The Beta and his Mate

Chapter 10

Blaines POV

This Jason guy started blinking, as if he was just realising that I was there. “Oh hello beautiful, and who might you be?”

I rolled my eyes as he took my hand in his and kissed it, were people really still doing that?

“I’m Blaine, the rogue you were just talking about” I said with an overly sweet smile, hoping it would at least knock the guy down a peg and shut him up. Unfortunately it did not.

“Wait... you’re the rogue everyone’s talking about? The one the Luna saved from the dungeons and now has a room in the pack house?”

I shrugged “the one and only”. Was it really that big of a deal that a rogue was spending a few days on their territory whilst they healed before going their separate ways?

“Well no wonder your okay with her being here Xavier, she’s blooming gorgeous”.

Charming, talking about me as if I wasn’t here. I rolled my eyes at the slightly cringy compliment but froze when I heard a low growl coming from beside me. Was Xavier... jealous?

Jason frowned as he too heard the warning growl that Xavier just made. “You sure your okay man?”

"Fine" Xavier replied through gritted teeth, obviously anything but fine.

“Oookay then... well Blaine if you ever need some company or someone to keep you... you know, entertained I’m more than happy to offer my services”. I cringed again at his very obvious invitation and was just about to put him back in his place when the continuing growl next to me gave me an idea. What’s the fun in having a mate that doesn’t want you if you can’t have a bit of fun with it right?

I fluttered my eyelashes at Jason and plastered an alluring smile on my face. I had gotten quite good at flirting over the years, it helped with getting simple things like if I would ‘forget’ my purse to pay for food. I hated doing it and I only did it in an emergency but it was always a good skill to fall back in.

“Well Jason that’s so kind of you to offer up your time for little old me, I may just have to take you up on that offer”. I winked at him before looking beside me to see Xavier grinding his teeth and glaring daggers at Jason, if looks could kill Jason would be 6 feet under by now. If I knew having a mate would be this fun I would have sort him out years ago.

“Jason” Xavier suddenly growled next to me and I looked over at him to see gold swirling in his eyes. For someone who claims he doesn’t want me for a mate he was acting awfully protective over me.

“Are you sure your alright man?” Jason asked as he took a step back from Xavier, obviously noticing how irritated he was. “Wait a second” he said as he looked between the two of us “you guys aren’t... you both aren’t mates are you?”

I went to respond with a simple ‘no’ but before I could Xavier burst out in laughter. ”Mates...with her? Of course not, you know me Jason, see a rogue kill a rogue. I’m only showing her to her room because I was asked to and no one else was around to do it”.

I flinched back slightly at his hateful words he had just said and the venom that he spat them with, what an ass.

“You know what” I piped up as I reached down to take my bags from Xavier’s hand, being extra careful not to touch him, I do not need to feel those stupid sparks right now. “I think I’ve got it from here, it was lovely to meet you Jason... and Xavier... bye” I said as I turned on my heel and started walking in the direction I hoped was the pack house. I must’ve been right because neither of the boys corrected me and it wasn’t long before the pack house came into view.

I couldn’t believe what an ass Xavier was being, I mean I know I kind of started it with flirting with Jason in front of him but he didn’t need to laugh in my face and insult me. I huffed in annoyance as I slammed my bedroom door shut like a moody teenage girl, even though no one was around to hear it it still made me feel better.

I don’t even know what I was still doing here, it wasn’t like I was wanted, not by anyone that really mattered anyway. I stood there, in my room as I took everything in. Yes I now had people to talk to, I had a roof over my head and food in my belly but did that really matter if my own mate didn’t want me near him. I was okay with it now, but what happens later down the line when Xavier falls in love with someone else, could I really stand by and watch that? I know I said I wasn’t interested in Xavier, or anyone who was in a pack, but now that I’ve met my mate and felt what it could be like could I really stick by that statement? No I don’t think I could.

I sighed as I realised what I had to do. I quickly packed everything up that I could carry, taking the few clothes that the girls had bought me earlier today and as much food and water as I could fit into a backpack before I strapped it onto my back and ran out the front door. I didn’t know where I was going but I knew I couldn’t last much longer here, I am not willingly subjecting myself to the pain of being openly rejected by my mate.

I ran through the woods as quick as I could, which wasn’t very fast considering my busted leg, as I paid attention to every noises and scents that was around me, making sure no one spotted me or attacked me. It wasn’t long before I was at the perimeter of the packs lands and I crossed over with one final glance over my shoulder... goodbye.

Okay please don’t hate me!! I’ve already started the next chapter so you won’t have to wait to long for the next update! 😊

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