The Betrayed Luna Mated to the Lycan King by Laura-rave

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 

The betrayed Luna- 

Thorne shuts the blinds down, taking the cigarette out of his l*ps, he shakes the waste into his bowl and looks back at the training field. His mind was heavy with different thoughts running through his head. A knock at the door jolts him out of his reverie, he takes the cigarette out, momentarily to call in for the person. 

The door squeaks and even before she steps in fully, her vanilla scent fills his nostrils. The thoughts running wild in his head all simmer down immediately. Natalie stepped in with a clothes. Her eyes widen immediately upon seeing him, she lowers her head. 

“I’m sorry, your grace. I was told to clean…” she trailed off, pointing to the stack of books settled on the shelf. Thorne nods, not taking his eyes off her for even a second. He watched her nervousness heighten but didn’t take his eyes off her. Natalie tries to ignore the pair of eyes burning holes into her skin. She swallows hard, her palms getting clammy almost immediately. She immediately gets to work and starts to clean. 

She doesn’t get too far when the Lycan king’s voice breaks her out of the uncomfortable silence in the room. “How was your session with Chrissy?” He asked, taking a seat in the chair, he sl*pped the cigarette between his l*ps and his legs spread apart as he looked at her. 

“I–it was fine, your grace.” She replied, wondering if the woman would tell him all she discussed with her today. Of course she would, after all, she was employed by him. She back to cleaning when he doesn’t say a word again, wondering why he had asked her instead of just asking the woman. 


Throne doesn’t attempt to take his eyes off her, not even for a second all through her work. Natalie felt hot with his gaze on her, she swallowed hard, shaking at the intensity of his gaze. She wills herself to continue, not wanting to make a mess of everything. 

“Natalie..” Thorne calls out, loving the way her name rolls off his tongue so smoothly. Natalie freezes at his voice. She turns to look at him only to see him already staring at her, a cigarette between his l*ps. 

“Y–yes, your grace.” She stammered. 

Thorne grows at the obvious fear embedded in her voice. His alpha didn’t like that tone. He leaned closer to her, eyebrows furrowed, looking at her so intently she could feel her face heating up. Thorne’s eyes flicker from her eyes to the bruise she had on her cheekbone, his eyes slowly trialing her n*eck to her exposed collarbone. Natalie felt hot, his eyes slowly 

Chapter 11 

The betrayed Luna- 

Thorne shuts the blinds down, taking the cigarette out of his l*ps, he shakes the waste into his bowl and looks back at the training field. His mind was heavy with different thoughts running through his head. A knock at the door jolts him out of his reverie, he takes the cigarette out, momentarily to call in for the person. 

The door squeaks and even before she steps in fully, her vanilla scent fills his nostrils. The thoughts running wild in his head all simmer down immediately. Natalie stepped in with a clothes. Her eyes widen immediately upon seeing him, she lowers her head. 

“I’m sorry, your grace. I was told to clean…” she trailed off, pointing to the stack of books settled on the shelf. Thorne nods, not taking his eyes off her for even a second. He watched her nervousness heighten but didn’t take his eyes off her. Natalie tries to ignore the pair of eyes burning holes into her skin. She swallows hard, her palms getting clammy almost immediately. She immediately gets to work and starts to clean. 

She doesn’t get too far when the Lycan king’s voice breaks her out of the uncomfortable silence in the room. “How was your session with Chrissy?” He asked, taking a seat in the chair, he sl*pped the cigarette between his l*ps and his legs spread apart as he looked at her. 

“I–it was fine, your grace.” She replied, wondering if the woman would tell him all she discussed with her today. Of course she would, after all, she was employed by him. She back to cleaning when he doesn’t say a word again, wondering why he had asked her instead of just asking the woman. 


Throne doesn’t attempt to take his eyes off her, not even for a second all through her work. Natalie felt hot with his gaze on her, she swallowed hard, shaking at the intensity of his gaze. She wills herself to continue, not wanting to make a mess of everything. 

“Natalie.” Thorne calls out, loving the way her name rolls off his tongue so smoothly. Natalie freezes at his voice. She turns to look at him only to see him already staring at her, a cigarette between his l*ps. 

“Y–yes, your grace.” She stammered. 

Thorne grows at the obvious fear embedded in her voice. His alpha didn’t like that tone. He leaned closer to her, eyebrows furrowed, looking at her so intently she could feel her face heating up. Thorne’s eyes flicker from her eyes to the bruise she had on her cheekbone, his eyes slowly trialing her n*eck to her exposed collarbone. Natalie felt hot, his eyes slowly 

trailing her b*dy. She didn’t understand what was happening yet she couldn’t find it in her to look away. 

Thorne lifts his hand towards her, his fingers hovering against her cheek. “Who did this to you?” He asked and just then did Natalie recollect herself. A low gasp escapes her l*ps, she immediately tries to cover the bruise but she’s unable to. Throne holds her wrist, stopping her from covering the bruise with her hand. Natalie reels back in shock at the Lycan king holding her hand. Her gaze falls to his large rough hand that enveloped her wrist. 

Thorne leans closer to her, his face an inch away from her. Like this she could smell his firewood and yet a hint of sandalwood scent. Something she didn’t know he had. Her eyes widen at the proximity between them, her bonus going stiff, she doesn’t want to do anything that could break the moment, instead, she looks at him, really looks at him. His dark eyes seemed to draw her in, much more than she anticipated. 

“It’s not recent,” Thorne mentions and she blinks back, looking at him in a daze. “Your injuries. They are not recent. I’m guessing your former pack gave them to you.” He says watched how rigid and stiff she became from the mention of her former pack. Thorne remembered what they had called her. Traitor. 

“Y–your grace.” Natalie stammered, unable to come up with something other than that, she couldn’t wiggle her hand free even if she wanted to. Her throat ran dry as his hot breath fanned against her cheeks. That’s how close they were. 

Thorne opens his mouth to speak but a knock distracts him. He curses internally, leaning back to the chair, still holding her hand tightly. He calls in for the person to come in. 

Natalie knelt there, her wrist in his hand, her face red and it wasn’t from embarrassment. The door squeaked open and the man she’s come to recognize as the beta walks in. 

Nathan walks in with two other men behind him, “Alpha, we have..” he trails off, his voice dying slowly when he sees Natalie there, kneeling with Thorne holding her hand. He quirks his eyebrows up but immediately relaxes his face. 

“What?” Thorne snaps and just then, does he looks at the two men behind Nathan, their eyes wide with fear. They immediately bow, knowing their heads as soon as the Lycan king notices them. 

“Your grace.” They say in unison. 

“Alpha Luke and Alpha Matthew of Blue pack and Lavender pack have seekyour presence and have come to see you,” Nathan says, shifting to Natalie who was beside Thorne. 

“You may sit. What have you come here for?” Thorne asks, finally letting go of Natalie’s hand. She heaved in relief, already grabbing the cleaning supplies she came with so she could leave. 

The three men all sat down and then the one Nathan called Alpha Luke cleared his throat, lifting his hand filled with a handkerchief to wipe his forehead. “We have come to see you regarding the Crystal annual auction. It’s taking place in three days and..” Thorne frowns the moment he sees Natalie about to leave. 

“Where are you going? Stay and finish.” He says gruffly. Natalie freezes in her stance, swallowing when the attention of the four men were on her. “Y–yes, your grace.” She stammered and kneeled again, starting to clean the shelf. 

“You were saying?” Thorne asks the men, watching their nerves heighten at the attention. “Y–yes. We want you to attend this year. We have made everything to your liking and we hope this would be enough.” The man says. Thorne nods, thinking back to the last eight years he’s gotten the same invitation and has declined it. He’s never once attended the auction but this time.. his eyes shift to Natalie who is diligently cleaning the shelves. 

“Okay. I’ll attend.” 

“We have thought that maybe-” The man stops, eyes widening in shock as Thorne’s voice registers in his ears. The three men are looking at him like he’s grown five extra heads. “Y- you will?” Nathan voices out first, alarmed. 

“You will? This is such great news. We are so excited to have you joining us this time.” The shorter one amongst them says. The two men stood up, bowing repeatedly as though they couldn’t believe their ears that he would really, really come to the auction. The immediately took out the gold–plaited envelope with had been specifically designed for him, sliding it across the desk. 

Thorne watched the men leave after getting the confirmation they needed. 

Nathan looks at him, alarmed and also shocked by Thorne’s eyes. “You’re going to the ball? You don’t ever attend things like that.” He says, Almost panicking. 

Thorne nods, eyes gliding over to Natalie who is almost done with her job, “Natalie, you can leave it and excuse us.” He tells her. She’s quick to wrap it up, standing on her feet even though her knees felt weak from kneeling for so long. She hurried out of the study, also wondering why Thorne would want to go for the auction if he hadn’t remembered when Luther had gone for the auction, that was the same night he told her gone in years. She about the Lycan king. He was happy the man didn’t show up after being invited because he would’ve dampened everyone’s feelings. She wondered if Thorne knew that was what the 

Chapter 11 

other alphas thought of him but then again, he’s been alive for decades. Of course, he 


Thorne takes out another stick of cigarette and lits it. “Your enemies. They can come through this means and even try to.” 


Thorne Cock’s his eyebrows up at the insinuation. “Do you think they haven’t tried in the past? I’m alive and I’ve been for years and you think I’ve done that by staying clear of my enemies?” He asked, blowing out a puff. 

“No, but..” 

“I have scars, wounds as deep as the scar you carry about in your heart. I promise you, my enemies will always try but they’ll never succeed.” 

“Okay. I’m sorry, I overstepped.” Nathan apologized immediately, lowering his head. 

“The ball is in three days. You have to take someone with it?” He trailed off, looking at Thorne expectantly. 

“Both. I’m taking the two of them.” 

you. Are 

you taking Frances or is 

Nathan’s eyes widen at the implication. His mouth fell open, jaw slackened. “Alha. He b;lurts out without even realizing it. Thorne takes the cigarette out of his l*ps. He cannot, not take Frances along and there is no way in hell he will leave Natalie behind. 


you sure about this?‘ Nathan asks and the Lycan king nods his head. 

The quiet knock at the door jolts Natalie up from the bed. She’s quick to sl*p back the ring she had been toying with back under the pillow before getting up to answer the door. It was evening and she was done with her job, well, at least nothing else had been given to her which is why she stayed indoors without doing anything. Natalie walked towards the door and opened it only to find Katherine standing outside the room. She rushes into the room like someone was on her eels and well, Natalie couldn’t brush off the idea. 

“W–What’s wrong? Is something going on?‘ Natalie rushed out, shutting the door so quickly. Kathrine shook her head, her l*ps palmed into a thin line. 

“Nothing is wrong. I was supposed to come give you this sooner but I..” She trailed off, her 

distant as though she was thinking of something. 


Chapter 11 

“Here, it’s an ointment to help with your knees.” She pushed the little cup into her hands. “Use it well, I’ll leave you now.” She says, still looking agitated. Even though Natalie has only known Katheuirne for a short while, she can still tell that something is wrong with her. 

Natalie holds the other back with her hand, looking at her carefully. “Who asked you to give me this?” She asked, looking at the ointment in her hands. 

Katherine looks at her and then back at the ointment. She sighed and took a step closer to Natalie. “Alpha Thorne asked that it be delivered to you.” She tells her. Natalie’s eyes grew wider with surprise, she thought back to when she left his study. Her legs had been aching after kneeling for a while. She’s gotten a bit weak without her wolf and with the torture she got from the Silver–rain pack but does this mean Thorne had seen her struggle to get up and stylishly massage her knees, even if he did, why would he ask for the ointment to be sent to her? 

Katherine sighed, holding Natalie by the shoulders, and looked straight into her eyes. “Listen to me, Natalie. Be careful of Alpha Thorne’s mate, Frances. She is..” Katherine doesn’t get to finish her words as someone knocks at the door. 

“Katherine? Madam Chrissy is asking of us.” She says from the other side of the door. Katherine looks at Natalie sadly. “I’m coming.” She tells the person, already walking towards 

the door. 

“Wait, tell me what you were saying,” Natalie calls after her but it is late. Katherine shook her head and walked out, shutting the door behind her. Natalie stood there with an ointment in her hands and Katherine’s words echoing in her head. 

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