The Beast Within (Book One of the Changes Series)

Chapter Reunions (Part 13.2)

-Danielle’s POV-

Porsha appeared deep in thought. For reasons unknown to me, her pulse started to lower. Her reaction to my half-confession scared me. It just didn’t make any sense.

Her head began to nod as a slight knowing smile graced her face. “Did they give you something to eat or drink before you saw this werewolf?”

Now it was clear that she didn’t want the truth. This conversation only served to solidify her denial. From Porsha’s intense stare, she needed me to go along with it. My conscience should be cleared. I did try, and maybe it was safer for the both of us if I did what she wanted and lied to her.

“I think they did give me some water,” I lied.

“Did you drink any of it?”

“Yeah, I took a couple of sips, and I remember it had a funny taste.”

“Those assholes drugged you, and that’s why you and Josie experienced the hallucinations of werewolves. The same drug is probably responsible for putting you in that mini coma too.”

Porsha’s take sounded like wishful thinking, but I would probably come up with the same conclusion if I was her. Unfortunately, my reality had been forever changed. I felt the “old me” had died after everything I had been put through.

“You have people that depend on you. Alexis, Cameron, and Nathan need you, so you can’t give up.”

I knew Porsha was right, but I didn’t know what I needed to do to get back to them. That was the real problem. My hopelessness quickly spawned more anger. No, I had to keep it together. There was no telling what I would do to Porsha if I started to change. That was what Lu Ann was banking on, my emotions flowing over the edge.

Porsha was doing her best to inspire me, which mostly worked to fuel guilt within me. She was here because of me. Her life was over because of me.

My dark friend answered in ripples of rage, which caused more fear that fed the anger. I could tell I was losing control over myself, but I didn’t think there was much I could do to stop it.

An itchy sensation struck my right shoulder, quickly spreading over the whole of my body before morphing into painful pricks as if thousands of needles were jabbing me all over. Unaware of what was happening, Porsha continued with her pep talk as I quietly suffered. A familiar scent invaded the area. It smelled similar to the men that had taken us, but I knew the smell came from me. I carried their scent. Did that mean I was transforming right here and now?

The sweet musk poured out every pore as rage coursed through my veins. If I didn’t do something and quick, there would be no going back. All I had was anger and guilt to give, but maybe I could use that. Instead of letting the guilt feed my anger, I tried to use it to smother it. I allowed all the evil thoughts to replay over and over in my head along with the shame, reinforcing what I didn’t want to be.

Somewhere during my self-reflecting, the emotional frenzy started to wane. The rage began to subside, causing the bodily sensations and scents to lessen. I won over my dark friend’s urges, but not without a price. I felt low, as if I could close my eyes and sleep forever.

I moved off the bed and swiftly walked across the room, shocking Porsha into silence. That wasn’t my intention, but I had to shake the gloom off before it possibly restarted the cycle of my rage.

I picked up the water jug more as a viable excuse than thirst. “I’m sorry. I need to get some water in me.”

“No, drink up. I’m sure you’re dehydrated. I tried to give you bits of water several times throughout the day. I would soak part of the sheet and let the water drip into your mouth.”

Her eyes narrowed for a moment as if she questioned my survival so long without water. She didn’t bother sharing her concerns; that would most likely lead to doubting herself.

“Thank you, Porsha, for taking care of me. I don’t know if I would’ve made it without you.”

I took a small sip that turned into a longer one. The water did feel wonderful, but I wasn’t as thirsty as I made Porsha believe. My show seemed to calm her. Though, it did nothing to help me. I should be bone-dry or dead. Yet here I am, feeling little to no effects of dehydration.

My stomach gurgled, reminding me I was famished. I finished off the rest of the water to try to fill the empty space. I peer down to find the plate at my feet that was empty.

“The guards haven’t come with today’s portions yet. I’m sure they’ll bring more food and water after they see that you’re awake.”


“Has anyone talked to you at all?” I asked as I kept the surveillance camera in my line of sight.

“No, but I already told you that. Do you remember talking to anyone before passing out?” Porsha questioned, trying to follow my gaze.

I stopped my relentless stare. If anyone was watching, they didn’t want to talk. My gaze fell on Porsha. The subject of werewolves was a non-starter, but she deserved to know we were being watched.

“I talked to a woman named Lu Ann and a man, I think.”

“You think it’s a man? Why don’t you know?”

“Because I didn’t actually see either of them, they watched me through the cameras, and we talked through a two-way P.A. system.” I pointed to the speakers and the two other surveillance cameras. The shock on her face made me aware she had never noticed before me showing her. “The man seemed to be using a voice modulator.”

“Did they tell you why we’re here?”

“No,” I lied.

I swiftly turned my head towards the entrance. The faint fall of footsteps let me know we weren’t going to be alone for long. Porsha seemed confused by my sudden change of interest, but she didn’t take long to catch up. She backed away from the bars, but I held my ground. The scent from the approaching individual didn’t give much. An unimpressive scrawny string of a man carrying a gallon of water turned the corner, heading for us.

He stopped in front of me and placed the water right outside of the bars. I checked his arm as he stood up. His tattoo on his forearm was clear, unlike the blonde girl’s.

“Delta,” I whispered under my breath.

His eyes met mine, and I felt instantly challenged. A low guttural growl came up out of me. Without delay, he broke our eye contact and slightly cowered as he retreated.

“What was that?” Porsha questioned before her attention was back on the retreating man. “Hey, where’s the food? Wait, come back!” Porsha exclaimed.

I almost forgot about Porsha and our need for food while I relished in his cowardness.

“Danni, have you lost your mind? Did you just growl?”

I ignored her, not wanting to revisit a conversation I knew she wasn’t ready to have.

“Was that the person that brings food and water?”

“Yeah, he’s one of them.”

“Maybe he’ll be back with the food after reporting I’m awake.”

“You’re probably right,” Porsha said, unease seeping into her voice.

Obviously, neither one of us believed what I had just said, but we had no other choice but to wait and see.


-Lu Ann’s POV-

It had been three days since Danielle woke up, and still, nothing. Wasn’t that bitch hungry yet? I guess my gut was right. I knew she would be a disappointment.

Absently, my hand fiddled with the patch that covered my healing eye socket. It was a little ironic that I had to lose an eye for the truth no one else was willing to see. This seemed like a stiff punishment for my little test. If she was as remarkable as some of our kind believed, sending an Eta in a Delta’s stead should’ve been a piece of cake for the bitch.

The phantom heat of the hot poker piercing my retina haunted me. He could’ve stabbed my eye and left it to heal. Instead, he decided to pull it out with the poker so it could never recover, replacing my eye with a rounded piece of silver. The constant sting of the metal was supposed to remind me of my subordination. For me, it held another meaning altogether. It served as a reminder of my hatred of Danielle’s existence.

For the time being, the boss still thought she held potential, but that wouldn’t last for much longer. I would’ve already pulled the plug if it was up to me, but I guess I had a biased view on the matter. I’d just bide my time.

There was a moment during her becoming I thought she would turn into one of the Corrupted. If she had, I would’ve thrown her into the grotto with the rest of the rejects.

I had to admit, it has been kind of amusing watching the bitch and her silly human sidekick starve to death. It proved my point further. Any self-respecting werewolf would have transformed and eaten what was readily available by this point. Instead, she fought her natural urges, and still, the boss held onto his belief she held the key to our future. That idea was laughable. He didn’t need her, or anyone for that matter. He was meant to lead us. He had to know that!

A sharp inhale let me know of his presence behind me.

“So I see nothing has changed yet,” he calmly stated.

“No, Sir, it hasn’t.”

“How many days has Danielle been without food?”

“She hasn’t eaten in almost two weeks, counting the time she was both conscious and unconscious. They both are still given water, as you have ordered, Sir.”

The room became deathly quiet. I didn’t dare look back even though I had already been punished. He could still be upset with me, and his temper was known to be short at its best.

“Proceed with the secondary plan.”

I was sure I had misheard him. I continued to stare straight ahead, “The secondary plan that sends Danielle and Porsha to the grotto, Sir?”

“Yes. Is there a problem with following my command, Lu Ann?”

Even though the back of my head was the only view he held, I was still trying to hold back the pure delight that I felt.

“No, Sir, your order will be carried out with haste.”

“I want you to add a few stragglers to go out with them,” he commanded as he walked away.

“Yes Sir.”

I guess there would be fireworks after all.

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