The Best Kind of Forever (Riverside Reapers Book 1)

The Best Kind of Forever: Chapter 12


It’s been a week, and I haven’t heard a peep from Aeris. I even triple texted her. I keep replaying everything I did during the date. I remembered to hold the door for her, I remembered the sidewalk rule. It’s an unspoken rule that if you don’t hear back from your date the next day, there usually won’t be a second one.

“You’ve barely touched your drink,” Bristol says, his voice reeling me back to the present.

I look down at the full beer in front of me, but the thought of downing it makes my stomach churn. “Sorry. I’ve been kinda out of it recently,” I mumble, scratching my thumbnail against the wood grain of the table.

The guys wanted to go to Beer Comes Trouble for trivia night since pitchers are only twelve dollars. The place is packed with people, the booming chatter drowning out the sound of a basketball game on TV.

Casen takes a swig from his beer. “This wouldn’t be about that smokin’ hot display you put on for the paparazzi a few days ago, would it?”

My cheeks steam as panic swarms inside of me. “What are you talking about?”

Gage passes his phone over to me, where a bold headline frames a picture of me and Aeris entering Pasta La Vista. I click through the attached photos of us—a few of me walking her into the restaurant, us sitting at our table, her lips edged into a full-fledged grin at something amusing I must’ve said but don’t remember. They even have pictures of her with my suit jacket around her shoulders. We look damn good together, even if it is all fake.


Did I mention how much I fucking hate the paparazzi?

Fulton’s eyes are alight with intrigue. “You seriously didn’t see any of the photos? You guys were trending on Twitter. The fans are obsessed with this mystery girl of yours.”

A flash flood of guilt wrecks me from the inside out. “I had no idea.”

“Don’t worry, it’s mostly good things,” Casen reassures.

“Did you go public with the relationship yet?” Kit asks as the puck bunny on his lap slobbers all over his neck.

My teeth worry at my bottom lip. “No…we’ve only been on one date.”

Kit’s expression is all hard lines, his tone point-blank. “Then pick up the pace, bro. Do you want to get traded?”

“No,” I mutter under my breath, hating the constant reminder. If I rush too fast and scare Aeris, I’ll have to start from scratch with a different girl. But I think the thing that freaks me out the most is that I don’t want a different girl.

“So get it done.”

I can’t wait for the day someone comes along and knocks Kit on his ass.

Casen’s brows stitch together in sympathy. “Maybe you won’t be traded,” he offers, but even I know that’s generous thinking.

Bristol swallows the rest of the contents in his glass, slamming it back down on the table. Every head swivels in his direction, and he has that I’m-about-to-give-a-lecture look on his face.

“I overheard Coach in his office earlier today. Hayes isn’t the only one on the chopping block. The team hasn’t won the Stanley Cup since 2018. We should all be worried.”

Fuck me. How can this night get any worse?

Fulton drags a French fry through a dollop of ketchup, popping it into his mouth. “I’d pull out all the stops if I were you. Maybe read How To Woo a Girl in Ten Days.”

I want to laugh, but that’s the first helpful idea anyone’s given me. “Is that a real book?”

“Yeah, and why are you reading it?” Casen asks, squinting suspiciously.

Fulton goes to open his mouth, but Gage beats him to it.

“Because he’s in love with the barista who makes him a latte foam heart every time he goes to Deja Brew!” Gage yells, eliciting stares from some of the people around us.

Fulton smacks Gage on the arm so hard he winces. “That wasn’t a secret to share with the class,” he hisses through gritted teeth, glaring daggers at him.

“Aw, does Fully have a little crush?” Kit sings, barking out a laugh when Fulton reaches across Bristol and tries to strangle him.

While Bristol plays peacekeeper, my mind keeps going back to Aeris. I wish I knew what she was thinking right now.

As if she can hear my thoughts, my phone pings in my pocket, and I open it to find a text notification from her.

AERIS: Can we talk?

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