The Beast And The Blessed

Chapter 23

Twenty-Three: Natalie
Natalie’s P.O.V.
Their low talking could be heard as I rounded the corner, and I felt my stomach tie into a knot as Killian and Princess Charlotte
stood waiting for me. I was late, and it was not welcomed based on Killian’s look of disappointment.
My nerves about meeting his sister somehow managed to surpass my anxiety about meeting the king himself. While I was
terrified of him for his well-known history of murder and aggression, the stories of her made her all the more fearsome. When her
brother took the throne, she took to mercenary work.
The stories of her slaying dragons, sirens, and banshees were known across the world. She was a warrior.
“Here she is now,” Killian said, but the way his eyes narrowed told me that I would be hearing about my late arrival later. “Natalie,
this is my sister, Charlotte.”
The young woman turned to face me, and my jaw dropped at the stunning princess. Her hair was a light. brown that fell into
perfectly styled ringlets. The bright green of her eyes made what portraits I had seen. of her mother seem dull.
“Please, call me Charlie.” She said as she extended her arm toward me. I moved forward, expecting a dainty shake suitable for a
member of the royal family. Instead, I was met with a slightly calloused palm and a firm shake as if we were conducting a
business transaction. “I’m really happy Killian found you! He needs someone to knock some sense into him every now and then.”
Oh, I wanted to knock some sense into him alright. But I would start with the long overdue fight we
needed to have.
“It’s lovely to meet you, Your Highness,” I said, curtseying to the princess with respect. When I looked up, she was staring at me
with her eyebrows together in confusion, and her eyes locked on my neck.
She hummed in response before looking to her brother with a raised eyebrow, but he shook his head and gestured toward the
“Ladies,” He said as he pulled out his sister’s seat before moving toward mine. I grabbed the back of my chair and dragged it
away from the table before taking a seat, making sure to tuck it back in before he could get a single finger on it. He had never
pulled my chair out for me before. Why put on a show for his sister?

The look of amusement Charlie sent me made me blush, but I held my head high as the servants came forward and placed the
first course in front of us. It was not lost on me that the guards had been stationed outside the room for our privacy, and Charlie
waited until the servants left before speaking.
“So Natalie, I hear you have been impressing the pack with your training. From what I’ve gathered you are a quick study.” Charlie
said as she took a large and improper bite of her roll. “I would love to train with you. while I’m here.”
I reached for my glass of water and took a sip as I swallowed my bite before responding, placing my hands back in my lap.
“Thank you, your highness. I have heard the stories of your adventures and would also love to know more about them.”
Killian continued to stare at me as if I were a side attraction at a circus, but I refused to look his way. He wanted me to act as if I
were his mate, but he did not want me to actually fill the position.
“I have plenty to share. From what I understand, my team and I will have new stories before we leave here. Rumor has it that
there has been an attack, and we have come to join the guard.” Her declaration of wanting to fight against the vampires made
me feel relieved, but Killian’s head snapped over with anger.
Charlle raised her palm in his direction and cut him off before he could protest. “No need to argue with me, brother. We are more
than capable of fighting off a few measly bloodsuckers”
Killian opened his *to speak but stopped short as his eyes turned black. I knew someone was contacting him through their pack
link, and I rolled my eyes as I returned back to my food. That was one good thing about not shifting. I wouldn’t need to worry
about people interrupting me constantly.
“I see some things never change,” Charlie muttered, and I could see her annoyance as Killian placed his fork back down. “I
haven’t seen you in months, and you can’t even spend a dinner with me to reunite without working.”
‘Charlie, you know that I missed you, but this is my job. You of all people should understand. Now, if you’ll excuse me. I will be
right back. Something urgent has come up, but it should only take a minute.” He said as he rose to his feet. I did the same out of
respect for his title, but Charlie leaned back against her chair as she glared up at him. Killian moved toward the door, stopping
behind me for a quick moment, but I didn’t bother to turn around as he whispered, “Be good.”
His quiet warning was easily heard by his sister, and I watched as her interest peaked even further. As soon as the door *behind
Killian, I took my seat, aware of the scrutinizing gaze of the princess.

“He said he found you weeks ago. Yet, you bare no mark.” She observed, falling silent as the servants entered the room again
with the next course. She gestured with her finger for them to place Killian’s food down before swiping one of the fingerling
potatoes from his plate as the staff made their way toward the door.
“That is correct, your highness,” I said as I began to cut into my steak. If Killian wanted me to be good, then I would do my best
to abide by his rules.
“Please, just call me Charlie. We’re family now.” She insisted as she took a sip of her wine.
“That doesn’t seem appropriate given my position,” I said, placing another bite of my dinner in my *and chewing slowly. No
matter how many meals I had in the castle, the quality of the food managed to astonish me each time.
“You are my brother’s mate, the next queen. Your position is soon to be above mine.” She said as she dipped her roll in the juice
from her steak. “You have no idea how good this is after living off of jerky and berries for the past month.”
“I think there has been a miscommunication,” I said as I set my fork down and looked up at the princess, who was thoroughly
enjoying her food.
“Elaborate.” She demanded, but amusement and interest sparkled in her eyes. “Tell me what it is that I’m missing here.”
I took a deep breath through my nose, pressing my lips together as I debated revealing the truth. But who was I to withhold
information from the Princess? She demanded that I explain, and Killian wanted me to ‘ be good’. Refusing a member of the
royal family didn’t seem to be following his orders.
“I am not to be the queen, nor am I your brother’s mate. I was chosen by your brother and brought here. against my will. He has
made it clear that he wants nothing to do with me, and if his witch’s vision is correct, I will be dead soon, and he will go on to live
another day to choose another to breed with. I would love to get to know you and hear the stories of your adventures, but it will
be as your underling, not as your brother’s mate. So, I believe I am correct when I refer to you by your title, Princess Charlotte.” I
stated as I looked down at my plate of food, suddenly no longer feeling hungry.
I had thought about it a hundred times, but hearing it out loud when my thoughts weren’t being controlled by my heat-induced
deliria made the reality of it sink in. For the past few days, I had been going back and forth between denial, false acceptance,
and anger. But now that I had said the words, it felt so final. I felt my heart breaking in my chest, and I slouched back in my seat.
Killian pushed the door open at the moment, slowing in his stride as he approached the table to see my defeat and his sister’s
anger. “What happened here?”

I didn’t bother to stand for him this time. My energy was gone. “I would like to retire for the night. It was lovely meeting you, Your
“Likewise,” Charlie said as she stood with me, nodding her head in respect. I was taken aback by her gesture but felt my heart
warm that maybe she wasn’t like her brother. “We will catch up tomorrow and get to know each other.”
I nodded in agreement, knowing it was more of a demand than an invitation. Killian didn’t bother trying to stop me as I left the
Tobias was waiting outside, and I bit back my smile as I heard Charlie start to yell before the door was fully closed. It seemed I
may have an ally here after all.
“What the *is wrong with you, Killian?!”

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