The Beast And The Blessed

Chapter 48

The Beast And The Blessed Chapter 48
Forty-Eight: Natalie
Natalie’s P.O.V.
The room spiraled into chaos as Joselin, Killian, and Charlie all began to talk over each other. I tried to keep up, but I was so
amused by the fact that it was the first time I had seen Killian in this kind of situation. It was like they were kids again, and he was
fighting with his siblings.
And he was. But even Joselin was loud and vocal about this mysterious woman... Talia.
A flash of unwarranted jealousy had spiked through me, and I pushed it down. My head shook as I tried to clear the thought from
my brain. I heard one female name, and my mind jumped to the worst-case scenario. It was unreasonable and only encouraged
me to want the mark even more. I wanted to know that he was mine and only mine, and I wanted to be only his.
“She was ready to tear the fucking castle down when she left!” Charlie shouted as Joselin jumped to her feet until all three of the
‘siblings’ were leaning in close to yell over the other. I sat back in Killian’s chair as I watched them fight across the desk.
“If anyone is going to be drawing blood, it will be me. I still want to skin that bitch!” My eyes widened as Joselin slammed her
palm down on the desk, her hair flying away from her face, and the black lines along her body vibrated rapidly.
“She was bitter and angry at the time, but I’m sure when she gets here, she will have moved past everything. It’s been almost a
decade!” Killian insisted, the tip of his large index finger pressing down on the desk where my hips had previously been. My eyes
stayed locked on the digit against the hardwood as he tapped the surface again.
Maybe it was because of how badly I wanted my mark, to officially be Killian’s mate. But I resented that he spoke with a fondness
that hinted at an emotional connection to this mysterious woman.
“She was vindictive!” Joselin snapped before turning and walking to the open area of the room behind the chairs to pace back
and forth. The three of them fell silent as they all stood up straight, the two siblings turning to watch the witch. “If anyone turned
against us, it would be her.”
Killian’s shoulders dropped, and I stood from his seat and placed my hand on his back.

‘We need a plan. Some way to test their loyalty without letting on that we are suspicious of them. The last thing we need is a
group of angry witches running free through the castle.” Killian moved until his chest was pressed against my back, and he
wrapped his arms around my waist as he rested his chin on my head.
“I have an idea, but I would need to make a few renovations to the entryway. I have never tried it this way before, but I have read
about it.” Joselin paused as she let her head fall back in contemplation. “We don’t know if we can trust anyone. I was considering
this for those that had been infected, but I would need to do more research.” ‘Can you be any more cryptic? Out with it already.’
Charlie muttered as she slouched down into one of the visitor’s chairs.
“I want to use a trapping rune in the foyer. I will have to make some adjustments to the casting, so it applies to the living and not
just demons. We can use it to trap anyone who has been working with the other side.” Joselin muttered, and I could see the
wheels spinning in her head.
“And the council won’t take personal offense because it will apply to everyone and won’t target them specifically.” Charlie agreed
before her eyebrows squeezed together. “Can you make the necessary adjustments and have it ready before the council
arrives?” ‘It’s going to take some time to figure it out. I’m not even positive it is possible just yet. I need to do some research.”
Joselin said before flickering out of the room.
Charlie stood up, letting out a deep breath, seeming more relaxed with the council coming for their visit. As she began to walk
away, Killian’s voice rang out, making her freeze.
‘The next time you have a problem with how I am running my kingdom, you can talk to me in private. I have put up with your
public displays of disrespect long enough. It ends now.” Killian’s low and threatening growl had Charlie’s eyes widening slightly
before anger took over, and she glared at her older brother.
The woman turned on her heels, storming toward the door when Killian spoke again. “Oh, and Charlie? You have a lot to say
about stupid decisions, but don’t think I am blind to the bear shifter that has been hiding in the forest just outside of the city.
You’ve done a piss poor job of masking his scent on you.”
Charlotte didn’t turn this time, but her hand did visibly tighten around the door handle. I could feel the mortification coming from
her. Her posture was rigid and uncomfortable as she yanked the door open and let it slam shut behind her.
I bit my tongue as he sat back in his chair, pulling me with him. We sat in comfortable silence as I gave him time to decompress.
His hand slid up and down the side of my thigh, sending a shiver of pleasure down my spine.
“Who is Talia?” I took it as a bad sign that the sound of her name made him relax. Yes, there was definitely a history with them.

“She was my parent’s right hand, just like Josie is to me. She was practically family until I chose Joselin over her as my advisor.
She was livid and acted as if I had betrayed her by replacing her. I had intended to keep her around, but she went a little mad
after everything that happened with my parents. I didn’t think she was in the right mindset to continue in her current role.” His
hand stopped moving, and I reached for it, squeezing it gently before pulling it up to my chest and holding it close.
“Charlie told me about what happened with your parents. I am so sorry you had to be a part of that.” His eyes closed at my
words, and I could see the pain flash over his face. “You are, smart, strong, and loving. I am proud of the man that you became
despite what you had to witness. I don’t want you to ever think for a moment that you have to hold yourself back from me. Our
relationship will never be like theirs was.”
He shook his head, and I picked his hand up, placing a kiss against his fingers.
“It won’t be. We will be great together. I didn’t know it before, but I do know it now.” He said as his fiery eyes met mine. The
mixture of green, blue, and yellow in his hazel eyes swirled with emotion. “I was chasing you.” “You were chasing me?” I
repeated, knowing he wasn’t talking about the beginning of our relationship or him escorting me to the infirmary.
“You told me to think about it, but I didn’t need to. Before I heard you saying you were going to visit Heath and Nolan, I was
planning on throwing you over my shoulder and taking you right back to our bedroom where I was going to make love to you
before placing my mark, right here.” Our joined hands moved up as he ran the tip of his index finger when my neck met my
“Yeah?” I moaned before blushing deeply and clearing my throat. Killian looked amused, watching me while I took in a deep and
shaky breath.
‘Yes, my mate.” “You can mark me” My statement made his eyes flash red before he shook his head. His hand didn’t
seem to listen to his mind as his thumb rubbed small circles on my inner thigh, teasing me.
“I will mark you. But I will not do it here. Not in a chair or bent over my desk. You deserve to be treated as a queen, and I will take
you in our bed when I mark you.” My eyes closed as I savored his words, thinking about all the ways that he could take me in our
bedroom. We had covered most positions during my night of heat, but I was positive that there were things we hadn’t done yet,
things that only he could teach me.
“Let’s go now then. Turn in early for the evening.” I slid off his lap, feeling accomplished and excited when I saw his hard member
under his dress pants.

His eyes raked over me, making me feel hot and unsteady. I wouldn’t have minded bending over his desk again, or climbing on
top of him in his chair. If he wanted, we could do it on the floor or up against the wall.
“You’re too good to me, my mate.” He growled, rising to his feet as his eyes turned black.
It was only a brief moment, but I knew our time together had come to an end. He was getting called away, and there was nothing
I could do about it. His people needed him. My orgasm and marking would have to wait until tonight.
Excitement filled me as ideas flooded my mind, different outfits I could wear or positions I could be waiting in for him when he
turned in for the night.
But his smile fell, and his hands curled into fists as his eyes returned to normal. “I am so sorry, Little One.”
I sent him a sad smile before pushing up on my tippy toes and kissing the side of his jaw. “Don’t worry. I am not going anywhere.
I’ll be here.” “I can’t get a fucking break.” He didn’t say it outright, but I heard it clearly in his tone. What he was indirectly trying to
say was, Tm exhausted.’
He leaned in, stealing a kiss as his hands curled into my hair before pulling away and placing his forehead against mine. “I will
see you soon, my mate.”
As he made his way to the door, I could help but chuckle as I heard him muttering about bears fighting with wolves.

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