The Beast Within (Book One of the Changes Series)

Chapter A New Secret to Hold (Part 12.4)

-Killian’s POV-

Dr. Chaplin quietly sighed, “Okay A.N.N.A., administer sixty milliliters of Lycantrol with his usual sedative.”

“Yes, Anastasiya.”

We all watched as the mechanical arms came to life while the werewolf continued to try to free itself. Right before the monster-gauged needle impaled the monster’s deltoid muscle, Major Hardaway started spitting out demands.

“A.N.N.A., the demonstration is over. Keep the specimen in his current restraints until the mutation is reversed. I also want you to employ the protective metal shutters over the viewing glass.”

“Yes, Major.”

The only person in the room that looked confused by the major’s order was Dr. Chaplin. The rest of us just wanted the image of the werewolf to be erased. However, the major’s decision had nothing to do with our mental well-being. I would bet money it had more to do with the mental disassociation she needed us to foster.

We just watched a man turn into a horrific beast, which spurred on feelings of fear, and soon enough, hate. Those two emotions would assist a soldier in following an order that may have been difficult otherwise.

Dr. Chaplin sighed, her agitation noted, “Well, it seems as if my part is done for now, so I’ll be giving the floor back to Major Hardaway.”

The major came out of her self-appointed corner, walking in long confident strides towards the front of the room as the doctor started towards the door.

“Dr. Chaplin, take a seat, just in case more questions fall under your expertise,” Hardaway commanded.

Anastasiya turned to face the major, but Hardaway continued with the presentation before she could respond. I watched the doctor walk across the room with her nose high and her shoulders firmly back, standing in the corner Hardaway just abandoned.

“You all just witnessed the worldwide threat that haunts us. This has been a problem that has been plaguing us for centuries, but only in the last thirty or so years has this nuisance become a real cause for concern.”

I had almost forgotten I was seated next to someone until McPherson’s whispered voice rang close to my ear.

“Calling that shit a nuisance seems like an understatement.”

McPherson was right. It seemed more than just a nuisance if there were as many as fifty to seventy thousand of these beasts.

“How have you kept this quiet?” I asked.

Usually, I would never interrupt a superior, but luckily, she seemed delighted to answer my question.

“Werewolves were paraded right in front of the public for so long that they became desensitized and stopped believing in the possibility altogether. Big Foot, the abominable snowman, and skinwalkers. People think of them as myths, but truly they’re werewolves.” Hardaway paused for dramatic effect. “Instead of snuffing out the stories, we let the diehard fanatics put their twists on them, and without any hard evidence, it serves as the ultimate public deterrent.”

We all sat there dumbfounded as the truth that was hidden in plain sight hit home. My mind didn’t idle for long before a new batch of questions formed, but I decided another outburst would probably be unwise.

The major continued, “As I was saying earlier, in the past thirty years, we’ve seen a dramatic rise of transformations in localized regions around the world. We’re also noticing the phenomenon seems to be spreading into new territories. It could be a natural progression of their species, or they may have a helping hand, but these are the things we need to find out and get a handle on.”

Davis’ cool demeanor seemed shattered as she raised her hand.

“Yes,” Hardaway said, nodding in Davis’ direction.

“I think there’s been a huge mistake. I’m in intelligence, and I don’t see how I can be of service to your mission.”

“Don’t worry, Davis, there haven’t been any mistakes made.”

For half of a second, I saw fear register in Davis’ eyes before she blinked it away.

“Intel has come in about a hot spot. There could be around twenty werewolves located in this base, which is a huge deal since they usually prefer a solitary life, two together at most.”

“Twenty seems like a high number of beasts to deal with, ma’am. Will we be working with another established team?” Garvey asked.

“No, it will only be the six of you. It sounds like everyone is wussing out on their duty to their country. Do you think you were misplaced as well, soldier?”

“No, Major, I just can’t wait to hear how to kill these sons of bitches, Ma’am.”

“Well, you’ll get your chance soon enough. All of you will. The mission will commence in two weeks. In that time, you will learn everything you need to know to defeat our foes and collect intel from these areas. But I think you have seen enough for one afternoon. I’ll have someone escort you to the mess hall for chow and then to your barracks. Suit up in uniform and reconvene in the west offices to begin training at 0400 sharp.”

She turned her back to us as she picked up the phone on the wall and quickly repeated her orders to the person on the other end of the line. As soon as she hung up the phone, she took a glance around the room.

“Welcome to the team.”

She glanced at Dr. Chaplin as if she had said a magic word, and Anastasiya started towards the door. The major followed. A nameless soldier came to collect us before the murmurs could start.

I tried to reassure myself on my walk back through the holding cells, and I’d never faced an obstacle I couldn’t tackle. This is a job like all the others, and I will succeed or die trying. I had a strong feeling it wouldn’t be the last time I would need to remind myself of that.

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