The Beast And The Blessed

Chapter 86

The Beast And The Blessed Chapter 86
Eighty-Six: Natalie
Natalie’s P.O.V.
The door had barely shut behind me when my temper got the best of me. He had no right! King or not!
I spun around on my heels and pushed it open, almost hitting Killian in the face. His hand gripped the edge of the door, and he
looked down at me just as shocked as I was. I quickly forced down the feeling and glared at my mate.
“You owe me an apology!” The guards all shifted, and a maid down the hall slowed with a caddy of cleaning materials in her
hands. I didn’t need the pack link to know they were concerned for my safety. Killian had killed people for far less than my tone.
But he was my mate. But I knew Killian wouldn’t physically hurt me.
I forced myself to stay strong and kept my glare on Killian even though I felt like I was crumbling inside.
“I was coming after you.” He said as a bewildered look crossed his face, sounding as if the idea that he would be chasing after a
woman confused him. The fact that we had an audience didn’t seem to bother him. Still, the water lining my eyes was not
something I wanted them to see, so I refused to look their way.
“You can be mad about your mother. I am too! But you do not get to take your anger out on me!” My finger shoved into his chest,
and he looked down at it. “Forget that I am your mate! Set that little fact aside for right now. Me, as Natalie, do you love me?”
Killian let out a growl, looking up at me with hurt in his eyes and making my next breath that much harder to take in. He nodded
but answered as I raised an eyebrow at him, “Yes.”
“Do you trust me?” I felt powerful as he answered me without hesitation. He didn’t have to answer to anyone if he didn’t want to,
and he usually wouldn’t. But he answered to me.
The corner of his lips twitched as his eyes melted. He was amused, and it only made me more determined. “Yes.”
“Then don’t talk to me that way, and don’t take your anger out on me! We are supposed to be a team!” My finger shoved into his
chest again as he smiled widely at me.
“Yes, my love.”

I was fuming as he stared on, amused by the situation, still waiting for my apology. “Well?”
Killian stepped forward, forcing my hand to fall to my side. He was enjoying this. I could feel it. The wall he had up had dropped,
and while I could still feel his conflicted emotions, they were lighter than before.
“I never should have let my anger affect how I talk to or treat you. You are right, my mate.” He reached forward, his hands pulling
my hips toward him as he smiled at me.
“That was not an apology. That was a fact.’ I jumped when one of the guards snorted, and I turned my head to see Thomas and
George pressing their lips together to hide their laughter. It was a pretty full hallway with my three guards and the guards that
usually stood outside Killian’s office.
“I am sorry, my love. I let my anger get the best of me.”
I didn’t get a chance to respond before he pulled me right back into his office and slammed the door shut behind us.
“I didn’t like you walking away from me upset,” Killian said, nuzzling his head into my neck. It was hard to stay mad at him when
he was being so sweet. “The feeling... I haven’t felt that before. I didn’t like it. I don’t want to ever make you feel like you did
again.” i
The need to crack a joke about the cold king having feelings was on the tip of my tongue, but we needed to address the more
important things first.
“I didn’t like how it felt when you dismissed me. Do you think I had something to do with your mother’s disappearance?” My arms
stayed limp at my side, and I didn’t need to push the hurt I felt into our mate bond for him to know it was there. The way he had
spoken to me had been unacceptable.
“I made the mistake of thinking as a family member, not a mate or leader. It was irrational and is not a mistake I will make again.”
Killian hovered his lips over my mark, making me shudder before he pulled away without touching it. I was grateful that he did.
Otherwise, I would be a withering mess from his touch, and that was something that needed to wait.
“I can understand that. It’s why doctors make family members wait in a different room. It can be difficult for a loved one to see
reason in the moment. But, even with that being said, something still needs to be done about Charlie. That is non-negotiable.”
Killian turned and returned to his desk chair before opening his arms to me. “You and I were not a united front, and I resent that
you were fine with her attacking me. I also resent that she turned on me so quickly, ready to draw blood when I had never done
anything to earn her distrust.”

He glared as I leaned against his desk instead of walking into his waiting arms. “I was not fine with Charlie attacking you. But I
knew you could handle yourself!”
It excited me that he had enough faith in my abilities to handle his sister. She had trained since she was a kid, fought creatures
ten times her size, and came out unscathed. It was a remarkable feat to have his bet on me in that fight, but I didn’t know if I
could trust that it was true or if he was just saying it to get me to forgive him.
His arms dropped heavily as I held his gaze. I needed to cool off before I could forgive him.
“She could have killed me, and you didn’t care, Killian! You were so consumed with the idea that she was right. You really
thought I had done something to your mother, which I didn’t, and even if it was just for a moment, you were going to let her attack
me!” I was shaking because I was so angry, but I wouldn’t shift. My beast was acting dormant with her mate so close to us. I
could practically feel his body heat from where his leg sat, only a few inches from mine.
Killian jumped to his feet, towering over me as he placed his hand on either side of me on his desk. “I will say it as many times as
you need me to, but I would never let her hurt you, let alone kill you! I would have intervened if she had gotten close enough to
touch you. Between your magic and your guards flanking you, you were never in any real danger from her.”
I glanced into his eyes. I could see and hear the honesty in his words, but it was hard to believe.
His eyebrows pulled together, and I looked away as he took a deep breath.’ I can see there is only one way to settle this.” He
grabbed my face, forcing me to look up at him. “I would do anything for you. You need to know that.”
Killian pulled away suddenly, leaving me feeling cold and empty as he stormed out. My eyes followed his broad and muscular
back as he threw the door open and took off down the hallway.
“Where are you going?” I asked, completely taken aback by the turn in our conversation. It was a slow jog to keep up with him,
and I let myself slow as he went right out the front door and into the courtyard.
Charlie was sitting out front on the steps, looking lost in thought as Killian approached her. Tears could be seen on her cheeks as
she glanced up at her fuming older brother.
“Stand up, Charlie.” He ordered, and she glowered as she submitted and rose to her feet.
“Please, not now, Killian. I’m trying to think about who could have taken her body, but the only person that comes to mind is Talia.
I need to go see Damien.” Charlie took off down the large front steps, leaving us standing at the top as she attempted to take her

“Killian,” I whispered quietly, begging him to let it go for now. She needed to be punished, but it almost felt like kicking her when
she was already down. I had thrown her through a wall, for fuck’s sake.
“Charlotte Amery,” Killian called out, and Charlie’s back stiffened as she stopped just as her feet hit the dirt at the bottom of the
steps. “You attacked my mate. I accept your challenge.” 1
I gasped as Killian shifted into his full beast and bounded down the steps toward his frozen little sister. She held still as he
reached the bottom, staring at him with horror and betrayal before removing all emotion from her face and nodding in
resignation. “You want to fight me to the death for your mate’s honor? So be it.’

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