The Beta and his Mate

Chapter 1

Start writinHey everyone! I’m back! Just to remind everyone that this is book 2 in the series, the first one is called ‘The Alpha and his mate’ and can be found on my profile 😘

Also this is an unedited first draft so there will be a few typos and mistakes but I don’t think there are that many 😁

Anyway I hope you enjoy it and I can’t wait to hear what you think 😊

Blaine’s PoV

Crap they were gaining on me, these suckers were fast. It wasn’t often that a rogue could keep up with me, let alone one that had already gotten on the bad side of my claws once. I honestly didn’t even know why they were chasing me, I was only minding my own business when these three idiots jumped out at me for no reason and started a fight.

Thank goodness I was a quick shift and I managed to shift into my wolf and slash one of them in the throat, swiftly ending his life, before any serious harm could be done to me. I was kind of used to this by now, being a lone rogue she wolf did draw the male wolves towards me, and not in a good way.

After I killed the first one the other two pounced at the same time, noticing I wasn’t going to be an easy target but I managed to get away nearly unharmed, just a few cuts and bruises here and there that would probably heal by tomorrow.

The other two guys faired worse in our little tussle but they were stubborn enough to chase after me, probably for revenge for their friend.

I ducked and weaved through the trees, trying to make it as tricky for them to follow as I possibly could but there was only so much I could do that wouldn’t result in me slowing down. In the end I just decided to go for distance.

Most rogues couldn’t run for very long because of the poor diet and lack of food we had but my parents had taught me well so I was never short on supplies. Let’s just hope that they were a little bit to hungry to care about me for to long.

As I ran the feel of the forest suddenly shifted, causing me to slow down slightly and stumble. Damn it. It was the perfect opportunity for the two asshats to catch up with me and swipe at my back legs, trying to get me to stumble again.

I knew exactly why the atmosphere in the forest had changed and my hackles rose as the realisation hit me. We were in a packs territory.

I quickly turned around, intending to run away but was met with the two rogues I was running from, both with their teeth showing and saliva dripping from their gums. Lovely.

How could they not tell that we were in a packs territory? It was rule number one as a rogue to stay away from all boarder lines unless you wanted a slow and painful death. Packs did not react well to rogues, never even letting us plead our case before we were either captured and tortured or just killed on the spot.

One of the two wolves suddenly lunged at me and I quickly dodged out the way, not wanting to get on the receiving end of those teeth he had.

My my grandma what big teeth you have I laughed at myself as I dodged his teeth again.

I inwardly rolled my eyes at our little dance we were having before I lunged at the more aggressive of the two wolves, quickly pinning him down with my paws so that I could crush his windpipe with my teeth.

After I was convinced that he was dead I turned around to face the other one but wined when I felt his teeth suddenly clench around my back leg. Damn that hurt!

I tried to shake him off as I reached round and swiped at him with my front claws but I couldn’t reach, he was to far behind me and my wolf body didn’t bend that way. I growled at him before shifting back into human form and smacking him over the head with the first rock I could find, effectively getting my attacker to release my leg. My wolf body may not have been able to reach him but my human body definitely could.

The only problem with doing that was it left my sensitive human skin without the protection of fur and with a swipe from the wolves front claws it left four ugly gouges across my upper thigh.

I screamed in pain before I shifted back into my wolf and lunged forward but before I could get to him another wolf appeared out of nowhere, knocking my attacker out of the way and me out of the line of fire. What the-.

I watched as the two male wolves circled each other before the rogue darted for the pack wolf but failed in its attempt as the pack wolf easily dodged him and sunk his teeth into his neck, effectively ending his life.

I stood there for a second, stunned at the fact that a pack wolf had gotten in between two fighting rogues, but when I took in my first deep breath after the adrenaline had worn off I realised why. He was my mate.


I stared at him for a second, taking in the huge grey wolf that was my mate before I turned tail and ran as fast as my injured leg would let me. It had already starting to heal but not enough for me to put all my weight on it.

I quickly turned around to to make sure the guy hadn’t caught up with me but frowned slightly when I saw that he hadn’t even moved an inch from where I left him. That was weird, I thought pack wolves were all about finding their mates.

I mentally shrugged as I turned back around and just focused on getting out of here. Being on pack territory always gave me the shivers and not in a good way.

I sighed as I made it to the outskirts of their land but before I could cross the boundary line I was surrounded by pack warriors.

Double crap.

I hope you liked it!!

Please tell me what your thinking :)

See you on the next chapter 😊 xxx

g here…

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