The Billionaire 3: Tyron Cruz

Chapter 25

"Isabella..." A soft voice wakes her up. She slowly opens her eyes and bursts into tears again as soon as she saw who is the owner of the voice. "Sshh... Stop crying, please. It hurts me to see you cry in pain."

"Tyron!" Isabella delightedly hugs him as tight as she could. "I know it! You are not dead!" She said in happiness. Tyron didn't say a word but he hugs him tightly. "I want to tell you something..." She said as she lets go and face him and meets his eyes. "Hmm? What is it?"

"I love you." She confesses. "I love you, Mister Tyron Cruz, my husband. I know it sounds crazy but I've fallen for you." She said firmly. "I am aware that you do not feel the same way, but please let me stay by your side and to support you. I will not be a nosy, nagging wife and I will respect your every decision."

"What will you do if I want another woman aside from you?" Tyron asks making her dumbfounded and her heart clench with pain at the same time. She looks down as she can't meet Tyron's gaze. "What will you do, Isabella if one day, I will bring home another woman and tell you that she's the person I love the most and I will make her my wife?" Tyron asks again and for the second time, a bolt of pain struck her heart.

"...if that will make you happy, I will set you free... I will annul my marriage with you so that you can be happy with the person you love." Isabella manages to say despite the pain she's feeling.

Of course, what Tyron said is possible, one day, he will find someone he will love with all his heart, and she's sure that she's not that woman.

"Didn't you say that you love me? Why will you do that?" Tyron asks again.

"I do love you!" Isabella answers immediately. "But not because I love you doesn't mean I will not respect your feelings. That is why I am asking you for me to be by your side until you meet someone you love and when that time comes, I will back off without a hitch as long as you are happy."

"I don't really understand what you are saying, telling me you love me but you are giving up easily." Tyron said. "You say that easily but why are you crying?" He asks and that is the moment she realized that her tears are continuously flowing.

"Your happiness comes first, Tyron. As long as you are happy, I don't have any doubts and regrets. Well, maybe I will be jealous to the woman who will make you happy and complete because it is not me..." She sighs and carefully wipes her tears. "I love you too much that I am ready to cast my self away when you found the person who completes you. You ask why I give immediately? It is because at the start, I already know that I will lose this fight. But if the person you says makes you happy is someone worse than me or have an unpleasant personality, expect me to fight back. I will only back off if you will find a person who loves you for who you are."

"What will you do if I say that I already found that person?" Tyron asks. "To tell you the truth, I already found the woman I love and who can give me happiness and makes me complete, Isabella." He added and it was like a bomb that drop. "D...does she you?" She asks with trembling voice.

"Yes, she loves me for who am I and not because of my money." Tyron smiles-a smile of someone who is in love and a smile that she only saw once.

" that so?" She slightly bit her lips to stop her tears.

"Yes, and she's someone you know." Tyron shrugs and it makes her uncomfortable. "And are you not going to tell me that you're pregnant?" Tyron asks making her shock.

"W...what are you talking about? What pregnant?" She asks, acting like she's all confused. "You told you such a thing?" She asks; now that he found someone he loves, she will hide her pregnancy from him. After this, she will go abroad and give birth there. "You can't hide things from me, Bella." Tyron said and holds her hand. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was about to tell you that night when we were in vacation but you suddenly lash out at me for deceiving you, and these past few days, I can't found the right time to tell you... and I really regretted not telling you about my feelings and my pregnancy when the news came out... And now, how can I tell you about my pregnancy when you told me that you already found someone you love?" She burst out. "Tell me, how can I tell the person I love that I am pregnant with his child when he told me that he already found someone he truly loves?" "Silly girl." Tyron said and hugs her tight. "You didn't ask me who the person I love."

"Why should I?" She said in between her tears.

"Because it is you, you silly woman!" Tyron said as he hugs her tightly. "I love you, Isabella, my wife." He added making her speechless.

Tyron cups her face and using his thumb, he wipes away her tears.

"You are the woman I love, Isabella, I cannot imagine life without you in it. Going home to that big house is different when you are there, your presence alone makes our home brighter." "Tyron..."

"It is true that I married you for revenge but that is forgotten as I spend more and more time with you. Love is not in my vocabulary but you suddenly break down the barriers in my heart." He said as he caresses Isabella's cheeks. "The first time I saw you in the restaurant, I already know that your trouble. Your glaring, feisty yet innocent eyes and your red, kissable lips, God knows how much I restraint myself not to kiss you that night."

"Honestly, I'm also smitten by you when you entered the room, your presence is no joke!" she said. "You're not just saying that because I am pregnant, right? Can I hold onto your words that you really love me?" She asks for confirmation. Tyron smiles and captures her lips.

"I do really love you, from the bottom of my heart." Tyron said and kisses her forehead.

"I love you too, Tyron." Isabella said as she cries.

"Hey, stop crying..."

"These are tears of joy." She laughs and carefully wipes her tears. "Our baby will be happy that he/she will be born in a loving family." She said and yawned.

"Yes, our baby will grow up in a happy and loving family." Tyron said as he slightly pushes her in the bed. "Now, take a rest."

"will you be here when I wake up?"

It took him a while to answer. "Of course, I will always watch over you and our child." He smiles but it didn't reach his eyes. Isabella wanted to ask more but her tired eyes give up.0000000

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