The Beta and His Runaway Werefox / ✔️

Chapter Ten | Angry Bear

Bella knew a few things from the brief time that she had been here in this pack. Everyone had a role; an Alpha ruled the pack with his Luna standing beside him. A Beta stood beside the Alpha and Luna with his or her mate. Every person below them belonged as one being, nobody was superior to the other, and in this pack, there were no Omegas.

There were bad people, and there were good. Not all bad people were rogues, and not all rogues were bad. Everyone worked as a team and not against each other, while others try to take down a person or two, but that never works out, as she had seen first-hand.

But she did not know about kidnapping. Something she overheard Harvey say to the nurse a few days ago and now again as she stood behind him while his brother, Liam, panicked and paced back and forth.

His golden-green eyes, which matched their father’s, were creased in worry; his brown hair was all tussled because his fingers were currently pulling at it. “-I should not have done it! She was not giving me any other choice!”

Harvey crossed his arms, an amused glint shining through his eyes. “You did not have to kidnap her and lock her in your room. There are other ways.”

“Like what!?” Liam questioned, his chest rising and falling in fast motions. “She refused everything that I tried to do. She even pepper-sprayed me!”

Bella jumped from his scream-like cry, her eyes widening as she looked up at a laughing Harvey. “What is pepper spray?”

“It is a spray that burns people’s eyes on purpose. Women use it to defend themselves against people they do not know.” He explained before he eyed a now curious Liam. “What forced you to chloroform her and take her here?”

Liam growled, his temper rising as Bella hid behind Harvey in fear. “She said she had a boyfriend.”

This time Harvey really lost it, his loud laughter hitting her in a way that she enjoyed as a wide smile spread across her face. She did not know what was going on, but hearing him laugh was like listening to the birds sing.

Her curiosity then kicked in as she realised that this girl was in Liam’s room all on her own. Bella knew what it was like to be in a strange place with no knowledge of anything, and from what Liam had said for the last ten minutes, she was human.

With that in mind, she slowly backed away. Making sure that both Harvey and Liam were distracted with their conversation before she turned and quickly ran towards the packhouse.

It was becoming too easy to slip out and leave while people were talking, and she wondered if it was that easy anywhere. Her hands softly closed the front door as she turned and looked around. For a building that was full of people, she found it extremely empty when she needed it to be.

Bella heard that everyone loved to train, and at some point, she wants to join them, but for now, she needed to find this human. She did not understand why she needed to find this human so badly. Maybe it was because this human girl is her only source of comfort in this strange place, or maybe it is because she felt sorry for her, but whatever it was, Bella felt the need to follow her instincts.

She allowed her fox’s senses to take control, her nose doing the work as she picked up an unfamiliar scent and followed it up the stairs. To her lack of surprise, she found that the scent was on her floor as she walked past her room and found herself at the end of the hall.

The tall window gave away enough light for her to look down and see all the warriors, as Harvey liked to call them, as well as all the people that she had met so far. She was grateful for this time of day, as everyone was busy training and do not have time to keep their eye on her, as she had overheard them say a few times now.

Her eyes then turned towards the door. The sounds of a person throwing objects and cursing were the perfect indicator that someone was in the room as she took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

Silence fell as she stood and waited. Bella knew that the door was locked from the inside, but she could still open the door from the outside, as she found out from the conversations she overheard from Sherry and Jesse. Those people really needed to stop talking around her as if she would not use their knowledge to her advantage.

After waiting a full minute, she held her ear to the door, her hands softly resting on the timber as she spoke. “Hello?”

“Is someone out there?”

Bella frowned. “I just knocked...”

“I... where am I?”

The girl’s confused voice caused her frown to deepen as she could not answer that. She did not know herself, and she knows deep down that Liam would want to tell this girl about their location. He will tell her everything like Harvey had for her.

Reluctant, she slowly turned the knob of the door and peeked her head through the crack. Her eyes instantly landed on a tall figure; her breathing was heavy as she held a broken lamp in her hands. Torn sheets and pillows were all over the floor, and all the furniture was flipped over. “Hi.”

The girl dropped the lamp, her blue eyes wide as her mouth slightly opened in a gasp. “Your... you have white hair.”

Bella pouted, taking a few strands of her hair as she did not understand people’s reaction to it. “I have been getting that a lot these last few days.”

“I can see why!” She exclaimed before she huffed and eyed the room. “This is HIS room, is it not?”

Bella shrugged. “I have only been here for a few days, so I think so.”

The girl’s eyes widened even further. “YOU WERE KIDNAPPED AS WELL!”

Bella jumped, her heart racing inside of her chest as she realised that this conversation could have gone a whole different way. “I should start again. I am Bella, I am a Werefox, and I am mated to the Beta, Harvey. I do not know much about this place and the pack, but I know that they are good people, and even though Liam kidnapped you, you should know that he is currently freaking out.”

The girl took a step back, sitting down on the edge of the messy bed as she ran her fingers through her raven black hair. “Can you... can you start that all again for me?”

“I am B-”

“No!” She shouted with a laugh. “I mean, can you explain all of that stuff to me.”

Bella opened her mouth into an ‘O’ before she needed. “I only know a little bit.”

“That is fine.” She sighed as she bit her lip. “I am Christy, by the way.”

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