The Beta and his Mate

Chapter 33

Xavier’s POV

When I woke up the next morning Blaine was nowhere in sight. I panicked for a second, thinking that maybe we had gone to far last night and that she had left me, but when I heard pots and pans clattering downstairs I relaxed. She was just downstairs, cooking herself some food.

I lay in bed for a moment longer, just enjoying the feeling of finally being whole. I had felt like something was missing from my soul since I was sixteen, but right now in this moment, I felt complete.

I smiled as I reached up and felt the four scarred over puncture wounds that now sat proudly on my skin. That girl sure did have a bite on her. It was a known fact that the more powerful the wolf was the more obvious the bite would be, and I knew that with the size of her canines there was no doubt that my mark would be impossible to miss.

The sizing of the bite was more of a genetic thing than a Moon Goddess thing. The bite shows other rival wolves just how powerful their mates are, the bigger the mark the more stupid it would be to cross a line with their mate.

After going to the bathroom and staring at myself for a good five minutes in the mirror with a huge grin on my face, I decided to finally go downstairs and give my mate a hand with breakfast. I still couldn’t wrap my head around it, she was my mate, mine and no one else’s.

When I walked into the kitchen I couldn’t help but laugh. Blaine was still in her pajamas from last night and was dancing around to some song that was playing on the radio. She hadn’t seen me yet as her back was to me so I just leant on the door frame and watched her as she swayed her hips from side to side. God she was gorgeous, she had her crazy hair in a knot on top of her head but it still didn’t stop the odd loose lock from escaping and bouncing around her face every time she moved.

“I didn’t know you were a dancer” I chucked, finally announcing my presence to her.

A little scream escaped her lips as she stop stirring the frying pan she had in front of her, her hand now resting on her chest. “Jesus Xavier, what are you a ninja?”

I laughed harder at her shocked expression before making my way over to her and pulling her in for a hug. “Nope not a ninja, just really sneaky” I replied as I kissed her cheek, silently feeling chuffed at the scars and bruising dotting up and down her neck and shoulders. I really had got her good. “Whats for breakfast?”

“Umm... well I’m having scrambled eggs on toast, don’t know what you’re having though” she laughed, flashing me a cheeky grin.

I acted hurt as I clutched my chest as if I was in pain, “my own mate didn’t cook extra for me?”

She played along for a second, acting as if she didn’t care, but after a few seconds she rolled her eyes and turned back to her still cooking eggs. “Relax I cooked some for you too” she smiled as she turned the gas off “don’t get too used to this though, I’m not the type of mate that’ll cook all your meals and wait on you hand and foot” she commented.

I smiled at the back of her head before pulling her into a hug, her back to my front. “I wouldn’t have it any other way” I whispered as I kissed down her neck, sucking slightly on her mark. This is what marking did to wolves, it made them euphoric. After the bond is completed the brain releases a massive dose of chemicals that makes you the happiest you’ve ever been. It’s addictive and just makes you want to experience it more and more.

“Blaine? Xavier?” A voice suddenly called from the front door and we instantly sprung apart at the voice, as if we didn’t want to be caught doing something that we shouldn’t.

“Kitchen” I yelled back as Blaine went over to the counter and started buttering toast. I went over to the eggs and stirred them, making sure they weren’t burning, before I remembered that Blaine had turned the gas off and my actions were unnecessary.

“Why does it smell so... ho-ly crap” Anna laughed in the doorway of my kitchen. She took in both me and Blaine for a second before squealing and running over to Blaine and crushing her into a huge hug. “Congratulations” she yelled into her ear before running over to me and pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

“Annabelle why are you screaming?” Jax yelled from the doorway, baby JJ in his arms. No explanation was needed though because as soon as he got a look at us, well more specifically our necks, he knew.

“Congrats man” Jax nodded my way before looking over to Blaine with a smile. “Welcome to the family” he grinned as he walked further into the kitchen and gave Blaine a small one armed hug.

The emotions that rushed through me nearly knocked me off my feet. Not only was I feeling my love and gratitude towards two of the most important people in my life I was also feeling Blaines feelings. It only happened when the emotion we were feeling were so strong we couldn’t keep it hidden from our mate.

I knew Blaine had always felt a little out of place here, in my pack and my home. She had grown up as a rogue and had never had to rely on anyone or be looked after by someone other than her family before. It was in this moment though that she felt it, loved and accepted by the people around her.

“Thank you” she whispered before she turned around and finished off buttering the toast. I smiled at the back of her head before walking over to her and taking her once again in my arms, not wanting to pull her away from her task and distract her but more because I just wanted her to know that I was here for her.

“I love you” I whispered in her ear, so soft only she could hear me.

She relaxed into me and stopped what she was doing as she looked up into my eyes, her eyes were glossed over slightly as she struggled to hold back her tears. “I love you too” she whispered back and closed her eyes as my lips made contact with her forehead.

I savoured the feel of her for a second before moving away and resting my hip on a nearby counter, “so why are you guys here?” I asked the two of them as they sat on the floor with a crawling JJ.

“We just came by to let you know that I’ve called a pack meeting about our plans to rescue Blaine’s family” Jax said as he looked up at me, JJ smacking him in the cheek with his tiny fist.

I nodded before walking over to the now slightly chilled eggs and started plating them up as Blaine finished buttering the last slice of toast. “What time?”

“Twelve sharp” he replied as he smiled over at his mate and son who were now playing together with a little fabric book.

I nodded my understanding before taking both plates of food and sat them down on the dining room table. “Okay thanks for letting me know man, do we know what the plan is yet?” I asked as I started digging into my breakfast, making sure that Blaine had everything she needed before she too started picking at her eggs.

I could tell that her earlier feelings of happiness had now shifted. Just the mere mention of her family and the battle that we’ll possibly have to go through made her somber as she scooped small mouthfuls of food into her mouth.

“Well from what Annabelle had described it doesn’t sound like the place is to packed. I’m thinking maybe only bringing a few warriors with us and performing a stealth mission, the less that go the less chance we have at being spotted” he shrugged as he sat next to me.

I thought the plan over for a second before nodding me head, out of the limited options we had that would be the best option. In out absence we still needed to make sure the pack grounds are safe and guarded, the only way to do that is to leave some warrior’s behind.

“I have already contacted the elders and filled them in on what is going on, they have arranged us safe passage to wherever we need to go” Jax continued to explain. The elders were pretty much useless nowadays, they were there more for the tradition than anything else, but at least they came in handy every once in a while. With them giving us safe passage it means that we can cross any land, whether its pack land or not, and not have to worry about some Alpha becoming territorial and denying us crossing.

“I’m thinking maybe fifteen of us” he continued, “a few trackers, a few warriors and us two-“.

“And me” Anna piped up from the kitchen where she had stayed to continue playing with JJ.

“Annabelle we’ve been through this, you can’t come with us” Jax sighed as he ran his hand through his hair. They had obviously already had an extensive conversation before they came here about Anna coming with us, one that seemed still hadn’t been resolved.

“Exactly, we have already been through this. You don’t know every single detail that I saw, you don’t know what you’re going to be up against and you don’t know if you’re going to need my help somewhere down the line” she explained as she walked over to us.


“Don’t you Annabelle me... I refuse to be one of those Lunas that sit on the sidelines whilst everyone else does everything they can to help. I won’t do it Jax” Anna basically growled as she advanced on Jax, baby JJ secure in her arms.

“I’m coming too” Blaine nodded as she put her knife and fork together on her plate, having finished her breakfast. I had barely even touched mine yet.

“Blaine” I frowned as I looked over at her, not liking the idea of her getting in harm’s way. I knew she could handle herself, she had demonstrated that over and over again, but the girl didn’t have to best track record.

“Nope, I’m with Anna on this, we’re coming with you” she stated. I could see the determination in her eyes and I knew that I could argue all I wanted with her about this but I would never win. Besides it was her family, if anything she had more right to come than anyone else.

“Fine” I sighed as I took my hand in hers, “but you just have to promise me you’ll be careful, no running off and getting hurt like you tend to do” I smiled.

She nodded her head in confirmation before getting up with her plate in her hand. “Promise. Now I’m going to go for a quick shower before the meeting, see if the water will help with this mane of bed hair” she smiled before walking off.

I couldn’t help but watch her as she walked out of the room so that she could head upstairs and take a shower. She was so magnetic my eyes were just drawn to her on instinct.

“You’ll catch flies” Anna laughed as she took a seat in front of me.

“Oh shut up” I rolled my eyes before looking back at Jax. “So after the meeting when do we roll out?”

“As soon as really, we’re going to hit them when it gets dark, hopefully that’s when the least amount of people will be around”.

I nodded as I tucked into the rest of my breakfast. I guess all that was left to do was just to hope and pray that everything runs smoothly.

Hi everyone, I hoped you enjoyed the chapter :D

So it’s my birthday today!!

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