The Beta and His Runaway Werefox / ✔️

Chapter Seven | Like Two Wild Rabbits

Blinding bright sunlight shined down into her eyes as she winced and held a hand up towards her eyes to shield them from the glare. Her heart picked up speed while her other hand held onto Harvey’s shirt. She felt a little better after her shower, but the device still scares her. It was loud, and it rushed down like a waterfall, but she also liked it for the heat and the pressure. It was soothing, and she could not wait for her next one.

Her eyes kept looking around the area, tall buildings were everywhere, and there were also so many people. Her gut kept telling her to run every time a person would stop and stare at her, but then she felt the sudden sparks of the mate bond that Harvey liked to call it, and then she felt conflicted. She knew running back to her home would hurt, and she did not want to hurt him or anyone else. Now that she knows what pain was thanks to her father being gone, she never wanted to do that to anyone ever.

“W... What is a packhouse?” She questioned, her eyes now locked onto a blue and yellow bird. “Is it just like the hospital? I hope there are no needles.”

Harvey shook his head, amusement shining through his eyes while he guided her along the path of the pack. “No, a packhouse is a building that the Alpha and his second in command, as well as his family, all live.”

“Alpha?” She asked next, her innocent eyes meeting his own as she heard his breath hitch.

“An Alpha is the ruler of the pack. He or she controls what happens in the pack.” He explained, nodding her head a little as a small bit of understanding sunk in. “The Alpha also has a Luna that stands by his side to help run the pack.”

She thought for a moment, jumping over a small hole with a childlike giggle. “A Luna is the Alpha’s mate?”

“Correct!” He grinned, small dimples forming on the corners of his lips as she felt her heart skip a beat. The sudden feeling shocked her, and she looked away in confusion.

A few puppies ran by as she jumped and stared wide-eyed as they jumped on each other and pulled each other’s ears with their teeth. For a moment, she nearly forgot about her rules as she stopped and stared in awe at the children in front of her. Werewolves were not as scary as she was told, her papa had lied to her, and that hurt.

Her heart ached as Harvey watched her face fall in pain, small tears forming around her eyes as she looked away from the puppies and into Harvey’s confused and angry ones. “He lied.”

“Your father?” He questioned, although he knew it was a stupid question.

Bella nodded, her lip quivering as she looked around her. “He told me that I would be killed, that I would be eaten and slaughtered if a werewolf found me, but... everyone is so nice. I... I do not understand.”

His eyes flashed from brown to black while he listened to her struggle to speak. Her innocent eyes were full of conflicted emotions while she hugged herself for comfort. “He was wrong. Everything that he did was wrong!” He stated, taking her face in his hands while he wiped away the fallen tears from her cheeks. “Forget about him for now. What is most important is making sure you are comfortable.”

Her mouth was slightly open while she was distracted by the intense number of sparks that erupted around her face. Heat rose up to her cheeks as she slowly nodded in agreement and allowed him to pull her along again.

Bella felt her heart while they walked, her eyes downcast as she was stuck in her confused state again. She hated it, she hated being stuck with these strange feelings that she could not understand, but she knew that she would get there eventually. It just takes time.

She was interrupted from her thoughts when a tall building came into her view. Her eyes widened a little while Harvey opened the door and allowed her to step in first. “Take a left and then go down the hall into the kitchen. I just need to do something first, and then I will be with you.”

Bella nodded, watching him run up the stairs while she fiddled with her fingers. New smells struck her nose as she allowed her feet to carry her in the direction that he had instructed.

The idea of a kitchen sounded interesting while she casually walked. The walls were full of photos, and some of them were of Harvey and the group of people that she had now met. She felt out of place as her bare feet shuffled against the carpet and into the wooden-floored room, just to find herself gasping in shock.

A woman was in a guy’s lap, her mouth all over his while they both made strange sounds. Her body moved against his on the chair as his hands were on her thighs. From the sound of her shocked gasp, they broke apart. The guy hid his face inside the woman’s chest as she laughed and hugged his head into her even deeper.

“I... I am sorry...”

“Oh my god, she stutters like you used to!” The woman exclaimed, her golden-brown eyes wide in awe as Bella took notice of her features. She looked like Harvey, and so did the man trying to hide. “Look at her! She is so cute!”

The man moved his face a little from her chest, his face completely red while he gulped. “Sorry, we were not expecting company.”

“Company?” She questioned, still standing in her spot while the two refused to move.

The woman frowned, her mind ticking with thought before her eyes widened. “You are Harvey’s mate!” She screamed, jumping out of the man’s lap before she ran over and cupped Bella’s face. “Finally, one of my boys has found their mate!”

“O... One of?”

“I am Harvey’s mother, Xenia. That man over there is my mate and husband Vincent, and Harvey has a brother and a little sister.” Xenia spoke, gushing over Bella’s hair and touching her all over in amazement. “You are stunning!”

“I was a mistake!” The little girl Kyra spoke from behind her as she jumped and turned to see the girl grinning at her glaring mother. “That is okay, though. I am my daddy’s favourite!”

Vincent grinned, opening his arms for Kyra to jump into them. “Yes, you are cupcake!”

Bella moved her eyes back and forth between the three. Even more, confusion consumed her as she still wanted to know what they were doing but did not know how to ask. Xenia was still playing with her hair just as Harvey came into the room from behind her.

His face formed from a warm smile into a grimace once he saw his family. “Damn it, I was hoping you guys were out somewhere.”

Xenia scoffed. “Yeah, right! Now that I am not the Beta, I can do whatever I want!”

Bella opened and closed her mouth, turning her attention to Harvey with a deep frown on her face. “Why were they trying to eat each other’s faces?”

Harvey stepped back, his eyes now frowning as well while he pinched the bridge of his nose. “Oh my god!”

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