The Beta and his Mate

Chapter 8

Xaviers POV

I sighed as I ran the perimeter once again, no matter how hard I tried I still couldn’t locate where Blaine was. It wasn’t that I cared about her or anything, it just made me and my wolf feel more comfortable knowing where the rogue was.

I sighed as my wolf rolled his eyes yeah right.

I growled and shook my head before my wolf put anymore disturbing thoughts into my head. I was not going to let this girl get to me.

I quickly shifted out of my wolf form and made my way over to Jax’s house, he had to know where Blaine was and then I could relax knowing she wasn’t anywhere near me.

“Hello!” I shouted as I walked into their house. “Jax you around?”

All of a sudden I heard JJ scream from upstairs and Jax groan from in the living room. I turned the corner into the living room and laughed as I saw Jax rolling off the sofa, still half asleep, at the noise of his son.

“You alright there man?” I asked as I took in his zombie like state.

“Screw you man, it took me ages to get him down and when I finally did you come barging in here and screaming at the top of your lungs”.

I chucked as I watched him rub his hands over his eyes. “So are you going to get your son or just leave him up there to cry?”

Jax just grumbled before dragging his feet out of the room and up the stairs towards JJ’s bedroom. Screw having kids, if this is what it turns you into then it is definitely not for me.

I sat down on one of their sofas and laid back as I waited for Jax to come back down. It wasn’t long before he emerged with JJ in his arms. “What happened to getting him down for his nap?” I asked as I followed them into the kitchen.

“Oh shut up” he said as he sat JJ into his high chair.

“So... Where’s Anna?” I asked as casually as I could. If I couldn’t find Blaine and Anna was missing as well it was a pretty safe bet to say that they were out together somewhere.

Jax smirked as he sat opposite JJ to feed him some form of carrot mush. Eww. “You mean where’s your mate?” He asked with a chuckle.

I growled slightly “she is not my mate Jax”.

All Jax responded with was a chuckle as he fed JJ another spoonful of food. “Sure she’s not, if Blaine isn’t your mate then Annabelle isn’t mine” he laughed.

“Whatever man” I grumbled as I leant against the kitchen counter, munching on one of Anna’s cookies she had obviously baked this morning. “I was just wondering because she wasn’t here to help you with JJ, that woman is like the baby whisperer I swear”.

Jax only responded with another chuckle as he continued to feed JJ. “Well if you’re that curious about my mates where abouts then she’s out shopping for new clothes for JJ, this guy is growing faster than we can keep up with” he laughed as he cleaned some carrott off of JJ’s face.

The little guy was cute I had to admit. “So is she... alone?” Smooth Xavier, real smooth.

Jax looked over at me with a smirk, enjoying my discomfort way to much. “No she actually went with Hannah, you know that girl could never say no to a shopping trip”.

“Thats nice” I nodded “... anyone else?”

Jax sighed as he put the food down on the table and turned to me. “If you want to ask about Blaine just say, you have a right to know where she is seeing as she is your mate”.

“That rogue is not my mate” I growled, suddenly getting all defencive.

Jax stood up and came to stand next to me as he clapped me on the shoulder “Xavier... you can’t let what happened to your family hold you back from something as wonderful as a mate bond.”

“But Jax she’s a rogue, I don’t know how to get over that” I shrugged “and besides, it’s not like she’s jumping for joy at the thought of being mated to me.”

Jax shrugs “we don’t know what she’s gone through, maybe she’s gone through something horrible which makes her distrust others. Take me and Annabell for example, when we first met she was terrified of everyone and everything but that was because she had a reason to be. After a lot of persuasion and time she finally came to realise that not everyone was like that sorry excuse of a foster family she lived with and she finally learnt to accept me and the pack. Now look at her, she’s more badass than half of our warriors and she’s not afraid to put someone in their place when they’re being disrespectful to her, including me.”

I laughed at the memory of Anna ripping into Jax because he had roller his eyes at her one day when she was particularly tired. That girl sure had turned into a little spitfire.

“I still don’t know if I can get over it Jax” I sighed as I ran my fingers through my hair and over my face, suddenly exhausted.

“You’ll never know unless you try” Jax said as he clapped me on the shoulder once again.

“What in the world happened here?” We suddenly heard from the kitchen door and looked over to see Anna, Hannah and Blaine standing there with shocked expressions on their faces and looking past us at JJ.

We turned around to see what they were talking about and I couldn’t help the laughed that escaped me as I took in the little one year old covered from head to toe on orange goo. Not only that but he had managed to get it all over his highchair and the floor surrounding him. Now that was an achievement.

“I leave you guys for one afternoon and this is what happens?” Anna tried to scold Jax but I could tell that she was finding this as funny as we were.

I took my phone out of my pocket and took a few snaps of him as he grinned at the camera with his cheeky chubby cheeks. “Now that is an eighteen year olds birthday card if I’ve ever seen one” I laughed.

Anna just rolled her eyes as she made her way over to JJ who proceeded to squeal at the sight of him mum. “Come on little man, lets get you all cleaned up so I can see if the new clothes I got for you actually fit”.

I laughed as I watched Anna pick up the riggling orange mess before her and Jax left the kitchen leaving just me, Hannah and Blaine. Before I could come up with an excuse to leave Hannah quickly piped up.

“Well I need to get back home, mums asked for my help with something so I’ll see you both later okay? Blaine, it was lovely hanging out with you, just let me know if you ever want any company.” she smiled as she pulled a surprised Blaine into a hug “Xavier I trust that you can take Blaine back to the pack house? She still hasn’t quite got her barings around here yet” she turned and said to me before swiftly leaving out the front door, both mine and Blaines protests falling on deaf ears.

Great, this won’t be awkward at all.

Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter 😊

As always let me know what you think! 😘

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