The Beast Within (Book One of the Changes Series)

Chapter The Day After (Part 8.2)

-Danielle’s POV-

We had a wonderful day. We went out to eat at the greasiest burger joint I’ve ever gone to, and the kids loved it. Afterward, we caught the bunny movie. It was actually hilarious for a kids’ movie.

My favorite part of the day was when Nathan told Gina she could take the day and evening off. It felt great to come into my home and be the woman of the house again. We ended our day the way we started it; with more grease, ordering an extra-large pizza, finishing the night with a board game.

The kids were exhausted by their bedtime. Nathan and I tucked each one into their beds without any protest, which was unheard of, especially from Cameron. Afterward, we went straight to our room, changing out of our clothes. Nathan started to nod off as soon as his head hit the pillow. It didn’t dawn on me until that moment how tired he must’ve been after working a double shift.

I really did get lucky with him. All I wanted to do was to snuggle next to him and fall into a dreamless sleep. However, I had other people who cared about me that deserved to know I was okay.

I waited until Nathan was asleep before I quietly went downstairs into the kitchen. I picked the phone and walked into the den, sitting in Nathan’s recliner. I dialed the first number, letting my brain rest as I listened to the ringtone. I was still in my random thoughts when a person’s voice joined the call.

“Hello, Dad?”

“Danni, is that you?”

I heard the worry in his voice.

“Yes, it’s me. How are you doing?”

There was a pause on the other end. I had gone a long time without calling before, but his reaction felt different this time. They say parents have a way of knowing when their children are in trouble.

He rejoined the line, “You don’t have to bother yourself with me. I’m always fine. I’m more concerned with how you’re doing. I talked to Nathan, which wasn’t any better than talking to a brick wall, but the kids had a lot to say.”

My father wasn’t cut from the same cloth as Nathan. Dad always believed a person should be brutally honest and loyal. In contrast, my husband wasn’t against using his charm when the situation called for it. Dad would say any man that always knows the right thing to say in every situation is hiding something.

“What are you talking about?” I asked, trying to sound confused.

“Danielle, don’t start out the conversation trying to lie to me. You’ve never been that good of a liar anyway.”

I let out a flustered sigh.

Whatever the kids said couldn’t have scared him that bad since we were having this conversation on the phone instead of in person. The thought that my dad wouldn’t be willing to leave his beloved ranch for any reason made me angry, but it was quickly replaced with sadness.

“Sorry, it seems like I haven’t been doing a good job of that with anyone lately. I just didn’t want to worry you. But to answer your question, I’ve been better. What did the kids tell you?”

I wasn’t sure I wanted to know the kid’s thoughts on what they’d seen.

“They told me that you were tired all the time, so you rarely came out of your room. Cameron also told me you no longer go to work, and Lexi shared that they had a nanny named Gina. So what’s going on?”

“I wish I knew, Dad. All I know is a little over a month ago, I started to fall apart. I heard things that weren’t there, had horrible dreams that I swore were real, and I had a presence that seemed to follow me.”

It took everything in me not to start crying. I wasn’t sure how my dad took what I shared, but I was surprised by how good it felt to tell him the truth. I’d see if I still felt that way after I heard what he thought.

“Have you ever had these feelings before this last month?”


“Are you sure?”

I was confused by his lack of shock and line of questioning.

“Yes, I’m sure. Nathan and I are figuring it out, and I’m already feeling better,”

“Has anything else happened? Have you sustained any injuries since this all started?”

“No, Dad, what is all this about?” I asked nervously.

“I think you should come home and bring the kids with you. A break from the city would do you a world of good, and it’s been ages since I’ve seen the pups.”

I heard him take in a deep breath, breathing it out slowly before he continued. “There are also some things we need to talk about. It may help you with what you’re going through.”

My heart skipped a beat; what could he know that would help me in my current situation? I realized I wasn’t ready to know the answer to my question.

“Danni, are you still there?”

“Yeah, I don’t think that’s such a good idea. The kids have camp lined up for the summer, and they’re really excited about it. So, I’m going to enjoy the peace and quiet of a child-free home and try to get some of my home improvement projects done before they get back. Maybe we can all get together on Thanksgiving; I know Lexi and Cameron would love that. What do you think?”

“I think you need to come to the ranch with or without the kids as soon as possible. I hope I’m wrong, but I think I know what’s wrong with you.”

The anger I thought was gone returned. I wasn’t sure why I was mad in the first place, but it was a better emotion than the fear.

“If you knew what was wrong with me, why didn’t you tell Nathan? Or better yet, come out here to tell me yourself?”

He took another breath before he spoke, “I’m sorry, I can’t tell you anything until you come home. I need to see you before I can say for sure.”

“Say what for sure? I’m gathering that you had this information for a while now. Why do you need to tell me now?

“You’re mother made me promise not to. She wanted you to live a normal life as long—”

“I have to go Dad. I’ll talk to you later.”

I didn’t give him time to react before I pressed the end button.

I felt horrible hanging up the phone, but what he was saying didn’t make sense. Mom died from cancer; how would he know anything that would help me with my dilemma?

The truth was, I couldn’t bear the possibility of my dad’s time-capsuled message taking away what I had achieved in the last couple of days, leaving me with hopelessness.

I told Nathan I would deal with my dad tomorrow, but no, I called him tonight. I should’ve given myself more time.

I dialed Porsha, trying to clear my head of my dad’s ominous statements. Hopefully, my call with her ended better than my dad’s.

Soon after the first ring, I heard the phone’s call waiting beeping in my ear. Even though I already knew who it was, I looked at the phone’s screen anyway. I ignored it. There was no way I could deal with Dad right now. Partially for the blatant disrespect, I had shown by hanging up. The other reason was too scary to think about.

“Hi, You’ve reached—”

I hung up the phone, now feeling depressed by the outcome of both of my calls. Two for two, great job Danielle. Of course, Porsha wouldn’t answer. Honestly, I didn’t even know what I would say to her.

Hey Porsha, I had a miraculous recovery. Anyway, next weekend how about you, me and gigantic-sized margaritas at the Mexican Cantina, what do you think?

Yeah, that wouldn’t go over well, but it was all I had. Maybe, I would muster the courage to text her… tomorrow.

I sulked back upstairs, checking on the kids one last time before entering my bedroom. Careful not to wake up Nathan, I disrobed before curling up behind him, dozing off to my husband’s scent. His smell almost worked as a serum to oblivion, making me feel like tomorrow was a new day and an even better one than today.

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