The Billionaire 1&2

Chapter 28

Amber can't believe her eyes-Rafael is standing in front of her. She thought she is just dreaming but her heart is beating fast.

There is only one person who can make her heart beats fast without doing anything and that is Rafael. In just first glance, she already knew that it was her husband.

She wanted to go and hug him but she can't move her body. She wanted to speak but she cannot open her mouth. She just stood there and watch her husband approach her as her eyes started to water. She cried her heart out when Rafael hugged her tightly.

"I am happy that you're safe, hon." Rafael said. "I love you, Amber." Rafael said and kissed her lips. "I love you..."

His confession made her dumfounded. Is she hearing just things or it is real?

"I will really kill that jerk if he laid a hand on you." Rafael said as he scans her. "Did he hurt you or anything?" He asked again. "Hey, hon, are you okay?" Rafael asked worriedly. "Why are you not talking?" He asked again. "Damn! I will kill that bastard!" He cursed.

"You love me?" Amber asked as she stares at his eyes.

"Yes." Rafael said. "I love you, Amber." He said looking at her with loving eyes. "The moment I laid my eyes on you, you already grabbed my attention. My eyes were always following you back when you were working at the bar. I know that behind that thick make-up is a bare-faced beauty." Rafael confessed.

"You may think that the reason why I touched you that night is because I was drunk but you are wrong, hon. I just really can't resist you anymore, Amber." Rafael said. "I tried to resist the attraction I had for you but I failed. That is why I offered you marriage right away."

"But I rejected and told you that I will only marry in exchange of the money you will give me."

"Yes." Rafael bitterly smiled. "I am confused why you only asked for only five million when I am offering you my name, my wealth and all of my properties. I will give it to you if that's what you want but you threatened me and that made my head boil and lost my respect towards you."

"I'm sorry, Rafa. I was just to desperate that time. I thought that is the only opportunity I have to pay off the debt that was already paid." Amber said.

"But the days I spend with you made me question who is the real you. The woman I spend time is loving and caring unlike the woman I confronted in the hospital-heartless and selfish."

"I am really sorry." Amber said as she loosely wrapped her arms on her husband's waist. "But did I really hear it right? You love me?" She asked looking straight at his eyes.

Rafael sweetly smiled and cupped her face. "I really do love you, Amber. My wife, my beloved." He said and kiss her lips.

Amber slightly pushed him and pouts. "You've been kissing me again." She said making him chuckle and it sounds like music to her ears.

"I can't help it." Rafael said. "I've been away from you for weeks and I'm missing you—"

"I love you." She butted in.

"-like crazy." Rafael's eyes widened and she giggled. "What?" He asked. "Can you please repeat what you just said, is my ears playing with me?"

"I love you, Rafael Anderson-ahh!" She screamed when Rafael lifted her.

"I love you, Amber!" Rafael shouted making her heart flutters. "I love you!" He said. "I never thought that I can be this happy in my entire life."

"Me, neither." Amber smiled. "After all those tragedies in my life I thought I don't have the reason to be happy but you came... you came to my life and gave me ample of hope. Thank you, Rafael."

"I should be the one saying thank you." Rafael said as he stares at her loving eyes. "You give meaning and color to my life."

"Let's have a walk in the garden." Amber suggested as she wanted to tell him the truth of her life. And it seems that Rafael understand what she meant. "I just turned 10 when me and my parents went to Spain for a vacation. Out flight was delayed so we were stuck in the airport for how many hours that is why we didn't make it to the reunion. We only heard the incident when we landed."

"We don't know what to do and what to say. We were heart broken. Our whole clan has been wiped out. We don't have any relatives as my mother was an orphan." Amber said. "All the Santiago's houses were all burned down to ashes, nothing was left behind. Back then, we don't know what was their motive. It is a good thing that my father bought a resort secretly as a gift for my mother, and we started again from scratch. And then my parents were murdered."

"What? I thought your mother died from accident and your father committed suicide?" Rafael asked.

"No. Shin Lim confessed that he drove my mother to the cliff and he killed my father and disguised it as a suicide." She said.

"That damn bastard!" Rafael clenched his fist. "I will make sure that he will pay for his sins!" Rafael added.

"I never thought that the main root of all those tragedies is our heirloom." Amber sighed. "It seems that Shin is the grandson of the woman who was supposed to marry my great-great grandfather, but he fell for my great-great grandmother. So now, because of that I was left alone."

"No, don't say that!" Rafael beg to disagree. "You are not alone in this world, hon. You have me and my parents. You also basically made new friends." Rafael said. "And now, we are having a family of our own." He added and caress her stomach. "So, don't say that you are alone because you are not."

"Hmm..." Amber smiled as she leans her head on his chest.

Meanwhile there are five men resting at the Anderson's living room.

"I don't know why I am with you crazy dudes." Tyron said making the men laughed. They didn't bother to look for Rafael as they knew that he is with Amber.

"Because we are friends." Phil answered grinning widely. He is the one who grabbed Tyron when he drive them to where Lohan's private helicopter is. "A friend in need needs a friend."

"But that beat the hell out of me." Lohan said as he gulped down the iced tea Linda prepared for them. "I almost ran out of breath because of the distance of this house from the entrance." "And whose fault is that?" Tyron asked in annoyance. "I suggested that we should use the service of the subdivision but you told me that it is near!"

"Sorry about that. I forgot that it is only near if we used a car." Phil said making Tyron groan in irritation.

Tyron looked at Gabriel who is busy typing on his laptop. "Hey, Gabriel." He called out.


"I have a favor to ask you." Tyron said. "I hope you don't mind."

"Oh! He won't mind." Lohan butted in.

"And you don't need to pay for his services." Phil added with a wide grin.

"Whatever you ask, he will surely do it!" Josh added making Gabriel sighed heavily.

"Don't mind them. They are really like that." Gabriel said. "So, what is it?" He asked as he looked at Tyron.

"I need you to investigate my wife." Tyron uttered making his newly-found friends surprised.

"Wait!" Phil uttered in surprised. "You are married?"

"Yes, it has been two weeks already." Tyron answered. "Only our family and friends attended."

"How come that it wasn't known to public?" Phil asked. "And why wasn't I invited?"

"Because you are not in the country when we had our wedding." Tyron answered. "And the answer for your first question is because it is the decision of my wife." He added. "And why the heck I am explaining this to you?" Tyron asked.

"Enough." Gabriel said. "So what is wrong with this wife of yours?" He asked.

"There is something strange about her. The profile they gave me is different from the vibe I see from her." Tyron answered.

"Is it an arranged marriage?" Lohan asked.

"Yes." Tyron sighed.

"Okay... What is her name?" Gabriel asked.

"Isabella Morgan." Tyron replied.

"Okay." Gabriel said. "I can't believe this. I am a lawyer but you guys are making me an investigator." Gabriel sighed.

"That is part of your job." Joshua said. "But thanks for the things you've done for us."

"Let's see... It is only Phil who haven't ask me for a favor." Gabriel said as he looks at Phil meaningfully. "I wonder when will the time that he asks for a favor."

"That will never happen." Phil said. "Oh! Here comes the love birds." He announced as he looks at the door going to the garden. Rafael's hand is wrapped at Amber's waist and both are beaming with love and happiness.

"Oh! You guys are still here." Rafael said as soon as he saw them. "I thought you guys went home."

"Damn you, Rafa!" Phil cursed. "Do you have any idea how far your parent's house to the entrance?" Phil asked. "We literally run from there to here."

"Is that my fault now?" Rafael asked. "You could have just used the service."

"That is what I'm telling them, but Phil insisted that it is near." Tyron said.

"Fine, it was fault." Phil said. "Happy?" He mockingly answered.

"It was basically your fault why we are like wilted plants!" Joshua said making Phil groaned.

"Your fiancée is waiting for you, Joshua, is it okay for you to be here?" Amber asked.

"Damn!" Joshua cursed and stood up. "I really should get going."

"She's worried sick." Amber said.

"She is?" Joshua's eyes widened. "Of course she is!" He blurted right away. "What am I saying?" He sighed.

"Danielle is a great woman." Amber said.

"Of course, she is!" Joshua proudly agreed. "She is my fiancée after all." He added. "Wait, you know her?" He asked frowning.

"Yes, she's a schoolmate and she visited me last time and we're in constant touch." Amber answered.

"Oh, I see..." Joshua nodded. "Well then, I will go ahead. I'll catch up to guys some other time."

"Love really changes people." Phil said when Joshua walks out the door.

"Yep, so we are waiting who will be the next to get married." Lohan said.

"Says the man who still haven't confess his feelings." Phil mocked; Lohan didn't answer but he throwed a throw pillow at Phil.

Amber is happily watching his husband's friend when her eyes stopped at the man who is familiar to her. If she's not mistaken, she saw the man in one of Kaylee's magazine.

"Hi." The man greeted. "I will introduce myself since the jerks has no plan to do so. I am Tyron Cruz." He said as he outstretched his hand for a hand shake.

Amber is about to outstretch her hand when Rafael smack Tyron's hand.

"Hands off!" Rafael said making his friends laugh.

"Rafa!" Amber warned.

"In case you haven't know, I am married." Tyron said in annoyance.

"Oh!" Rafael exclaimed. "Is that so..."

"Damn man!" Lohan said laughing at Rafael. "I didn't know that you're possessive!"☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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