The Beast And The Blessed

Chapter 117

The Beast And The Blessed Chapter 117
Twelve: Joselin
Joselin’s P.O.V.
I was a woman on a mission. Nothing would stop me, and if anyone tried, there would be hell to pay.
The cold metal tray in my hands was dirty but empty as I carried it down the hallway. I wouldn’t let anyone, not Killian or Tobias,
bring me down again. Yet, my eyes seemed to move on their own across each face I passed, looking for Tobias and failing to find
The guards dipped their heads to me as I strode past them, my heels clicking against the floor as I approached the king’s office
door. There was no knocking, no warning of my entrance as I shoved the door open.
Killian growled at the rude and unwelcome interruption but didn’t bother getting up. Natalie was sitting on his lap and greeted me
with a smile. I couldn’t return it.
’Joselin,” Killian greeted, and I stopped before his desk, ignoring the man sitting in the visitor’s chair to my left. There was a
moment of silence as I stared down at my best friend and his mate before tossing the dirty tray onto the wooden surface
between us. A few crumbs bounced out, and I felt satisfied when his anger melted away and was replaced with realization. “Shit,
Josie. We were...”
“This better be good.” I snapped, and Natalie looked between us, confused. ’After all the shit I have done for the two of you and
have put up with because of you, I would love to hear this.”
“Hm,” The man hummed, and I looked down at the blonde as he eyed me with appreciation. “You look even more beautiful this
morning. How is that possible?”
I blinked down at him, feeling my anger melting away a small fraction before I forced my eyes away from Holden. His green eyes
were a shade lighter than Natalie’s, and I had to scold myself when I immediately found myself comparing them to the brown of
“You two have met?” Natalie asked, but a suspicious undertone refueled my anger toward them.

‘Yes, we met last night when you and your mate stood me up.” Natalie flinched but looked surprised as I turned my glare from
her to Killian. “So, let’s have it. What was your excuse this time?”
“There were a few personal matters to attend to,” Killian said, his voice short and clipped. It was Natalie’s cheeks growing pink
that gave him away.
“One hour. That was all I asked of you.” My voice dropped, but my anger was still there, bubbling beneath the surface. “We have
been best friends for fifteen years. I pushed it aside when your mate accused me of sleeping with you. I’ve accepted that you no
longer wish to be alone with me for more than a few minutes at a time, and even then, you keep the door open to stop Natalie
from getting upset or worried about our friendship.”
“Hold on now. I didn’t know about any of this.” Natalie argued, and while she looked angry, I was pleasantly surprised that she
kept her magic under control. She was improving. No matter how angry I was and how certain I was sure she would make my
job obsolete soon, I was still proud of her.
“Which makes it even worse because once again, he didn’t want to be alone with me, said he would bring you, and then didn’t
even tell you about it. That tells me that he never intended to show up at all.” I wished I had a beast like them at that moment. At
least then, I could have growled at Killian as he lifted his hand to silence me like I was one of his annoying underlings,
complaining about some irrelevant bullshit.
“I know you are upset and have the right to be. I got distracted and didn’t mean to stand you up.” We stood staring at each other,
waiting for the
other to break. I had the feeling he was waiting for me to accept that as his apology while I was waiting for an actual one and
maybe hoping he had the desire to reschedule to be there for me.
But he had told me time and time again. He was a king. He apologized to no one.
It was so rare that he ever said he was sorry to me, and even with our friendship crumbling, he wouldn’t do it. “You really don’t
see it still, do you?”
Killian opened his mouth to speak, but I saw him thinking over my question.
’Killian, I asked you as my friend to be there for me when I needed you. I asked for one hour of your time, and that was too much
for you. You are a good person and a great king, but you don’t understand the difference between making something a priority
and making it your only priority.

Charlie was begging you for years for you to be there for her...” I watched his shoulders hunch down slightly, and Natalie got off
his lap, keeping her hand on his shoulder.
“That’s not fair, Joselin.” She scolded, and I tried to push aside my annoyance, knowing she was only defending her mate and
wasn’t intentionally trying to be rude. “He has a million things he has to split his time between.”
Killian looked at a loss for words. I knew if I could read his mind, I would hear the same thing he always bitched to me about
when it came to his sister Charlie. He was always so frustrated that she constantly demanded more from him and for him to ‘be
better’ when he felt he was already trying his hardest. He told me how frustrating it was when he had nothing more to give, yet
here I was doing the same thing.
Even I had to admit that he had been getting better since finding Natalie, but he still had a lot of growing to do, just as I did. We
all did. No one was perfect, and I kept trying to remind myself of that as I forced my disappointment down.
I waited another moment for him to say something, but he seemed to be at a genuine loss for words for once in his life.
“Yeah, I know that. But before he found you, I spent the last fifteen years supporting him through everything with his parents and
his coronation. I buried myself in his work to help keep the weight on his shoulders from crushing him. I have put up with a lot of
shit, and I get our relationship won’t ever be the same now that he has you as his person instead of me.” I turned to look at
Killian, seeing the pain on his face but not sparing him any more of my pity or concern.
“I had just hoped that our relationship would have been one of the things he felt was important enough to put some of his time
into, even if it meant both of you hanging out for one hour and eating a fucking brownie with me. It really didn’t seem like it was
too much to ask for, but maybe I was wrong. ■
I needed a break, but I couldn’t afford one. How could I take time off when there was a potential threat in the castle? It would
have been easier if it was just a threat to me, but not knowing what they were planning made it so that, once again, I had to put
others before myself.
“I’m taking the day off,” I said, realizing I wouldn’t get anywhere with Killian, not today or in front of a stranger. Holden may have
been Natalie’s biological brother, but Killian had enough pride not to give up his cold king act in front of someone he barely knew.
“Wait, I wanted to talk to you.” Holden grabbed hold of my arm as I started to teleport. Even if the darkness had begun to scare
me, where I wanted to go was too far away to travel by foot or car in one day.

I looked at him with wide eyes as we entered the darkness. It wasn’t the first time someone grabbed me while I was traveling to
the other side, and
I was sure it wouldn’t be the last. “Why does everyone keep grabbing me?”
Holden looked panicked as he glanced into the emptiness, his fingers loosening on my arm.
“No!” I shouted as the connection between us started to break. “Don’t let go!”
My hand shot out, grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him to me until our bodies touched. His free hand immediately found
my hip, holding my body against his as the cold air of the ocean blew across my skin.
“That was new,” He murmured, but I couldn’t let go. It didn’t matter who he was or his relation to Natalie.
It had been so long since anyone had held me. The closest I had gotten to physical comfort in years had been Killian, throwing
his arm over my shoulders a couple of weeks ago like he used to do when we were teenagers. Every other touch had been
sparring or meaningless sex that did nothing to make me feel better.
I didn’t need to say anything. Holden seemed to understand, and his arms wrapped around me tightly.
Several minutes passed as I listened to the waves crashing and the subtle enchanting song from the rocks below. They would
soon give up when they realized it was no use.
I pulled back, nodding as I whispered a ‘thank you.’
“Is it safe to let go now?” His hands moved to my biceps as he looked down at me, and I pushed aside my humiliation from
letting my emotions get the best of me in front of him. Still, I had hit my breaking point, and I needed it.
I nodded, pulling away and turning toward the ocean. It was a sharp drop down, nearly 100 feet to the water from where we
stood. The airy song from below faded off as they recognized my magic. They knew there would be no snack here for them
“I am impressed. Most people throw up their first time.” My heels dug into the ground, and I kicked them off, letting my toes sink
into the soft grass.
“It wasn’t my first time. Aurora brought me here that way when I met her a couple of days ago, but how she did it was different. It
was bright and easy. When you teleported, it was dark and didn’t feel right.” I heard him approaching me as his voice grew

I looked over my shoulder at him, my arms moving up to wrap around my torso to protect myself from the chilled breeze. That
was interesting news, and it made me eager to talk to Aurora, Natalie’s mother when I got back home. But I was in no rush to
leave just yet.
’Is this your place?” Holden asked, walking closer to the edge. I watched as he looked around with fascination. “Where you go
when you want to be free?”
Free... such an interesting choice of words.
Considering that I had nothing forcing me to stay in the castle, I had a lot that I wanted to stay for. No matter how hard it all was,
that was a part of being a family.
’I am free. I had been locked away for a long time before finding my home there. This is just where I go when I need air.” My
eyes closed, and my
head tilted back as I listened to the sound of the ocean and enjoyed the smell of the salt water.
When I opened them again, Holden had moved closer to the edge. He was looking down into the rocks and water below, and I
knew they were calling to him.
“I wouldn’t get that close if I were you,” I warned, stepping up next to him as I looked down to see the naked woman sunbathing
on the rocks. Her long blonde hair was fanned out around her, and I saw her seductive smile grow more prominent when she
saw me. Holden looked taken by the siren, and I placed my hand on his forearm, snapping him back to the present as he lifted
his foot to join her other victims at the bottom of the ocean.
He growled in agitation, taking several steps back but pulling me with him, shielding me behind him from the creature below.
“She’s as much fun as she looks. It’s when she tries to eat you after that kills the mood.”

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