growl, grabbing her to stop her pacing. ‘You belong here with me. You know it. I know it. It’s time everyone else does too.’

She gapes at me again.

‘I want you here with me where you belong,’ I murmur, tucking her hair behind her ears so I can see her gorgeous face. ‘You liked sleeping with daddy last night, didn’t you?’


‘You liked bouncing on daddy’s lap?’

‘Yes, but Justice this is–’

‘This is right,’ I interject. ‘You belong here.’

‘Yesterday, you thought I should be ashamed of you. Now you’re asking me to move in.’

‘Oh, I’m not asking, princess. I’m telling you that you’re moving in. I need you where I can keep an eye on you.’

‘So I don’t get a say?’ she asks, scowling at me. ‘No, thank you.’

‘You’re not…’ I trail off, hooking an arm around her waist when she tries to slip past me. For a minute, I think she’s pissed, and then I see the hurt in her eyes and realize that’s not what this is about. I scoop her up in my arms and stomp into the living room.

She squirms until I threaten to spank her and then she settles down.

‘Talk to me, baby girl,’ I murmur, sinking onto the couch with her on my lap. ‘What’s going on in that head of yours?’

‘I’m not Ainsley,’ she growls at me, her hands clenched into little fists. ‘I’ve been responsible for myself my whole life. You can’t just throw orders around and expect me to obey. I won’t do it.’

I chuckle at the thought of her ever obeying, which is clearly not the right thing to do because she starts squirming around, trying to slide off my lap. I flip her over onto her back and come down over her, caging her in beneath me.

She stares up at me, her baby blues spitting fire at me.

‘You think I want you to obey me?’ I grab her hand, pressing it to my cock. She wraps her hand around me, squeezing. I dig my fingers into the sofa, trying not to flip her onto her stomach and fuck her into tomorrow. ‘This is what you do to me when you defy me, little girl,’ I growl, not sure how else to say it. I bury my face in her throat, kissing the pulse fluttering there. ‘Fight me. Defy me. Ruin me, princess. I won’t stop you.’

My name emerges from her lips in a sob so full of need I feel it quaking in my soul.

Goddamn. The things I’m going to do to her when she finally lets me in. She thinks she’ll be a prisoner? I’ll be her willing slave. Once she finally caves, I’m going to worship at her feet. My face will be her throne, my dick her home. She’ll want for nothing, need nothing.

‘My entire fucking kingdom for a smile, Milan,’ I growl, biting that sexy little dip where her shoulder meets her neck. If she needs to feel like she’s in control, I’ll give her that. ‘For a single laugh. Whatever you want, I’ll give to you. You doubt it, baby girl? You own me.’

‘Justice,’ she sobs, her legs cinching around my waist. She fumbles, clawing down my abdomen in her quest to get her hand inside my pants and around my dick. As soon as her fingers close around me, I roar her name, not giving a shit who hears me. Let them all hear. Let them all know.

There is nothing I won’t do to make her mine in every way. No law I won’t break. No rule I won’t bend. No lie I won’t tell. This is what she does to me. This is how completely she has me. An eternity of torment for a single lifetime. If that’s the price, I’ll pay it. A thousand times, I’ll pay it.

She works me with her hand, sobbing my name and writhing like a hellcat beneath me. It’s obvious she doesn’t know what she’s doing, but she works that fist up and down my shaft, gripping me like she knows this part of me belongs to her.

‘This is yours,’ I growl, rocking my hips into her hand. Just in case this isn’t clear enough to her. ‘It gets hard for you and only you. Everything I have, everything I am. It’s yours. Take it, pretty baby.’


‘I don’t want to own you, Milan. I want to worship you.’ I press my lips to her ear, tonguing the shell of it. ‘I want to love you, but you have to let me, baby girl. You have to let me in. I’m not going to hurt you.’


‘I love you.’

‘Daddy,’ she sobs.

As soon as that word slips from her lips, I lose it. My body locks up, my orgasm tearing through me like a vicious wind. It annihilates me. I come with a roar, my seed spilling across her hand and down her wrist. It lands against her belly in thick ropes. Still, it keeps coming, rope after rope. Until I’m drained and gasping for mercy.

Even then, my dick doesn’t go down. I catch myself on my forearms, holding my weight off Milan so I don’t squash her as I try to catch my breath. My heart pounds like a jackhammer, every single beat tapping out her name against my ribcage.

‘Do you understand now?’ I ask.

‘Y-yes,’ she sobs, wrapped so tightly around me, I’m not sure where I end and she begins. ‘I’m sorry. I just… I j-just…’

‘I know,’ I whisper, silencing her with a hard kiss. Her explanation isn’t necessary. I know her, inside and out. I know her deepest fears and darkest desires, those secrets she holds so close. Every part of her, I know. Every part of her, I love.

We stay where we are for several long minutes, neither speaking, neither moving. I could die happy right here, with her beneath me, her pretty eyes locked on my face as if she can’t look away. Her walls are gone, tumbled into dust.

Finally, finally, she understands me.

‘Are you going to move in now, baby girl?’ I murmur.

‘Yes,’ she whispers back and then whimpers quietly.

She’s trembling beneath me, the need for release wracking her gorgeous body. Her eyes are so dilated they’re almost black. The fact that she’s hurting for me is painful. It’s my job to take care of her, to meet her every need. Instead, she’s practically writhing, desperate for relief. My cum has soaked through her shirt, plastering it to her belly. She still looks like an angel, the most heavenly of temptations.

I drag myself to my feet, tucking my dick back inside my pants.

‘You’re missing class today,’ I growl, dragging her into my arms. I don’t wait for her answer before I’m practically running for the stairs.

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