The Beast And The Blessed

Chapter 79

The Beast And The Blessed Chapter 79
Seventy-Nine: Natalie
Natalie’s P.O.V.
“You were right.” Charlie’s voice carried through the empty library, making me tense as she approached me.
I had moved on to a new book, one I could actually read myself, which Thomas was happy about. I had been studying how to
enchant items and was almost ready to try it after I reviewed it a few more times.
My legs were curled beneath me, with a blanket thrown over my lap. So far, only two council members seemed amused by me,
but the rest wanted to kill me.
I had accidentally locked them in a room together this morning so they could work out their differences. The only problem was
that I couldn’t get in to talk to them about the war, and they either hadn’t found a way out yet or were all dead.
My magic grew stronger by the day, and I still had no control over it. I had discovered that I could do some powerful spells, but
they happened on their own, and I hadn’t figured out how to undo them yet. I figured starting with something small, something I
could focus on would help me master my craft.
If not, I would just have to find a way to get food to the room of angry women before they died. I doubted they were doing
anything with the candles, crystals, and maps I had left in there for them.
Charlie’s voice made me freeze, and I ripped my eyes away from the page I was on to look up at her. I promised Killian I would
make things right, but I wasn’t sure how to do that when I firmly believed in what I had said when we argued.
“Just hear me out.” She pleaded as she moved to sit on the couch next to me with one leg pulled up as she faced me. I turned to
give her my undivided attention, closing my book on my finger and holding it on my thigh. “I have only been thinking about myself
and have a lot to make up for with Killian. But I still need to put myself first. He is killing himself, putting his people and kingdom
before himself, and it had almost cost him his mate and his happiness.
“If I hadn’t left, I never would have found Damien. Now that I have him, if I could go back and do it again, I would. I would still go
because now I’m not alone. Killian is happy because he has you. But before you, he was miserable. I was miserable without
Damien. But I can do better to be there for Killian. I will do better.”

My empty hand rested on hers on her lap as I squeezed her hand before pulling back. “I understand where you are coming from,
and I am sorry for how I went about that conversation. It wasn’t right. I was just so angry that you were talking about me to
Lindsey and those other women. They have made it clear that they do not like nor respect me, and it hurt when I saw you all
looking and laughing at me.”
I looked down, mentally kicking myself for acting like a child instead of a leader. It was embarrassing to admit to her that I felt
betrayed. She was one of my only friends here, and not being able to trust her was heartbreaking.
“That’s why you were so mad at me?” Charlie laughed, leaning back against the armrest of the couch. “We weren’t laughing at
you! We were laughing at Killian. I told them I thought my brother had no chance of winning any arguments against you because
of how strong you are now.”
My cheeks warmed as I glanced back up at her to see the amusement on her face.
’Did you really think I would talk bad about you? We’re sisters now. We have to stick together.” Charlie laughed again as she
looked down at the book I was reading.
She had said it before, but the reminder that I had a sister now and that this was how our relationship was supposed to be
shocked my system. It was so different than growing up with Haylee. It was something I would have to get used to.
“Why isn’t the council helping teach you when they aren’t looking into the vampires and witches?” She nodded toward the book,
and I sighed in frustration.
“They are a bit...uh... stuck at the moment. I’m letting them focus on more important things right now.” Tobias snorted from
where he stood against the wall at the entrance to the library, and I shot him a glare.
“Is that what all that yelling and banging was earlier?” I nodded as she laughed, but when I listened closely, she was right.
The castle was strangely quiet, and I groaned at the thought of the carnage I would walk into.Jf I ever got that door open.
’Oh, shit.” The whisper of dread left my lips as I placed my book on the cushion between us, losing my place and getting to my
feet. My guards and an amused Charlie followed my slow jog down the hall and to the conference room. “Are you guys still alive
in there?”
I flinched when the yelling started again, but this time was joined by solid objects slamming against the wooden door.

“I think they might need some time to cool off.” Charlie laughed as I felt someone pushing into my mind, using the pack link to
alert everyone that someone was heading our way.
The hall fell silent, and I narrowed my eyes as Tobias gestured from me toward the hallway with his head, wanting me to lock
myself back in my bedroom. But I had trained far too hard to go back to being the weak prisoner, hiding from an unknown threat.
My back straightened, and my chin lifted as I stared him down.
Satisfaction washed through me when he looked away, submitting to me.
“Well, it looks like they are going to get that time to cool down after all. We have a visitor to greet.” I smiled, turning on my heels
and walking away as the witches grew louder.
The excitement of meeting the last council member replaced any fear I had. Since they had been invited, I heard countless
people discussing a witch named Talia. She was the previous royal advisor before Joselin.
From what Killian had told me, she went a little mad after what happened with the queen.
Yet, everyone still seemed to love her. They talked about her like she was the greatest thing to join this world since magic.
Multiple times I had heard people talk about how betrayed she had felt being replaced by Joselin when Killian had taken the
throne. They all agreed that she was the only one who could keep the council from killing each other and led them with pride.
Now it was finally my turn to see what all the fuss was about.
Killian met me at the top of the stairs on his way to meet our guest. He greeted Charlie with a nod and me with a chaste kiss on
the lips. I could see how stressed he was now that he was stuck playing catch up from his time away from the castle. It was
disappointing that I didn’t know how to help him beyond dealing with the council.
’Do you think it’s Talia?” Charlie asked with excitement laced in her words. She was damn near bouncing on her toes at the
prospect. “Do you think she is still mad? She cant be, right?”
Killian gave her a look of uncertainty with his lips pressed into a line, and his eyebrows pulled together. “We will find out.”
“Maybe she can release the council from the room I accidentally trapped them in.” My mumble made Killian’s gaze shoot to me,
and I giggled as I saw the genuine panic on his face for the first time.

A door slammed down the hall, and the loud stampede of angry women had me moving behind Killian and pushing him out the
front door as quickly as possible. I knew they would just follow us, but at least in front of our people, they had to act united and
Charlie ducked to be on the other side of Killian as he stood tall, staring down the steps and over the courtyard as he waited for
our guest’s arrival. Her positioning was perfect to be as far away from the angry mob as she could be while I was stuck standing
to Killian’s left, the closest to the door and to them.
“Chicken,” I mumbled to Charlie, who raised an eyebrow at me with a smirk. Yet, I grabbed Killian’s hand to keep me tethered to
him so the council couldn’t hurt me.
I felt the magic before I saw her approaching the gate across the courtyard. The familiar pull had me letting out a deep breath. I
no longer had to make the decision to seek her out as she had stayed true to her word and came to me.
Charlie jumped as Aurora, the alleged direct descendant of Selene and my mother, appeared at the bottom of the steps and
made her way gracefully toward us.
Her jet-black hair was pulled up in a high ponytail, and her pale green eyes looked tired as they landed on me. The soft smile
that stretched across her face when she gazed upon me dropped as the council burst through the front door. They were
disheveled and angry, looking as if they had been trapped in an arena against a raging Lycan for the past few hours instead of
locked in a conference room with each other.
Joselin was the first to notice my birth mother. Her white eyes widened, and she dropped into a curtsey that even I had never
been graced with. The other women spared Joselin a confused look for only a second before they stopped and looked at Aurora
as well. One by one, they dropped into a formal greeting.
“How the hell did you get them to do that?” I asked, astounded as a few council members turned their heads to glare at me. I
narrowed my eyes back at them, and Aurora chuckled.
“She is the descendant.” Cora snapped at me. “Everyone should be bowing to her. Even royalty.”
My mother didn’t respond to her as she turned to Killian and me, dropping down into a curtsey before us. Cora’s eyes widened
before she looked back down to the ground, mimicking my mother.
“Your Majesties,” She addressed.

I felt as if I needed to reach out and touch her, whether it was on her arm or a hug. But I wasn’t there yet. Maybe after I got to
know her, I would feel more comfortable.
“Aurora, we are glad you could make it,” Killian responded for me as I was torn on how to address my own flesh and blood.
“You sound pleased but look disappointed. Was I not who you were expecting?” My mother looked over the council as they stood
tall. The collection of women blocked the entryway.
’We had been expecting the last of the council, but you are a welcomed surprise.” I offered, my hand tightening around Killian’s.
My mother nodded in understanding before looking back at me with a sad smile.
“I see. I am disappointed that I don’t see my old friend, but she made her choice.” My mother gestured with her hand for Killian
and me to enter the house first, so she could follow. The council did not miss the sign of respect, and I saw a few pout. “I have
known Talia for many decades. Had she chosen this side, she would have arrived first. We will just have to make do without her.
With my daughter here, I am sure your people will be fine.”

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