The Beta and his Mate

Chapter 47

Xavier’s POV

It had been nearly two weeks since Blaine and Anna had risked their lives to save me and I was finally being released from hospital.

Anna was the first to be released, thankfully all she needed was a bit of TLC and an IV drip and she was walking out of here with a smile on her face and a skip in her step, much to Jax’s annoyance. He’d wanted her to stay in hospital for a few extra days just to ‘be on the safe side’ but after Anna and two seperate doctors reassured him that her and the baby were perfectly fine and healthy he relented.

I’d laughed as I watched them constantly bicker, either in the hallway or in my room as they kept me company. Jax constantly fussing about her safety and about how she shouldn’t be doing anything to help protect the baby and Anna stating that she was a grown ass woman and could choose what she could and couldn’t do. She knew this was coming through, Jax had been bad when he found out she was pregnant with JJ, but now that he’s found out she’s pregnant with baby number two he’s ramped up his overprotectiveness tenfold, especially as she’d kept it from him for so long.

Blaine was released next. It took a lot longer for her body to completely heal after coding. She was mainly kept in for fluids and observation though, the doctors wanting to keep an eye on her energy levels and nutricion input to help build her strength back up. Not only was she healing from the energy shift but she was also dealing with wolfsbane poisoning on top of that, something I didn’t know about until Jax had informed me.

Apparently she had put her own life at risk by trying to get the excess wolfsbane off my skin as best she could, resulting in getting it on the palms of her hands when it had soaked through the fabric of whatever she had been using. I was stunned into silence at that, not knowing many people who would willingly put themselves at risk of wolfsbane poisoning for fear of what it would do to them in the long run. It was a known fact that coming into contact with wolfsbane targets your wolf, causing it to weaken and eventually die just like it had been doing to mine before I was saved.

I would be forever grateful for my strong and beautiful mate who had put her own life at risk for the sake of my own and I was going to do everything in my power to make it up to her, even if it took the rest of our lives.

I think the biggest thing that has changed since since I’d woken up though was the fact that Blaine’s family was all now here and safe. We had decided to wait until Blaine was awake and a bit more alert before telling her that her dad and brother had survived the fight with Benjamin. Her energy levels had been so low we were worried that one hit of adrenaline would wipe her out all over again and it was something the doctors wouldn’t allow.

I had been amazing to watch her face light up though when the two of them had finally been allowed to walk through the door, well her brother walked and her dad kind of hobbled due to a shattered leg which had been damaged during the fight. At first she had been speechless, just staring at them standing in the doorway to her room. When her mum had kissed her on the head though and confirmed that they were here and she wasn’t dreaming them she’d burt out into tears, crying into the crook of her elbow whilst constantly muttering stuff under her breath, to low for any of us to hear.

Her family were doing well, for the most part, they said they found it weird being out of their wolf form and not having to be in constant fear of being put into the ring or abused by anyone. They all had some form of injury that needed looking at by the doctors but over all they had nothing that would have caused them serious long term damage, just a few scars.

The only person that was finding it difficult to adjust was Daniel, he had been The Rings lead fighter and so had seen stuff and done stuff that most of the others couldn’t even imagine. He refused to talk about it, saying he’d prefer to leave it all behind him and forget about it, but I do worry that one day he’s just going to crack and not be able to handle the memories and the strain that they inevitably bring.

What surprised us all the most though was the fact that him and Hannah were actually mates. Hannah had been over the moon at the discovery, claiming that she couldn’t be happier that she had finally found her one true love to be with for the rest of her life. I think she had come on a bit strong though, just by looking at his reaction to her I could tell that Daniel was a bit of a flight risk and wasn’t quite mentally prepared to have a mate, especially someone like Hannah who was completely the opposite to him. Where he was quiet and broody, prefering to sit in the background and just people watch, Hannah was the life and soul of the party, always wanting to be social and constantly talking.

We’d all decided to leave it alone though and stay out of their business. It was already too complicated with just the two of them trying to figure their situation out, let alone having multiple people butt into their business and offering up their own opinion and advice as to what they should do. I just hope that Daniel adjusts and manages to accept the fact that Hannah is his mate and that he’s now safe and away from those monsters. I’m not sure if Hannah could cope if he doesn’t.

“You ready to go?” Blaine asked as she popped her head into my hospital room.

I was currently packing up the last of the stuff I’d been brought whilst sitting in this hospital room. Even though our hospital was better than your average human one, the food was actually edible and the rooms were all private and big enough to fit a whole family in, it was still a hospital and I couldn’t wait to get out and go home.

“Yeah just packing the last few bits” I smiled over to her as I held up the small teddy bear that Blaine had given me. She’d done it as a joke, claiming she’d seen everyone do it on one of the endless RomComs Anna had forced her to watch. I’d found it adorable though and to her complete horror I’d given the stuffed toy a permanent seat on my bedside table, front and centre for everyone to see.

“Ugh do you really have to bring that?” She groaned as she leant against the door, crossing her arms over her chest. She was pretending that she hated the thing but I think she secretly loved the fact that I’d loved it so much.

“You know it” I chuckled as I walked over to her with my now packed bag. I dropped it on the floor at her feet and wrapped my non injured arm around her shoulders and brought her into my chest, kissing her forehead as I did. “That little toy is going up on the living room mantle piece for everyone to see” I chuckled as I heard her gasp in horror. “I want everyone who walks into our house to know that you wuve me” I laughed as I quoted the word that was embroidered on the teddies t-shirt.

“I hate you” she muttered into the crook of my neck.

“You love it” I laughed as I reached down to pick my bag up with my good hand and offered my strapped up elbow for her to take with my other. I was being forced to wear a sling for another two weeks to make sure the joint was fully healed, safe to say I was definitely not a fan of it.

“I’ll compromise and say it can go in our bedroom” she bargained as she smiled up at me. I new that if I didn’t relent she’d steal the bear from me when I wasn’t looking so I just sighed and nodded my head, agreeing with her demands.

“Good... now everyone has said they’re coming round ours to celebrate your release tonight for dinner so I’m just thinking wack out the barbeque and have it all buffet style? With the amount of people coming round it’d just be way too stressful to try and organise a sit down meal whilst trying to keep everything warm, don’t you think?” She asked as we walked out the hospital and towards my car which Blaine had been driving whilst I’d been bed bound.

I smiled down at her as she continued to plan our spur of the moment dinner party, but I couldn’t help but zone out as I watched the sun peek through the clouds and hit her face. Her freckles had come out in the last few days due to the warm weather and her ginger curls had lightened slightly causing natural highlights to run through her locks. She was the most gorgeous person I had ever laid eyes on and I still couldn’t believe that this strong, feisty, loving, caring and independent woman was all mine.

“Are you listening to me?” She questioned with a raised eyebrow as she looked up at me, already knowing full well that I definitely wasn’t.

“I’m sorry... I just got distracted by your beauty” I stated in an over sappy voice, causing her to laugh and roll her eyes.

“Whatever prince charming, just make sure everything is all set for tonight, there is no way I am letting this first dinner with everyone be a flop. Anna is doing most of the indoor cooking with the help of the mum’s and Will, preparing the potato salads and breads and things like that, I need you to man the grill with Jax and make sure nothing is burnt or raw. If someone gets food poisoning I’m blaming it on you” she stated as she pointed up at me.

“And what will you be doing miss commander in chief?” I laughed.

“I’ll be running round like a headless chicken making sure everyone is happy and topping up drinks. This is a dinner for fifteen Xavier, it needs to run smoothly” she stated in a very duh tone of voice causing me to laugh.

I pulled her to a stop once we’d made it to my car, boxing her against the passenger door as best I could with only one arm. She looked up at me with raised eyebrows, amusement clear in her eyes as she took in our position.

“I love you... you know that?” I smiled as I pressed my forehead against her, looking deep into her bright green eyes.

She smiled up at me as she placed her hands on my cheeks, the palms feeling bumpy due to the scarring from the wolfsbane. Her battle scars which in my opinion make her ten times more sexy. “I wuve you too” she chuckled before raising onto her tiptoes and sealing her lips against mine.

Electricity tingled it’s way through my body and I couldn’t help but lean my body against hers as I dropped my bag on the floor and wrapped my unstrapped hand around her waist, pulling her as close as physically possible to me.

I didn’t know what our lives would bring or what was going to happen next for us, but as long as I had her by my side I knew we could accomplish anything.

She was my mate and I would love her until the end of time.


Oh my god you guys! It’s over! I don’t think I’m mentally prepared for this to happen yet! 😭😭

Leave the time, date and location you finished this book in a comment here! People started doing it on my last book and I loved the idea of it 😁❤️

I would like to thank each and every one of you for following me through this journey and sticking with me and my characters who have pretty much been my life since September. You are all amazing and I know I wouldn’t have gotten through all the writers block and lack of motivation without you all and your amazing comments and support.❤️


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