The Beta and his Mate

Chapter 28

Blaines POV

My heart rate increased as my palms started to sweat, panic filling my body with adrenaline causing my body to uncontrollably shake. The heart monitor next to me was screaming, telling the nurses outside that something was wrong but I paid little attention to it. That man knew my family, knew where they were, and I knew for a fact that he wasn’t good news.

“Blaine? Blaine sweetheart can you hear me?” A female voice asked. I didn’t answer her though as I stared off into the distance, my vision blurring as I began to hyperventilate and become light headed.

I felt someone squeeze my hand and I instantly started to relax at the feeling of tingles that began running up and down my arm. Xavier as here, he was next to me and trying to comfort me. I didn’t want to worry him anymore than he already had, not after everything he had been through, so I focused on his hand, just his hand as it gripped onto mine as if I was suddenly going to disappear.

My heart started to calm down as I breathed shaky breaths, trying to get as much oxygen into my lungs as I possibly could.

“Blaine are you alright?” Xavier asked as he came and sat beside me on my bed, trying to get as close to me as he possibly could without accidently knocking me and dislodging a wire.

I nodded my head but otherwise didn’t say anything, not trusting my voice after the mild panic attack I’d just had.

“Blaine sweetheart” the female voice spoke up again and I looked over to see a middle aged woman leaning over the equipment on the left hand side of the bed. “Are you in any pain at all? Do you need me to increase your pain medication?” The woman asked as she continued to fiddle with the buttons on the machine whilst looking over at me with kind, motherlike eyes.

I cleared my throat before shaking my head, the last thing I wanted was more medication. I needed to have a clear head if I was going to be able to think over this recent development with my family.

She smiled kindly at me before nodding her head, “okay dear but if at anypoint you need me just press the call button by your right arm and I’ll be right in” she informed me before she made her leave.

We sat in silence for a while as I calmed myself down and caught my breath. I think Xavier felt guilty about what just happened but he couldn’t be further from the truth. Xavier had managed to help me get the first real clue I’d had on my family’s whereabouts in over a year. Yes it sucked to have a panic attack but I was still thankful.

“Xavier” I tried my voice as I looked over at him, his sad eyes looking into mine with regret.

“I’m so sorry Blaine, you are in no fit state to be doing anything right now and I was so focused on getting my revenge for you that I didn’t take into consideration your reaction”.

I shook my head as I smiled at him, hoping the little gesture would calm him in some way. “Xavier I don’t know who that man was, but I do remember what he said to me right before I passed out. He knows my family and most likely where they are. This is my first real lead in so long and I couldn’t of remembered it without you giving me a little push in the right direction, so thank you” I explained as I squeezed his hand.

“Your family?” Xavier questioned, suddenly straightening up at my comment.

“He said he’d say hi to them for me” I whispered as I looked down at our joined hands, feeling a wave of nausea hit me at the thought of them being anywhere near that man.

“Are you sure he isn’t just messing with you?” He asked, looking uncomfortable at saying it.

I sighed as I thought about it before shaking my head, “no he knows, I feel it in my gut that he knows were they are and my gut is never wrong” I muttered as I fiddled with Xaviers fingers.

Xav nodded as he looked deep in thought before standing up slowly and started to pace the small room. “Well the trackers are still out looking for him, following the scent trail he’d left behind. With any luck they’ll manage to find something that will hopefully lead us to him and there for your family” he explained as he continued to pace, still deep in thought. “If that doesn’t work we still have a few more options to try, I’ve already sent out an alert to all the neighbouring packs in the area about this guy so hopefully word will spread about him and we can find him that way.”

I sat in silence as I continued to watch him walk a hole through the floor, I needed to let him think right now and to do that he needed quiet.

“I mean there is one more thing we could try but I don’t know if...” he muttered as he trailed off and looked at me, as if he was thinking hard about something. “Screw it, it’s worth a shot” Xavier suddenly exclaimed as his eye clouded over slightly, letting me know that he was using the mind link.

He was still for a good few minutes, clearly whatever they were talking about was serious for them to be talking for this long.

Finally his eyes refocused and looked over at me, almost as if he was calculating his next move. I was just about to ask him what was going on, confused by his actions, when Anna knocked on the door before letting herself in.

“Hey Anna” I greeted as I looked over both her and Xavier, clearly she had something to do with this plan of his as they exchanged a look before both settling their eyes on me. “Is everything okay?” I asked, not liking the way they were looking at me.

“I heard about your family Blaine, I am so sorry” Anna answered as she came and sat down next me to. “We are going to do everything in our power to try and get them back” she stated as she took my hand in hers, a fire burning in her eyes like I’d never seen before.

I smiled over at her before nodding my head in understanding “thank you Anna, that really does mean a lot to me considering I’m not even technically pack yet”.

“You are just as much pack as anybody else, you’ve fought for us, guided us and protected us to the best of your ability, if that doesn’t make you family then I don’t know what does” she stated.

I smiled at her statement, feeling more at home here than I ever have done before.

“If only Xavier over there would get his ass into gear and mark you already then we wouldn’t even be needed to have this conversation” Anna whispered with a smirk. It was one of those fake whispers where you actually want the room to hear you but you pretended you didn’t.

“Hey!” Xavier exclaimed as he frowned over at Anna, “we’ve kind of been busy over the past few weeks if you haven’t noticed, add to that Blaine always seeming to be injured and in the hospital then there’s been no time to even discuss it let alone anything else”.

I smiled over at Xavier as he continued to look over at Anna, looking very unimpressed with her comment. “Besides if my memory is correct I seem to remember you and Jax taking forever to mark each other” he smirks, looking chuffed with his come back.

I smirked at the two but otherwise didn’t comment, Anna had said she’d had a troubled past so I can imagine it was probably something to do with that.

“Now Blaine” Anna said as she suddenly turned serious and looked over at me. “Above everything else that a normal pack can do when they’re trying to find someone, our pack has a little extra something to help us along the way” she explained. “Do you remember me explaining about my past and what happened to me before I arrived here?” She asked.

I nodded my head but didn’t comment, allowing her time to tell her story when she was ready.

“Well the reason why my parents were kidnapped was because of who my family are, or more accurately what we can do” she continued to explain.

I frowned at her, unsure about what she was trying to get at. Was she a special type of shifter or something?

“My family, or more accurately the women in my family, are closely linked to the Moon Goddess, unlike any other ordinary wolf” she begins to say as she starts to fiddle with the hem of her shirt. “I, like my mother before me, am a messenger of the Goddess. I have a special bond with her, meaning I have abilities that would normally be impossible for the common wolf. Abilities like receiving messages from her, being her vessel for whenever she graces our earth and... spirit walking”.

I frowned, confused as to what she was talking about, but as I looked into her usual blue eyes and spotted the slightest hints of a translucent colour swirl through them I sucked in a breath in shock. “I can’t believe you’re... I didn’t even know they even... how could you be...” I stuttered as I struggled to piece together my thoughts and come up with a single question.

“I know it may come as a shock to you, and I am so sorry for keeping it from you for so long but Jax and I came up with a pack law that no one outside of our pack is allowed to know about me. Not only for the safety of myself and our future children but also for the safety of our whole pack. The idea that my pack, my family, would be attacked every other week for the chance to get to me made me sick to my stomach” she explained, looking ever so slightly green at even the idea of someone getting hurt because of her. “It had happened once before with a delusional wolf named Matthew and I had promised myself that I would never put anyone in that position ever again”.

I continued to stare at her, open mouthed at the information she was laying on me. I still couldn’t believe it, Anna was a messenger? To the Moon Goddess?

“Blaine, because of Anna’s ability to spirit walk I’m hoping that maybe the Goddess will help guide us in some way to wherever your family is being held. I mean we can’t promise that it would work or anything but I thought... you know... it was worth a shot” Xavier suddenly piped up as he walked over to my free side and took my bandaged hand in his. “I know what it’s like to live without my family next to me, we both do” he said as he looked over at Anna, sadness clear as day shining in his eyes, “and I can promise you that we will both try everything in our power to get them back”.

His voice held so much conviction, so much emotion, that I couldn’t help but believe him. I knew Xavier and Anna and I knew that the both of them would try everything in their power help me get my family back. A few stray tears slipped down my cheeks but I quickly brushed them away, I had never liked crying in public and that wasn’t about to change now.

“I-I” I stuttered but failed to get any words out. I had waited over two years to see my family back together and in the short space of just a few hours I was closer to finding them then I had ever been before, all because of my mate and his amazing friends. My friends.

Merry christmas everyone!! I hope you’ve all had an amazing day <3

Anyway let me know what you think! Oh and if you want to see a really cute photo of Otis enjoying the wrapping paper head over to my instagram ;)

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