The Betrayed Luna Mated to the Lycan King by Laura-rave

Chapter 20

Chapter 20 

The betrayed Luna 

Thorne paced nervously outside the door, his usually composed demeanor shattered like glass. Each passing moment felt like an eternity as he anxiously waited for Madam Chrissy. His fists clenched involuntarily, his entire being consumed by helplessness. The image of Natalie collapsing, the panic and insane amount of fear that filled his bones at that very moment. His wolf had jumped right in, taking control of his b*dy. He was stricken with fear. He ran his fingers through his hair anxiously, unable to stop the recurring image of Natalie falling in his mind. 

Nathan watched with keen eyes as the Alpha paced outside the door tirelessly, his pheromones making it harder for anyone to breathe in. 

“Alpha.” He called out just at the same time the doorknob shifted. Thorne goes stiff as Madam Chrissy steps out, her expression unreadable. Thorne’s eyes searched desperately for answers. 

“What happened? Is Natalie okay?” Thorne demanded, a tremor of fear in his voice, eyes wide. 

Madam Chrissy bows to him but he couldn’t be bothered about that, not at this moment. “Answer me!” He orders thickly. 

Madam Chrissy lifts her head, her eyes filled with worry and caution. “Things don’t look good, Alpha. Natalie has been poisoned and I’m afraid it isn’t an ordinary poison.” She says. 

Thorne almost staggers back, his b*dy shaking as he assimilated the words that left her l*ps. “W–what?” He stammered, his mind desperately going through the whole twenty–four hours she had been with him. She didn’t leave his side, not once so how? 

“A–are you certain?” He asks carefully and she nods, confirming it. 

“Natalie was poisoned? Someone tried to kill her intentionally.” He says again and she nods again. 

“I’m afraid there’s nothing we can do to help. I have used some acupuncture on her and we can only hope it helps to balance the flow of energy in her b*dy. If she can sweat or throw up then the poison will be clear from her b*dy. I have to tell you though. It’s nearly impossible to be rid of this poison. It’s a miracle she’s still breathing although shallow but she’s breathing. She’s a fighter but we don’t know for how long more she’ll fight it.” Madam 

Chrissy says and each of her word felt like a slap to Thorne’s face. Like a Thorne sighed deep into his flesh, sucking away at any chance of joy he could get. 

He did not just find his mate after decades of waiting to have her sl*p through his fingers again. He didn’t have to find her only to lose her. This cannot be happening to him, not right now. Madam Chrissy bows again and steps back into the room. 

Nathan stepped forward towards the alpha, reaching out to touch his shoulder but rethinks it again. He swallows hard. “I know this is-” he doesn’t get to finish his words. 

Throne looks at him with red eyes, his b*dy vibrating with an anger Nathan has never seen. He gulped fearfully at the sight of the alpha. His scent had turned absolutely rotten and deadly. It shook Nathan to his core. Never has he seen the man this livid. “Take everyone who prepared food, and drinks and stayed in the kitchen in the past twenty–four hours and lock them up. Every single person who had stepped into that kitchen, cooked, drank, touched even a plate. I want everyone locked up immediately.” He commands. Nathan’s eyes widen drastically, fear overtaking every bit of his b*dy. 

“Yes, Alpha.” He says and walks away to do his bidding. He turns for a bit to see the man hanging his head into his hands and shaking his head. Whoever poisoned Natalie messed with the wrong person. They should have never targeted Natalie. Not, Thorne’s Natalie. 

Frances sits on the bed, biting her lower l*p, her eyes held a faraway gaze. “Are you sure?” She asked the other, eyes on the maid who nodded. 

“A hundred percent. I overheard them talking.” She replied. 

“So she’s still alive regardless?” She asks and the other nods.. 

“Okay, you’re excused.” The other steps out of the room, leaving Frances to herself. She gnawed on her nails restlessly, her mind going back and forth with no middle ground. She had hoped one shot of the poison would be enough to do away with Natalie but turns out, the woman is more stubborn than she thought. She was desperately clawing for her life, not wanting to let go at all. 

The door opens again and she looks at the door, wondering if the girl didn’t hear her or if she was being stupid to come in so freely. Paula stepped into the room, shutting the door carefully behind her. 

“Did you hear of what happened to the girl?” She asked, sitting beside Frances. Frances swallowed, shaking her head and feigning innocence. 

“She’s being poisoned and is now fighting for her life.” She says, eyebrows raised as though analyzing Frances’s reaction. 

Frances looks at her, schooling her expression. “I don’t find it in myself to feel bad for her. Instead, I hope she dies and leaves Thorne for me.” she voices out. Paula’s eyes widened, she clasped her hand over Frances’s mouth immediately, her eyes darting back and forth. 

“The wall has ears. You shouldn’t be saying things like that, not now when the air is hot. Thorne has gone crazy. He’s ordered everyone who was in the kitchen for the past twenty- four hours locked up.” She whispered. 

Frances stiffens in shock, her face running pale. “He’s what?” She asks in bewilderment, panic settling deep inside her bones, her throat runs dry, eyes unsettled at the revelation. 

“He’s crazy for her. I didn’t know it was this bad, so bad that he would lock up a bunch of innocent pack members for an ordinary slave. Thousands of slaves like her die every day and no one bats an eye but it’s Natalie. I don’t understand what he sees in that girl.” She grits out annoyingly, pulling her hand from Frances’s mouth. 

Frances squirms in her seat and just then does Paula looks at her. “You- You don’t have anything to do with this, right, Frances?” Paula lowers her voice, speaking with caution. 

Frances rolls her eyes, hissing lightly. “Of course not. You asked me to leave everything to you and I’ve done that so far. I can’t go as far as poison her.” She rushes out defensively. Paula clicks her tongue in agreement, nodding. 

“Of course you wouldn’t. You can’t do that but that leaves me wondering. What other enemy has this girl managed to find for herself that they would go as far as poisoning her?” Paula muses. 

Frances swallows hard, finding her hands against each other in a bid to calm herself. If only that damned mute had died then this would all be worth it but no! How long will Frances deal with this shit. 

Paula looks at Frances, holding her hand in hers, she licks her l*ps. “Listen to me well, Frances.” She begins. Frances focuses on the woman, nodding. 

“This is the best time for you to strike. Natalie is bedridden and unconscious. She has no way to reach for Thorne. Now, you have to be his shoulder to cry on. It’s obvious he is far gone for the woman but this, this is your time. Be there for him, let him see your efforts in trying to nab whoever did this to his favorite maid. Bring him food, help him when he needs it. Let your scent be all around him. Don’t ever leave him.” She says slowly. 

Frances nods, assimilating everything that is being said. “You cannot let this opportunity sl*p you by, Frances. I know you despise the girl but now, you have to pretend. Pretend like you admired her. Do everything you can to win Thorne. Our future depends on this alliance and you know it.” She says. Frances freezes on the last part, looking at Paula blankly. 

“Auntie..” she trailed off. 

Paula shook her head. “Think about it. You can’t let this opportunity sl*p. We cannot afford it.” She grits out. Frances’s face hardens and she nods. “I won’t let you down, Auntie. Trust me.” 

Frances holds onto the veil shielding her face.properly, her eyes darting around the place. She had chosen this place especially, it was deep in the woods. No eyes or ears could get to them here. After confirming she was alone, she dropped the veil and wrapped it around her shoulders. 

“Come out.” She says into the air, waiting for some seconds. The rustling of dry leaves made it to her ears, the birds chirped louder than usual. Light footsteps made it to her ears, the wind carrying the trees with it. The person stops right in front of her, arms crossed over, and she bowed. 

“Your grace.” She starts and that alone soothed Frances’s soul. She grinned at the words. “No one followed you?” She asked and the other nodded. 

“Thorne has asked that everyone who was in the kitchen in the past twenty–four hours be locked up in the dungeon. Did anyone see you in there?” She asked carefully, her voice as low as a whisper, eyes carefully gauging the maid. 

“I don’t think so, your grace.” The girl says after a beat of silence. 

“You don’t think? That’s not good enough! Think hard. Did anyone see you step in there?” She barked out, her voice growing hard. The girl nods meekly, her b*dy shaking. Frances’s heartbeat tripled, thumping hard in her chest at the girl’s confession. 

F**king hell. 

“Who? Who saw you? Who is it?” Frances grits out angrily, her voice growing loud. The girl fell to her knees, her b*dy trembling in fright. 

“P–please forgive me, your grace. S–she didn’t mean to? She won’t tell a soul. I’ve made her 

promise. She won’t.” the girl pleaded. 

Frances scoffed, bending slightly, her eyes red with anger, she smirked at the girl kneeling before her. “Did you think this was a soap opera? You poisoned someone on my orders! Do you think I’ll have someone holding some Flimsy promise with something that huge? Who is she? Who saw you?” She snapped angrily. 

The maid had now begun to cry. “She’s my bunkmate. Please don’t hurt her. S- She didn’t intentionally see me. She won’t tell a soul. I promise you. Please, your grace.” The girl cries out but Frances can’t be bothered about it. 

“Your bunkmate? Her name?” She asked. 

“L–Leslie.” The girl stammered. 

Frances nodded and smiled, bending to match the girl’s height. She sl*pped two of her fingers under the girl’s chin and slowly raised her head to look at her. A sinister smile laid on her l*ps. “This secret we share must stay hidden, Ella. I have done my part of our deal and so have you. Isn’t your brother living a better life now? Natalie is fighting for her life and I hope she loses the fight but while this investigation is going on, no matter how tough 

gets for you, you mustn’t say a word. Not a word.” She grits out tightly. 


“Also, not a word about this to Leslie.” She cocks an eyebrow up, warning the girl who nods quickly. 

“That’s more like it, Ella.” Frances stood up, untying the veil from her shoulders, and wrapped it around her head again. She looks around carefully before walking out in the same direction she had come in, oblivious to the eyes watching her. 

Jeffrey stepped out from the tree he had been hiding, a sinister smirk on his face as he watched the retreating figure of Frances. He had come this deep in the woods for a smoke and also a moment of peace from the troubled pack. The air was tense back at the pack house, everyone was tense. Jeffery had just left the coven of the witches where the same energy was filled in. He was beginning to think his presence had a thing to do with it. He just couldn’t catch a break so he ventured out of the pack. He had been sleeping when he heard the noise. A voice in the woods. It jolted him out of his comfort, after listening to the voice for a second longer, he knew who it was. 

Frances, Thorne’s future mate. 

He heard every single thing she had to say. He knew things couldn’t be this easy with her. Not after he saw the look she was giving Natalie back then. She was scorned and bitter. She radiated the energy of a bitter woman. He loved those ones and now that he confirmed she 

truly is behind thin 

Jeffery had this wide 



truly is behind this. 

Jeffery chuckled, this would be very interesting.

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