The Beast Within (Book One of the Changes Series)

Chapter Operation Wolf's Bane (Part 23.3)

-Killian’s POV-

“If it wasn’t for the ‘thing,’ we would have been killed.”

My last statement seemed to open their eyes to the scattered bodies around us. Before they could come up with any more questions, I pulled rank.

“The werewolf comes with us. Dr. Chaplin will be thrilled. Hernandez, I need you to tend to the civilian behind us. Her name is Porsh, and she requires immediate medical attention.”

Davis and Hernandez looked at one another in confusion, but Hernandez holstered his firearm. He cautiously found his way around to the back of us, finding Porsh. I turned back to Davis, hoping she had decided to shadow Hernandez’s compliance.

“This is bat-shit crazy, you know that, right?” Davis said as she lowered her weapon, her gaze never leaving Danielle’s frame.

I let out a long breath I wasn’t aware I was holding. I couldn’t revel in my small victory for long. Who knew how long we had before we were possibly surrounded by more werewolves, the unfriendly kind.

“Hernandez, is she still with us?” I yelled over my shoulder.

“Just barely, she’s severely dehydrated. We can take care of that on the craft. Everything else has to wait.” I could hear his voice coming closer, walking past me with Porsh in his arms.

“Killian, is she human or a were.” Davis spat out, pointing at Porsh.

Davis’ gesture was answered with a deep, deliberate growl. At that moment, I was reminded that I had my back turned to a mythical killer, protecting it even. Was the werewolf’s friend human? Five minutes ago, I thought they both were. I didn’t know. Right now, I wasn’t sure of much of anything.

“It doesn’t matter either way because the orders I just gave will stand. Now let’s get out of here before anything else happens. I believe the wolf will follow us with McPherson. Radio in so the rest of the crew is aware of the situation.”

“Why is that gauze taped over her face?” Davis said, walking toward Porsh with her hand stretching toward her bandages.

Danielle’s presence was felt once again as she snarled out her protest of Davis’ curiosity. Davis instinctively went for her weapon.

“Unless you want to be responsible for ending McPherson’s and your life, you will stand down!” I commanded.

I turned to face the black werewolf that held my unconscious teammate, “Danielle, I know you care a lot for your friend, and I want to help her.”

“Holy fuck, it understands you?” Davis asked shockingly.

I ignored her, hoping I was coming closer to defusing the situation. That wasn’t the only reason I didn’t give Davis’ inquiry weight.

From what we learned in training, werewolves had no understanding of the spoken word in their wolf state. But from Danielle’s actions, my instincts led me to feel she might be different.

I continued, “I gave you my word I would get you and Porsh out of here. Let me make that happen.”

Our eyes met briefly before she gently laid McPherson’s body down. I had no idea what was going to happen next. Was she getting ready to attack us? Or turn running into the dessert? I didn’t have to wait long to find out as her body went into convulsions.

“Holy Mother… what the hell, is she turning back?” Hernandez asked in astonishment.

Not wanting to show my own shock, I went into action instead. “Davis, help me get McPherson out of her way.”

Davis did what I ordered.

Once we had gotten a safe distance, I let out a breath of relief. Good, McPherson was still breathing. Davis broke open one of her smelling salt packets. We knew his prolonged blackout wasn’t a good sign, and if the salt didn’t work, he most definitely had a severe concussion. Davis placed the packet under his nose with no noticeable change on McPherson’s behalf.

The feeling of helplessness bit into me as I switched my attention back to Danielle. She was huddled on the ground as her transformation pursued. I noticed how the change seemed more hurried than her first. It actually appeared to be quicker than any transformation I’d seen to date.

As her convulsions turned into a shiver, I slowly walked up to her naked, fetal-positioned figure. Without much thought, I shed my equipment, taking off my shirt. There were holes all through its back, but it was better than nothing.

Danielle turned toward me as I was unbuttoning my last button. The fear that registered in her eyes baffled me. The last thing I needed was to startle a werewolf. But what real threat could I hold towards her at this moment?

“Danielle, it’s me, Killian. I just want to cover you up, okay?” I said as I slowly continued to remove my shirt.

My statement seemed to make her aware of her nakedness, as she did her best to shield herself. Before she could build on her own suspicions, I draped my camo over her. I turned away to give her a second to cover up.

“We need to hurry before they send more of those beas… captors after us. Your friend is still alive, but as you know, we’re working against the clock.”

“There aren’t anymore, at least not in the surrounding area. And her name is Porsha, not Porsh.”

I turned to meet her now upright figure. Danielle had her head down, putting concentration on buttoning my shirt. Before I could say anything, she looked at me as she finished with the buttons.

“I guess Porsh is better than what Davis was calling me; ‘thing,’ was it?” Danielle said, looking toward Davis.

“Shit, she can understand us when she’s a were. That means they’re more intelligent than we gave them credit for,” Davis said.

“Is it that big of a shock? We only just found out these creatures exist in the first place. No offense lady,” said Hernandez.

A choked half-laugh came from Danielle, “You’re not the only one low on the learning curve, believe me.”

I wasn’t sure what she meant by that statement, but there would be time later to dive into that, and much more.

“Well, I do know they don’t pay us to sit here pondering the questions of the universe, so let’s move out,” I ordered.

I started to suit my equipment over my vest.

“Wait, we should zip-tie her, just in case,” Davis advised.

“I know she might be able to get out of restraints, but I think I agree with Davis,” Hernandez chirped in.

I let out a breath, “I really don’t care what—”

“That’s fine by me,” Danielle quietly said.

Davis started towards Danielle with ties in hand. I put my hand up, stopping Davis in her tracks.

“I got it. You radio in.”

Davis put her hands up, “You’re the boss.”

I turned back to Danielle. She watched as I dug into one of the many cargo pants compartments, quickly producing two ties. I closed the small distance between us.

Holding her wrists, I looked into her eyes, “Are you sure?”

“Do I really have a choice?”

We both knew the answer to her question. This was the easiest way to get her into the aircraft safely. That’s if she didn’t turn before I could get her into the cage. Davis would be a walk in the park compared to Garvey.

I secured the ties.

“Let’s get going. I got McPherson. Davis, keep watch for any more of those bastards.”

“Will do.”

“I told you already. There’s nothing out here but us.” Danielle knowingly added.

“It doesn’t hurt to be vigilant, right?” I strained out as I came up with McPherson over my shoulder.

Danielle was right; there weren’t any more surprises as we trekked toward the Osprey. Hernandez kept an eye on the surrounding area while he held onto Porsha. Davis’ attention was aimed at Danielle. I couldn’t blame her for her reservations. I wouldn’t have been this open-minded if I hadn’t witnessed Danielle’s compassion for myself.

Everyone picked up the pace as the Osprey came into view. The sun still hadn’t fully risen, but it was light enough to know we were late. I was able to make out Garvey as he held his assault rifle. It took me a minute more to see Washington at his post on the gun. There were a few bodies dispersed around the area. It looked as if McPherson and I weren’t the only ones that faced some complications. The propellers came to life moments before we were at the bird’s opening.

“What the hell Killian? You got lucky the major didn’t want your ass left behind. If it were up to me, I would’ve left you to the weres.

I walked past him, laying McPherson on one of the readied gurneys. The co-pilot took over from that point. I went back towards Danielle before Garvey could start in on her.

Our eyes locked on each other, “We’re almost there. I’m going to need you to trust me again. Do you see those cages?” I motioned behind me. “I need you to go inside of one of them. If you happen to change while we’re airborne—”

“I understand. I’m starting to get used to cages of all sorts lately,” Danielle stated.

Without another word, she walked toward her barred prison. Before I could think to man the door’s controls, the door slammed down. I was surprised by the amount of guilt I felt. She’d saved my life twice in the short time I’d known her, and what do I give her in return? Prison bars. I knew how the game had to be played. Danielle would never see the light of day again because of what she was. I didn’t give her freedom. I just changed her prison. No longer able to look her in the eye, I walked away from the bars. I followed orders and gave what kindness I could, right? Then why did it feel wrong? I shook the thought out of my head.

The loading dock door started to close, leaving the area starved from all natural light. I went back to the co-pilot that was still tending to our wounded.

“What’s it looking like?” I questioned.

“As you probably already know, it would be a miracle if the woman makes it.” He gave a concerned look. “What happened to her face? The gauze hid it, but the whole half of her face looked like minced meat.”

“I’m not sure what happened to her, and to be honest, I wasn’t aware of all of her injuries,” I reported.

Well, infection has set in. Right now, I’m working on hydration and controlling her fever.”

“Do your best, and hopefully, that will be enough,” I said as I looked down at Porsha’s mangled face.

“Yeah, I guess that’s all that could be done. I’m happy McPherson has a better prognosis.”

My head shot up, first looking at the co-pilot, then at McPherson, “I thought he had brain damage for sure. He’s still in a coma-state, right?”

“Well, we can’t give a clean bill of health until he gets a once over in the hospital, but he was able to tell me his name and date of birth.”

I made my way toward McPherson’s cot, leaving the pilot to stand on his own. His eyes were still closed, and nothing seemed different from after being attacked. I was about to turn away when I noticed McPherson’s eyes open slightly. I went to his side.

“McPherson, can you hear me?”

“Uh yeah, you don’t have to scream. Man, my head hurts like hell.”

“Do you remember what happened before you blacked out?”

“Unfortunately, yes. I was getting my ass handed to me by a mangy werewolf. I must’ve lived through it though, because you’re not a person I would expect to see in my heaven.”

“I don’t know if that’s a compliment or an insult,” I chuckled.

“So how did I make it out in one piece? I am in one piece, right?” There was a little nervousness in his tone.

“Yeah, all your limbs are still attached, but the story is long and kind of boring. I’ll tell you later after you recoup, alright?”

“That sounds good, sir,” McPherson said as he closed his eyes to rest.

I was about to find my seat and recap the mission’s events when I noticed Garvey standing at Danielle’s enclosure with his arms resting on the bars. I didn’t want to find out if the cage could hold a werewolf. Taking out a couple of ties, I walked towards him.

I listened to his hushed one-way conversation as I crept up.

“Mhmm, I can see why Killian would go out of his way for you. Did you tell him how you like it? Let me guess, doggy-style, am I right? I don’t screw outside of my species though, too bad for you—”

I rushed him. Obviously, he didn’t know he had an audience by the intensity of the way his head pinged off the metal bars. Before he could regain himself, I locked his arms behind his back, pressing his face into the cold metal. I knew I could break his arm with one upward twitch. Better yet, I knew he knew it too.

“Garvey, why do we keep ending up like this? How about you give the lady an apology?”

He spat out the blood that must’ve been collecting in his mouth, “You’re going too far, Killian. So you’re ready to divide our team over this bitch?!”

I put slightly more pressure on my hold as he let a groan escape from his lips.

“No, but I am ready to get rid of anyone or thing that can poison the team.”

A low moist chuckle left Garvey, “Poison, that’s an interesting point to make. I believe I covered my mission’s objectives to the letter. What did you accomplish other than saving a corpse and her wolfie friend?”

We got out of the mission later than specified, and there were some changes, but I had completed my objectives. When dealing with blockheads like Garvey, though, it was pointless to engage them.

“Then it’s lucky for me I don’t answer to you. Are you ready to apologize yet?”

“Yeah, that’ll happen when you learn how to lead, or hell freezes over. Either one doesn’t seem likely. You’re going to have to let me go sometime, Killian. And when you do—”

My leg swept him off balance as the momentum of his fall allowed me to twist him around and direct his back against the bars. His hyper extended arm was over his head as I locked a tie around it and the bar. The angle I had him made half of his hand share the same space as Danielle.

“What the hell, man, have you lost your mind?” Garvey screamed out in pain as the tie dug into his flesh.

“Now, you can either play nice or keep aggravating our guest.” I scanned the room. “Does anyone have a problem with that?”

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