The Beta and Her Omega / Old Version ✔️

Chapter Thirty-Nine | Cellar From Hell

Xenia found herself staring at the concrete wall. Counting each grain and line as the hours ticked by with nothing but an empty mind and an empty heart.

The cellar was just as eerily quiet while everyone was in their own little worlds. Thinking about their mates, children, fathers, mothers, friends, and family. No matter how hard Xenia had tried, her brain had found itself falling into those same categories.

This was the longest time she had ever gone without Vincent from the moment they had met. He was always around her just as much as she was always around him. She felt like a completely different person without him by her side and she found herself whimpering in fear.

Xenia could not remember her life with him, not in it. All she ever did was work, train, and sleep. That was her routine on a daily basis and now that she thought about it, she hated her life back then. She hated only having herself to rely on and be selfish as she found herself being neglectful to the people around her.

And then he came in. He pulled her life apart brick by brick without even realising it. He helped her build a relationship with April that had been slowly deteriorating as well as build her relationships back up with Jack and Alpha Zander. Vincent helped her slow down and enjoy the day instead of using every waking hour to her advantage. He helped her relax and enjoy her time and freedom as well as being a good Beta instead of trying to be a perfect one.

He was her rock, her everything and knowing that he was out there on his own, caused boil to rise to the back of her throat while she held her stomach. Rubbing small circles where the baby is currently placed as she tried to distract her brain.

Xenia hoped that her daughter or son had Vincent’s eyes. The forest green was so beautiful that she could see herself getting lost in them for eternity. She hoped that the kid had his kind heart and soft personality as she hated her aggressive tendencies. She hoped that the kid represented Vincent as a whole so that she could watch her baby grow knowing that he or she will bring more light into this dark world.

This world needed light more than ever and this baby was it. This baby was her everything just as much as Vincent.

Her eyes began to tear, small droplets running down her face while she sniffled. Soft shuffling came near her as she tilted her head and smiled at Grace. “Hey, kiddo!”

“You are crying.” She pouted, her arms trying to reach through the bars to get to her. “Do not cry, the war will be over soon.”

“It is not the war that I am sad about,” Xenia stated, her hands still resting on her belly while she smiled down at it. “I am begging the moon goddesses to allow Vincent to live so our child will grow up with a dad.”

Grace’s eyes widened, her mouth gasping as she grinned. “I am getting a sibling!”

Xenia nodded, wiping away her tears with a small smile on her face. “Yeah, you are.”

“I hope it is a girl.” Grace beamed. “She will be just like you, and I will have someone to play with other than Jesse!”

Xenia chuckled, sitting up a little more as her tailbone was beginning to hurt. “Now, that is where I am hoping it is a boy. He could be more like my Vincent, and I would like that to be true.”

Grace pouted again. “He will be too soft and squishy!”

“Grace, you are supposed to be sleeping,” Linda spoke, coming up to the cell to find the two talking. “Xenia, you should get some rest as well.”

Xenia shook her head. “No, I am fine. I would not be able to sleep anyway, even if I tried.”

Linda sighed. Staring at Xenia for a few minutes before she pulled out the key to the cell. “I will let you out then, I feel bad that you are in here, but you have to promise me that you will not try and escape.”

Xenia’s eyebrows shot up in shock, standing from her place as she grinned. “You know me far too well to know that I will escape as soon as your guard is down.”

Linda nodded, slightly winking while she sided-eyed Tilly. “It will be our little secret.” She whispered while Grace giggled and ran off to find Jesse again. “I know what the mate bond does to you and knowing that he is out there will slowly kill you and make you go mad. If you go, make sure everyone is asleep so that nobody panics.”

Her eyes swelled again, hugging Linda as tightly as she possibly could. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

“You can thank me by bringing my son back out alive. I have already lost his father; I refuse to lose Zander as well.” Lina spoke, her eyes showing her sadness while Xenia nodded.

They pulled apart, Lina walking towards a sleepy Grace who was currently curled up with Jesse and his dad. Tilly was sleeping next to them as she had spent hours keeping the Pack as calm as possible. They all had to be quiet as this cellar could still be found and ransacked at any given time.

Her eyes wandered around every face as they were in their own little world. Xenia did not know what the time was, and she definitely did not know how long it had been since this war started but she was getting anxious by the second.

Walking towards the stairs and sitting down on the second to last step as she waited. Minutes turned into an hour while her leg bounced with impatience. The Pack was mostly asleep as she stood and quietly made her way out without being noticed. Once the doors were closed, her breath found itself hitching in fear.

Blood and dead bodies were everywhere as she could hear the distant growling of wolves and shouts and screams from people that had not shifted. The sun was slowly setting in the background while her eyes wandered around the guts and body parts until she saw a knife. The blade was long and sharp enough to cut a throat or two if she had to as she smiled at it and made her way towards the chaos.

Lola howled in the back of her mind. Her gut telling her to turn back and pretend that she had not just done something extremely stupid, but she had to. Despite her lack of animal instincts, she still held her human instincts and for now, that was enough.

She found herself running through the clear field and into the trees. The sounds of the war sounded like it was by the river while she ran, the entire forest feeling eerily too quiet, but she continued anyway. Her eyes watering as the wind whipped her hair around her face, her heart beating wildly as she saw movement around her.

Xenia slowed down, remembering her training as she gripped her knife firmly in her hand. Lola came through to be able to see who was around but came up empty. ′We should keep moving.

I have a bad, bad feeling about this Lola. Something doesn’t feel right.

Lola hummed. ′I agree!′

Xenia went to respond, her eyes widening as she felt something hit her back. Sudden pain shooting throughout her entire body as she screamed and fell to the earth floor. Her eyes blurring as she realised that she had just been shot with something dangerous.

The pain was unbearable as she felt herself being unable to move. This was not Wolfsbane, she instantly knew that as she watched someone approach her. A wide smirk on his face as she recognised him as Alpha Gary.

“Awe, look what the cat dragged in.” He laughed, picking her body up and throwing her over his shoulder.

She tried to fight, she tried to get out of his hold to no avail as the drug had kicked into her system at a fast rate. Being paralysed was not a part of her plan while she internally growled in anger, her eyes on the ground while the earth moved before her.

The sounds of rushing water came closer and closer before she was suddenly dropped. The sounds of the growling and death were now gone, eyes were on her as she stayed still but her eyes kept moving. Whatever Alpha Gary was planning, it clearly worked as she heard Jack scream her name from a distance.

“Your bitch is dead, mutt!” Alpha Gary yelled, Xenia, rolling her eyes and tried to contact Vincent but found that she was unable to. Frustrated, she tried to fight the drug again as her heart began to pound even harder. “You have nothing to fight for!”

Low, loud growls shook the field. Her Pack was mourning the loss of her as she tried desperately to prove that she was not dead. Tears welling up around her eyes as she felt herself quietly whimper through her pain.

But her fight was all for nothing. Her eyes closed as she waited for something to happen. Anything to happen but all she found was silence. She knew Vincent all too well to know that he would be analysing this situation. He would be trying to figure out what was going on but as she opened her eyes, she realised how wrong she was.

Vincent’s hand was around Alpha Gary’s neck, a small vial falling from his pocket while Vincent slowly lifted him off the ground. His low growls sent shivers down her spine as she noticed his eyes were completely black.

Blaze showed his full glory as he noticed the vial. “Cure her now!” Each word that slipped out of his lips caused her blood to run cold.

Alpha Gary choked, a wide grin on his face while he paled from the lack of air. “She is dead!” He wheezed out. “Now that she is gone, you are just as pathetic and weak as ever!”

Blaze growled as he snapped Alpha Gary’s neck in seconds, her eyes widening while Vincent dropped the dead body of his father on the ground. Picking up the vial as he made his way over to her and opened the capsule of the needle before he stabbed it into her leg.

Xenia gasped, jerking forward as she stared down at the needle sticking out of her leg. “Fucking hell!” She breathed, taking the needle out and throwing it away. “That was anticlimactic, was it not?”

The silence that filled the field would have made her laugh if it were not for the white, ghost-like faces of her Pack members and the last remaining warriors of the enemy. Alpha Zander and Jack standing frozen in place before she looked over at Vincent. His eyes were back to the green that she loved as he was crouched down beside her, his hands taking strands of hair away from her face while he was covered in blood. “I knew he could not do it.”

“How!” Alpha Zander screamed, his hands running down his face in shock.

“The baby,” Vincent muttered, a small smile forming on his face. “Blaze could hear the heartbeat.”

Xenia rolled her eyes, standing up as her eyes landed on the remaining enemy and even the dead body of the guy, she wanted to murder for her stupid health issues. “Either surrender and die or join us!”

The remaining human’s faces dropped. The shifted wolves standing next to them as a few decided to run. A warrior or two, killing them instantly as she felt her body being lifted into a bridal-style hold. Her arms wrapped around Vincent’s neck as she looked up at him in confusion. “Let them die, they followed the wrong Alpha!”

Alpha Zander nodded, giving his blessing to the warriors as they killed the last remaining enemy that surrounded them.

“Was this really the most pathetic way to end a war?” She questioned with a pout. “I wanted to join in!”

“Seriously, Xenia!” Jack yelled, coming up to them before he ruffled her hair. “Nobody died! That is all you need to worry about.”

His words caused her to nod. He was right, her family and Pack were all alive and well. A few were injured but that was all.

Everything was back to normal. The threat was gone, and she could live her life how she wanted.

With her Vincent and her baby.

Like a normal family.

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